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(SKKN CHẤT 2020) what mind map activities will help students improve their understanding the meaning of words

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I INTRODUCTION The need of teaching words in context Teaching new words always plays an important part in teaching the whole lesson Because words are the bricks that help students build their house of English However, many teachers have the habit of teaching isolated words Actually, they have used many techniques of teaching words, but the words presented by the teachers are not in the same contexts with the words in the lessons Moreover, we all know that words and phrases have different meanings in different contexts As a result, it is difficult for students to understand the true meaning of the words in the lessons In addition, students feel that it is really difficult for them to remember the words This leads to the fact that students are lack of motivation for learning new words And they feel that learning words are really boring because there is no linking between the words in the lessons and the words presented by the teachers Therefore, in each lesson I have tried my best to help my students understand the meaning of words in the lesson context through “ mind map” activity Study’s purpose The purpose of this study is to find out if mind map activities help improve students’ understanding the meaning of words The study question is “What mind map activities will help students improve their understanding the meaning of words? II LITERATURE REVIEW Definitions and terms: To understand my area better, I have already searched some definitions and terms related to teaching words in context so that I will have clear references * Teaching the meaning of words in context is suggestions found within a sentence, a situation, or a key word that a learner can use to understand the meanings of new or unfamiliar words * A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts It is a visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall and generate new ideas Just as in every great idea, its power lies in its simplicity * A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information A mind map is hierarchical and shows relationships among pieces of the whole It is often created around a single concept, drawn as an image in the center of a blank page, to which associated representations of ideas such as images, words and parts of words are added Major ideas are connected directly to the central concept, and other ideas branch out from those major ideas Previous study: download by : skknchat@gmail.com In order to find the resources to consult my issue I have read a study written by Andana, a professor in Cukurova, Turkey The title of this study is a guide to teaching students Their problem is teaching high proficiency students in high schools and universities Their aim is to help students understand the meaning of words in academic situations After reading this research I found some strengths as well as weaknesses The strength of this research was that they use authentic situations and tips to teach students Their scaffolding activities help students to understand the situations in which the words are The limitation was that their research was only carried out in classes with good students and students in their universities However, in some ways their issue is relevant to mine They also use the theories of teaching the meaning of words in context III METHODOLOGY Scaffolding activities First, students are given the key word related to the context.Then, they are supplied some useful suggestions Next, students are encouraged to activate their background knowledge of words Finally, they present the words that they know and teachers provide some more words in context, so students can understand the words better Data sources In order to answer my study question, the data needed is my students’list of words Because by checking my students’list of words I can see their knowledge of words and their understanding The purpose is to compare students’ ability to gain the words and to remember the words before and after the method of teaching new words in context is given Data collection Students in class 11A1, class 11A7 and class 11A9 at Huynh Thuc Khang high school where I was teaching were chosen for my study Before scaffolding activities were carried out, all students in class 11A1, 11A7, 11A9 were provided words in normal ways and I checked their understanding After that, students in each class were supplied the words based on the new method (students understand the meaning of new words in context) Teacher checks and compares the result before and after the new method is supplied The marking scales for students’ability to undesrstand and remember the words download by : skknchat@gmail.com The following criteria is the one I find relevant to check the result No Criteria Marks Number of words that students can remember Using the words they have learnt in other 3 situations Finding the synonyms and the antonyms of the words that they have learnt Classifying the words they have learnt into groups Data analysis: The students’ tasks are marked based on the above criteria The scores of students were written down in the table below No Students’ names Scores before the Scores after the new new method is applied method is applied 10 Basing on the table, I compared the scores of each student to know his (her) improvement Then the average scores of the students in each class were calculated The statistic was done after that The data of the statistic showed students’ improvement after scaffolding activities were given download by : skknchat@gmail.com IV DISCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES * In what ways were my activities carried out? In the school year 2018-2019, I was responsible for teaching grade 11 So, in this paper I would like to deal with the lessons only in Textbook “ Tieng Anh 11” Here are the description and the purpose of each activity Activity1: At this state teacher led students to the context by giving the topic of the lesson or the main content of the lesson to activate students’ background knowledge The reason for doing this was that students were motivated