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Data Assimilation by Models
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena CA 91109
Data assimilation is a procedure that combines observa-
tions with models. The combination aims to better estimate
and describe the state of a dynamic system, the ocean in
the context of this book. The present article provides an
overview of data assimilation with an emphasis on applica-
tions to analyzing satellite altimeter data. Various issues are
discussed and examples are described, but presentation of
results from the non-altimetric literature will be limited for
reasons of space and scope of this book.
The problem of data assimilation belongs to the wider
field of estimation and control theories. Estimates of the dy-
namic system are improved by correcting model errors with
the observations on the one hand and synthesizing observa-
tions by the models on the other. Much of the original math-
ematical theory of data assimilation was developed in the
context of ballistics applications. In earth science, data as-
similation was first applied in numerical weather forecast-
Data assimilation is an emerging area in oceanography,
stimulated by recent improvements in computational and
modeling capabilities and the increase in the amount of
available oceanographic observations. The continuing in-
crease in computational capabilities have made numerical
ocean modeling a commonplace. A number of new ocean
general circulation models have been constructed with dif-
ferent grid structures and numerical algorithms, and incorpo-
rating various innovations in modeling ocean physics (e.g.,
Gent and McWilliams, 1990; Holloway, 1992; Large
et al.,
1994). The fidelity of ocean modeling has advanced to a
stage where models are utilized beyond idealized process
studies and are now employed to simulate and study the
actual circulation of the ocean. For instance, model results
are operationally produced to analyze the state of the ocean
(e.g., Leetmaa and Ji, 1989), and modeling the global ocean
circulation at eddy resolution is nearing a reality (e.g., Fu
and Smith, 1996).
Recent oceanographic experiments, such as the World
Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) and the Tropical
Ocean and Global Atmosphere Program (TOGA), have gen-
erated unprecedented amounts of
in situ
observations. More-
over, satellite observations, in particular satellitealtimetry
such as TOPEX/POSEIDON, have provided continuous syn-
optic measurements of the dynamic state of the global ocean.
Such extensive observations, for the first time, provide a suf-
ficient basis to describe the coherent state of the ocean and
to stringently test and further improve ocean models.
However, although comprehensive, the available
in situ
measurements and those in the foreseeable future are and
will remain sparse in space and time compared with the
energy-containing scales of ocean circulation. An effective
means of synthesizing such observations then becomes es-
sential in utilizing the maximum information content of such
observing systems. Although global in coverage, the na-
ture of satellitealtimetry also requires innovative approaches
to effectively analyze its measurements. For instance, even
though sea level is a dynamic variable that reflects circula-
tion at depth, the vertical dependency of the circulation is not
immediately obvious from sea-level measurements alone.
The nadir-pointing property of altimeters also limits sam-
pling in the direction across satellite ground tracks, making
analyses of meso-scale features problematic, especially with
a single satellite. Furthermore, the complex space-time sam-
pling pattern of satellites caused by orbital dynamics makes
analyses of even large horizontal scales nontrivial, especially
Satelhte AltimetryandEarth Sciences
Copyright 9 2001 by Academic Press
All rights of reproduction in any form reserved
for analyzing high-frequency variability such as tides and
wind-forced barotropic motions.
Data assimilation provides a systematic means to untan-
gle such degeneracy and complexity, and to compensate for
the incompleteness and inaccuracies of individual observing
systems in describing the state of the ocean as a whole. The
process is effected by the models' theoretical relationship
among variables. Data information is interpolated and ex-
trapolated by model equations in space, time, and into other
variables including those that are not directly measured. In
the process, the information is further combined with other
data, which further improves the description of the oceanic
state. In essence, assimilation is a dynamic extrapolation as
well as a synthesis and averaging process.
In terms of volume, data generated by a satellite altime-
ter far exceeds any other observing system. Partly for this
reason, satellitealtimetry is currently the most common data
type explored in studies of ocean data assimilation. (Other
reasons include, for example, the near real-time data avail-
ability and the nontrivial nature of altimetric measurements
in relation to ocean circulation described above.) This chap-
ter introduces the subject matter by describing the issues,
particularly those that are often overlooked or ignored. By
so doing, the discussion aims to provide the reader with a
perspective on the present status of altimetric assimilation
and on what it promises to accomplish.
An emphasis is placed on describing what exactly data
assimilation solves. In particular, assimilation improves the
oceanic state
with both models and observations.
This also means, for instance, that data assimilation does not
and cannot correct every model error, and the results are
not altogether more accurate than what the raw data mea-
sure. This is because, from a pragmatic standpoint, mod-
els are always incomplete owing to unresolved scales and
physics, which in effect are
with models. Over-
fitting models to data beyond the model's capability can lead
to inaccurate estimates. These issues will be clarified in the
subsequent discussion.
We begin in Section 2 by reviewing some examples of
data assimilation, which illustrate its merits and motivations.
Reflecting the infancy of the subject, many published studies
are of relatively simple demonstration exercises. However,
the examples describe the diversity and potential of data as-
similation's applications.
