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Tiêu đề Alternative investments and strategies
Tác giả Rüdiger Kiesel, Matthias Scherer, Rudi Zagst
Trường học World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
Chuyên ngành Investments
Thể loại edited book
Năm xuất bản 2010
Thành phố Singapore
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Số trang 414
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Nội dung

Asset allocation investigates the optimal division of a portfolio among different assetclasses.. Standard theory involves the optimal mix of risky stocks, bonds, and cashtogether with va

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Alternative investments and strategies / edited by Rüdiger Kiesel, Matthias Scherer & Rudi Zagst.

p cm.

ISBN-13: 978-9814280105

ISBN-10: 9814280100

1 Investments Moral and ethical aspects 2 Portfolio management Moral and ethical aspects.

I Kiesel, Rüdiger, 1962– II Scherer, Matthias III Zagst, Rudi, 1961–

HG4515.13.A498 2010

332.6 dc22


British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

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Printed in Singapore.

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Asset allocation investigates the optimal division of a portfolio among different assetclasses Standard theory involves the optimal mix of risky stocks, bonds, and cashtogether with various subdivisions of these asset classes Underlying this is the insightthat diversification allows for achieving a balance between risk and return: by usingdifferent types of investment, losses may be limited and returns are made less volatilewithout losing too much potential gain

These insights are made precise using the benchmark theory of mathematicalfinance, the Black-Scholes-Merton theory, based on Brownian motion as the drivingnoise process for risky asset prices Here, the distributions of financial returns of therisky assets in a portfolio are multivariate normal, thus relating to the standard mean-variance portfolio theory of Markowitz with its risk-return paradigm as above.Recent years have seen many empirical studies shedding doubt on the Black-Scholes-Merton model, and motivating various alternative modeling approaches,which were able to reproduce the stylized facts of asset returns (such as heavy tails andvolatility clustering) much better Also, various new asset classes and specific financialtools for achieving better diversification have been created and entered the investmentuniverse

This book combines academic research and practical expertise on these new (oftencalled alternative) assets and trading strategies in a unique way We include the prac-titioners’ viewpoint on new asset classes as well as academic research on modelingapproaches, for new asset classes In particular, alternative asset classes such as powerforward contracts, forward freight agreements, and investment in photovoltaic facil-ities are discussed in detail, both on a stand-alone basis and with a view to theireffects on diversification in combination with classical asset We also analyse credit-related portfolio instruments and their effect in achieving an optimal asset allocation

In this context, we highlight aspects of financial structures which may sometimes beneglected, such as default risk of issuer in case of certificates or the role that model


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risk plays within asset allocation problems This leads naturally to the use of robustasset allocation strategies.

Extending the classical mean-variance portfolio setting, we include dynamic folio strategies and illustrate different portfolio protection strategies In particular, wecompare the benefits of such strategies and investigate conditions under which Con-stant Proportion Portfolio Insurance (CPPI) may be prefered to Option-Based PortfolioInsurance (OBPI) and vice versa We also contribute to the understanding of gap risk

port-by analyzing this risk for CPPI and Constant Proportion Debt Obligations (CPDO) in

a sophisticated modeling framework Such analyses are supplemented and extended

by an investigation of the optimality of hedging approaches such as variance-optimalhedging and semistatic variants of classical hedging strategies

Many of the articles can serve as guides for the implementation of various models

In addition, we also present state-of-the-art models and explain modern tools fromfinancial mathematics, such as Markov-Switching models, time-changed Lévy models,variants of lognormal approximations, and copula structures

This books combines a unique mix of authors Also many of our students improvedthe outcome of the project with critical and insightful comments Particular thanks goes

to Georg Grüll, Peter Hieber, Julia Kraus, Matthias Lutz, Jan-Frederik Mai, KathrinMaul, Kevin Metka, Daniela Neykova, Johannes Rauch, Andreas Rupp, Daniela Selch,and Christofer Vogt

R Kiesel, M Scherer, and R Zagst

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Part I Alternative Investments

Sven Hroß, Christofer Vogt and Rudi Zagst

1.1 Introduction 4

1.2 Recent Research on SRI 5

1.3 How Sustainable is Sustainability? 6

1.3.1 Description of the Dataset 6

1.3.2 Introduction to Markov Transition Matrices 6

1.3.3 Results of Markov Transition Matrices 7

1.4 SRI in Portfolio Context 8

1.4.1 Description of the Dataset and Statistical Properties 8

1.4.2 Markov-Switching Model 11

1.4.3 Fitting the Model Parameters 11

1.4.4 Simulation of Returns 13

1.4.5 Portfolio Optimization Models 13

1.4.6 Definition of Investor Types 15

1.4.7 Optimal Portfolios 15

1.5 Conclusion 18

Chapter 2 Listed Private Equity in a Portfolio Context 21 Philipp Aigner, Georg Beyschlag, Tim Friederich, Markus Kalepky and Rudi Zagst 2.1 Introduction 22

2.2 Defining Private Equity Categories 23

2.2.1 Financing Stages 23

2.2.2 Divestment Strategies 24


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2.2.3 Type of Financing 25

2.2.4 Classification of Private Equity Fund Investments 26 Venture capital funds 26 Buyout funds 27 Leveraged buyouts (LBO) 27

2.3 Investment Possibilities — One Asset, Many Classes 28

2.3.1 Direct Investments 28

2.3.2 Private Equity Funds 29 Key players 29

2.3.3 Cash Flow Structure of a Private Equity Fund 31

2.3.4 Fund-of-Funds 32 Structure of a private equity fund-of-funds 32 Advantages 32 Disadvantages 33

2.3.5 Publicly Traded Private Equity 33

2.3.6 Secondary Transactions 34 Types of secondary transactions 34 Buyer’s motivation 35

2.4 Private Equity as Alternative Asset Class in an Investment Portfolio 35

2.4.1 Characteristics of LPE Return Series 36

2.4.2 Modeling Return Series with Markov-Switching Processes 37 Markov–Switching models 37 Fitting the parameters 39 Simulation of return paths 40