to get interest in the topic and had ideas of words related to the topic Activity 2: At this state students were given some suggested questions by the teacher, they were step by step led to this context to another one by the teacher’s instructions The keys words in each lesson were underlined And the lessons which I used “ the power point” to present, the keys words were both underlined and changed the colour in red to make students easier to notice In some cases, students understood the contexts and the meaning of words, but they did not know how to express in English, I myself helped them know what those words in English were As a result, their words were developed in a natural way Therefore, they were eager to learn new words because they found no difficulties in understanding and remembering Besides, this not only helped students understand the new words but also helped students have the prediction of the content of the lesson that they would learn The main technique I used for my activities were to brainstorm the ideas to fill in the “mind map” The following is the full description of how I helped my students understand the meaning of words in context in each lesson in “ Tieng Anh 11” V TEXTBOOK ADAPTATION UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP A READING In this lesson, students were led to the context of “ THE FRIENDSHIP” From the context, I asked students some questions to activate their background knowledge of friendship to complete a mind map Question 1: Do you have any friends? From the word “ friend”, I taught my students the word “ acquaintance” Question 2: What qualities are necessary for true friendship? download by : skknchat@gmail.com Students gave some qualities of true friendship However, Some words were only given in Vietnamese, I helped my students understand what those words in English were * The mind map friends acquaintance FRIENDSHIP mutual understanding give-and-take qualities for true friendship loyal not suspicious unselfish UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES A READING: From the fact that teenagers tend to have their own idols, I led students to the context by asking questions: Do you have your own idol? Dou you immediate his/ her in different ways? Students answered my questions about her/ his own idol and in what ways they liked to immediate her own idol After that I said that in this lesson they would read a story about a girl who wanted to have a hat like her idol’s one Her father knew this and gave her some money so that she could buy the one for herself Next, students were divided into groups and were asked to build a story based on the pictures in the textbook Each student in the group who were chosen to tell the story completed the story they had built During the time students told download by : skknchat@gmail.com the story I helped them to understand the meaning of some new words based on the pictures Picture d: > idol Picture b: > floppy cotton hat Picture f: > glance > sneaky; not making a fuss > take the money back C LISTENING: In this lesson students were led to the context of a fire They were told to listen to Christina who would tell the audience about her unforgettable experience that she had witnessed The experience was that her house caught fire during the night time when she was very small Then students were asked to look at the picture in the textbook and to answer some questions to complete the “mind map” Question 1: What you think were the causes of the fire? Question 2: How did she feel when she saw the fire? Question 3: Who you think she was the first person that she called when she saw the fire? Question 4: What did her mother to save her? Question 5: Was the fire a forgettable experience? * The mind map terrified scream memorable experience her feeling gas stove A HOUSE CAUGHT FIRE causes of the fire protect her her mother electricity problems help her to escape download by : skknchat@gmail.com UNIT 3: A PARTY A READING: In this lesson, students were led to the context by looking the pictures in the textbook and answering the teacher’s questions to complete the “mind map” Question 1: On what occasions are parties held? What is the relationship between the people in the pictures? What are they doing? * The mind map a birthday party celebrate A PARTY a wedding anniversary silver anniversary golden anniversary C LISTENING: In this lesson, students were led to the context by answering the questions in the textbook to complete the “mind map” Question 1: What you usually to prepare your birthday party? Question 2: What foods and drinks are often severed at your birthday party? Question 2: What activities you often have at your birthday party? download by : skknchat@gmail.com * The mind map putting flowers preparing the birthday cake with icing prepare for a birthday party decorating the house prizes for inviting guests games A BIRTHDAY PARTY sing songs saying activities birthday cake fruits foods and drinks “happy birthday to the host” cutting the birthday cakes into slices candies coke open presents wine UNIT 4: VOLUNTEER WORK A READING: In this lesson, students were told that they would read a passage about the volunteer work of American students Then students were led to the context by answering the teacher’s questions and from the students’ answers teacher wrote the words on the board Question 1: What American students as volunteers? Question 2: What are the words in the passage related to the word “ volunteer”? download by : skknchat@gmail.com * Volunteer work: Working in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the aged Helping disadvantaged children or handicapped children, give care and comfort to them * Volunteer (n): Voluntary ( adj) Voluntarily( adv) Volunteer( v) C LISTENING: In this lesson, students were told to listen to a talk about a school for disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh city Then students were asked to answer the teacher’s questions to complete the “mind map” Question 1: Who are students in Spring School? Question 2: How is money raised to support charities in Spring School? Question 3: Who set up classes in Spring School? * The mind map fund-raising activities Disadvantaged children SPRING SCHOOL Organisation for Educational Development co-operates