The underlying mathematical problem of assimilation is
identified and described in Section 3. Many of the issues,
such as how best to perform assimilation, what it achieves,
and how it differs from improving numerical models and/or
data analyses per se, are best understood by first recognizing
the fundamental problem of combining data and models.
Many of the early studies on ocean data assimilation cen-
ter on methodologies, whose complexities and theoretical
nature have often muddied the topic. A series of different
assimilation methods are heuristically reviewed in Section 4
with references to specific applications. Mathematical de-
tails are minimized for brevity and the emphasis is placed in-
stead on describing the nature of the approaches. In essence,
most methods are equivalent to each other so long as the as-
sumptions are the same. A summary and recommendation of
methods is also presented at the end of Section 4.
Practical Issues of Assimilation are discussed in Sec-
tion 5. Identification of what the model-data combination
resolves is clarified, in particular, how assimilation differs
from model improvement per se. Other topics include prior
error specifications, observability, and treatment of the time-
mean sea level. We end this chapter in Section 6 with con-
cluding remarks and a discussion on future directions and
prospects of altimetric data assimilation.
The present pace of advancement in assimilation is rapid.
For other reviews of recent studies in ocean data assimila-
tion, the reader is referred to articles by Ghil and Malanotte-
Rizzoli (1991), Anderson
et al.
(1996), and by Robinson
et al.
(1998). The books by Anderson and Willebrand (1989)
and Malanotte-Rizzoli (1996) contain a range of articles
from theories and applications to reviews of specific prob-
lems. A number of assimilation studies have also been col-
lected in special issues of
Dynamics of Atmospheres and
(1989, vol 13, No 3-4),
Journal of Marine Systems
(1995, vol 6, No 1-2),
Journal of the Meteorological Society
of Japan
(1997, vol 75, No 1B), and
Journal of Atmospheric
and Oceanic Technology
(1997, vol 14, No 6). Several pa-
pers focusing on altimetric assimilation are also collected in
a special issue of
Oceanologica Acta (1992,
vol 5).
This section reviews some of the applications of data as-
similation with an emphasis on analyzing satellitealtimetry
observations. The examples here are restricted because of
limitation of space, but are chosen to illustrate the diversity
of applications to date and to point to further possibilities in
the future.
One of the central merits of data assimilation is its ex-
traction of oceanographic signals from incomplete and noisy
observations. Most oceanographic measurements, including
altimetry, are characterized by their sparseness in space and
time compared to the inherent scales of ocean variability;
this translates into noisy and gappy measurements. Figure 1
(see color insert) illustrates an example of the noise-removal
aspect of altimetric assimilation. Sea-level anomalies mea-
sured by TOPEX (left) and its model equivalent estimates
(center and right) are compared as a function of space and
time (Fukumori, 1995). The altimetric measurements (left
panel) are characterized by noisy estimates caused by mea-
surement errors and gaps in the sampling, whereas the as-
similated estimate (center) is more complete, interpolating
FIGURE 2 A time sequence of sea-level anomaly maps based on Geosat data; (Left) model assimilation, (Right)
statistical interpolation of the altimetric data. Contour interval is 2 cm. Shaded (unshaded) regions indicate negative
(positive) values. The model is a 7-layer quasi-geostrophic (QG) model of the California Current, into which the altimetric
data are assimilated by nudging. (Adapted from White
et al. (1990a),
Fig. 13, p. 3142.)
over the data dropouts and removing the short-scale tempo-
ral and spatial variabilities measured by the altimeter. In the
process, the assimilation corrects inaccuracies in model sim-
ulation (right panel), elucidating the stronger seasonal cycle
and westward propagating signals of sea-level variability.
The issue of dynamically interpolating sea level informa-
tion is particularly critical in studying meso-scale dynam-
ics, as satellites cannot adequately measure eddies because
the satellite's ground-track spacing is typically wider than
the size of the eddy features. Figure 2 compares a time se-
quence of dynamically (i.e., assimilation; left column) and
statistically (right column) interpolated synoptic maps of sea
level by White
et al.
(1990a). The statistical interpolation is
based solely on spatial distances between the analysis point
and the data point (e.g., Bretherton
et al.,
1976), whereas
the dynamical interpolation is based on assimilation with
an ocean model. While the statistically interpolated maps
tend to have maxima and minima associated with meso-scale
eddies along the satellite ground-tracks, the assimilated es-
timates do not, allowing the eddies to propagate without
significant distortion of amplitude, even between satellite
ground tracks. An altimeter's resolving power of meso-scale
variability can also significantly improve variabilities simu-
lated by models. For instance, Figure 3 shows distribution
of sea-surface height variability by Oschlies and Willebrand
(1996), comparing measurements of Geosat (middle) and an
eddy-resolving primitive equation model. The bottom and
top panels show model results with and without assimilation,
respectively. The altimetric assimilation corrects the spatial
distribution of variability, especially north of 30~ reducing
the model's variability in the Irminger Sea but enhancing it
in the North Atlantic Current and the Azores Current.
