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Tài liệu Tự chọn Tiếng Anh 10, chương trình 10 năm, học kỳ 2. 16 tiết. Biên soạn đa dạng bài tập. Dùng kèm sách giáo khoa thí điểm. Bao gồm bài tập tự luận và trắc nghiệm. Phù hợp dành cho học sinh rèn luyện trên lớp cũng như tại nhà.

Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 TIẾT 1: VOCABULARY AND READING UNIT Ngày:…………/………… /…………… Exercise 1: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined A tender B garnish C drain D sprinkle A gender B enroll C preference D secondary A grill B garnish C dip D slice A sue B spend C sure D pursue A head B spread C cream D bread Exercise 2: Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others A workforce B trouble C machine D female A admire B freedom C fighter D image A progress B career C busy D mistake A accept B student C problem D open A courage B office C inspire D person Exercise 3: Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word in the box pursue working issues admired courage equal inspire workforce decisions irresponsibilit y Having the same routine regularly without any rest may lead to health _ and other problems which also ruin the family life Working mothers can _their kids with their hard work and devotion Now I wish I could _ a medical career to become a doctor A working mother has to manage both home and office at an _ level that is too much on a holiday basis Two thirds of the in this textile factory is female Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 Exercise 4: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences Since 2009, Iceland has been the global in gender equality A leader B leads C leading D lead For the past five years, Iceland has been in the first rank of educational achievement and in women's economic conditions A improve B improvement C improving D improved On October 24, 1975, more than 25 thousand women in Iceland took a day off to emphasize the importance of women's to the economy, both in paid and unpaid work A contribute B contributed C contributing D contribution Gender equality is also a part of the to the challenges facing society A solution B solute C solves D solve The of women in the labour market in Iceland is one of the highest in the world A participate B participating C participation D participated The least equal country in the world for women, ranking 145th, was Yemen, where only 55% of women can read and only 6% college A attend B enroll C go D tend UNICEF says that to education is one of the biggest challenges facing children in Yemen today, especially girls A access B get C connect D search Until now, the high cost of schooling has discouraged or prevented poor parents from having their children, girls, educated A especially B specially C and D with Moreover, a lack of female teachers contributes to low of girls in schools Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 A enrolment B application C participation D gender 10 UNICEF is now schools and families with educational supplies to help lower costs A providing B improving C contributing D making 11 Through a joint project involving the World Bank, UNICEF to help the government provide all children with textbooks at the beginning of each school year A hopes B want C plans D investigate Exercise 5: Choose the best answers to the following questions Sonita Alizadeh was born and grew up in Afghanistan until she was eight when the family fled to Iran because of war Sonita remembers her childhood of hunger, aerial bombardment and Taliban fighters In Iran, she couldn't get a formal education because of not having proper identification She had to clean bathrooms and learnt the basics of how to read and write herself Sonita watched music videos on TV to kill her free time and learnt the styles of Iranian rapper Yas and US rapper Eminem She started to write songs about her life as a refugee, child worker and especially a female Other songs are about her girl friends with broken spirits after arguing and begging their parents not to sell them Her songs have empowered her friends to protest against forced marriages which account for 60-80 per cent of Afghan marriages Things were all right until they weren't Sonita's mother asked her to come back to Afghanistan as she needed 7,000 dowry to prepare for Sonita's brother's wedding Her mother thought she could sell Sonita for a man with 9,000 dowry Devastated by her mother's wish, Sonita fought by making a music video "Daughters for Sale" with the help of an Iranian filmmaker Thanks to the video, the Strongheart Group contacted her and gave her a scholarship in the US where she now can go to school and remain single What did Sonita to earn money in Iran? Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 A She wrote songs and rapped B She cleaned bathrooms C She made music videos What is TRUE about Sonita's songs? A They were banned in Iran B They have given girls strength to protest against arranged marriages C They're about her love of her homeland Afghanistan How did Sonita feel when her mother wanted to sell her? A Extremely upset and shocked B Calm and indifferent C Angry and hateful Where does Sonita live now? A Afghanistan B Iran C The USA -TIẾT 2: MODALS ( ACTIVE – PASSIVE) Ngày:………… /……… /…………… Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with "will, shall, would, could, can, must, should, may, might” _ you talk to your parents before you decide to join the police forces, Mai? You _pick those flowers Don't you see the sign? Some people think married women pursue a career Remember to bring a raincoat with you It rain later My brother is good at cooking and he _cook very delicious food We stop when the traffic lights are red _ school boys study needlework and cookery? Yes, of