with Spring School set up the classes download by : skknchat@gmail.com UNIT 6: COMPETITIONS A READING: In this lesson, students were told that they would read a passage about an English competition in a high school Then students were led to the context by answering the questions to complete the “mind map” Question 1: How often is the English competition held in your school? Question 2: What is the purpose of the competition? Question 3: What we call in English the students who are chosen to take part in the competition? * The mind map to stimulate the spirit of learning English among students the purpose ENGLISH representatives COMPETITION every two years students chosen to take part in the competition how often every year ( yearly) 10 download by : skknchat@gmail.com * The mind map put on special clothes activities go to shrines to pray decorate the house with pine trees which presents longevity and constancy NEW YEAR IN JAPAN wine preparations special things watch TV clean the house UNIT 9: THE POST OFFICE A READING In this lesson, students were told that they would read a passage about Thanh Ba post office Then students were asked to answer the teacher’s questions to complete the “mind map” Question 1: What services you think the post office offers? Question 2: What you know about fax machine? Question 3: Who you work with when you go to the post office? 16 download by : skknchat@gmail.com * The mind map phone call and faxes mail and parcel service press distribution the post office staff services THE POST OFFICE courteous ( helpful) express ( very fast/ speedy)money transfer fax machine not lose its original shape send a document C LISTENING In this lesson, students were told to listen to some information about the development of Vietnam’s telephone system over the past few years Then students were asked to answer the teacher’s questions to complete the “mind map” Question 1: How has Vietnam developed its telephone system over the past few years ? Question 3: What you know about the mobile phone system in Vietnam? 17 download by : skknchat@gmail.com * The mind map upgrade its more than 2,000,000 suscribers telephone system the growth in the capacity of the mobile system changing numbers from to digits in many provinces VIETNAM’S TELEPHONE SYSTEM OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS develop the almost communes have rural network post offices UNIT 10: NATURE IN DANGER A READING In this lesson, students were told that they would read a passage about THE NATURE IN DANGER Then students were asked to answer the teacher’s questions to complete the “mind map” Question : What have human beings done with the environment, animals and plants? 18 download by : skknchat@gmail.com * The mind map extinct buildings and villages instead of forests killed animals NATURE IN DANGER environment’s interference endangered adding species pollutants to it plants cutting down flood and drought B SPEAKING In this lesson, students were watched some pictures about some reasons why nature is threatened Then students were asked to answer the teacher’s questions to complete the “mind map” * The mind map hunting or capturing animals for recreation and entertainment killed for fur, skin, and food THE REASONS WHY NATURE IS THREATENED using fertilizers and pesticides for discharging chemicals cultivation pollutants 19 download by : skknchat@gmail.com C LISTENING In this lesson, students were told to listen to the tape about National Parks in America Then students were asked to answer the teacher’s questions to complete the “mind map” Question 1: What are the purposes of the National Parks? Question 2: Can you list some reasons why National Parks are destroyed? * The mind map contain a variety of scenic features pollution from vehicles devastating fires purposes the reasons why National Parks are destroyed NATIONAL PARKS preserve the natural beauty of land animals are killed trees are cut down UNIT 11: SOURCES OF ENERGY A READING In this lesson, students were told that they would read a passage about SOUCES OF ENERGY Then students were asked to look at the pictures and answer the teacher’s questions to complete the “mind map” Question 1: What source of energy does each picture refer to? Question 2: What is advantage and disadvantage of each picture? 20 download by : skknchat@gmail.com * The mind map alternative available clean and safe dangerous nuclear power solar energy limited SOURCES OF ENERGY alternative fossil fuels clean and safe water power wind power exhausted in a relative short time expensive no wind, no energy C LISTENING In this lesson, students were told to listen to the tape about natural environment Then students were asked to answer the teacher’s questions to complete the “mind map” Question 1: What is natural environment? Question 2: How many groups are resources divided into? 21 download by : skknchat@gmail.com The mind map the ecologists study their importance important ( vital) the air the oceans the sun the land NATURAL RESOUCES renewable divided into two groups non-renewable UNIT 12: THE ASIAN GAMES A READING In this lesson, students were told that they would read a passage about THE ASIAN GAMES Then students were asked to answer the teacher’s questions to complete the “mind map” Question 1: What is the purpose of the Asian Games? Question 2: How have the Asian Games been through the history? Question 3: How Vietnamese athletes compete in different sports? 22 download by : skknchat@gmail.com * The mind map sports skill are tested friendship and solidarity advancing in all aspects purposes Asian Games through the history THE ASIAN GAMES facilities developed with great efforts Vietnamese athletes with great enthusiasm C LISTENING In this lesson, students were told to listen to the tape about THE ASIAN GAME REPORT Then students were asked to look at the pictures and answer the teacher’s questions to complete the “mind map” Question 1: What kind of sport in the third picture? What we call the player in English ? Question 2: What is it under the man’s back in the first picture? What is he going to do? Question 3: What kind of sports in the second picture? 