The virtue of data assimilation in dynamically interpo-
lating and extrapolating data information extends beyond
the variables that are observed to properties not directly
measured. Such an estimate is possible owing to the dy-
namic relationship among different model properties. For in-
stance, Figure 4 shows estimates of subsurface temperature
(left) and velocity (right) anomalies of an altimetric assimi-
lation (gray curve) compared against independent (i.e., non-
in situ
measurements (solid curve) (Fukumori
et al.,
1999). In spite of the assimilated data being limited
to sea-level measurements, the assimilated estimate (gray) is
found to resolve the amplitude and timing of many of the
subsurface temperature and velocity "events" better than the
model simulation (dashed curve). The skill of the model re-
sults are also consistent with formal uncertainty estimates
(dashed and solid gray bars) that reflect inaccuracies in data
and model. Such error estimates are by-products of assimi-
lation that, in effect, quantify what has been resolved by the
model (see Section 5.3 for further discussion).
Although uncertainties in our present knowledge of the
marine geoid (cf., Chapter 10) limit the direct use of alti-
metric sea-level measurements to mostly that of temporal
variabilities, the nonlinear nature of ocean circulation allows
estimates of the mean circulation to be made from measure-
Root-mean-square variability of sea surface height; (a) model without
assimilation, (b) Geosat data, (c) model with assimilation. Contour interval is 5 cm.
The model is based on the Community Modeling Effort (CME; Bryan and Holland,
1989). Assimilation is based on optimal interpolation. (Adapted from Oschlies and
Willebrand (1996), Fig. 7, p. 14184.)
FIGURE 4 Comparison of model estimates and
in situ
data; (A) temperature anomaly at 200 m 8~ 180~
(B) zonal velocity anomaly at 120 m 0~ 110~ The different curves are data (black), model simulation (gray dashed),
and model estimate by TOPEX/POSEIDON assimilation (gray solid). Bars denote formal uncertainty estimates of the
model. The model is based on the GFDL Modular Ocean Model, and the assimilation scheme is an approximate Kalman
filter and smoother. This model and assimilation are further discussed in Sections 5.1.2, 5.1.4, and 5.2. (Adapted from
et al.
(1999), Plates 4 and 5.)
' ' ~ I , 'r , . I ' " ' '" ' ' I ' ' ' '
- . -
. D20
I00 ~ I ~ . L, ~ _., , ~ l
-15 -10 -5
FIGURE 5 Time-mean thermocline depth (in m) along 95~ 20~ isotherm depth (plain), model
simulation (dashed), and model with assimilating Geosat data (chain-dashed). The model is a non-
linear 1.5-layer reduced gravity model of the Indian Ocean. Geosat data are assimilated over 1-year
(November 1986 to October 1987) employing the adjoint method. The 20~ isotherm is deduced from
an XBT analyses (Smith, 1995). (Adapted from Greiner and Perigaud (1996), Fig. 10, p. 1744.)
ments of variabilities alone. Figure 5 compares such an esti-
mate by Greiner and Perigaud (1996) of the time-mean depth
of the thermocline in the Indian Ocean, based solely on as-
similation of temporal variabilities of sea level measured by
Geosat. The thermocline depth of the altimetric assimila-
tion (chain-dash) is found to be significantly deeper between
10~ and 18~ than without assimilation (dash) and is in
closer agreement with
in situ
observations based on XBT
measurements (solid).
Data assimilation's ability to estimate unmeasured prop-
erties provides a powerful tool and framework to analyze
data and to combine information systematically from mul-
tiple observing systems simultaneously, making better esti-
mates that are otherwise difficult to obtain from measure-
ments alone. Stammer
et al.
(1997) have begun the process
of synthesizing a wide suite of observations with a gen-
eral circulation model, so as to improve estimates of the
complete state of the global ocean. Figure 6 illustrates im-
FIGURE 6 Mean meridional heat transport (in 1015 W) estimate of
a constrained (solid) and unconstrained (dashed lines) model of the At-
lantic, the Pacific, and the Indian Oceans, respectively. The model (Mar-
et al.,
1997) is constrained using the adjoint method by assimilating
TOPEX/POSEIDON data in addition to a hydrographic climatology and a
geoid model. Bars on the solid lines show root-mean-square variability over
individual 10-day periods. Open circles and bars show similar estimates and
their uncertainties of Macdonald and Wunsch (1996). (Adapted from Stam-
et al.
(1997), Fig. 13, p. 28.)
provements made in the time-mean meridional heat transport
estimate from assimilating altimetric measurements from
TOPEX/POSEIDON, along with a geoid estimate and a hy-
drographic climatology. For instance, in the North Atlantic,
the observations require a larger northward heat transport
(solid curve) than an unconstrained model (dashed curve)
that is in better agreement with independent estimates (cir-
cles). Differences in heat flux with and without assimilation
are equally significant in other basins.