course Exercise 2: Choose the correct passive modals to complete the sentences A child mustn't be given/ should not be given everything he or she wants He might be presented/ may be presented with an award for his hard work on gender equality Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 The entire lake can be seen/ should be seen from their flat on the 7th floor Efforts should be made/ can be made to offer all children equal access to education Sunrise might be observed/ can be observed in the early morning hours I think everybody should be provided/ must be provided with equal access to health service My brother may be asked/ will be asked to join the police forces Our teacher told us that all of our assignments must be written/ should be written in ink The afternoon meeting must be postponed/ might be postponed because three of five commitee members are unable to attend 10 Children should not be allowed/ can't be allowed to play violent video games 11 Milk should be kept/ must be kept in the fridge or it will go sour 12 Important work will be done/ can be done first Exercise 3: Find and correct the mistakes The work should by one of the students → _ You will be tell the story later → _ I'll be pay at the end of the month → _ This wine can be serve with seafood → Music with strong rhythm and harmony could heard on his debut album → _ The students must give enough time to finish their tests  _ Exercise 4: Rewrite the sentence using modal verbs in passive Ann can't use her office at the moment  _ I have to finish my work now  _ You must your task  _ Governments should offer poor women more help  _ Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 We must something before it's too late  _ My uncle may earn 500$ a day  _ He might catch the fish  They will sue the company for wage discrimination  _ She could wash the dress  10 She can't pick many flowers  TIẾT 3: WRITING TOPIC SENTENCES – SUPPORTING IDEAS Ngày:………… /……… /…………… Task 1: DIRECTIONS: Read each pair of sentences Write TS for Topic Sentence next to the sentence that would make a good topic sentence Write SD for Supporting Detail next to the sentence that would make a good supporting detail The house on the corner is beautiful inside The kitchen has recently been remodeled _ He never jumps up on anyone _ Magellan is a very well-behaved dog _ Gardening is very good for you _ You get a lot of exercise working in the garden _ Kari’s birthday party was a lot of fun _ We played games and won prizes _ We spend all day Saturday cleaning _ Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 It was a very busy weekend _ Having a backyard pool is a lot of work _ You must continually monitor the water quality _ Task 2: DIRECTIONS: Read each group of sentences One of them is a topic sentence, and the other two provide supporting details Circle the letters of the sentences that provide supporting details TOPIC: gardening A Many people enjoy flowers B Gardening is a fun and healthy pastime C Gardening is a form of mild exercise TOPIC: homework A There are many different opinions about homework B Some people believe homework is unnecessary C Others believe that homework is important TOPIC: dogs A Some breeds are best suited for athletic people B Some breeds are “lap dogs” and suited for a quiet life C There is a perfect breed of dog for everyone TOPIC: novels A You learn to put yourself in someone else’s shoes B Reading novels can help you develop important life skills C Reading novels is an opportunity to practice critical thinking TOPIC: weather A This summer we have enjoyed wonderful weather B Temperatures have averaged 85 degrees C We have hardly had any rain TOPIC: Pokémon A Pokémon is popular around the globe B There are Pokémon C Pokémon products are available in many languages Task 3: Now write two or three topic sentences for each of the following topics You should choose two Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 or three different controlling ideas for the same topic Example: Televisi To on's pi effects c: on children Televisi on is To harmful pi to c children s becaus e e it nt teaches e them n violenc c e as a e way of s: solving problem s Televisi on can improve a child's general knowle dge a Smoking cigarettes Topic: Topic sentences: b Foreign travel Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 Topic: Topic sentences: c Space exploration Topic: Topic sentences: Rock music or rock musicians Topic: Topic sentences: e Studying a foreign language Topic: Topic sentences: Task 4: DIRECTIONS: Add three supporting details to go with each topic sentence 1.School uniforms are a good idea for middle schoolers a b c Cell phones should be permitted in school a b c You can learn a lot from playing video games a b c There are three things you can to start getting healthier today a d Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 b c -TIẾT 4: COMPARATIVE – SUPERLATIVE Ngày:……………./………… /…………… Exercise 1: Write the comparative and superlative forms Adverbs Comparative Superlative hard careful early big slow beautiful good clearly late 10 far 11 bad 12 many/much 13 hot 14 clever 15 narrow Exercise 2: Choose the best answer to complete the sentence He was older I thought A then B than C as D like China is Vietnam A bigger then B bigger than C more big than D biger than Sue is of the four girls A the prettier B prettier C the prettiest D prettiest I am not as my brother A successful as B successful so C successful than D more successful than That was the _ thing to A stupid B funnier C funny D funniest 10 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 A energy B influence C animal D employment A pollution B depletion C property D confusion A advantage B editor C solution D pollutant Exercise 