2.4.3 Listed Private Equity in Asset Allocation 40 Performance measurement 40 Portfolio optimization frameworks 42 Definition of investor types 43 Optimization of portfolios 44

2.5 Conclusion 47

Chapter 3 Alternative Real Assets in a Portfolio Context 51 Wolfgang Mader, Sven Treu and Sebastian Willutzky 3.1 Introduction 52

3.2 Overview on Alternative Real Assets 52

3.3 Modeling Photovoltaic Investments 53

3.3.1 General Approach 53

3.3.2 Definition of the Investment Project 54

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3.3.3 Modeling of Risk Factors 56 Economic factors 56 Non-economic factors 57 Historical analysis of monthly global irradiance 58 Monte Carlo analysis of yearly global irradiance 61

3.4 Photovoltaic Investments in a Portfolio Context 63

3.4.1 Setting the Portfolio Context 63

3.4.2 Including Photovoltaic Investments in a Portfolio 64

3.4.3 Results 66

3.5 Conclusion 68

Chapter 4 The Freight Market and Its Derivatives 71 Rüdiger Kiesel and Patrick Scherer 4.1 Introduction: the Freight Market 72

4.1.1 Vessels 72

4.1.2 Cargo 72

4.1.3 Routes 73

4.2 Freight Rates: What Drives the Market? 74

4.2.1 Demand for Shipping Capacity 75

4.2.2 Supply of Shipping Capacity 76

4.2.3 Costs 77

4.3 Freight Derivatives: Hedging or Speculating? 77

4.3.1 Forward Freight Agreement 77

4.3.2 Freight Futures 78

4.4 Explanatory Variables 79

4.4.1 Explanatory Power 80

4.4.2 Granger Causality 82

4.4.3 Selection Algorithm “Top Five” 83

4.4.4 Cointegration 84

4.5 Predicting Freight Spot and Futures Rates 86

4.6 The Backtesting Algorithm 88

4.7 Conclusion 90

Chapter 5 On Forward Price Modeling in Power Markets 93 Fred Espen Benth 5.1 Introduction 94

5.2 HJM Approach to Power Forward Pricing 95

5.3 Power Forwards and Approximation by Geometric Brownian Motion 98

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5.3.1 A Geometric Brownian Motion Dynamics

by Volatility Averaging 101

5.3.2 A Geometric Brownian Motion Dynamics by Moment Matching 103

5.3.3 The Covariance Structure Between Power Forwards 106

5.3.4 The Distribution of a Power Forward 108

5.3.5 Numerical Analysis of the Power Forward Distribution 110

5.4 Pricing of Options on Power Forwards 114

5.5 Conclusion 119

Chapter 6 Pricing Certificates Under Issuer Risk 123 Barbara Götz, Rudi Zagst and Marcos Escobar 6.1 Introduction 124

6.2 The Model 125

6.3 Pricing of Certificates Under Issuer Risk 126

6.3.1 Building Blocks 126

6.3.2 Index Certificates 130

6.3.3 Participation Guarantee Certificates 132

6.3.4 Bonus Guarantee Certificates 134

6.3.5 Discount Certificates 135

6.3.6 Bonus Certificates 136

6.4 Conclusion 139

Chapter 7 Asset Allocation with Credit Instruments 147 Barbara Menzinger, Anna Schlösser and Rudi Zagst 7.1 Introduction 148

7.2 Simulation Framework 150

7.3 Framework for Total Return Calculation 153

7.4 Optimization Framework 156

7.4.1 Mean-Variance Optimization 156

7.4.2 CVaR Optimization 157

7.5 Model Calibration and Simulation Results 157

7.5.1 Mean-Variance Approach 162

7.5.2 Conditional Value at Risk 164

7.5.3 Comparison of Selected Optimal Portfolios 167

7.6 Summary and Conclusion 170

Stephan Höcht, Matthias Scherer and Philip Seegerer

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8.1 Introduction to Cross Asset Portfolio Derivatives 175

8.1.1 Definitions and Examples 176

8.2 Collateralized Obligations 179

8.3 A Comparison of CFO with CTSO 179

8.3.1 Structural Features of CFO 179

8.3.2 Structural Features of CTSO 181

8.3.3 The Different Risks 181

8.3.4 Correlation of Tail Events in CTSO 181

8.4 Pricing Cross Asset Portfolio Derivatives 182

8.4.1 Pricing Trigger Swaps 182

8.4.2 Pricingnth-to-Trigger Baskets 183

8.4.3 Pricing CTSO 184

8.4.4 Modeling Approaches 185 The structural approach 185 The copula approach 186

8.4.5 An Example for annth-to Trigger Basket 188 A pricing exercise of Example 3 (structural approach) 188 A pricing exercise of Example 3 (copula approach) 189 Resulting model spreads 190

8.5 Outlook 194

8.6 Conclusion 195

Part II Alternative Strategies Chapter 9 Dynamic Portfolio Insurance Without Options 201 Dominik Dersch 9.1 Introduction 202

9.2 Simple Strategies 203

9.2.1 Buy-and-Hold 203

9.2.2 Stop-Loss 203

9.2.3 The Bond Floor Strategy 204

9.2.4 Plain Vanilla CPPI 205

9.3 Historical Simulation I 206

9.4 Advanced Features 209

9.4.1 Transaction Costs 210

9.4.2 Transaction Filter 210

9.4.3 Lock-in Levels 211

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9.4.4 Leverage and Constrain of Exposure 212