One of the legacies of TOPEX/POSEIDON is its im-
provement in our understanding of ocean tides. Refer to
Chapter 6 for a comprehensive discussion on tidal research
using satellite altimetry. In the context of this chapter, a sig-
nificant development in the last few years is the emergence
of altimetric assimilation as an integral part of developing
accurate tidal models. The two models chosen for reprocess-
ing TOPEX/POSEIDON data are both based on combining
observations and models (Shum
et al.,
1997). In particu-
lar, Le Provost
et al.
(1998) give an example of the benefit
of assimilation, in which the data assimilated tidal solution
(FES95.2) is shown to be more accurate than the pure hy-
drodynamic model (FES94.1) or the empirical tidal estimate
(CSR2.0) used in the assimilation. That is, assimilated esti-
mates are more accurate than analyses based either on data
or model alone.
FIGURE 7 Hindcasts of Nifio3 index of sea surface temperature (SST)
anomaly with (a) and without (b) assimilation. The gray and solid curves are
observed and modeled SSTs, respectively. The model is a simple coupled
ocean-atmosphere model, and the assimilation is of altimetry, winds, and
sea surface temperatures, conducted by the adjoint method. (Adapted from
et al.
(2000), Fig. 10.)
Data assimilation also provides a means to improve pre-
diction of a dynamic system's future evolution, by provid-
ing optimal initial conditions and other model parameters
from which forecasts are issued. In fact, such applications
of data assimilation are the central focus in ballistics ap-
plications and in numerical weather forecasting. In recent
years, forecasting has also become an important application
of data assimilation in oceanography. For example, oceano-
graphic forecasts in the tropical Pacific are routinely pro-
duced by the National Center for Environmental Prediction
(NCEP) (Behringer
et al.,
1998; Ji
et al.,
1998), with par-
ticular applications to forecasting the E1 Nifio-Southern Os-
cillation (ENSO). Of late, altimetric observations have also
been utilized in the NCEP system (Ji
et al.,
2000). Lee
et al.
(2000) have explored the impact of assimilating al-
timetry data into a simple coupled ocean-atmosphere model
of the tropical Pacific. For example, Figure 7 shows improve-
ments in their model's skill in predicting the so-called Nifio3
sea-surface temperature anomaly as a result of assimilating
TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data. The model predictions
(solid curves) are in better agreement with the observed in-
dex (gray curve) in the assimilated estimate (left panel) than
without data constraints (right panel).
Apart from sea level, satellitealtimetry also measures
significant wave height (SWH), which is another oceano-
graphic variable of interest. In particular, the European Cen-
tre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) has
been assimilating altimetric wave height (ERS 1) in produc-
ing global operational wave forecasts (Janssen
et al.,
Figure 8 shows an example of the impact of assimilating al-
timetric SWH in improving predictions made by this wave
model up to 5-days into the future (Lionello
et al.,
0,10 ~ 50
i~G ~ [G
• 40
E 0,05 o
~ 30
L 'iiii.'il "
-0,05 10
-0,I0 ~ 0
A 24 48 72 96 120 A 24 48 72 96 120
Forecast period in hours Forecast period in hours
FIGURE 8 Bias and scatter index of significant wave height (SWH) analysis (denoted A on the abscissa)
and various forecasts. Comparisons are between model and altimeter. Full (dotted) bars denote the reference
experiment without (with) assimilating ERS-I significant wave height data. The scatter index measures
the lack of correlation between model and data. The model is the third generation wave model WAM.
Assimilation is performed by optimal interpolation. (Adapted from Lionello
et al. (1995),
Fig. 12, p. 105.)
The figure shows the assimilation (dotted bars) resulting
in a smaller bias (left panel) and higher correlation (i.e.,
smaller scatter) (right panel) with respect to actual wave-
height measurements than those without assimilation (full
bars). Further discussions on wave forecasting can be found
in Chapter 7.
In addition to the state of the ocean, data assimilation
also provides a framework to estimate and improve model
parameters, external forcing, and open boundary conditions.
For instance, Smedstad and O'Brien (1991) estimated the
phase speed in a reduced-gravity model of the tropical Pa-
cific Ocean using sea-level measurements from tide gauges.
et al.
(1993) and Stammer
et al.
(1997) estimated uncer-
tainties in winds, in addition to the model state, from assim-
ilating altimetry data. (The latter study also estimated errors
in atmospheric heat fluxes.) Lee and Marotzke (1998) esti-
mated open boundary conditions of an Indian Ocean model.
Data assimilation in effect fits models to observations.
Then, the extent to which models can or cannot be fit to
data gives a quantitative measure of the model's consistency
with measurements, thus providing a formal means of hy-
pothesis testing that can also help identify specific deficien-
cies of models. For example, Bennett
et al.
(1998) identified
inconsistencies between moored temperature measurements
and a coupled ocean-atmosphere model of the tropical Pa-
cific Ocean, resulting from the model's lack of momentum
advection. Marotzke and Wunsch (1993) found inconsisten-
cies between a time-invariant general circulation model and
a climatological hydrography, indicating the inherent nonlin-
earity of ocean circulation. Alternatively, excessive model-
data discrepancies found by data assimilation can also point
to inaccuracies in observations. Examples of such analysis
at present can be best found in meteorological applications
(e.g., Hollingsworth, 1989).