3: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences The campaign things like water bottles and aluminum cans into new, useful objects like park benches, bikes, etc A becomes B recycles C turns D comes Fish and poultry have a much lower impact the environment, and other plant proteins are even less damaging the planet A on - to B on - with C x - for D of - to We get the energy we require for our everyday needs from many sources, but not all of them are A ecological B economic C unharmed D ecofriendly Burning garbage dangerous gases to the environment, and this may lead to global warming A emits B throws C sends D rejects If you ask me, waste is a much bigger problem than ordinary household waste A industrial B business C working D manufacturing Do you know what CFC ? A sets in B does up C stands for D gets down There’s been a in Germany and a village was completely destroyed A flood B drizzle C shower D smog Dinosaurs have been for millions of years A endangered B extinct C threatened D disappeared As town grow, they tend to destroy the surrounding areas A urban B commercial C land D rural 32 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 10 During the last hundred years we have done great to the environment A injury B pollution C damage D hurt 11 There are lots of things we can all to the environment A enhance B protect C make D build 12 Environmentalists are furious with the American Government for delaying measures which will reduce greenhouse gas A exhaust fumesB smokes C wastes D emissions 13 The government is introducing strict new rules on the dumping of by industry A pesticides B exhaust fumes C toxic waste D emissions 14 Farmers contribute to environmental damage by spraying with , which stay in the soil for years A agriculture – pesticides B agriculture fertilizers C crops – fertilizers D crops – pesticides Exercise Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions THE BALANCE OF NATURE All the different plants and animals in a natural community are in a state of balance This balance is achieved by the plants and animals interacting with each other and with their non-living surroundings An example of a natural community is a woodland, and a woodland is usually dominated by a particular species of plant, such as the oak tree in an oak wood The oak tree in this example is therefore called the dominant species but there are also many other types of plants, from brambles, bushes, and small trees to mosses, lichens and algae growing on tree trunks and rocks 33 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 The plants of a community are the producers: they use carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen to build up their tissues using energy in the form of sunlight The plant tissues form food for the plant-eating animals (herbivores) which are in turn eaten by flesh-eating animals (carnivores) Thus, plants produce the basic food supply for all the animals of a community The animals themselves are the consumers, and are either herbivores or carnivores Examples of herbivores in a woodland community are rabbits, deer, mice and snails, and insects such as aphids and caterpillars The herbivores are sometimes eaten by the carnivores Woodland carnivores are of all sizes, from insects such as beetles and lacewings to animals such as owls, shrews and foxes Some carnivores feed on herbivores, some feed on the smaller carnivores, while some feed on both: a tawny owl will eat beetles and shrews as well as voles and mice These food relationships between the different members of the community are known as food chains or food webs All food chains start with plants The links of the chain are formed by the herbivores that eat the plants and the carnivores that feed on the herbivores There are more organisms at the base of the food chain than at the top; for example, there are many more green plants than carnivores in a community Another important section of the community is made up of the decomposers They include the bacteria and fungi that live in the soil and feed on dead animals and plants By doing this they break down the tissues of the dead organisms and release mineral salts into the soil Which of the following statements is TRUE? A All the plants in a wood are eaten by animals B All the animals in a wood depend on plants for their food supply C Plants and animals in a natural community not interact with their non-living surroundings D The balance of a natural community means there is no primary species The best definition for the word “dominant" in paragraph is 34 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 A having the most important position B covering the majority of the area C providing food for others D making up the whole community All of the following statements are true, EXCEPT A some animals eat other animals B plants depend on the sun to grow C plants depend on the gasses in the atmosphere to grow D not every food chain starts with plants The word "tissues" in paragraph can be best replaced by A leaves B roots C cells D trunks Which of the following is NOT an example of carnivores? A shrew B lacewings C owl D aphids What makes the links in a food chain? A the plants and the herbivores B the herbivores and the carnivores C the carnivores and the decomposers D the plants and the decomposers Which of the following statements is NOT true? A Some animals eat plant-eating animals and also flesh-eating animals B There are more organism at the base of a food chain than at the top C Green plants outnumber carnivores in a food chain D The consumers are at the base of a food chain The word “organism" in paragraph is closest in meaning to A plants B animals C herbivores D living things TIẾT 13: VOCABULARY AND READING UNIT 10 