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DUY TAN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGLISH GRADUATION PAPER AN INVESTIGATION INTO CATERING SERVICE AT XEO CUISINE RESTAURANT AND SOME SOLUTIONS TO EXPANDING MARKET Major: English for Tourism SUPERVISOR : NGUYEN THI THU HIEN, M.A STUDENT : LE THI KIM LINH CLASS : K23NAD6 STUDENT CODE : 23203211097 DA NANG, 2021 GRADUATION THESIS Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This graduation paper could not have been finished without the wholehearted help, advice, and encouragement of my dear teachers, friends and family First of all, I would like to thank the teachers at Duy Tan University, especially the teachers of foreign language department for giving me the opportunity to study in a good quality environment Teachers are the ones who have taught me with useful sources of knowledge to improve and develop myself Those are the basic items that help me feel more confident in the future Secondly, I want to thank Ms Hien who directly instructed and helped me complete the internship report and graduation project Besides, she is also a supportive person and gives me useful advice to improve my article She is always available to answer all my questions as well as other questions in the group throughout the topic Thirdly, I would also like to thank the Board of Directors working at the restaurant of Xeo Cuisine restaurant for accepting me during my graduation internship, helping in all the time of research and writing of this paper Last but not least I would like to express my very great appreciation to my family, especially my parents, for their support, encouragement and motivation while I was writing this paper I wish all of you good health and success! Yours sincerely, Student Le Thi Kim Linh Student:Le Thi Kim Linh Code:702 GRADUATION THESIS Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP Except where reference is made in the text of the thesis, this thesis contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in the whole or in part from a thesis by which have qualified for or been awarded another degree or diploma No other person’s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the thesis This thesis has not been submitted for award of any degree or diploma in any other tertiary institution Da Nang, April 11th, 2021 LE THI KIM LINH Student:Le Thi Kim Linh Code:702 GRADUATION THESIS Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien ABSTRACT This study investigates serving procedures and bring out some methods to improve the quality of catering service at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant This service is a vital factor which its quality impacts directly to the restaurant operation Therefore, in this investigation, I would like to clarify the importance of the catering service in the Xeo Cuisine Restaurant By using observational method to improve the catering service quality, and some solutions expand market in the coming time at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant I would like to show the strengths and also provide suggestions in the last part for subtracting the weaknesses about the restaurant services Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien LIST OF TABLES Table 4.1 Xeo Cuisine Restaurant revenue over the year from 2018 to 2020 Table 4.3.1 Type of guests at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant Table 4.3.2 The number of international and domestic guests in recent years Table 4.4 Customer's comments about the dishes at Xeo Cuisine restaurant Table 4.4 Staff evaluation at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien LIST OF FIGURES Figure Some characteristics of services Figure The five factors in determining in the quality of service Figure 3.3 Human Resource and Organization of Xeo Cuisine Restaurant Figure 3.4 Serving process of Xeo Cuisine Restaurant at Da Nang Chart 4.1 Xeo Cuisine Restaurant revenue over the year from 2018 to 2020 Chart 4.2 The best- selling items at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant Chart 4.3.1 Type of guests at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .i STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF TABLES iv TABLE OF CONTENTS .vi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1.Rationale 1.2.Aims and Objectives .2 1.3.Scope of the Study 1.4.Method of the Study 1.5.Structure of the Study CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1.1 Overview of restaurant .5 Definition of restaurant Types of restaurants Characteristics of restaurants 2.1.2 Overview of restaurant business Definition of restaurant business 10 Characteristics of Restaurant Business 10 The roles of restaurant business .12 2.2 Overview of the quality of catering services at restaurant .13 2.2.1 Overview of service restaurant 13 Definition of service quality 13 Characteristics of service 14 The factors affect the quality of service at the restaurant .16 Service quality assessment criteria 18 Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien 2.2.2 Catering service at restaurant 20 Definition 20 Type of catering service 20 Aims of catering service 21 Functions of catering service at restaurant 24 CHAPTER 3: CASE DESCRIPTION .26 3.1.General Information of Xeo Cuisine Restaurant .26 3.2.The functions and tasks of the positions of Xeo Cuisine Restaurant 29 3.3.Mean of the relationship between different parts of the restaurant .33 3.4.Service process of Xeo Cuisine Restaurant at Da Nang .34 3.5.The facilities of Xeo Cuisine Restaurant at Da Nang 38 CHAPTER 4: ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION .41 4.1.The business operation results of Xeo Cuisine restaurant recently 41 4.2.The best- selling items at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant .42 4.3.The Structure of guests at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant 43 4.3.1 Type of customers at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant 43 4.3.2 The number of international and domestic guests in recent years 45 4.4.Analysis of Service Quality through Feedback of guests at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant .46 CHAPTER 5: DIFFICULTIES AND SOLUTIONS 50 5.1.The advantages and disadvantages at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant 50 5.1.1 Advantages 50 5.1.2 Disadvantages 51 5.2.Some solutions to expand the market at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant 52 5.2.1 Complete technical facilities 52 5.2.2 Improve the quality of the staff at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant 53 5.2.3 Improve restaurant hygiene .54 Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien 5.2.4 Increase advertising activities of service business eat and drink and regularly receive feedback from customers quality service 55 5.2.5 Diversify of food and drink products 55 5.2.6 Create a stable supply of food and ingredients, ensure quality and safety .56 5.2.7 Carry out advertising activities 57 5.2.8 Other solutions 57 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 58 6.1.Summary of main features of catering service at Xeo Cuisine restaurant .58 6.2 Some suggestions for the Xeo Cuisine Restaurant - AMOMI Joint Stock Company 59 REFERENCES 61 Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale In the trend of the world economy developing rapidly and tourism is chosen by many countries as a spearhead economic sector, recognizing the importance of tourism, catching up with the development trend of the world Vietnam has also identified tourism as a key economic sector In fact, tourism has brought our country a large source of foreign currency, so it is known as a smoke-free industry More and more tourists come to Viet Nam, so to meet the inevitable needs of customers, many restaurants and hotels have been built In addition to accommodation services, food and drink needs are one of the indispensable needs in human life Human life is improving day by day, requiring that their eating and drinking needs must be met fully and varied A series of restaurant systems were born with many different scales, many rich products to serve many types of customers and bring economic efficiency to businesses in particular and the tourism industry in general In the business process of any restaurant, to be successful and attractive to customers, the most important factor is the staff and the way to prepare the dish, here must be mentioned to the role of the restaurant waitress, they are the ones who directly serve and serve customers, bringing revenue and profit to the restaurant Currently, our country is in the process of development, so in recent years, some people have developed, they want to eat delicious food and enjoy many dishes There are also foreign dishes Facing these requirements, the restaurant should organize many types of services to attract customers to the restaurant, from which I decided to choose the topic “AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE QUALITY OF CATERING SERVICES AT XEO CUISINE RESTAURANT AND EXPANDING MARKET” for graduated paper Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 SOME SOLUTIONS TO GRADUATION THESIS 50 Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien CHAPTER 5: DIFFICULTIES AND SOLUTIONS 5.1 The advantages and disadvantages at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant 5.1.1 Advantages - Restaurant servers fast and convenient booking process makes customers feel comfortable Through the results of the interview survey, the reservation rate exceeded expectations - Restaurant convenience is considered a strong point of the restaurant Restaurant has a large area, architectural style designed in ancient style, unique, space airy, luxuriously decorated using wood willow to create cool feeling for guests, beautiful lighting system layout, spacious parking lot with large storage will give you a delicious meal mouth, ideal relaxation In addition, fully equipped and synchronous equipment and tools always ensure that the neatly create a sense of safety for guests Those are the unique features of the restaurant not easy to find elsewhere - The quality of food and drink is highly appreciated by customers The restaurant is well known for its fresh and clean produce In addition, the restaurant has a team of skilled chefs, long experience, knowledgeable about the taste of Vietnamese people, who have processed seafood dishes according to the taste of diners with a variety of sauces at the restaurant, diverse menu Especially the restaurant is always trying to perform well VSATTP issue so it satisfied all customers - Payment operations at the restaurant are done quickly, the cashier is experienced in working, so they can handle it quickly and accurately, always Customers appreciate, according to my observations, customers are comfortable to be served immediately without having to wait In addition, Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS 51 Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien when coming to the house customers have the opportunity to enjoy discounts on each invoice - The development of science and technology facilitates the restaurant's access to modern technical equipment to help the brand the job conveniently, quickly - The management of food hygiene and safety (food safety and hygiene) is only concerned by the health department, guide, facilitate and guide restaurants in ensuring VSATTP 5.1.2 Disadvantages In terms of facilities: The equipment to serve guests still has problems, does not work well, the equipment for the processing in the kitchen also limits the difficulty for the kitchen department when must serve a large number of customers - The staff's attitude to customer service is still poor Sometimes employees confess lack of enthusiasm when customers request to meet needs, while employees are engrossed private work, private conversations, when customers call According to the results of the customer survey That shows that customers always have high requirements on the service attitude of employees, when customers goods spend money to use the service, they not only want to enjoy delicious food, they also want to be served thoughtfully However, the staff are not fully aware of the direction The