9.4.5 Rebalancing Strategies for the Risky Portfolio 213

9.4.6 CPPI and Beyond 213

9.5 Historical Simulation II 214

9.5.1 Transaction Costs and Transaction Filter 214

9.5.2 Lock-in Levels 216

9.5.3 The Use of Leverage 220

9.5.4 CPPI on a Multi-Asset Risky Portfolio 222

9.6 Implement a Dynamic Protection Strategy with ETF 223

9.7 Closing Remarks 224

Chapter 10 How Good are Portfolio Insurance Strategies? 227 Sven Balder and Antje Mahayni 10.1 Introduction 228

10.2 Optimal Portfolio Selection with Finite Horizons 230

10.2.1 Problem (A) 233

10.2.2 Problem (B) 234

10.2.3 Problem (C) 235

10.2.4 Comparison of Optimal Solutions 238

10.3 Utility Loss Caused by Guarantees 242

10.3.1 Justification of Guarantees and Empirical Observations 242

10.3.2 Utility Loss 242

10.4 Utility Loss Caused by Trading Restrictions and Transaction Costs 246

10.4.1 Discrete-Time CPPI 246

10.4.2 Discrete-Time Option-Based Strategy 249

10.4.3 Comments on Utility Loss and Shortfall Probability 250

10.5 Utility Loss Caused by Guarantees and Borrowing Constraints 252

10.6 Conclusion 254

Chapter 11 Portfolio Insurances, CPPI and CPDO, Truth or Illusion? 259 Elisabeth Joossens and Wim Schoutens 11.1 Introduction 260

11.2 Credit Risk and Credit Default Swaps 261

11.2.1 Credit Risk 261

11.2.2 Credit Default Swaps (CDS) 265

11.3 Portfolio Insurances 267

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11.4 Modeling of CPPI Dynamics Using Multivariate

Jump-Driven Processes 270

11.4.1 Multivariate Variance Gamma Modeling 270

11.4.2 Swaptions on Credit Indices 273 Black’s model 273 The variance gamma model 274

11.4.3 Spread Modeling by Correlated VG Processes 275 The pricing of CPPIs 275 Gap risk 279

11.5 Recent Developments for CPPI 281

11.5.1 Portfolio Insurance: The Extreme Value Approach to the CPPI Method 282

11.5.2 VaR Approach for Credit CPPI 283

11.5.3 CPPI with Cushion Insurance 284

11.6 A New Financial Instrument: Constant Proportion Debt Obligations 285

11.6.1 The Structure 285

11.6.2 CPDOs in the Spotlight 289

11.6.3 Rating CPDOs Under VG Dynamics 289

11.7 Comparison Between CPPI and CPDO 291

11.8 Conclusions 292

Chapter 12 On the Benefits of Robust Asset Allocation for CPPI Strategies 295 Katrin Schöttle and Ralf Werner 12.1 Motivation 296

12.2 The Financial Market 296

12.2.1 The Basic Financial Market 297

12.2.2 The Riskless Asset 298

12.2.3 The Risky Asset 298

12.2.4 Classical Mean–Variance Analysis 300

12.2.5 The Trading Strategy 302

12.3 The Standard CPPI Strategy 302

12.3.1 The Simple Case 303

12.3.2 The General Case 305

12.3.3 Shortfall Probability of CPPI Strategies 308

12.3.4 Improving CPPI Strategies 310

12.3.5 CPPI Strategies Under Estimation Risk 313

12.4 Robust Mean–Variance Optimization and Improved CPPI Strategies 316

12.4.1 Robust Mean–Variance Analysis 317

12.4.2 Uncertainty Sets Via Expert Opinions or Related Estimators 317

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12.4.3 Uncertainty Sets Via Confidence Sets 319

12.4.4 Usage and Implications for CPPI Strategies 321

12.4.5 CPPIs with Robust Asset Allocations 323

12.5 Conclusion 324

Chapter 13 Robust Asset Allocation Under Model Risk 327 Pauline Barrieu and Sandrine Tobelem 13.1 Background 328

13.2 A Robust Approach to Model Risk 329

13.2.1 The Absolute Ambiguity Robust Adjustment 330

13.2.2 Relative Ambiguity Robust Adjustment 333

13.2.3 ARA Parametrization 334

13.3 Some Definitions Relative to the Ambiguity-Adjusted Asset Allocation 335

13.4 Empirical Tests 336

13.4.1 Portfolios Tested 337

13.4.2 Performance Measures 339

13.4.3 Results 340 Performances of the different models 341 SEU portfolio 342 Ambiguity robust portfolios 342

13.5 Conclusion 343

Chapter 14 Semi-Static Hedging Strategies for Exotic Options 345 Hansjörg Albrecher and Philipp Mayer 14.1 Introduction 346

14.2 Hedging Path-Independent Options 347

14.2.1 Plain Vanilla Options with Arbitrary Strikes are Liquid 348

14.2.2 Finitely Many Liquid Strikes 349

14.3 Hedging Barrier and Other Weakly Path Dependent Options 350

14.3.1 Model-Dependent Strategies: Perfect Replication 351

14.3.2 Model-Dependent Strategies: Approximations 357

14.3.3 Model-Independent Strategies: Robust Strategies 359

14.4 Hedging Strongly Path-Dependent Options 361

14.4.1 Lookback Options 362

14.4.2 Asian Options 364

14.5 Case Study: Model-Dependent Hedging of Discretely Sampled Options 367

14.6 Conclusion and Future Research 370

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Chapter 15 Discrete-Time Variance-Optimal Hedging in Affine

Jan Kallsen, Richard Vierthauer, Johannes Muhle-Karbe

and Natalia Shenkman

15.1 Introduction 37615.2 Discrete-Time Variance-Optimal Hedging 37715.3 The Laplace Transform Approach 37815.4 Application to Affine Stochastic