Ngày:………………./……… /…………… Exercise 1: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined 35 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 A weather B hearty C meadow D breath A public B scuba-diving C understand D culture A ruin B fruit C cruise D juice A relax B natural C safari D camping A biology B biosphere C biodiversity D biogas Exercise 2: Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others A ecology B minority C historical D favourable A energy B destination C understanding D degradation A environment B eco-friendly C inorganic D vegetation A ecology B scuba-diving C sustainable D phenomenon A adventurous B habitat C sustainable D traditional A preservation B equality C economic D entertainment Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with a suitable word in the box recognized stalactites diversity biodiversity ecotourism conservation awareness productive The Central Highlands is also highly appreciated thanks to its high biological _ The Bach Ma area has long been famous for its rich , and plant species richness within Bach Ma National Park is still high Son Doong Cave has been as the largest natural cave in the world Phong Nha Cave has the longest underground river, the highest and longest cave, broadest and most beautiful fine sand beaches inside the caves, the most spectacular stalagmites and _ 36 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 Ecotourism is a form of travel that seeks to improve environmental , foster cultural respect, and benefit the economic development of local communities The Mekong Delta is one of the world's largest and most inland fisheries The most typical activities are visits and studies in some national parks, adventurous activities in the mountain areas, and community-based ecotourism activities in the mountainous areas Researchers consider Phong Nha - Ke Bang to be of particular importance for bird Exercise Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions Ecotourism is a unique way for travellers to engage in sustainable tourism while vacationing Throughout the years, specific "Eco" organizations, including Eco-resorts, wurs, and Non-Governmental Organizations, have developed across the globe This specific type of tourism is now increasingly becoming one of the more popular, with growth rates increasing every year The United Nations, aware of the fact that tourism could be one of the most detrimental activities if not planned in accordance with the threshold imposed by nature, has declared the celebration of the International Day of Ecotourism, to promote sustainable practices in this growing industry Recently, The Division for Sustainable Development, Small Island Developing States Unit, decided that in preparation for the International Day of Ecotourism, it would be beneficial to identify successful practices of ecotourism on small islands In order for ecotourism to be categorized as successful, it must meet the following criteria: it must combine natural and cultural tourism; it must involve local populations in the program, including providing educational resources to the local community; it must identity, manage, and conserve the natural and cultural environment, as well as the resources on the island; it must generate practices that will lead to the future sustainability of the island If these criteria are followed by an organization, it deserves to be recognized as successful 37 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 In order to locate these certain organizations, the SIDS Unit started a thoughtful internet search for ecotourism organizations The focus was on four different categories: Eco-resorts and hotels, Eco-tours, Non-Governmental Organizations involved in ecotourism, and Government Codes of Conduct and Guidelines regarding ecotourism for travellers Once an Internet-site that filled the criteria was located, further contact with the organizations was initiated, enabling us to obtain further information directly from the source Many of the organizations were delighted to correspond with us and are eager to show all that their organization has achieved The stories presented come from across the globe and vary in success levels While all of the organizations engage in practicing ecotourism, some focus in different areas than others This is due to a various number of reasons, including the size of an organization, length of time the organization has been in existence, amount of funding available, and economic/political situations occurring on the island However, it is important to recognize that although some ecotourism organizations are more developed than others, the ultimate goal of sustainable development, conservation and education through ecotourism remains consistent What is the main idea of the passage? A Ecotourism and its related issues B Sustainable development C Environment pollution and its causes D Job opportunities for local people In paragraph 1, the word "detrimental" is closest in meaning to A constructive B destructive C supportive D beneficial Why has the United Nations declared the celebration of the International Day of Ecotourism? A to raise people's awareness about ecotourism B to encourage more people to experience ecotourism C to boost sustainable practices in ecotourism D to stop ecotourism services completely In paragraph 2, the word "categorized" is closest in meaning to 38 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 A prioritized B typified C examined D classified According to the passage, which of the following is NOT metioned as a criterion for successful ecotourism? A combination of natural and cultural tourism B local populations' involvement in the program C conservation of the natural and cultural environment D improvement in the