Lastly, data assimilation has also been employed in eval-
uating merits of different observing systems by analyz-
ing model results with and without assimilating particu-
lar observations. For instance, Carton
et al.
(1996) found
TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data having larger impact in
resolving intra-seasonal variability of the tropical Pacific
Ocean than data from a mooring array or a network of
expendable bathythermographs (XBTs). Verron (1990) and
et al.
(1996) conducted a series of numerical experi-
ments (observing system simulation experiments, OSSEs, or
twin experiments) to evaluate different scenarios of single-
and dual-altimetric satellites. OSSEs and twin experiments
are numerical experiments in which a set of pseudo obser-
vations are extracted from a particular numerical simula-
tion and are assimilated into another (e.g., with different ini-
tial conditions and/or forcing, etc.) to examine the degree
to which the former results can be reconstructed. The rela-
tive skill of the estimate among different observing scenarios
provides a measure of the observation's effectiveness. From
such an analysis, Verron
et al. (1996)
conclude that a 10-
20 day repeat period is satisfactory for the spatial sampling
of mid-latitude meso-scale eddies but that any further gain
would come from increased temporal, rather than spatial,
sampling provided by a second satellite that is offset in time.
Twin experiments are also employed in testing and evaluat-
ing different data assimilation methods (Section 4).
Recognizing the mathematical problem of data assimila-
tion is essential in understanding what assimilation could
achieve, where the difficulties exist, and where the issues
arise from. For example, there are theoretical and practi-
cal difficulties involved in solving the problem, and various
assumptions and approximations are necessarily made, of-
tentimes implicitly. A clear understanding of the problem is
critical in interpreting the results of assimilation as well as
in identifying sources of inconsistencies.
Mathematically, as will be shown, data assimilation is
simply an inverse problem, such as,
,A(x) ~ y (1)
in which the unknowns, vector x, are estimated by inverting
some functional ,,4 relating the unknowns on the left-hand-
side to the knowns, y, on the right-hand-side9 Equation (1)
is understood to hold only approximately (thus ~ instead of
=), as there are uncertainties on both sides of the equation9
Throughout this chapter, bold lowercase letters will denote
column vectors.
The unknowns x in the context of assimilation, are inde-
pendent variables of the model that may include the state of
the model, such as temperature, salinity, and velocity over
the entire model domain, and various model parameters as
well as unknown external forcing and boundary conditions9
The knowns, y, include all observations as well as known
elements of the forcing and boundary conditions. The func-
tional .,4 describes the relationships between the knowns
and unknowns, and includes the model equations that dic-
tate the temporal evolution of the model state. All variables
and functions will be assumed discretized in space and time
as is the case in most practical numerical model implemen-
The data assimilation problem can be identified in the
form of Eq. (1) by explicitly noting the available relation-
ships. Observations of the ocean at some particular instant
(subscript i), yi, can be related to the state of the model (in-
cluding all uncertain model parameters), xi, by some func-
tional 7-r
"~'~i (Xi) ~
Yi. (2)
(The functional
is also dependent on i because the par-
ticular set of observations may change with time i.) In case
of a direct measurement of one of the model unknowns, 7"ti
is simply a functional that returns the corresponding element
of xi. For instance, if Yi were a scalar measurement of the j th
element of xi,
would be a row vector with zeroes except
for its jth element being one:
"]'~i (0
0, 1, 0, , 0). (3)
Functional 7-r would be nontrivial for diagnostic quantities
of the model state, such as sea level in a primitive equation
model with a rigid-lid approximation (e.g., Pinardi
et al.,
1995). However, even for such situations, a model equiva-
lent of the observation can be expressed by some functional
7"r as in Eq. (2), be it explicit or implicit.
In addition to the observation equations (Eq. [2]), the
model algorithm provides a constraint on the temporal evo-
lution of the model state, that could be brought to bear upon
the problem of determining the unknown model states x:
Xi + 1 "~ -~'i (Xi). (4)
Equation (4) includes the initialization constraint,
Xfirst guess"
,~'i is,
in practice, a discretization of the continu-
ous equations of the ocean physics and embodies the model
algorithm of integrating the model state in time from one ob-
served instant i to another i + 1. The function generally de-
pends on the state at i as well as any external forcing and/or
boundary condition. (For multi-stage algorithms that involve
multiple time-steps in the integration, such as the leap-frog
or Adams-Bashforth schemes, the state at i could be defined
as concatenated states at corresponding multiple time-steps.)
Combining observation Eq. (2) and model evolution
Eq. (4), the assimilation problem as a whole can be written
"~i (Xi)
Xi+l '.~'i (Xi) 0
By solving the data and model equations simultaneously, as-
similation seeks a solution (model state) that is consistent
with both data and model equation.