motto of "Customer is the best" service - In the process of serving the service staff still makes many mistakes, there is still a situation where the waitress records the wrong order customers, order dishes, not know the ingredients and characteristics of the dish, the staff did not order solving all customers' questions, having to wait for the manager's support Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS 52 Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien - The welcoming and seeing off of guests to the restaurant is not good: The job of welcoming guests is not yet Really being interested is also a part of measuring poor customer service attitude The service staff hesitated to take the initiative in greeting guests, thanking and saying goodbye to guests when leaving is limited, it is a very simple thing but not interested by the restaurant staff - Due to the development of the market economy, the needs of people are constantly increasing, becomes complicated, the level of demand for quality is increasingly high On the other hand, due in business imitation service easily creates competitive pressure in the market among restaurants, hotel together is great - Due to the influence of the enemy's disease HINI1, covid-19, swine fever, cause serious problems the shortage of raw materials, combined with the current instability of the economy Therefore, it is the case that the pricedriven supplier does not care about the quality, making it difficult for the restaurant to import raw materials right away, affecting the quality of food and drink products 5.2 Some solutions to expand the market at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant 5.2.1 Complete technical facilities In general, the technical facilities in the restaurant have met most of the needs of customers at a 4-star restaurant In addition, the restaurant is not satisfied with itself, but must regularly renovate and upgrade technical facilities, create new impressions in the hearts of guests Stop improving competitiveness Due to many years of operation, some technical facilities and decorations arranged at the restaurant no longer suit the tastes of consumers, although the restaurant has repaired and upgraded some equipment, machinery but still lack of uniformity, specifically the large and Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS 53 Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien irregular tables and chairs, the color of the chair is also different, making it difficult to arrange and decorate Some table covers, chairs are also out of sync, pages equipment and utensils for guests to eat and drink such as dishes and dishes are old and lack of features aesthetics, along with many other machines and equipment, are also inadequate Therefore, the restaurant needs to be equipped synchronously, must know how to arrange and use appropriately, the equipment to overcome the heterogeneity, create a luxurious and polite impression on guests In particular, some table covers and chairs are old and have tears that need to be replaced; a lot of home bowls and dishes goods with low quality and poor design are broken and chipped a lot When served, customers look unsightly and unsafe to eat drink so the hotel needs timely replacements The improvement, upgrade facilities - techniques for catering is a long-term and costly strategy But because of the restaurant's reputation and efficiency For a long time, the restaurant should invest in repairing and supplementing at the right time attract more guests to the hotel Customers coming to the restaurant not only want to eat delicious food, they also want to enjoy the beautiful fox, enjoy the art 5.2.2 Improve the quality of the staff at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant In the restaurant business, the excellent service quality brought to customers is mainly due to the results of live labor of the team service staff that cannot be mechanically replaced or mechanized Because staff often have direct contact with guests, so love needs for expertise, foreign language skills and communication skills must be good Job create a good or bad impression, and satisfy customers' needs for service whether or not it depends on the staff Looking at the actual situation of the restaurant, the restaurant has many solutions to train staff but improve efficiency Business catering services moreover the restaurant needs one a number of new solutions aimed at Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS 54 Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien constantly fostering and improving professional qualifications and skills for a team of desks, bars, and kitchen Specific content as follows: - When recruiting staff to work, the restaurant needs to closely check their qualifications, at least they must have passed training courses on hotel operations, have good language skills, good communication, love of job, good appearance - Regularly open classes to train service skills, foreign languages and communication skills for the staff of waitresses and bars So the restaurant needs to firmly grasp this situation in order to plan a specific selection arranged in order of priority for training and fostering: train which cadres to train and foster first, who to train and foster later When choosing who needs training and retraining, the restaurant should arrange time, conduct methods, provide training content to train and foster employees with high results - The restaurant should have a compliment policy for the best staff, if anyone wins the title, it will be awarded positive reward From there will be Encourage employees to try to work responsibly and responsibly difficult to learn to improve their skills and enjoy their work At the same time, there must be an appropriate punishment for employees who not have a sense of responsibility, intentionally violate the rules set forth or conduct non-guest behavior to avoid affecting the operation and reputation of the customer restaurant, and at the same time for the staff to learn from experience 5.2.3 Improve restaurant hygiene The kitchen area in particular and