Volatility Models 38015.5 Numerical Illustration 388

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Part I

Alternative Investments

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There are different ways to describe socially responsible investing (SRI) Reference 1defines SRI as the integration of environmental, social, and corporate governance(ESG) considerations into investment management processes and ownership practiceshoping that these factors can have an impact on financial performance Responsibleinvestment can be practiced across all asset classes

Several reasons can be stated, why the field of SRI has gained great public interest

as well as rising economic importance in recent years Simultaneously to the on-goingclimate change debate, public scrutiny and political attention have put pressure onbusinesses to consider both social and environmental issues in their activities.Accompanied by these developments, the SRI market grew strongly during the lastdecade SRI does no longer represent a negligible economical niche, but as stated in [2]

it might play a crucial financial role in the future The current size of the worldwideSRI market is according to [3] approximately 5 trillion With 53% market share, thegreatest part of the SRI market is based in Europe followed by the United States with39% The rest of the world represents only 8% of the SRI market

According to [4], the size of the SRI market in the United States was $639 lion in 1995 and then grew up to $2159 billion in 1999, which means an averageannual growth rate of 36% From 1999 to 2005, SRI investment volumes only slightlygrew up to $2290 billion, but then growth accelerated again resulting in $2711 billion

be mentioned as suitable investment possibilities Moreover, certificates are available

on the market which allow the investor to participate in the SRI market, e.g., indexcertificates on the European Renewable Energy Index (ERIX Index Certificate, SocieteGenerale, ISIN: DE000SG1ERX7)

The structure of this chapter is as follows Section 1.2 gives an overview on recentresearch on SRI Section 1.3 answers the question “How sustainable is sustainability?”

by using Markov transition matrices Section 1.4 then analyzes SRI in a portfolio text by generating optimal portfolios for different investors using a Markov-Switchingmodel and different optimization frameworks Finally, Sec 1.5 concludes

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During the last years, several empirical studies analyzed whether SRI produces ordestroys shareholder wealth Many early studies on the performance of SRI use regres-sion models with one or two factors and try to measure Jensen’s alpha Reference 5compares 32 SRI funds to 320 non-SRI funds in the United States between 1981 and

1990 and finds no significant average alphas with respect to a value-weighted NYSEindex More advanced studies apply a matching approach to compare SRI and non-SRIfunds with similar characteristics, e.g., fund universe and size Within this approach,management and transaction costs can be included into the analysis, see, e.g., [6]

or [7] As a result, no significant performance differences between SRI and non-SRIcould be observed One problem is that important characteristics might not be takeninto consideration Reference 8 applies a four factor model according to [9] using asregression factors the excess market return, SMB (“Small-minus-Big”: The differencebetween the return of a small- and of a large-cap portfolio), HML (“High-minus-Low”:The return difference between a value- and a growth-portfolio, i.e., a portfolio con-taining firms that dispose of a high book-to-market ratio versus firms with a low valuerelating to this ratio), and MOM (“Momentum”: The return difference betweeen twoportfolios, one consisting of last year’s best performers and the other of the worstperformers) in order to analyze the performance of United States, German, and BritishSRI funds The authors build two portfolios for each country, one containing all SRIfunds, the other the conventional funds, and find under — as well as outperformance ofSRI, but none of the differences are significant Furthermore, SRI funds seem to have

an investment bias toward growth stocks (low book-to-market value) and small caps(lower market-capitalization) Reference 10 uses eco-efficiency rankings of Innovest

to evaluate two equity portfolios that differ in eco-efficiency The high-ranked lio shows significantly higher returns than its low-ranked counterpart over the period1995–2003 In contrast, [11] finds that SRI investors have to pay for their constrainedinvestment style Another approach is to look at SRI equity indices to avoid usual prob-lems of mutual funds during a performance analysis, e.g., transaction costs of funds

portfo-or effects of management skills Reference 12 analyzes 29 SRI indices and appliesdifferent settings to test for differences in risk-adjusted performance compared to asuitable benchmark The study concludes that SRI screens do not lead to significantperformance difference of SRI indices Yet, no final answer to the question whetherSRI produces or destroys shareholder wealth can be given Independent of these find-ings, SRI market growth might simply come from the non-financial utility gained bySRI investors To the authors’ best knowledge, there is yet no such study scrutinizingthis effect Therefore, the focus of Sec 1.4 lies on the benefits of SRI in a portfoliocontext For this, optimal portfolios of bonds, stocks, and SRI will be constructed fordifferent investor types and in different optimization frameworks

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In this section, the endurance of sustainability is analyzed This is especially importantfor an SRI investor, who does not want to have too many reallocations in his portfolio.Moreover, sustainability scores should be enduring by the pure definition of the word

“sustainability” For this aim, sustainability scores from SAM Group, one of the world’smost respected companies in the field of SRI assessment, are scrutinized This study

is implemented using Markov transition matrices

1.3.1 Description of the Dataset

The dataset used for the analysis contains the sustainability scores (hereinafter calledtotal score) of 822 companies The methodology for calculating the total score of afirm is given as follows A company’s economic, ecologic, and social performance isanalyzed, where each of the three dimensions is divided into several criteria These cri-teria are weighted with an individual percentage of contribution to derive the final totalscore There are general criteria for all industries and specific criteria for companies

or the Italian Beni Stabili SpA It can be seen from Table 1.1 that the total scoresover the whole time period range between a rather low rating of 4.97 and a very highscore of 92.37, i.e., that the predefined range between 0 and 100 is actually utilized.Interestingly, the median and mean of the overall total scores are slightly above 50,and barely half of the companies received a sustainability score between 43 and 65

1.3.2 Introduction to Markov Transition Matrices

In this section, Markov transition matrices are used to analyze the evolution of thesustainability scores A high degree of variation within the total scores would be

Table 1.1 Statistics on Total Score.