infrastructure for more tourist attraction In paragraph 3, the word “their” refers to A organisations' B travellers' C hotels' D guidelines' According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for the differences in organizations' focuses? A How big the organization is B How long the organization has been in existence C How much money is available to the organization D How much the organization is supported TIẾT 14: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES TYPE 1, Ngày:…………… /………./…………… Exercise 1: Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form The birds (be) scared and (fly) away if the birdwatchers (make) loud noises I (take) the laptop back to the shop if you (not know) how to fix it John and Ann (feel) _ disappointed if nobody (come) to their party If I (need) _ money to buy a dictionary, you (lend) _ me some? I (be) surprised if you (fail) the exam You're working so hard We (help) _you to the housework if we (have) time 39 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 If you (throw) _ plastic bags into the sea, the fish (eat) them and (die) _ You (cause) a forest fire if you (make) _ a campfire and then (leave) _ it unattended Exercise 2: Choose the correct word or phrasal to complete the sentences My parents might be sad if I fail/ will fail the exam If it doesn't rain, we would eat/ will eat in the garden You get/ will get a discount if you pay for the trip in advance We will not go/ go to school on time if the bus is late again I'm sure he calls/ will call you if he doesn't see you at the party If Alice leaf/ leaves for Ha Noi at o'clock, she'll be there by 10.30 You went/ can go out with your friends if you finish your homework before o'clock If you pay/ will pay for an ecostour, part of your money will be used for wildlife protection Exercise 3: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses If I had a typewriter I (type) it myself If I (know) his address I'd give it to you He (look) a lot better if he shaved more often If you (play) for lower stakes you wouldn't lose so much If he worked more slowly he (not make) so many mistakes I shouldn't drink that wine if I (be) you More tourists would come to this country if it _ (have) a better climate If I were sent to prison you (visit) me? If someone _ (give) you a helicopter what would you with it? 10 I _ (buy) shares in that company if I had some money 40 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 Exercise 4: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences If you to be chosen for the job, you'll have to be experienced in the field A want B wanted C had wanted D wants The patient could not recover unless he _ an operation [undergo: pass through] A had undergone B would undergo C underwent D was undergoing If she him, she would be very happy A met B will meet C is meeting D should meet If I had enough money, I abroad to improve my English A will go B would go C should go D should have to go If it convenient, let's go out for a drink tonight A be B is C was D were 10 If you time, please write to me A have B had C have had D has Exercise 5: Rewrite the conditional sentences for the following situations Phong doesn't have enough money so he can't travel abroad  I don't drive too close to the animals on safari They don't get scared  Tom doesn't have a passport He can't travel abroad  There are so many tourists visiting the national parks The environment there is badly damaged  Tourists throw litter in the river The water is polluted  I can't swim, so I'm not going scuba - diving with you  41 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 I want to go on an eco-tour to Phu Quoc National Park, but I don't have any holiday  _ These students not work hard They can't pass the exam  TIẾT 15: WRITING WRITE A BROCHURE Ngày:……………/…………/………… TIẾT 16: REVISION Ngày:……………/……………/…………… Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions A global B C energy D greenhouse underground 42 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 A B equality C D encourage eliminate educator A B couple C income D culture ceremony Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions A B equality C D environment contaminat electronic e A enroll B C threaten D access treatment Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Electronics could _our body, couldn't they? A harm B harmful C harmless D be harmed _ is the unfair treatment based on gender, age or race A Elimination B Equality C Discrimination D Enrolment She is girl in our class A the most intelligent B more intelligent C most intelligent D intelligent I think our government has considerable progress in gender equality A done B taken C given D made 10 He is trying to buy the same ring he lost five months ago A that B which C ∅ D All are correct 11 The children became about cartoon movies A exciting B to excite C excited D excite 12 Many fishes are in of dying out because of fishing and pollution in the marine area A dangerously B dangerous C endanger D danger 13 We stop when the traffic lights are red A must B should C can D ought to Choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction 43 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 14 (A) If I (B) passed this exam, I'll (C) go to (D) the university next summer 15 The (A) chemical pollutants (B) from vehicles and factories make (C) the air, water and soil dangerously (D) dirtily Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions A Franklin electronic dictionary is actually a helpful gadget to possess with you all of the time Any device involving dictionaries is great to use for people who go on out of their country on business trips Tourists would also benefit very much from such a device Moreover, students will also find this gadget