Eq. (6) defines the assimilation problem and can be rec-
ognized as a problem of the form Eq. (1), where the states
in Eq. (6) at different time steps ( xT ' xr+l )7" define
the unknown x on the left-hand side of Eq. (1). Typically, the
number of unknowns far exceed the number of independent
equations and the problem is ill-posed. Thus, data assimi-
lation is mathematically equivalent to other inverse prob-
lems such as the classic box model geostrophic inversion
(Wunsch, 1977) and the beta spiral (Stommel and Schott,
1977). However, what distinguishes assimilation problems
from other oceanic inverse problems is the temporal evolu-
tion and the sophistication of the models involved. Instead
of simple constraints such as geostrophy and mass conserva-
tion, data assimilation employs more general physical prin-
ciples applied at much higher resolution and spatial extent.
The intervariable relationship provided by the model equa-
tions solved together with the observation equations allows
data information to affect the model solution in space and
time, both with respect to times that formally lie in the future
and past of the observed instance, as well as among different
From a practical standpoint, the distinguishing property
of data assimilation is its enormous dimensionality. Typical
ocean models contain on the order of several million inde-
pendent variables at any particular instant. For example, a
global model with 1 ~ horizontal resolution and 20 vertical
levels is a fairly coarse model by present standards, yet it
would have 1.3 million grid points (360 x 180 x 20) over
the globe. With four independent variables per grid node
(the two components of horizontal velocity, temperature,
and salinity), such as in a primitive equation model with
the rigid-lid approximation, the number of unknowns would
equal 5 million globally or approximately 3 million when
counting points only within the ocean.
The amount of data is also large for an altimeter. For
TOPEX/POSEIDON, the Geophysical Data Record pro-
vides a datum every second, which over its 10-day repeat cy-
cle amount to approximately 500,000 points over the ocean,
which is an order of magnitude larger than the number of
horizontal grid points of the 1 ~ model considered above. In
light of the redundancy the data would provide for such a
coarse model, the altimeter could be thought of as providing
sea level measurements at the rate of one measurement at ev-
ery grid point per repeat cycle. Then, assuming for simplic-
ity that all observations within a repeat cycle are coincident
in time, each observation equation of form Eq. (2) would
have approximately 50,000 equations, and there would be
180 such sets (time-levels or different i's) over a course of
a 5-year mission amounting to 9 million individual observa-
tion equations. The number of time-levels involved in the
observation equations would require at least as many for
the model equations in Eq. (6), amounting to 540 million
(180 x 3 million) individual model equations.
The size of such a problem precludes any direct approach
in solving Eq. (6), such as deriving the inverse of the opera-
tor on the left-hand side even if it existed. In practice, there is
generally no solution that exactly satisfies Eq. (6), because of
inaccuracies of models and uncertainties in observations. In-
stead, an approximate solution is sought that solves the equa-
tions as "close" as possible in some suitably defined manner.
Several ingenious inverse methods are known and/or have
been developed, and are briefly reviewed in the section be-
Because of the problem's large computational task, de-
vising methods of assimilation has been one of the central
issues in data assimilation. Many assimilation methods have
been put forth and explored, and they are heuristically re-
viewed in this section. The aim of this discussion is to elu-
cidate the nature of different methods and thereby allow the
reader familiarity with how the problems are approached.
Rigorous descriptions of the methods are deferred to refer-
ences herein.
Assimilation problems are in practice ill-posed, in the
sense that no unique solution satisfies the problem Eq. (6).
Consequently, many assimilation methodologies are based
on "classic" inverse methods. Therefore, for reference, we
will begin the discussion with a simple review of the na-
ture of inverse methods. Different assimilation methodolo-
gies are then individually described, preceded by a brief
overview so as to place the approaches into a broad per-
spective. A Summary and Recommendation is given in Sec-
tion 4.11.
4.1. Inverse Methods
Comprehensive mathematical expositions of oceano-
graphic inverse problems and inverse methods can be found,
for example, in the textbooks of Bennett (1992) and Wunsch
(1996). Here we will briefly review their nature for refer-
Inverse methods are mathematical techniques that solve
ill-posed problems that do not have solutions in the strict
mathematical sense. The methods seek solutions that ap-
proximately satisfy constraints, such as Eq. (6), under
suitable "optimality" criteria. These criteria include, vari-
ous least-squares, maximum likelihood, and minimum-error
variance (Bayesian estimates). Differences among the crite-
ria lie in what are explicitly assumed.
Least-squares methods seek solutions that minimize the
weighted sum of differences between the left- and right-hand
sides of an inverse problem (Eq. [1 ]):
,5" = (y -
.A(x)) r W-1 (y _ .A(x)) (7)
where W is a matrix defining weights.
Least-squares methods do not have explicit statistical
or probabilistic assumptions. In comparison, the maximum
likelihood estimate seeks a solution that maximizes the a
posteriori probability of the right-hand side of Eq. (6) by
invoking particular probability distribution functions for y.
The minimum variance estimate solves for solutions x with
minimum a posteriori error variance by assuming the error
covariance of the solution's prior expectation as well as that
of the right-hand side.