Minimum 1st quartile Median Mean 3rd quartile Maximum

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counter-intuitive, due to the fact that sustainability is a long-term affair and thus shouldnot be subject to large-sized jumps, unless extraordinary events occur, e.g., an envi-ronmental disaster on an oil producer’s platform For the following analysis, data ofthose companies are used for which the sustainability scores are available for twoconsecutive years For the entire six-year time period, this leads to a total dataset of

2125 observations The calculation of the transition matrices is performed as follows:For every single year, companies are ranked by their sustainability score, whereby forevery year the 25% best rated companies are assigned to the 1st quartile, the next 25%

to the 2nd quartile, and so on Based on this allocation, empirical transition ities from one of the four quartiles to any of the four quartiles after one year can becalculated

probabil-1.3.3 Results of Markov Transition Matrices

From the average one-year transition probabilities in Table 1.2, it can be seen that theprobability of staying in the current quartile is the highest and ranges from 47.53% forthe 2nd quartile to 72.21% for the last quartile.Additionally, the probability decreases inthe distance between two quartiles Furthermore, the probability that a top-ranked firmwill end up in the 4th quartile in the following year is only 0.37% and the probability

of a “bad” company to be part of the first quartile in the following period is 1.23%.Moreover, Markov transition matrices for every single year 2001–2007 were scru-tinized The results for the single years are quite similar to the average observation inTable 1.2 Finally, a six-year Markov transition matrix was computed The results areshown in Table 1.3

Nearly half of the companies that were ranked in the first quartile in 2001 werestill in the first quartile in 2007 The probability that a highly sustainable company will

be part of the worst quartile at the end of the six years is 5.36% and the probability

of the opposite case, i.e., a “bad” company ending as a sustainability leader after sixyears, is 7.02%

Table 1.2 Average One-Year Markov Transition bilities (Year 2001–2007).

Proba-Next year quartile

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Table 1.3 Markov Six-Year Transition Probabilities (Year 2001–2007).

Next year quartile


After having analyzed the sustainability of sustainability in the preceding section, thissection will scrutinize how SRI can be evaluated with regard to the portfolio context.The main questions to be answered are whether investors shall add SRI investments

to their portfolio, and if so, with which weighting

In the conducted portfolio case study, the SRI market is represented by theAdvanced Sustainable Performance Index (ASPI) The ASPI is a European index con-sisting of 120 companies and is published by Vigeo Group, an extra-financial supplierand rating agency in the field of sustainable development and social responsibility(for further information see [13]) In order to include dividend payments to the anal-ysis, total return indices are used, i.e., dividends are reinvested This approach hastwo main advantages First, the index already represents a selected basket of the assetcategory SRI and the time series are readily available Second, the predefined index iswidespread and thus has the advantage that the companies’ specific risks are alreadyeliminated by diversification As a result, only the diversification effect of the assetclass SRI itself is observed

1.4.1 Description of the Dataset and Statistical Properties

The portfolio analysis is based on daily log-returns of the asset classes bonds sented by the JP Morgan Global Government Bond Index), stocks (represented by theDow Jones Total Markets World Index), and SRI (represented, as described above, bythe ASPI index) between 1 January 1992 and 30 September 2008 The main empiricalstatistics are shown in Table 1.4

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(repre-Table 1.4 Empirical Statistics of Daily Log-Returns.

By comparing mean and standard deviation of bonds and stocks, it becomes dent that most of the risk–averse investors would invest the bulk of their wealth inbonds This is due to the extremely high mean for bonds (5.92% per annum) combinedwith a low standard deviation Additionally, bonds display the highest skewness andlowest excess kurtosis, which is generally preferred by risk–averse investors As it is

evi-a debevi-atevi-able point whether pevi-ast returns indicevi-ate the future in evi-a sufficient wevi-ay, experts’forecasts about expected returns are often used to solve this shortcoming By using the

Black–Litterman approach to adjust the empirical returns, the empirical mean µemp

itself as well as absolute and relative forecasts are taken into account (see, e.g., [14]).This approach can be interpreted as a linear combination of these two components at

a given confidence level τ regarding the forecasts The Black–Litterman expectations

µBLcan be expressed by (given that L is invertible)

For τ = 0, the Black–Litterman expectations are equal to the empirical means,

while τ = 1 leads to expectations which are completely driven by the forecasts

Table 1.5 provides the Black–Litterman expectations for a confidence level of τ = 0.75.

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Table 1.5 Black–Litterman Expectations for Asset Class Log-Returns.

Black–Litterman expectations Bonds Stocks SRI

Table 1.6 P-Values of Jarque–Bera and Ljung–Box-Q Tests.

Jarque–Bera Normal distribution <0.001 <0.001 <0.001

Ljung–Box-Q (Q1) No autocorrelation (up to lag 1) 0.0308 0 0.7438Ljung–Box-Q (Q2) No autocorrelation (up to lag 2) 0.0940 0 0.2715Ljung–Box-Q (Q3) No autocorrelation (up to lag 3) 0.1354 0 0.0002

Ljung–Box-Q (QS1) No ac (squared returns, lag 1) 0.0096 0 0

The empirical returns are adjusted for the Black–Litterman expectations by ing a linear shift to the whole dataset Hence, all other empirical statistics (except forthe autocorrelation in squared returns) are unaffected

apply-Skewness and excess kurtosis in Table 1.4 lead to the presumption that the returns

of all three asset classes are non-normally distributed To test for non-normality andautocorrelation, a Jarque–Bera test and a Ljung–Box-Q test (see [16] and [17]) were

applied The p-values of both tests are given in Table 1.6 Italicised values are those

smaller than 0.05, for which the null hypothesis can be rejected at a significance level

of 5%

As correlations are essential for diversification in a portfolio context, the lations of the empirical daily log-returns are listed in Table 1.7 The high correlationbetween stocks and SRI is in line with the findings of [12] One reason for this factmay be that SRI stocks are simply a subset of the whole stock universe Nevertheless,each correlation coefficient smaller than one allows to benefit from diversification

corre-Table 1.7 Empirical Correlations of Daily Log-Returns.