the restaurant in general need to be cleaned periodically to keep the restaurant clean, free of grease, food in the kitchen as well as dirt that detracts from the restaurant's beauty For the kitchen area, it is necessary to instruct and compel staff to clean tools and materials before and after entering the working shift so that the Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS 55 Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien quality of food hygiene and safety is always guaranteed For the lobby and restaurant areas, staff should clean the dirt on the floor, tables and chairs, corners carefully, there must be a signal when the floor is wet to avoid affecting customers as well as employees In addition, it is necessary to have a schedule of inspection and general cleaning of the restaurant by week, month, quarter and year for long-term use items such as tables and chairs, fire extinguishers, gas stoves, etc 5.2.4 Increase advertising activities of service business eat and drink and regularly receive feedback from customers quality service For those with a high income, they think that the restaurant does not have the food that you like, also for low-income people, it is a luxury This caused many customers are shy when deciding to use the restaurant's food service Therefore, the restaurant should have timely and effective advertising and promotion policies to introduce to all types of customers the food and drink products such as the internet, packaging, labels, posters, and newspapers Besides advertising, promotion, translation business food service should regularly have customer polls, encourage customers to take a moment to fill out the suggestion Through customer feedback by polls, the restaurant knows at what level is our service quality to promote them your strengths and overcoming your weaknesses The restaurant must understand customers' perceptions to sell what customers need should not sell what you have To that, the hotel must know to penetrate the market and advertising is indispensable in the catering business 5.2.5 Diversify of food and drink products Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS 56 Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien Due to the diverse needs of customers because they come from many different regions and countries, with different customs and customs, the food must also be very diverse to attract more and more customers, so the restaurant need to diversify products Only then will the business be effective The diversification of food and drink products is shown: - Diversity of dishes: in addition to the dishes already in the restaurant, the restaurant needs to rely on customers' needs to create new and unique dishes to avoid boredom for customers when consuming services restaurant a lot times at the same time still carries its own flavor identity The restaurant must have timely change of products when it is in equal scarcity other products and services are available to meet the needs of customers, creating the continuous operation of the restaurant, so the service business new and effective eating - Diversity of drinks: in addition to drinks available in the restaurant, it is necessary supplement the typical drinks and specialties of each region The variety of food and drink products not only satisfies love demand of customers, but also create a competitive advantage with businesses other food and drink services 5.2.6 Create a stable supply of food and ingredients, ensure quality and safety Due to the unstable prices of raw materials and foodstuffs on the market There are times when the time to buy ingredients, food is scarce, so the cost of buying while the menu was built with stable ingredient prices Therefore, it reduces business efficiency Besides the scarcity of raw materials, there is now on the market many foods not guarantee food hygiene and safety, no ensure the quality of input service and affect the reputation of the restaurant Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS 57 Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien To overcome the above situation, the restaurant must have its own facilities to supply raw materials and food for itself, and must sign a longterm contract to ensure both safety and hygiene and reasonable prices 5.2.7 Carry out advertising activities Advertising is the art of using media to bring information about a restaurant's products and services to customers The purpose of advertising is to attract customers' attention to the presence of the restaurant's product Advertising helps consumers get more or less information about products and restaurants Social media restaurant marketing strategies: with social media platforms, marketing strategies to attract customers have reached a new level A strong presence on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube Pano-posters: Advertising through this medium allows maximum exploitation of size, image, color, location, time, advertisise theme Through packaging, brand: because consumers will decide to buy a product because the packaging is beautiful, eye-catching and easy to use Therefore, in addition to focusing on product quality, in order to promote consumption, restaurants need to design for their products beautiful, rich, unique and impressive designs 5.2.8 Other solutions In addition to the above basic solutions, the restaurant should focus on economic management, ensuring business efficiency and saving with reasonable and scientific rating systems Specifically: + Save electricity, water + Avoid wasting raw materials + Make use of excess materials Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS Student:Le Thi Kim Linh 58 Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien code:702 GRADUATION THESIS 59 Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 6.1 Summary of main features of catering service at Xeo Cuisine restaurant Xeo Cuisine Da Nang is a 4-star restaurant with many years of establishment and effective business in the market in Da Nang city The quality of food service must be improved to bring high revenue for the restaurant business The results