Inside listening and speaking 4

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Inside listening and speaking   4

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Develop listening and speaking skills and acquire the Academic Word List. Inside Listening and Speaking is a fivelevel academic listening and speaking course that develops students skills and teaches key academic vocabulary from the Academic Word List. The Inside Series prepares students to communicate effectively in academic contexts, while acquiring key academic vocabulary from the Academic Word List. Each unit features texts and tasks from academic content areas, explicit skills instruction relevant to academic study, and targeted words from the Academic Word List. Key Features Explicit skills instruction prepares students for academic listening and speaking. Authentic videos from a variety of academic contexts engage and motivate students

Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts Unit Your Body Fights Back PHYSIOLOGY LISTENING SKILL: Analogies and Metaphors Listen1 (Audio) ILS_L4_U1_Listen1 M1: The world’s first space jump took place today, and it was a great success From 24 miles above Earth's surface, Felix Baumgartner jumped out of a small aircraft attached to a balloon Ten minutes later, he landed safely on the ground with his parachute His incredible jump, which was from an altitude three times higher than most planes fly, was a new world record It provided heart-stopping images that were seen around the world Baumgartner’s eventful jump took a considerable amount of preparation and work In fact, doctors worked for seven years, studying ways to protect his body and keep him safe At altitudes so far above the Earth, the temperature is around minus 122 degrees Fahrenheit Being exposed to such cold temperatures can be a problem because the heart and liver produce most of the heat your body needs to work properly But as the body’s temperature decreases, the heart and liver also produce less heat So, these extremely low temperatures can trigger problems related to a person’s heart rate and brain functions To protect Baumgartner from exposure to the cold, a team of experts convened to design a special suit for a space jump First, the team designed a temperaturecontrol system that was capable of creating its own heat, so Baumgartner’s body wouldn’t have to work so hard to produce heat The next challenge was to deal with air pressure At 24 miles above Earth, the suit would lose air pressure if it had a hole or any small problem The loss of air pressure would be dangerous for Baumgartner So, the suit was designed to protect him against extremely low air pressure To give you an analogy, Baumgartner’s suit worked much like an airplane It maintained an atmosphere that supports life by controlling airflow and air pressure and providing protection from the cold Baumgartner’s speed was the next problem to deal with At the beginning of the jump, he would be falling at 536 miles per hour In other words, he would be a supersonic jet, moving faster than the speed of sound Extreme shaking and vibration from these high speeds could cause damage to his heart, lungs, and brain This created another considerable challenge for the team designing the suit Unlike conventional space suits designed mainly for sitting or moving slowly, Baumgartner’s suit was made for standing, moving, and—especially—for falling © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts In preparation for the jump, a flood of doctors arrived at the jump site to study Baumgartner Doctors and scientists placed equipment on Baumgartner as if he were a machine being sent on a long mission into space He had cameras attached to his helmet He had packs placed on his back He even wore a monitor that transmitted data about his heart rate and blood pressure to the doctors on the ground The doctors watched and checked everything until Baumgartner landed safely on the ground As Baumgartner landed, the team that had designed his suit erupted with joy, cheering and hugging one another His suit worked like a welloiled machine, protecting his body and helping him become the first human being to move faster than the speed of sound with just his body Having stood on top of the world and survived, Baumgartner has given scientists new information about how the body reacts under extreme conditions NASA, for example, is planning to redesign its suits to better protect its astronauts And, the information collected from the jump is also helping scientists develop ways of ensuring the safety of potential space tourists and travelers to space SPEAKING SKILL: Introducing a Presentation Listen2 (Audio) ILS_L4_U1_Listen2 F1: Good afternoon It is very nice to be here today My name is Dr Linda Carrol, and I’m from the school health clinic I’m going to discuss how we can prevent the flu virus, also known as influenza So, why don’t we get started? Let me ask you this: How many of you have had the flu virus? Okay, I see almost everyone raising their hands Now the flu virus migrates quickly from one person to the next, and it can keep you in bed for days So, it’s important to know how we can prevent the flu So, first, I’m going to discuss what the flu is Then I’m going to show you how our bodies fight it Finally, I’m going to explain how we can prevent the flu What is the flu virus? It’s a disease that causes pain, weakness, fever, sore throat, and other problems with the body It is often transmitted by coughing or direct contact Additionally, the flu is seasonal Where we live, it usually occurs during the fall and winter months If you get the flu, your body creates memory cells called antibodies These antibodies remember how to fight the flu virus However, antibodies can only destroy a virus they already recognize Unfortunately, every year new types of flu © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts viruses spread around the world So, even though you’re immune to old types of flu, you may not be immune to a new flu virus Thankfully, a healthy immune system can usually dispose of most flu viruses in a few days But this is not always true Every year, around five hundred thousand people die from the flu On our campus last year, we saw two thousand cases of flu Some students even missed a whole week of class That’s definitely a bad thing, right? When you’re vaccinated for the flu, the vaccination induces the creation of new antibodies These antibodies fight the flu virus Because the vaccination creates new antibodies, it helps your body fight new kinds of flu viruses, too So your body will be fighting viruses all the time, and you won't even know it Another important part of prevention is herd immunity This is when most of the people in an area are immune to a virus Herd immunity stops the disease from spreading and makes it less likely that a virus will be transmitted Herd immunity is one reason why vaccines are so important Vaccines create herd immunity, and herd immunity means that people will stay healthier and that students can be in class! As a researcher and health practitioner, I’ve found that millions of people around the world have been helped and even saved by vaccinations That’s why I encourage