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1.4.2 Markov-Switching Model

Due to the described non-normality and autocorrelation of the considered time series

of daily log-returns, the standard Black–Scholes model, which implies i.i.d normallydistributed log-returns, is not appropriate to describe the asset returns As Markov-Switching models allow for non-normality and autocorrelation at the same time, thismodel class is applied in this study To be more precise, a state-independent (firstlag) autoregressive Markov-Switching model as introduced in [18] is utilized Furtherapplications of Markov-Switching models in a portfolio context can, e.g., be found

in [15] or [19]

It is assumed throughout that the return of asset class a ∈ {1, 2, 3} at time t is

given by

r t,a = µ s t ,a + φ a · (r t −1,a − µ s t−1,a ) +  t,a , (1.2)

where s t indicates the state of the markets at time t, µ s t ,adenotes the mean return of

the asset class a in state s t Here, a = 1 corresponds to the asset class bonds, a = 2 to stocks, and a = 3 to the SRI asset class Furthermore,  t = ( t,1,  t,2,  t,3) Trepresents

the innovation at time t with  t ∼ N(0,  s t ) and φ athe autocorrelation parameter for

asset class a satisfying |φ a|<1

The Markov-Switching model allows the market to be in two different regimes

(s t = 1 for state 1 and s t = 2 for state 2) For the reasons adduced in [15], only twometa states are allowed As a result, all three assets are in the same state at each point

of time t Changes between the two states over time are modeled by a Markov chain

with transition probabilities given by the matrix

with µ1, µ2∈ R3, φ ∈ [−1, 1]3, p12, p21 ∈ [0, 1], and 1, 2∈ R3 ×3 The assumption

of only two meta states has the great advantage that overfitting problems can be avoided

1.4.3 Fitting the Model Parameters

The model parameters are fitted in a way that the empirical moments equal the moments

of the Markov-Switching process best possible The applied method of moments isdescribed in detail in [18] With regard to the empirical statistics, the focus of thefitting lies on the first four moments and the autocorrelation of lag 1 The resultingparameters and transition probabilities are displayed in Table 1.8

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Table 1.8 Markov-Switching Model Parameters.

Bonds 0.00018 0.00015 0.00325 0.00630 0.03270

Stocks 0.00062 −0.00108 0.00519 0.01473 0.16550 0.0579 0.2425SRI 0.00064 −0.00055 0.00812 0.02166 0.00389

The parameters allow for the derivation of crucial information about the twopossible meta states State 1 characterizes a bull market for all three assets The expectedreturn of stocks and SRI is almost the same (15.4% p.a for stocks and 16% p.a forSRI) whereas the standard deviation is much higher for SRI In state 2, the expectedreturn of bonds only suffers a small decline compared to state 1 (from 4.6% p.a to3.8% p.a.) but the volatility nearly doubles in this regime For stocks and SRI state 2resembles a bearish market with huge losses for both asset classes (−26.9% p.a forstocks and−13.9% p.a for SRI) and high standard deviations The observation of anincreasing volatility in falling markets can be found in empirical studies like [20] The

transition probabilities p12and p21 of the Markov chain imply a realistic stability ofthe two possible states If the market is in a bullish or a bearish scenario respectively,the market remains in the current state on the following day with a high probability

As the fitting is based on minimizing the sum of squared deviations between theempirical and theoretical statistics, these are outlined in Table 1.9

The close match is emphasized by the theoretical correlations of the model, whichfit the empirical correlations very well (compare Tables 1.7 and 1.10)

It is worthwhile to have a look at the correlation structures of the error terms  t,which are depicted in Table 1.11 The correlation of the error terms between stocks andSRI is about 0.9 in the “bad” state (state 2) and thus much higher than in the “good”state (state 1) with about 0.47

Table 1.9 Empirical and Theoretical Statistics of Daily Log-Returns.

Statistics Mean Std dev Skewness Ex kurt Autocorr.Bonds Empirical 0.0001780 0.003890 −0.006192 1.445971 0.032663

Theoretical 0.0001777 0.004020 −0.006200 1.517654 0.032703Stocks Empirical 0.0002878 0.008033 −0.290370 4.112919 0.168726

Theoretical 0.0002890 0.008109 −0.287749 4.122927 0.169116SRI Empirical 0.0004088 0.012162 −0.131494 3.585990 0.004943

Theoretical 0.0004100 0.011994 −0.130343 3.680593 0.004961

Trang 30

Table 1.10 Theoretical Correlations of Daily Log-Returns.

Table 1.11 Correlation Structure of Error Terms in States 1 and 2.

state of the underlying Markov chain is drawn from the stationary distribution π =

1,1− π1) with π1= p21/(p12+ p21)

Due to non-normality and the importance of skewness and kurtosis with respect tothe risk aversion of an investor (risk–averse investors have a positive preference direc-tion for skewness and a negative one for excess kurtosis), it is necessary to introducemore complex portfolio concepts compared to a pure mean–variance optimization

1.4.5 Portfolio Optimization Models

Having deduced the distributions of the simulated return paths, five different models areapplied in order to optimize the investor’s portfolio Two constraints for the portfolio

weights x ensure a full investment of the available budget (3

i=1x i = 1), and avoid

short-selling (x ≥ 0, i = 1, 2, 3).

Trang 31

Figure 1.1 Efficient frontier for one-year time horizon.