that the restaurant achieved is thanks to the advantages of location, area and prestige In addition to these advantages, the restaurant faced many difficulties such as competition and shortage of skilled workers Therefore, in order to improve the quality of restaurant service, it requires a team of staff to have the ability and professional skills Researching the customer's perception of the food service quality at the restaurant is a job that must be done regularly to detect new needs and further improve the quality of restaurant service Since then, the restaurant needs to have appropriate policies to improve service quality in order to better serve customers, attract and retain customers Through studying the quality of food and drink services at a fried food restaurant in Da Nang, I have drawn some main conclusions as follows: - Re-systematize the basic theoretical issues about food service quality on scientific basis, confirming the role of improving the quality of food services, drinking and expanding the market for restaurants -Analyzing and evaluating the current situation of food quality through the reviews of customers using food and drink services at the restaurant has clarified content about tangible material means solution, empathy level, confidence level reliability, responsiveness and service capacity Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS 60 Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien - On that basis, the thesis proposes small solutions to improve quality number of catering services and market expansion in the coming time at the restaurant - The above solutions are of castle nature, but there are also short-term ones and will be promoted in the near future Service quality is a difficult, complicated and demanding field is constantly researched and innovated to find the best solutions I hope the above solutions will contribute to increasing revenue, improving the quality of food and drink services at restaurants and thereby creating a driving force for development and market expansion in a positive direction goods set out 6.2 Some suggestions for the Xeo Cuisine Restaurant - AMOMI Joint Stock Company - Restaurants need to regularly look for food business drink, make sure the restaurant always complies with standards - The restaurant needs to have an investment and pay more attention in food service Must clearly define what the strength of the restaurant is to go right The target market must be clearly defined, not pervasive, focusing on the customers that the restaurant can best serve - The restaurant needs to regularly invest in upgrading technical facilities and access new and modern technology - Continuously update management methods of developed countries, especially countries that have success in the catering business - The recruitment of employees needs to be carefully selected, choosing those have professional qualifications, have a career-loving attitude, are serious at work, after being recruited, employees must be trained in a Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS 61 Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien professional manner, suitable for each specific work as well as consistent with the restaurant department - Regularly send out customer opinion polls about service quality, it is necessary to indicate what the restaurant has done, what the restaurant has not done yet and what the restaurant needs to better Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS 62 Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien REFERENCES [1] https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/restaurant/related [2] https://www.lawinsider.com/dictionary/restaurant [3] https://lib.hpu.edu.vn/bitstream/handle/123456789/32922/Bui-Hoang-VuVH1801.pdf? sequence=1&isAllowed=y&fbclid=IwAR3OiXtZaVWJZWPr69BSGWyehLL NN5bKvYdWEbmFJOzhEZLLrvIMBdERBWc [4] https://restaurantengine.com/10-factors-that-affect-your-restaurant-profit/ https://vdosoftware.vn/kinh-doanh-nha-hang.html [5] DonalE.Lundberg, The hotel and restaurant business [6] Kỹ kinh doanh nhà hàng http://kinhdoanhnhahang.cn/ [7]Trang website đánh giá CLDVKS, www.tripadvisor.com.vn/Hotel [8] Nguyễn Thành Long (2006), Áp dụng thang đo SERVERF để đánh giá chất lượng đào tạo ĐH trường ĐHAG, Đề tài nghiên cứu khoa học [9] https://www.drjcatering.com/7-types-of-catering-services-you-need-toknow-about/ [10] Số liệu từ nhà hàng Ẩm thực Xèo Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS 63 Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien SUPERVISOR’S COMMENT EXAMINER’S COMMENT Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 GRADUATION THESIS 64 Supervisor:Nguyen Thi Thu Hien Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 ... decided to choose the topic ? ?AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE QUALITY OF CATERING SERVICES AT XEO CUISINE RESTAURANT AND EXPANDING MARKET? ?? for graduated paper Student:Le Thi Kim Linh code:702 SOME SOLUTIONS. .. DIFFICULTIES AND SOLUTIONS 50 5.1.The advantages and disadvantages at Xeo Cuisine Restaurant 50 5.1.1 Advantages 50 5.1.2 Disadvantages 51 5.2 .Some solutions to expand the market. .. sausage and mushrooms These are often accompanied by baked beans and tomato Other typical menu items include bacon sandwiches and toast Restaurant Chain: A restaurant chain is a set of related restaurants,

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2022, 12:51

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Mục lục

    1.3. Scope of the Study

    1.4. Method of the Study

    1.5. Structure of the Study

    Fine Dining: Most of the population might only visit high-end establishments for special occasions, such as an anniversary, birthday, or wedding. The majority of fine dining restaurants can be characterized by the following:

    2.1.2. Overview of restaurant business Definition of restaurant business Characteristics of Restaurant Business The roles of restaurant business

    2.2. Overview of the quality of catering services at restaurant

    2.2.1. Overview of service restaurant


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