all of you to get vaccinated In fact, I recommend that you encourage your family members to get a flu shot, too It certainly can’t hurt Also, new government legislation has really improved our health care infrastructure in recent years We have our university health clinic, for example There are also quite a few local health clinics that provide flu vaccinations And money is no excuse anymore; these vaccinations are often offered for free, especially for students Now there are no laws enforcing mandatory vaccinations, which is why I strongly urge all of you to get your flu vaccinations so that you’re healthy and able to attend all of your classes this semester Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to speak with you today Does anybody have any questions? End of Unit Task (Video) ILS_L4_U1_End Reporter: Rowan O'Brien is three years old He should be at school, but he's feeling unwell © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts He's got the flu Inside him, his body is about to engage in all-out war with one of the most infectious viruses on the planet Flu viruses start by attacking the tissue at the back of your throat But, strangely enough, it's not only the virus that will make you feel ill—it's also your own immune system Your body's first response to infection is fever The flu virus thrives at your normal body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius So you raise your temperature by a few degrees It's just enough to slow the infection down Meanwhile, an army of phagocytes floods the infection site They have come to feast on their enemies But, instead of destroying the viruses, the fighters are themselves infected and forced to self-destruct As their bodies pile up, they form the basis of your snot Rowan's symptoms are getting worse It's a sign the battle inside him is heating up His body has launched a second wave of attack The "killer Ts," they hone in on the cells that have been infected by the virus They administer the "kiss of death," destroying the viruses inside But this approach has its costs The killer Ts are causing heavy collateral damage Rowan is feeling the effects He's got a really sore throat Despite everything, the virus remains undefeated Now your immune system tries a completely different approach Instead of trying to destroy the virus head-on, it releases a cloud of Y-shaped antibodies They are specifically produced to destroy this strain of virus They coat the viruses, making them stick together Now they are easily swept up Rowan starts to feel better With his energy restored, he can go back to doing what three-year-old boys best Unit Wait for It! PSYCHOLOGY LISTENING SKILL: Outlining Lecture Notes Watch (Video) ILS_L4_U2_Watch © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts Dr Morari Subedi: Okay, I hope all of you had a nice weekend Your assignment was to read 40 pages in your textbooks before today’s lecture I’m going to review two studies on incentives and decision-making that are mentioned in the reading The first study that we’re going to look at is the famous Stanford University Marshmallow Experiment Psychologist Walter Mischel conducted this study in the 1970s, and it really gave us a lot of insight into how people react to incentives when they’re making decisions So in this experiment, Dr Mischel studied a group of children who were all aged four to six He offered them the following deal They were each offered their choice of a treat This was either a marshmallow, a pretzel, or a cookie They could eat one piece of the treat they chose now or wait for 15 minutes and, consequently, get three pieces So the children had a strong incentive to wait And here’s what happened During the experiment, a few children ate the treat immediately But some of the children turned their backs or covered their eyes with their hands, trying to inhibit their desire to eat the treat Some children even kicked the table where the treat was After about three minutes, the patience of about half of the children completely eroded, and they ate the one treat For the other children, the incentive—the three treats—was sufficient enough to keep them waiting for the full 15 minutes Now this study showed us two things First, many of the kids who waited for the three treats were older This is partly because the frontal lobe of the brain is less developed in younger children That’s the part of the brain that makes short-term decisions and considers the consequences of different choices As a result, it was harder for the younger children to consider the long-term consequences of their actions However, as we get older, the frontal lobe inhibits our desire for immediate enjoyment and helps us make long-term decisions The second thing the study showed is really interesting Age is not the only factor Years after the original tests, Dr Mischel found that there were distinct differences between the individuals who had waited and those who hadn’t waited when they were children For example, the individuals who had waited had higher test scores © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts in school and were, in general, more successful in life as adults The individuals who had eaten the one treat right away reported having behavioral problems in school later and weren’t as successful So later, Dr Mischel did a brain scan on the research subjects, who were now adults He found distinct differences in brain activity between the two groups Among many of those who as children had waited for the three treats, the frontal lobe of the adult brain was more active But among those who had not waited, the frontal lobe was less active in the adult So, it appears that the ability to consider possible consequences also depends, in part, on the individual person Similar studies have been implemented all over the world with similar results In 2003, the BBC and Open University got together in order to implement their own Marshmallow Experiment Let’s take a look Woman: Let's see Oh, look at the sweets! Child 1: Oh, yea! Narrator: Not only immature frontal lobes mean children can't control their behavior, they also make resisting temptation difficult To put this to the test, we secretly filmed 20 primary school children as they faced the ultimate childhood challenge We told them that if they don't eat their favorite sweet for five minutes, they'll be given three more sweets later Man: You can choose You can either eat your sweet now or daddy has to go out for a few minutes If you wait until I come back, then you can have three sweets Does that make sense? Child 2: Three sweets Man: Then you can have three So, you can choose, all right? Child 2: I'm not going to eat it now because I want three Man: Do you think so? Okay, I'll see you in a minute Narrator: Little Jacqueline thinks she's on her own, but what she and the other children don't know is that our hidden cameras are still watching © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts The temptation is almost unbearable Our experiment confirmed the results of previous tests Even though the kids knew they would get more sweets later, two-thirds of the children couldn't resist the single sweet in front of them now It's all because their brain isn't