helpful especially whenever they are studying an important foreign language in another country There is also a great diversity of dictionaries that anybody can choose whichever works to them best These dictionaries are also quite easy to use and incorporate various functions Some of them are main functions, besides translating a foreign word, which would be to provide spelling check-ups, find the meaning and synonyms connected with any particular word as well as provide examples of how a word is used in a sentence A typical Franklin electronic dictionary is more than that By entering the meaning of a word of mouth, you would have the ability to pull up many words that you are researching for These is a comprehensive database that comprises about 1,000,000 words and phrase replacements It also comes with idiomatic expressions, professional medical, technical words or ones very popular for business It is also ideal for professionals who have to work in a country accompanied by a different language Franklin Electronic Marketers have been among the leading manufactures regarding handheld electronic inventions Its main office is situated in Burlington, New Jersey and has been around the business of creating these electronic tools since 1981 Some of the original devices that they produced included punctuation correctors, of the fact that first was all the Spelling Ace built in 1986 These devices were a great aid to students all over the globe The company continues to service clients from everywhere Although they are popular in the world, especially targeting the particular Hispanic market whose native language is Spanish; Franklin's products are also quite well-known for Asia, particularly Japan The company aims to address this 44 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 growing importance of language tools as more people are aiming to learn about new languages 16 The word “professionals” in paragraph is closest in meaning to A people who often use modern electronic dictionaries B people with a high level of education and training C people who are very good at languages D people who work in foreign countries 17 The electronic dictionary has various functions because it can A expand a wide range to suit various people's preferences B enter the meaning of a word of mouth and get so many words related C translate foreign words, check spelling, give meanings and synonyms, and the use of them D explain how a word is employed in a sentence and correct punctuation in sentences 18 The database of the dictionary includes all the following EXCEPT A professional medical, technical words B technical terms in various fields and internet lingo C idiomatic expressions or ones very popular for business D about 1,000,000 words and word and phrase replacements 19 With the diversity of dictionaries, we can choose A the one that is portable B the one that suits us best C the one that is handy and cheap D the one that has the largest vocabulary 20 The Franklin electronic dictionary are very popular all over the world, especially in A Burlington, New Jersey C Europe and Asia B Japan D South America and Asia Read the following passage and choose the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbers blanks NAM CAT TIEN NATIONAL PARK In the early morning of the first day, the guide will pick you up and transfer to Nam Cat Tien National Park, located on a low mountainous area of Dong Nai Province Nam Cat Tien is an area which represents a special ecosystem of wet (1) with biodiversity 45 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 2021 – 2022 You will take a boat trip along the Dong Nai River to view the (2) on the river banks You can stop at the grassland area to search for peacocks, jungle fowl and birds that prefer a more open habitat After that, you can continue to go to Kim Lan Village, once a French military camp and now the main village to the one ethnic (3) of the park The song of birds will wake you up in the morning of the second day You go hiking to the crocodile lake with plenty of (4) to see many varieties of bird life and, if you are lucky, the chance of spotting larger mammals The Siamese Crocodile is an endangered (5) and this is one of the last remaining places in the world that you can still see them in the wild In the evening, a walking tour along the track following the river through the botanical garden to Heaven Rapids, which provide you with good opportunities to see the birds and possibly the gibbon 21 A places B varieties C forests D area 22 A change B variety C diverse D wildlife 23 A inhabitants B mammals C plants D habitats 24 A occasion B notes C opportunities D advantages 25 A surfaces B layers C spots D species Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it 26 We must eliminate gender discrimination  Gender discrimination must 27 Peter is not as studious as Linda  Linda is more 28 You had better not lend him any more money, Emily," said John  John advised Emily 29 The students clean the classroom every day  The classroom 30 You should eat a lot of vegetables  A lot of vegetables _ 46 ... passive 31 Parents should give children a lot of love 22 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 20 21 – 20 22  32 Each student must write an essay on gender equality... help by governments A offer B be offered C be offering D offered 20 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 20 21 – 20 22 10 Married women should be encouraged a career of their preference... stored 21 Họ tên học sinh:…………………………………Lớp:………………… Học kỳ – 20 21 – 20 22 19 Students can also use word processing applications to their vocabulary A improve B learn C prove D study 20 While

Ngày đăng: 25/03/2022, 16:45

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