23 download by : skknchat@gmail.com * The mind map bar picture coming live is going to land THE ASIAN GAMES REPORT picture freestyle picture gymnasium gymnast UNIT 13: HOBBIES A READING In this lesson, students were told that they would read a passage about HOBBIES Then students were asked to look at the pictures in the textbook and answer the teacher’s questions to complete the “mind map” Question 1: What people like doing in the picture 1? Question 2: What people like doing in the picture 2? Question 3: What people like doing in the picture 3? Question 4: What people like doing in the picture 4? Question 5: What people like doing in the picture 5? Question 6: What people like doing in the picture 6? 24 download by : skknchat@gmail.com * The mind map Do you like accompanying people with your guitar? collecting stamps playing guitar where you collect stamps? ( from discarded envelopes) very good (accomplished) guitarist HOBBIES swimming playing chess keeping fish Is it a small ( modest) fish tank? Do your hobbies keep you occupied? C.LISTENING In this lesson, students were told to listen to the tape about a student talking about his hobbies ( reading books) and when she was small her parents used to read fairy tales to him Then students were asked to answer the teacher’s questions Question 1: Do you like fairy tales? Question 2: What you learn from reading books? - How people lived bygone days - Wonders of the world - Gigantic fish in the sea - Better equipped to cope with living 25 download by : skknchat@gmail.com UNIT 15: SPACE CONQUEST A READING In this lesson, students were told that they would read a passage about Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin, the first human to fly into space Then students were asked to answer the teacher’s questions to complete the mind map Question 1: What you know about this fly? Question 2: What would happen to a human being in space? * The mind map 27-year- old Soviet cosmonaut the body react to the extreme changes in temperature in space THE FIRST HUMAN TO FLY INTO SPACE psychological tension C LISTENING In this lesson, students were told to listen to the tape about THE FIRST HUMAN MOON LANDING Then students were asked to answer the teacher’s questions to complete the mind map Question 1: Which country sent the first men to the moon? Question 2: Who was the President of the country at that time? Question 3: What did the astronauts on the moon? 26 download by : skknchat@gmail.com * The mind map in a speech to the Congress the President Kenedy challenge the nation to put a man on the moon the Apollo 11 was launched the U.S.A a historic mission THE FIRST HUMAN MOON LANDING on the moon did a lot of experiments replace the flag a reminder of the achievement UNIT 16: THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD A READING In this lesson, students were told that they would read a passage about THE GREAT PIRAMID OF GIZA Then students were asked to answer the teacher’s questions to complete the mind map Question 1: What you know about The Great Pyramid of Giza? Question 2: What is the purpose of The Great pyramid of Giza? 27 download by : skknchat@gmail.com Question 3: How did Egyptian people build The Great pyramid of Giza? * The mind map to protect the burial chamber materials the purpose stone THE GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA a tomb how to build mysterious straight or spiral ramp C LISTENING In this lesson, students were told to listen to the tape about THE GREAT WALL Then students were asked to answer the teacher’s questions to complete the mind map Question 1: What you know bout The Great Wall? Question 2: When was it built? Question 3: Why was it a famous man-made wonder? 28 download by : skknchat@gmail.com * The mind map world heritage ancient Chinese built in Minh Dynasty stone roadway because of its magnificence and significance THE GREAT WALL defence purpose VI CONCLUSION Through many lessons which were carried out in classes 11A1,11A7, 11A9, I found that the way I suggested actually helped my students to understand the meaning of new words better Because they were led to the context step by step, it were easier for them to understand and remember So, they were motivated to learn new words Therefore, I continued using this method for my teaching However, after each time implementing, I adjusted some changes so that each lesson would be the most effective Moreover, I had to adapt my questions and instructions which were suitable to different levels of students I would like to share my experience of teaching new words in context I hope that my experience will be encouraged in teaching vocabulary 29 download by : skknchat@gmail.com VII REFERENCES Ames, W S (1966) The development of a classification scheme of contextual aids Reading Research Quarterly, 2, 57–82 Anderson, R C., Freebody, P (1981) Vocabulary knowledge In Guthrie, J T (Ed.), Comprehension and teaching: Research reviews (pp 77–117) Newark, DE: International Reading Association Anderson, R C., Wilson, P T., Fielding, L G (1988) Growth in reading and how children spend their time outside of school Reading Research Quarterly, 23, 285–303 Askov, E N., Kamm, K (1976) Context clues: Should we teach a children to use a classification system in reading? Journal of Educational Research, 69, 341–344 Baumann, J F., Kameenui, E J (1991) Research on vocabulary instruction: Ode to Voltaire In Flood, J., Jensen, J M., Lapp, D., Squire, J R (Eds.), Handbook of research on teaching the English language arts (pp 604–632) New York: Macmillan Carnine, D., Kameenui, E J., Coyle, G (1984) Utilization of contextual information in determining the meaning of unfamiliar words Reading Research Quarterly, 19, 188–204 30 download by : skknchat@gmail.com ... understanding and remembering Besides, this not only helped students understand the new words but also helped students have the prediction of the content of the lesson that they would learn The. .. technique I used for my activities were to brainstorm the ideas to fill in the ? ?mind map? ?? The following is the full description of how I helped my students understand the meaning of words in context... understand the words better Data sources In order to answer my study question, the data needed is my students? ??list of words Because by checking my students? ??list of words I can see their knowledge of words

Ngày đăng: 28/03/2022, 22:27