mature enough to control their impulses It'll be another few years before their frontal lobes develop further and all of them can what Jacqueline has done: resisted temptation SPEAKING SKILL: Stating, Rephrasing, and Illustrating Listen (Audio) ILS_L4_U2_Listen F1: Welcome back to The Morning Show Today we have a special guest in the studio: motivational speaker and author Kris Ryan We’re going to be talking about self-improvement and how you can accomplish the goals that you set for yourself Kris, why is self-improvement difficult for so many people? M1: Well, self-improvement sounds great to most of us However, self-improvement often means undertaking some new task or project in order to achieve a goal In other words, the goal is accompanied by physical or mental work, and sometimes both So, for instance, you want to get in better shape, but that might require daily exercise or changing how or what you eat Whether it is financial, emotional, or physical self-improvement, it can be difficult to the hard work required to accomplish your goals And that’s one of the prime reasons why people often fail to reach their goals F1: Right So, what can we then? M1: Well, you can begin by establishing a new paradigm for accomplishing your goals The model that I recommend is Dr B J Fogg’s Tiny Habits program The Tiny Habits paradigm makes self-improvement possible in four simple steps F1: Okay, I see that in your book you’ve summarized the tiny steps What is step one? M1: Okay Well, tiny step number one is to make small changes Another way to say this is: Don’t set huge, long-term goals Instead, try for small successes For example, rather than deciding to lose 18 pounds in a month, which would be a considerable © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts undertaking, commit to eating less food tonight for dinner and doing some exercise tomorrow morning before work Tiny step number two is to make new tasks, plans, or behaviors easier to What I mean by that is plan properly so you have no justification for not doing what you wanted to Let’s say that you want to go running every morning, but you don’t feel very motivated at a.m Make it easier by setting out your running shoes, socks, and clothes before you go to bed at night Have a water bottle and MP3 player ready to go, too F1: That’s funny I can’t tell you how many times I didn’t go jogging in the morning because I couldn’t find my running pants Okay, so make small changes and make the smaller tasks easier to accomplish What about the other two steps then? M1: The third tiny step is to focus on creating new, positive behaviors To put it differently, don’t place all of your emphasis on the old, unwanted habits So, to give you a specific example, instead of letting yourself get stressed about how you watch too much TV, change the circumstances that normally lead you to watch TV by planning a productive, fun activity for yourself F1: That’s something that I might have to for my kids M1: Yeah I know what you mean F1: What’s our final step? M1: The last one is the easiest for some people and the hardest for others Step number four is to congratulate yourself on each small achievement Tell yourself, “Good for me,” or “I did a good job today.” Praise often accompanies positive change Noticing your small successes and giving yourself credit will help you to continue moving forward with your goals And, so, those are the steps that can help you accomplish your goals Even though the steps are not exactly discrete from one another, it’s still important that you follow all of them as you work toward reaching a goal F1: Okay, Kris Thank you so much for sharing the Tiny Habits ideas with us And please come back and see us again M1: You bet F1: Coming up next, we’ll be discussing how to choose a new laptop that matches your needs and budget © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts Unit Film Know-How FILM STUDIES LISTENING SKILL: Recording Definitions Listen1 (Audio) ILS_L4_U3_Listen1 Liam: Hello I’m Liam Rivers, and you’re listening to my podcast, Behind the Scenes! Today I’ve come to a film studio to learn about some of the different jobs on the set of a film I’m here with director Stephanie Aguila Hi, Stephanie Stephanie: Hello Liam: Thanks for meeting with me today What are you working on at the moment? Stephanie: Well, we’re shooting an adventure story about a man who advocates for the protection of historical sites He’s studying one newly discovered historical site when he comes across something quite mysterious … and that’s where the fun really starts Liam: Sounds exciting Now we all know the director of any film is very important For those at home, can you tell us what the director actually does? Stephanie: That’s a good question A film director might be defined as someone who interprets a story and then makes that story into a film by directing the cameras, the actors, and the special effects The director is responsible for the total vision of the film Liam: What about the budget, schedules, hiring of actors? Is that you, too? Stephanie: That’s more of the producer’s job, but I work with all of that So, a lot of the time, the jobs we both run parallel to one another In the end, though, my opinion on things like the budget is subordinate to the demands of the producer Liam: Got it! Thanks for explaining Now, let’s take a look at the technical side of making a film Wow, I’ve never seen so much high-tech equipment before Excuse me, what are you working on? © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts Effects Artist: I’m creating some of the sounds for the film Right now, I’m placing some animal noises over the video that the director just shot Liam: Fascinating And, what is your job title? Effects Artist: I’m a visual-effects artist Liam: What does that job involve? Effects Artist: Well, visual-effects artist refers to a person who creates the digital effects for a movie, like the colors, snow, rain, wind, smoke, water, even the explosions I create all of those things when I’m working on a film Liam: So, how much freedom you have in the design process? Effects Artist: Some As a visual-effects artist, you have a lot of freedom to be creative, but, at the same time, you can’t let your own bias or opinions affect the filmmaking process Normally, the director gives you an explicit description of what she wants, and you really have to follow that description Liam: So you’re free to create, but, in the end, your work is subordinate to the needs of the director? Effects Artist: Yep, in the end, it’s the director’s decision Liam: Thank you Next, we're going back to the set Liam: Now we’re back on the set Excuse me, I just saw you leap off that building over there Can I infer that you’re a stunt person? Stunt Person: Yes, I think that would be a correct inference Liam: Tell us about the work a stunt person does on the set Stunt Person: Sure The stunt person can be characterized as the one who does the dangerous work on the set of a film We take the place of the actors when action scenes are dangerous or require doing something that is physically demanding Liam: Now, you ever worry about getting hurt? You know, when you’re jumping off of buildings or filming an action