Although seemingly different, the methods lead to iden-
tical results so long as the assumptions are the same (see for
example Introduction to Chapter 4 of Gelb [1974] and Sec-
tion 3.6 of Wunsch [ 1996]). In particular, a lack of an explicit
assumption can be recognized as being equivalent to a par-
ticular implicit assumption. For instance, a maximum likeli-
hood estimate with no prior assumptions about the solution
is equivalent to assuming an infinite prior error covariance
for a minimum variance estimate. For such an estimate, any
solution is acceptable as long as it maximizes the a posteriori
probability of the right-hand side (Eq. [6]).
Based on the equivalence among "optimal methods,"
Eq. (7) can be regarded as a practical definition of what
various inverse methods solve (and therefore assimilation).
Furthermore, the equivalence provides a statistical basis for
prescribing weights used in Eq. (7). In particular, W can be
identified as the error covariance among individual equations
of the inverse problem Eq. (6).
When the weights of each separate relation are uncorre-
lated in time, Eq. (7) may be expanded as,
,.q,- M T (Yi "~i (Xi))
R~ -1
qt_ ]~M0(xi+I __
ff~'i(Xi))TQ-~l(xi+l __
.~'i (Xi)) (8)
where R and Q denote weighting matrices of data and model
equations, respectively, and M is the total number of obser-
vations of form Eq. (2). Most assimilation problems are for-
mulated as in Eq. (8), i.e., uncertainties are implicitly as-
sumed to be uncorrelated in time.
The statistical basis of optimal inverse methods allows
explicit a posteriori uncertainty estimates to be derived. Such
estimates quantify what has been resolved and is an inte-
gral part of an inverse solution. The errors identify what is
accurately determined and what remains indeterminate, and
thereby provide a basis for interpreting the solution and a
means to ascertain necessary improvements in models and
observing systems.
4.2. Overview of Assimilation Methods
Many of the so-called "advanced" assimilation methods
originate in estimation and control theories (e.g., Bryson and
Ho, 1975; Gelb, 1974), which in turn are based on "clas-
sic" inverse methods. These include the adjoint, represen-
ter, Kalman filter and related smoothers, and Green's func-
tion methods. These techniques are characterized by their
explicit assumptions under which the inverse problem of
Eq. (6) is consistently solved. The assumptions include, for
example, the weights W used in the problem identification
(Eq. [7]) and specific criteria in choosing particular "opti-
mal" solutions, such as least-squares, minimum error vari-
ance, and maximum likelihood. As with "classic" inverse
methods, these assimilation schemes are equivalent to each
other and result in the same solution as long as the assump-
tions are the same. Using specific weights allows for explic-
itly accounting for uncertainties in models and data, as well
as evaluation of a posteriori errors. However, because of sig-
nificant algorithmic and computational requirements in im-
plementing these optimal methods, many studies have ex-
plored developing and testing alternate, simpler approaches
of combining model and data.
The simpler approaches include optimal interpolation,
"3D-var," "direct insertion," "feature models," and "nudg-
ing." Many of these approaches originate in atmospheric
weather forecasting and are largely motivated in making
practical forecasts by sequentially modifying model fields
with observations. The methods are characterized by various
ad hoc assumptions (e.g., vertical extrapolation of altimeter
data) to effect the simplification, but the results are at times
obscured by the nature of the choices made without a clear
understanding of the dynamical and statistical implications.
Although the methods aim to adjust model fields towards ob-
servations, it is not entirely clear how the solution relates to
the problem identified by Eq. (6). Many of the simpler ap-
proaches do not account for uncertainties, potentially allow-
ing the models to be forced towards noise, and data that are
formally in the future are generally not used in the estimate
except locally to yield a temporally smooth result. However,
in spite of these shortcomings, these methods are still widely
employed because of their simplicity, and, therefore, warrant
4.3. Adjoint Method
Iterative gradient descent methods provide an effec-
tive means of solving minimization problems of form
Eq. (7), and a particularly powerful method of obtaining
such gradients is the so-called adjoint method. The adjoint
method transforms the unconstrained minimization problem
of Eq. (7) into a constrained one, which allows the gradi-
ent of the "cost function" (Eq. [7]), 03"/0x, to be evaluated
by the model's adjoint (i.e., the conjugate transpose [Her-
mitian] of the model derivative with respect to the model
state variables [Jacobian]). Namely, without loss of general-
ity, uncertainties of the model equations (Eq. [4]) are treated
as part of the unknowns and moved to the left-hand side
of Eq. (6). The resulting model equations are then satisfied
identically by the solution that also explicitly includes er-
rors of the model as part of the unknowns. As a standard
method for solving constrained optimization problems, La-
grange multipliers are introduced to formally transform the
constrained problem back to an unconstrained one. The La-
grange multipliers are solutions to the model adjoint, and
in turn give the gradient information of ,3" with respect to
the unknowns. The computational efficiency of solving the
adjoint equations is what makes the adjoint method partic-
ularly useful. Detailed derivation of the adjoint method can
be found, for example, in Thacker and Long (1988).