The traditional mean–variance framework based on [21] only takes the first twomoments of the return distribution into account It is defined by

power-The power-utility model is defined by the optimization problem

Trang 32

defined as the ratio of probability-weighted gains to losses and thus equal to the upsidepotential divided by the downside potential The corresponding optimization problem

where τ is the loss threshold and R(x) the portfolio return for portfolio weights x.

The performance measure Score-value considers the difference of upside and

downside potential The risk-free rate r is used as threshold and the downside potential

is weighted with a risk–aversion parameter λ Sc This leads to an optimization problemdefined by


x Scoreλ Sc (R(x))= max

x E[R(x) − r]+− λ Sc · E[r − R(x)]. (1.6)

The Mean-Conditional Value at Risk (MCVaR) is a risk measure referring to the tail

of a distribution It is based on the Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) defined by

where VaR(R(x)) is the Value at Risk (see, e.g., [23]) of the portfolio return R(x) at

a given confidence level α (in the case under consideration α = 99.5%) In order to

consider both risk and return, the optimization problem is given by


x E[R(x)] − λ MCVaR CVaR(R(x)) (1.8)

with λ MCVaRdenoting the respective risk–aversion parameter

1.4.6 Definition of Investor Types

All optimization models introduced above take different levels of risk–aversion intoaccount To consistently define investor types over the different models, the risk–aversion parameters are chosen such that they result in the same optimal asset allo-cations in a world where only stocks and bonds exist (see, e.g., [19]) In this casestudy, three investor types with different levels of risk aversion are used They arerepresented by their characteristic benchmark portfolios with bonds:stocks equal to

0.7:0.3 (Investor A), 0.5:0.5 (Investor B), and 0.3:0.7 (Investor C) For the one-year

time horizon, the respective parameters are given in Table 1.12

1.4.7 Optimal Portfolios

Using the risk–aversion parameters of the three different investor types, optimal folios of bonds, stocks, and SRI are constructed The optimization is conducted for allintroduced frameworks with time horizons of one, three, and five years As the resultsare quite similar for all three time horizons, only the results of the one-year horizon

Trang 33

port-Table 1.12 Risk–Aversion Parameters for the Three Investor Types (One Year).

Investor A 7.0609 −6.9009 0.0245 3.0632 0.1957

Investor B 2.8570 −2.8353 0.0390 1.8072 0.0983

Investor C 1.7908 −1.7820 0.0427 1.6328 0.0768

Table 1.13 Weights and Performance Measures of Optimal Portfolios (One Year).

are presented in detail here Table 1.13 shows the optimal portfolio weights as well

The first three were already introduced in Sec 1.4.5 The well-known Sharpe ratiomeasures the expected excess return over the riskless investment in units of standard

Trang 34

deviation (see [24]) The low risk–averse Investor C invests largely into SRI In the

mean-variance (MV), the power-utility (PU), and the Omega framework, he allocatesaround 90% into SRI and in the Score-value and the MCVaR framework he is com-

pletely invested in SRI As Investor C does not invest in stocks at all, the remainder

of his wealth is invested in bonds The strategy of Investor B is very similar with the

only difference being that the portfolio weights of the asset class SRI are smaller in the

MV, PU, and Omega framework The best diversified portfolios are held by the highly

risk–averse Investor A Most of his wealth — between 61% and 68% — is invested

into bonds The majority of the remainder is allocated to SRI, leading to a fraction of25–35% and only a small amount is invested into stocks (between 3–8%) Overall, theresults emphasize that SRI can be interpreted as a substitute for stocks and that onlythe most risk–averse investor allocates money to the substituted asset class in order tobenefit from the diversification effect

Figures 1.2 (a)–(e) illustrate the portfolio allocations in dependence of the tive risk–aversion parameter The vertical lines indicate the three considered investortypes The solid line displays the risk of the portfolios measured by the standarddeviation of the portfolios’ returns As mentioned above, the proportion invested intostocks is due to the substitution effect always very small or even zero A further inter-esting issue is the development of the proportion invested into bonds In the MV,

respec-PU, and Omega framework, the fraction of bonds increases slowly with increasingrisk–aversion whereas it ascends late but steeply in the Score-value and the MCVaRframework what results in an enormous reduction of risk from that point on

In order to get more information about the substitution effect, a sensitivity analysis

is performed for the mean–variance framework with a one-year time horizon As onlythe most risk–averse investor allocates parts of his wealth to stocks, the question

arises under which circumstances the less risk–averse Investor C mixes stocks into

his portfolio For this purpose, the Black–Litterman expectation for the annual return

of SRI is gradually decreased, starting from a value of 10.22% (see Table 1.5) With

the help of the overall probability π1 (see Sec 1.4.4) the amount of reduction can

be split up for the two regimes For state 1 the reduction is π1· and for state 2 it equals (1 − π1) · While facing the same risk exposure, the upper hurdle rate for the

expected return is determined by a value of 9.27% This value represents the highest

expected return of SRI for which Investor C still invests a small amount into stocks.

A further decrease of the expected return leads to a partial replacement of SRI bystocks The lower hurdle rate is given by an annual SRI return of 7.01%, i.e., if the

expected return is below the lower hurdle rate Investor C will not invest in SRI anymore

and therefore create the appropriate benchmark portfolio of 70% stocks and 30%bonds

Trang 35

Figure 1.2 Optimal portfolio weights in different optimization frameworks.


SRI is a growing asset class By analyzing SAM sustainability scores, it was shownthat an SRI portfolio has a high degree of consistency, i.e., sustainable companies arelikely to stay sustainable in the future For the best ranked companies, the probability

of being in the 1st quartile again in the next year is 70% on average Moreover, optimal

Trang 36

portfolios for different investor types are constructed The parameter estimates of theunderlying Markov-Switching model are based on a time series ranging from 1992

to 2008 The main finding of the conducted case study is that SRI turns out to be asubstitute for stocks and that the less risk–averse an investor is the more he invests inSRI, respectively, does a full investment into this asset class More risk–averse investorsuse all three asset classes in order to gain from diversification effects Nevertheless,

only a very small fraction (<8%) is invested into stocks.