sequence? © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 10 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts Nancy: Well, a few years ago, I was reading an article about contemporary microfinance programs that described all the great work being done Then I did some research online, and I was able to get involved pretty quickly Jack: So, what exactly is microlending all about? Nancy: It’s kind of like this Let’s say you run a small import-export company and you need a loan to buy some important new equipment for that business But you don’t have the money or the credit to work your way up the traditional banking hierarchy to get a loan With microlending, notwithstanding a poor credit history or not having enough money, you can find individual people online to loan you the money through a microlending Web site Jack: I just want to make sure that I’ve got this straight What you’re saying is that someone who needs money for a business can simply go online to a microlending site Is that all it takes? Nancy: It’s a little more than that Unlike the hierarchy that you see in a bank with clerks, loan officers, and managers, microlending uses field partners Each field partner is part of the local community Field partners help people take pictures and set up profiles online They also have a good sense of whether or not the person is trustworthy and if their business prospects are reasonable That’s how individual lenders decide whether or not someone is a good prospect to loan money to And, likewise, that’s how a person who needs money can find prospective lenders online Jack: So, if I understand it correctly, someone can get help from a field partner to set up a profile that tells lenders about them and their business in order to attract lenders What the lenders get in return? Nancy: Right Well, that depends Some sites offer zero-interest loans Other sites pay lenders as much as five percent There are many different types of loans and many different types of borrowers and lenders Jack: Now, you mentioned that some lenders make five percent on a loan, right? That’s a pretty good return on your money What you generally earn on a loan? Nancy: Well, I participate in a zero-interest loan site, so I don’t earn any money, but I’ve always gotten my money back from the loans that I made Actually, the percentage of people who repay their loans is high, even higher than with traditional banks You know, lately I’ve read about government officials working in finance ministries around the world, praising the microlending system And another great thing about microlending is that you can go online and get status updates from © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 24 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts the people you loan money to You can see how they’re doing, and if their business is growing Jack: So, in essence, what you’re telling us is that the lender becomes a part of the process Is that a fair characterization? Nancy: In a way, yes, you are part of the process Some microlenders even provide advice and business support to the people that they lend to That’s something we’ve seen a lot of success with Jack: Wow, very inspiring To all of you out there, be sure to check out a microlending site to see how you can get involved, too Okay Next up, we’ll be talking about small business miracles here on State of the World Unit Nature or Nurture SOCIOLOGY LISTENING SKILL: Telegraphic Language Listen (Audio) ILS_L4_U7_Listen Professor: Good morning Looks like everyone is on time today Great, why don’t we get started then? Today I'm going to continue our discussion of the sociology of language, which we talked about last time as the study of a language’s effects on society One of the important questions in this field is whether or not language is inherent in all human beings when we’re born, or if it’s something that we learn How many of you think language is learned? Okay most of you Now, it might be easy to presume that language is learned when we think about parents teaching their children, but isn’t it also conceivable that language is a natural, intrinsic part of being human? For example, many experts have found functions and parts of the brain that relate to language So, at this point, we don’t really have an agreed-upon or coherent theory that tells us exactly how language is acquired This topic is actually still being debated, and I unfortunately don’t have an answer for you You’re going to have to develop one on your own, which we'll be addressing in one of your assignments later this month For now, I want to talk about another question, which is … different languages affect a person’s thinking in different ways? Or all languages have the same intrinsic properties for thought and feeling? © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 25 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts Back in the 1930s, two American linguists named Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf tried to answer these questions Based on their research, they claimed that the language we speak determines how we experience and see the world, how we think, and what we learn In other words, people who speak different languages conceive of the world in different ways Their thesis, which is referred to as Linguistic Relativism, was popular for a while Then during the 1970s, a new theory was born, called Linguistic Universalism This theory presumed that all human beings see the world in very similar ways, and that all languages function in similar ways For example, if we all watch the sun setting, the Universalists believed that we all experience the same thing It does not matter what language we speak because, according to Linguistic Universalism, the word for sunset has the same intrinsic meaning Over the years, both theories have been amended based on new research findings One interesting study in support of Linguistic Relativism discussed gender in language For instance, modern English does not have gendered nouns, but in many languages, words are said to be feminine, masculine, or other For example, in German, the word for bridge is feminine, but in Spanish the word for bridge is masculine In the study, people who spoke different languages were shown a picture of a bridge German speakers described the bridge with words meaning fragile, beautiful, peaceful, and pretty However, a group of Spanish speakers described the same picture of a bridge as strong, dangerous, sturdy, and big This study concluded that even if a Spanish speaker and a German speaker crossed the same bridge in the same way, their feelings about the world around them would be different because of the inherent differences in their languages In another research study, researchers looked at a community in northern Australia that speaks a language called Kuuk Thaayorre There, people don’t have words for left and right They use words for directions, like north, south, east, and west, instead They might say “the spoon is west of the plate,” but they don’t say “the spoon is left of the plate.” If you ask a five-year-old Kuuk Thaayorre speaker “Which way is north?” she points in the correct direction, which would be inconceivable for most five