Methods that directly solve the minimization problem (7)
are sometimes called variational methods or 4D-var (four-
dimensional variational method). Namely, four-dimensional
for minimization over space and time and variational be-
cause of the theory based on functional variations. However,
strictly speaking, this reference is a misnomer. For example,
Kalman filtering/smoothing is also a solution to the four-
dimensional optimization problem, and to the extent that as-
similation problems are always rendered discrete, the adjoint
method is no longer variational but is algebraic.
Many applications of the adjoint are of the so-called
"strong constraint" variety (Sasaki, 1970), in which model
equations are assumed to hold exactly without errors making
initial and boundary conditions the only model unknowns.
As a consequence, many such studies are of short dura-
tion because of finite errors in f" in Eq. (4) (e.g., Greiner
[...]... and where A r 2 days (Munk and Cartwright, 1966) Ulmn and Vls n are the orthoweights This formalism has been used in several of the models, which will be introduced later For example, Desai and Wahr (1995) computed their orthoweights using 161 tidal components in the diurnal band and 116 in the semidiurnal band 270 SATELLITEALTIMETRYANDEARTH SCIENCES 3 STATUS BEFORE HIGH-PRECISION SATELLITE ALTIMETRY. .. buoy and altimeter data, Weather Forecasting, 12, 763-784 264 SATELLITE ALTIMETRYAND EARTH SCIENCES Ji, M., D W Behringer, and A Leetmaa, (1998) An improved coupled model for ENSO prediction and implications for ocean initialization Part II: The coupled model Mon Weather Rev., 126, 1022-1034 Ji, M., R W Reynolds, and D W Behringer, (2000) Use of TOPEX/POSEIDON sea level data for ocean analyses and. .. adjoint may be found in Stammer et al (1997) and Lee and Marotzke (1998) (See also Griffith and Nichols, 1996.) Adjoint methods have been used to assimilate altimetry data into regional quasi-geostrophic models (Moore, 1991; Schr6ter et al., 1993; Vogeler and Schr6ter, 1995; Morrow and De Mey, 1995; Weaver and Anderson, 1997), shallow water models (Greiner and Perigaud, 1994, 1996; Cong et al., 1998),... minimization of Eq (8) For instance, Sheinbaum and Anderson (1990), in investigating assimilation of XBT data, used a smoothness constraint of the form, (VHX) 2 -q- (VH2X) 2 (27) 25 6 SATELLITEALTIMETRYANDEARTH SCIENCES where V H is a horizontal gradient operator The gradient and Laplacian operators are linear operators and can be expressed by some matrix, G and L, respectively Then Eq (27) can be written... example, Fu and Fukumori (1996) examined effects of the differences in covariances of orbit and residual tidal errors in altimetry Orbit error is a slowly decaying function of time following the satellite ground track, and is characterized by a dominating period of once per satellite revolution around the globe Geographically, errors are positively correlated along satellite ground tracks, and weakly... (Accad and Pekeris, 1978; Parke and Hendershott, 1980) A strong improvement of the numerical tidal models resulted from the introduction of earth tides, ocean tide loading, and self-attraction (Hendershott, 1977; Zahel, 1977; Accad and Pekeris, 1978; Parke and Hendershott, 1980) Although these hydrodynamic numerical models brought very significant contributions to our understanding of the tidal regimes and. .. function" (Eq [8]) require careful selection Different assimilations often make different assumptions, and the adequacy and implication of their particular suppositions must properly be assessed These and other practical issues of assimilation are reviewed in the following section 25 2 SATELLITEALTIMETRYANDEARTH SCIENCES 5 PRACTICAL ISSUES OF ASSIMILATION As described in the previous section, assimilation... large The assumed data locations are (A) 60~ 170~ and (B) 0~ 170~ Corresponding effects of the changes on sea level are small due to relatively large magnitudes of data error with respect to model error; changes are 0.02 and 0.03 cm at the respective data locations for (A) and (B) (Adapted from Fukumori et al (1999), Fig 4.) 25 8 SATELLITEALTIMETRYANDEARTH SCIENCES without assimilation or the assimilated... While on one hand, sequential assimilation transfers surface information into the interior of the ocean, on the other hand, future observations also contain 260 SATELLITEALTIMETRYANDEARTH SCIENCES information of the past state That is, the entire temporal evolution of the measured property, viz., indices i = 0 M in Eq (34), provides information in determining the model state and thus the observability... are often chosen more or less subjectively, and a systematic effort is required to better characterize and understand the a priori uncertainties and thereby the weights In particular, the significance of representation error is often under-appreciated Quantifying what models and observing systems respectively do and do not represent is arguably the most urgent and important issue in estimation In fact, . in Sections 5.1 .2, 5.1.4, and 5 .2. (Adapted from
et al.
(1999), Plates 4 and 5.)
24 0
22 0
20 0
' '. illustrates im-
24 2
FIGURE 6 Mean meridional heat transport (in 1015 W) estimate of
a constrained (solid) and unconstrained