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HVB-Stiftungsinstitut für Finanzmathematik, Technische Universität München,

Boltzmannstr 3, 85747 München, Germany


This chapter first provides a comprehensive overview of private equity by ing the private equity investments into financing stages, divestment strategies, andtypes of financing Different ways of investing in the asset class “private equity” arecharacterized, ranging from direct investments, which are hard to access, to listed pri-vate equity (LPE) investments, which provide a liquid means for investors to considerprivate equity in their portfolios A Markov–Switching model is presented, which isable to capture the characteristics of the asset class LPE By applying several riskmeasures and optimization frameworks, the question of the optimal fraction for anLPE investment in an investor’s portfolio is scrutinized Depending on the risk aver-sion of the investor, the optimal fraction of an LPE investment in this study rangesbetween 0% for a very risk–averse investor, 7.5–11.8% for a moderately risky investor,and 16.9–27.9% for an investor willing to take higher risks


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Private equity investments have probably been ventured since men try to augmenttheir personal wealth The voyage of Christopher Columbus, who received fundingfrom various noblemen for his supposed expedition to Asia, is often referred to as awell-known example of the historical roots of this asset class By the middle of thelast century, individual financiers, affectionately dubbed business angels, crossed thethreshold to the present-day notion of private equity investment: They granted moneyalong with management support to high-tech start-up companies and actively sup-ported young entrepreneurs in order to maximize the value of their own investment Inthe 1970s, investment constraints previously imposed on institutional investors wererelaxed by providing for vast additional capital channels Thus, the venture capitalmarket appeared significantly altered by the late 1980s: Not only high-tech start-upcompanies engrossed the investors’ attention, yet more established enterprises andfirms not having technology-related products in their portfolio came into financialsupport as well, and debt financing grew more and more important A profuse array

of various funding practices such as restructuring, buyout, or mezzanine emerged.Together with the traditional venture capital, they evolved to an asset class known

as private equity, which enjoyed enormous growth and returns over the last fiveyears

With the credit crisis followed by an overall economic downturn becoming theprominent topic in 2008, one may raise the question whether private equity is still anasset class worthwhile considering And indeed, both columnists and scientists forecastgreat changes which the industry is about to experience: Since the credit markets havebasically come to halt, procuring debt for leveraged buyout transactions was virtuallyimpossible, resulting deal volumes to plummet by 75% in 2008 Default probabilitiesfor portfolio companies may be as high as 50% and consequently, most institutionalinvestors have been reducing the exposure to private equity, see [16]

However, private equity still displays characteristics, which make it an interestingpart of a well-diversified investment strategy: Since private equity tends to displayonly a moderate correlation to the public equity market, it may extend the portfolio’sefficient frontier, and thus, yield a better risk–return profile Furthermore, the persis-tence in performance of top-quartile private equity firms has also proven valid in pastcrises and is likely to do so in the future, see [1, 5, 21] Private equity funds mighteven play a key role in the economic recovery process Currently, the private equityindustry holds $450 billion waiting to be invested [16]; thus, besides governmentsand sovereign wealth funds, they are the only source for liquidity to an ailing econ-omy Since private equity funds tend to generate even greater returns when acquiringportfolio companies during grave economic periods, now might be the right timing toincrease one’s exposure to private equity vehicles, see [1]

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The remainder of this article is structured as follows: First the basic ideas anddifferent categories concerning private equity are delineated, then various investmentvehicles are expounded, and finally means of determining the optimal fraction of listedprivate equity entities in a portfolio are developed.


Delineating the notion of “private equity” is certainly not facile In general, privateequity is a broad term that refers to any type of equity investment in an asset inwhich the equity is not freely tradable on a public stock market Furthermore, a privateequity investment usually entails a rather long engagement period, although it is alwaystemporary with an exit strategy sometimes already existing at the time of the investmentbeing ventured Before one can probe into the various classes of private equity (seeSec 2.3) it is pertinent to scrutinize the criteria which distinguish them

2.2.1 Financing Stages

Private equity investments can be conducted in various stages of a company’s financiallife-cycle Roughly speaking, it is differentiated between an early stage, an expansionstage, and a late stage

Early Stage Financing. Early stage financing comprises seed financing, start-upfinancing, and first stage financing During the seed phase solely a conception of thebusiness and the product exist, with the founder himself or some acquaintances ofhis raising the money required The start-up period is dedicated to the composition

of a business plan while the financial burden is still primarily imposed on the ously mentioned persons With the first stage commencing, the entrepreneur launchesproduction and selling of his product These first revenues, however, are easily out-numbered by the increasing expenditures

previ-Expansion Stage Financing. During the expansion stage, the business strives forcontinuous growth and attempts to break even; then, an expansion to new marketsand a diversification of the array of products is aimed at, and the sales and distributionprocess is adapted to this development Compared with the early stage, the risk involved

is lowered significantly

Late Stage Financing. With the late stage commencing, the business is usually fairlywell established According to its situation and its prospects, there are various possi-bilities to be proceeded with One might be the alignment of the enterprise to a future


[4] Renneboog, L, J Horst and C Zhang (2008) Socially responsible investments: Institutional

aspects, performance, and investor behaviour Journal of Banking and Finance, 32(9),

1723–1742... strives forcontinuous growth and attempts to break even; then, an expansion to new marketsand a diversification of the array of products is aimed at, and the sales and distributionprocess is adapted... portfolios including stocks, bonds, and listed private equity Submitted forpublication

[16] Jarque, C and A Bera (1980) Efficient tests for normality, homoskedasticity and serial


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