year-old English speakers There was another fascinating study on meaning in language In English, for example, if little Johnny drops a glass, we may say, “Johnny broke the glass.” However, speakers of some languages, such as Japanese, describe it differently If he did it intentionally, they’ll say something that would translate like “Johnny did it.” But, if it was an accident, Japanese speakers are more likely to say something like, “the glass broke” or "the glass was dropped,” without mentioning who dropped it © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 26 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts So does language influence how we think, or does how we think influence our language? A study in support of the Relativist thesis showed that teaching and learning new words changes how people talk For example, teaching people new words for colors appears to change how they talk about colors So, are you a Linguistic Relativist or Universalist? That’s your assignment I want you to write a paper, explaining which theory you support The paper SPEAKING SKILL: Summarizing Academic Research Watch (Video) ILS_L4_U7_Watch M1: Hello everyone For my research project, I studied the concept of Blue Zones I focused on research published by Gianni Pes and Michel Poulainin in 2004 in the academic journal Experimental Gerontology A Blue Zone is an area of the world where people live extremely long lives When the two researchers started their work in 2004, their main research question was “why certain groups live longer, happier lives?” Or, to put it another way, “what social behaviors and practices promote good health and a happy, long life?” This research question is obviously a very important one for society—health workers and social scientists have often tried to answer it to help more people live longer, healthier lives Now instead of making arbitrary judgments about what habits lead to a longer life, the researchers gathered a large amount of empirical data, thereby allowing them to better understand their research question The project took many years to complete First, the researchers collected data from all over the world to locate areas where people live the longest They found the Blue Zones Then they studied these Blue Zones to learn what social practices and cultural norms were common in these places I think the results of the study were quite interesting The researchers found five Blue Zones, in which more people live to 100 than anywhere else in the world These were Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; Loma Linda, California; Nicoya, Costa Rica; and Ikaria, Greece So what’s the secret to retaining your health and living a long life? These areas shared five common social norms and lifestyle characteristics The first is that family comes first and is highly valued in these communities Second, smoking is rare Third, they mostly eat a plant-based diet with little meat The fourth one is exercise People in each of these places engaged in lots of physical activity The fifth was eating plenty of legumes, such as beans, peas, and lentils © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 27 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts The research revealed many interesting facts about each place For instance, in Sardinia, a considerable number of men live to be over 100 In Ikaria, people have 50 percent lower rates of heart disease and 20 percent less cancer One unambiguous implication of this research is that the number years you live is mostly up to you and is based on your personal decisions In determining the length of a person’s life, the researchers found that about 30 percent relates to your family history and genes and 70 percent is related to your lifestyle choices Even immigrants who moved from Blue Zones to other countries but retained their Blue Zone lifestyles tended to live longer than their neighbors in their new countries As a society, I think we can all learn a lot from this research There are now new organizations and programs being developed that try to follow the cultural norms and the habits that promote long life for people who live in Blue Zones I encourage you all to have a look at some of these great projects and maybe even get involved personally Thank you very much Any questions? Unit Building an Idea BUSINESS LISTENING SKILL: The Cornell Note-Taking Method Watch (Video) ILS_L4_U8_Watch F1: Ladies and gentlemen, colleagues, I’m honored to speak at the third annual conference on entrepreneurship here in our fine city I’ve attended this conference every year, and I can assure you that there is definitely a lot to learn from listening to the presentations here I’ve gotten quite a few useful ideas myself So, tonight, it’s my turn to pay you back For several years, I’ve been conducting qualitative research on entrepreneurialism When I surveyed and interviewed people, I learned that a lot of people have really good ideas—ideas that could lead to useful products and successful businesses But the problem is that many of these same people don’t know how to create or build their new innovations So, I changed the qualitative focus of my research and began searching for successful practices that help turn ideas into actual products I was able to find three successful practices from this research © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 28 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts The first successful practice is contacting independent tradespeople in order to get your product built Some small tool shops, for example, can make metal or plastic designs that you can’t make at home without very expensive tools Cost is definitely the downside, though It can cost a considerable amount to have someone build your design for you Nonetheless, some entrepreneurs that I’ve met have avoided large expenses by offering incentive-based compensation to the tradespeople building their products In other words, if the product succeeded, the entrepreneur would give the builder more money, but if the product failed, the entrepreneur paid only a small fee Another very successful practice for turning ideas into new products is to work with an industrial design company But again, these partnerships can be expensive I found that some people visited industrial design departments at universities instead, as they are much cheaper to work with than established companies One entrepreneur I talked to created a small line of computer accessories for only about $200 by working with graduate students So, employing students seems to work well, too Many entrepreneurs that I interviewed mentioned that the students’ skills and knowledge complemented their own passion and creativity quite well when building their products The students also derive benefits from being a part of a project, such as real-world experience Also, in some cases, long-term partnerships have developed between the entrepreneur and the students These were two really successful practices for building ideas Now, the third that I want to talk about has become perhaps the most popular Do-it-yourself workshops I want to turn your attention to a short video on TechShop, which is one of these doit-yourself workshops Narrator: When Marie Lacure got laid off, she had an idea to make and sell a line of children's novelties Marie Lacure: My company’s name is actually Goobidy Goo Narrator: What she didn't have was thousands of dollars to buy a laser cutter to create her products ML: That machine can do, like, everything, it seems like Narrator: The day the iPad was announced, Patrick Buckley had an idea for a custom-made cover What he didn't have was the expensive computerized woodcutting machine he needed to produce a prototype Lacure, Buckley, and scores of other budding entrepreneurs have become members of TechShop in Menlow Park, California, a place for do-it-your-selfers, inventors, and dreamers © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 29 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts Mark Hatch: We believe that every kitchen should come with compressed air, electricity, and a vise Narrator: Mark Hatch is TechShop's CEO MH: Most don't You know, the people get to come here and use ours Narrator: Here's the drill Joining TechShop is a little like joining a health club except here for a hundred dollars a month, instead of running on a treadmill, you get to run industrial-strength machinery Members have access to the latest in computer-assisted design and machine tools that would cost a fortune to buy MH: We teach people in an afternoon how to make things We have a lot of entrepreneurs Narrator: With the tools at TechShop, Phil Hughes developed a way to cool computer servers that could save vast amounts of energy Phil Hughes: And this pulls out all the heat of the server, from the server to the lid Narrator: For now, his company, Clustered Systems, has its world headquarters at TechShop, but a partnership with Emerson, the huge appliance manufacturer, could change that PH: They expect to sell thousands and thousands of these things, which is going to make us very happy Narrator: And perhaps very rich PH: Well, yes, why not? Narrator: For a hundred dollars a month, another member is building a lunar landing module for an X-Prize competition PH: Where else can I find some place that I can store my lunar lander? Narrator: Marie Lacure is now selling her products online and in a few retail stores Patrick Buckley's iPad cover is taking off and 30 people have been hired to make it Patrick Buckley: We're on track to between three and five million dollars this year © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 30 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts Narrator: And TechShop is doing well, too, expanding to eight more locations Evidence that, in America today, money may be tight but ideas and ambition are flowing freely SPEAKING SKILL: Supporting an Opinion Listen (Audio) ILS_L4_U8_Listen Ricardo: Welcome to another edition of Business Entities, where we talk with small business owners to learn more about what it takes to make a business successful I’m Ricardo Estevez, and my guest today is farmer Michael Shannon Thanks for coming on the show, Michael Mr Shannon: Thanks, Ricardo, I’m happy to be here Ricardo: So Michael, when I think of farming as an occupation, I don’t really think of farmers as being business owners Are you actually a business? Mr Shannon: Yes, to a large extent, I believe that I’m a business owner For starters, my farm earns about $300,000 a year in revenue with expenses that can be just as high And, much like any business entity, the farm’s finances need a great deal of administrative work Ricardo: I see what you mean How large is your estate? Mr Shannon: My farm is about 400 acres, or about the area of 300 football fields Ricardo: That’s a nice-sized farm What would you say is the key to operating a farm like yours successfully? Mr Shannon: In my view, the most important things are organization and planning To give you an example, farmers often plan equipment purchases, crop rotations, and a lot of other things about five or even ten years in advance That keeps things running smoothly During my first few years on my farm, I didn’t much planning, and I can tell you that I lost money during those years Since then, I’ve learned my lesson, and our profits have increased steadily Ricardo: That’s great What’s your opinion on agricultural subsidies? There are some people who don’t think it’s a good idea to pay farmers extra money so that food prices stay low Mr Shannon: I think subsidies can be beneficial for some people Research from Ohio State University showed that a farmer needs revenues of about $300,000 © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 31 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts before expenses in order to earn a middle-class level income So, for instance, if you have no rain one year, or a piece of machinery breaks that's worth $100,000, you can find yourself in a lot of trouble Subsidies can help someone at a time like that But, you know, that’s just my view Other people think subsidies to farmers are unfair and I understand that, too Ricardo: We meet a lot of really hardworking business owners on this show, so I always like to ask, when you get away? That is, you ever have time for a vacation? Mr Shannon: Running a farm requires attention all the time There are the crops, the equipment, and the animals So, I’m pretty much confined to the farm yearround I might be able to get away for a couple of days, but that’s it That said though, I know other farmers who take four- or even five-day vacations sometimes, so there’s no rule or clause in some farmer’s guidebook somewhere that says you can’t leave the farm However, if you go away, be prepared for a lot of work when you return, even if you're just gone for a few days Ricardo: In that case, I won’t take any more of your time then Mr Shannon, thank you so much for sharing your insights with us Mr Shannon: Thank you for having me Ricardo: Coming up next on Business Entities, we review new management software that has just appeared on the market We'll be right back after this short commercial break Unit High-Performance Machines ROBOTICS LISTENING SKILL: Facts and Opinions Listen (Audio) ILS_L4_U9_Listen Announcer, Erin: Today we’re in sunny southern California at the Mata Motors automotive plant where the electric-powered car, the Model V, is built Let’s go inside and find out how they it I’m here with Lewis Hi, Lewis Lewis: Hi, Erin Welcome to Mata Motors © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 32 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts Erin: Thanks Could you start by telling us about the Model V? Lewis: Well, to start, it’s the finest sedan in the world And I’ll tell you why The Model V is an electric car that produces 50 percent less CO2 gas So when you’re driving one of our cars, you’re helping to offset CO2 emissions Also, don’t forget, natural resources are finite We can’t continue to exploit all of our resources and hope that they’ll never run out Electric is the future, and we’re proving it here Erin: So, the car has an environmental advantage How about its overall performance? Lewis: That’s the thing The Model V is not only a green car, but also a very highperformance vehicle This car goes from to 60 miles per hour in less than five seconds This year several consumer reports and automotive indexes have ranked the Model V at the top in terms of performance Several agencies have compiled data on the Model V, and many of the different reliability indexes say that the Model V is one of best cars in the world So, we’re quite happy with what we’re doing here Erin: That’s good And what about the car’s functions? Lewis: Well it’s really a multidimensional car with many different functions The electric charger is built into the car, so all you have to is plug it in to recharge the battery It has a 17-inch touchscreen And you can select a gorgeous interior with elegant leather trim And all versions have spacious, comfortable seating Erin: Sounds outstanding We know that you’ve received attention for your electric cars, but your factory has gotten a fair amount of attention, too Tell us, what’s so special about this place? Lewis: Our facility is really very different There is no other car company that could what we here We start with only a flat sheet of metal, and we build every single part for our cars right here, with the help of our highly advanced robots They really help improve quality and efficiency It’s an incredible sight because the tasks that robots perform on the factory floor are multidimensional For example, the same robot will place the seats in the car and then switch gears and attach the windshield Then it will pick up a rear window, glue it, and attach it to the car Erin: Impressive Lewis: It is But not all the credit goes to the robots We have some incredibly talented engineers who helped design these robots to work alongside humans © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 33 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts Erin: That’s a good point Well, thank you for taking time out of your day to speak with us, and best of luck with the Model V Lewis: Thank you Erin: On behalf of our crew, thanks for joining us Next week we’ll be in Nepal to learn about the trekking industry See you then SPEAKING SKILL: Polite Requests and Interruptions Watch (Video) ILS_L4_U9_Watch Gabriela: Good morning My research project focuses on the incorporation of robots in the field of medicine Many people don’t know that today there are thousands of robots already doing a wide range of tasks in hospitals, and their numbers are expected to increase dramatically over the next few years I’m going to explain some of the ways hospitals plan to incorporate all these new robots into their health care systems, and how robots can improve health care practices and the general welfare of patients As I’m talking, if you have any questions, please feel free to stop me at any time Okay, then One recent development has been the use of remote-presence robots in hospitals So, if a doctor is far from the hospital, maybe on vacation or something like that, he or she can control a robot that moves around the hospital, checking on patients and even inspecting them These robots have large screens on them, which show a video of the doctor’s face, so patients can talk with their doctors Yes, Alex Alex: Sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering… could you tell us how these robots are able to move around the hospital? I just picture sick patients and busy doctors bumping into huge robots and causing injuries all over the hospital Gabriela: That’s a great question The robots use very sensitive, hi-tech GPS equipment that helps them move around the hospital without damaging things or injuring people Lyn: Yes, I’d like to make a remark on that, actually I’m kind of worried that if we use robots in this capacity, we’ll lose the important bonds that form between patients and their doctors You know, that’s a part of health care, too Would you be able to tell us whether or not doctors have commented on this potential problem? Gabriela: Sure, Lyn That’s something I thought about as well The screens on these robots allow for face-to-face communication, and, of course, a nurse is in the room, © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 34 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts so I think that helps I found that some doctors have said it’s a great system, but others aren’t sure yet Now another interesting robot is RoboCourier RoboCourier travels around a hospital delivering medications and tools It uses laser detection and voice commands to make people aware of its presence There are also robots operating on this technology that a lot of cleaning around the hospital, which is saving time and money Lyn: If I could just interject for a moment, I know that many cleaning companies have begun to incorporate robots into their tasks, but it doesn’t seem possible that robots would be able to follow the important health and safety protocols used in hospitals If possible, could you explain how they expect robots to be able to this? Gabriela: That’s certainly a fair point something I checked out myself But, actually, what I found was that the robots are far better at cleaning than humans are They use powerful, ultraviolet light that kills the germs and bacteria people can’t kill, because people have to use cleaners that are safe for humans As a matter of fact, some studies have shown that robots have helped reduce infections by 50 to 90 percent So, to answer your questions, the robots are actually strengthening health and safety protocols at hospitals Other robots being used more and more are surgical robots These are computercontrolled devices used to assist with surgeries Each one can be “taught” a protocol for a particular operation Surgical robots also have video cameras and microphones Some even have speech recognition software so that a human surgeon can use his or her voice to control the robot Alex: I’m sorry to stop you, but I don’t think I would want a robot operating on me I’m not sure if the information is available, but would you tell us about their performance? Gabriela: Actually yes, the information is available It turns out that surgical robots are cleaner and more accurate than human surgeons Because of this, surgical robots are improving our health and welfare But it’s important to remember, too, that when people undergo surgery, the surgical robots are being controlled by a highly skilled doctor So, those are some of the robots that you’re going to be seeing around hospitals more and more But you can expect new robots to be incorporated into health care systems as they become available Advancements in technology are ongoing and changing all the time It’s an extremely fascinating field at the moment © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 35 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts Well, that was my research Thank you all for your great questions and for your attention Unit 10 A World Apart GEOGRAPHY LISTENING SKILL: Synthesizing Information Listen1 (Audio) ILS_L4_U10_Listen1 MC: Now we turn to our next speaker, Dr Yuliya Dalton Her work coincides with other ethnographic studies that provide insight into lifestyles and cultures in some of the world’s most remote places The sole focus of Dr Dalton’s two-year-long study was a group of Inuit people living in Canada’s isolated Nunavut Territory Please join me in welcoming Dr Dalton Dr Dalton: Thank you very much When I first designed this project, many of my colleagues were planning studies on tropical islands and in rain forests, so when I told them that I was going to Nunavut, where the average temperature fluctuates between minus 13 and 31 degrees Fahrenheit during the winter, people were a bit surprised But I can tell you that it was an incredible learning experience and one that I’ll never forget To start, I’d like to give you an idea of the enormous size of Nunavut, which is about the size of Western Europe So it’s a huge landmass, but only around thirty thousand people live in the entire region Everyone lives gathered in small communities If you open the handouts you were given and look at the appendix on the last page, you can see a map of Nunavut, listing all of the Inuit communities spread around this very large area There are very few roads and no highways connecting Nunavut to the rest of Canada So the mode of transportation between towns is either boat or plane One of the issues that I studied relates to traditional culture In some ways, traditional ways of life have continued to the present day, such as fishing and hunting In other ways, the Inuit have deviated from their traditional practices since their contact with European-Canadian people For example, Inuit people generally live in houses today instead of igloos made of snow, and even though many still wear traditional clothing, young people often purchase newer styles online So cultural preservation is important for many Inuit leaders © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 36 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts Another part of Inuit society that I looked at was education You might be surprised to know that Nunavut has the highest birthrate in Canada One consequence of this is that there is a shortage of adults to serve as Inuit teachers, so a big issue is the training of new teachers University education is also challenging because of the massive distance between towns and the difficulty of traveling from place to place In other words, it is difficult for many students to travel to school Right now, there are no universities in Nunavut, but one government official told me that one is forthcoming as the government is looking for ways to establish an Inuit-centered university to serve the unique needs of Inuit people During my studies, I found Nunavut to be a vast land of immense beauty To tell you the truth, I never really got used to the extreme cold, but the Inuit people that I met and got to know really welcomed me and taught me a lot while I was there It was quite an experience and if you have an opportunity, I highly recommend a visit there But go in the summer Thank you again for the opportunity to share my work with you SPEAKING SKILL: Deductive and Inductive Reasoning Listen2 (Audio) ILS_L4_U10_Listen2 Manager (female): It’s good to see you back Thank you for being so understanding about our terminating the project a week earlier than we’d planned There were some budgeting issues, as you may have already heard Now, you were both working concurrently with the same tribe in the same part of Papua, so I’m interested to hear about some of your observations We’re actually hoping to include both of your findings in our Culture in Focus seminar next month Anders (male): That’s great I guess I’ll start with my work The core of my research was the Korowai tribe’s unique homes, which are quite amazing Korowai people build and live in tree houses Some are really high, about as high as 115 feet off the ground The tree houses just tower over the rain forest below They’re beautiful To build the tree house, people remove the top of a tall tree and then manipulate other tree branches into a platform, usually at the top of the tree Then they build a house where as many as 12 people can live Now right away, from an anthropological perspective, I began to wonder why Why would they build their homes so high? And I remembered that I had read about another tribe that built their homes in trees for protection So, at first, I thought that what the Korowai people were doing was for protection, too However, later I learned about some other reasons With my guide mediating between me and the tribal leaders, the leaders explained to me that they built tree houses in part to © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 37 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts protect themselves from mosquitos, which makes sense because the mosquitos can be brutal there, especially during the monsoon season The tree houses also give them protection from floods, and, being so high up, the tree houses give the people privacy So, the tree houses have really become a core part of the tribe’s identity Manager: That is fascinating Okay, Tian, what about you? Tian (male): Well for me, the core focus of my work was on population trends Some scientists have hypothesized that the Korowai tribe’s population was in decline, so I spent my time trying to find evidence to determine if that was true or not I interviewed tribal elders about their parents, brothers, sisters, and other family members and began constructing a population chart based on the interviews Then I studied the current population, moving from home to home, recording numbers and names In the end, from the evidence, I was able to deduce that population has declined slightly from 20 years ago Manager: Why you think that is? Tian: Well, I’m not entirely sure, but, in town, I did meet a couple of men from the tribe who had moved to town to find work, so I think that migration to towns is possibly causing the decline Anders: Actually, Tian and I were talking earlier… Tian: Yeah… Anders: And we wanted to mention that we both learned a great deal about the language while we were there In fact, it’s really complex, with certain words denoting status or rank within the tribe Tian: Yes, and the language is very colorful and descriptive, too, so it was incredibly interesting studying and analyzing it Manager: Well, Anders, Tian, you both did a great job, and we’re glad to have you back We’re going to feature your work for about 30 minutes on Culture in Focus, so I’d like you to begin synthesizing your findings as well as editing your photos and video footage for the seminar Tian: Sounds good Anders: We have a lot to put together and organize for you Manager: Great Okay, well, I’ve got to go to my next meeting I’ll see you later © Oxford University Press Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use 38 ... use Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts Unit Film Know-How FILM STUDIES LISTENING SKILL: Recording Definitions Listen1 (Audio) ILS_L4_U3_Listen1 Liam: Hello I’m Liam Rivers, and you’re listening. .. use 30 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts Narrator: And TechShop is doing well, too, expanding to eight more locations Evidence that, in America today, money may be tight but ideas and ambition... to reproduce for classroom use 10 Inside Listening and Speaking Transcripts Stunt Person: Absolutely But there’s this sort of implicit understanding between you and the film crew that everyone

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