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Functional analysis sobolev spaces and partial differential equations

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  • Cover

  • Universitext

  • Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations

  • Copyright

    • 9780387709130

  • Preface

  • Contents

  • 1. The Hahn–Banach Theorems. Introduction to the Theory of Conjugate Convex Functions

    • 1.1 The Analytic Form of the Hahn–Banach Theorem: Extension of Linear Functionals

    • 1.2 The Geometric Forms of the Hahn–Banach Theorem: Separation of Convex Sets

    • 1.3 The Bidual Ε^{**}. Orthogonality Relations

    • 1.4 A Quick Introduction to the Theory of Conjugate Convex Functions

    • Comments on Chapter 1

    • Exercises for Chapter 1

  • 2. The Uniform Boundedness Principle and the Closed Graph Theorem

    • 2.1 The Baire Category Theorem

    • 2.2 The Uniform Boundedness Principle

    • 2.3 The Open Mapping Theorem and the Closed Graph Theorem

    • 2.4 Complementary Subspaces. Right and Left Invertibility of Linear Operators

    • 2.5 Orthogonality Revisited

    • 2.6 An Introduction to Unbounded Linear Operators. Definition of the Adjoint

    • 2.7 A Characterization of Operators with Closed Range. A Characterization of Surjective Operators

    • Comments on Chapter 2

    • Exercises for Chapter 2

  • 3. Weak Topologies. Reflexive Spaces. Separable Spaces. Uniform Convexity

    • 3.1 The Coarsest Topology for Which a Collection of Maps Becomes Continuous

    • 3.2 Definition and Elementary Properties of the Weak Topology σ(E,E*)

    • 3.3 Weak Topology, Convex Sets, and Linear Operators

    • 3.4 The Weak* Topology σ(E*,E)

    • 3.5 Reflexive Spaces

    • 3.6 Separable Spaces

    • 3.7 Uniformly Convex Spaces

    • Comments on Chapter 3

    • Exercises for Chapter 3

  • 4. L^p Spaces

    • 4.1 Some Results about Integration That Everyone Must Know

    • 4.2 Definition and Elementary Properties of L^p Spaces

    • 4.3 Reflexivity. Separability. Dual of L^p

    • 4.4 Convolution and regularization

    • 4.5 Criterion for Strong Compactness in L^p

    • Comments on Chapter 4

    • Exercises for Chapter 4

  • 5. Hilbert Spaces

    • 5.1 Definitions and Elementary Properties. Projection onto a Closed Convex Set

    • 5.2 The Dual Space of a Hilbert Space

    • 5.3 The Theorems of Stampacchia and Lax–Milgram

    • 5.4 Hilbert Sums. Orthonormal Bases

    • Comments on Chapter 5

    • Exercises for Chapter 5

  • 6. Compact Operators. Spectral Decomposition of Self-Adjoint Compact Operators

    • 6.1 Definitions. Elementary Properties. Adjoint

    • 6.2 The Riesz–Fredholm Theory

    • 6.3 The Spectrum of a Compact Operator

    • 6.4 Spectral Decomposition of Self-Adjoint Compact Operators

    • Comments on Chapter 6

    • Exercises for Chapter 6

  • 7. The Hille–Yosida Theorem

    • 7.1 Definition and Elementary Properties of Maximal Monotone Operators

    • 7.2 Solution of the Evolution Problem du/dt + Au = 0 on [0,+∞), u(0) = u_0. Existence and uniqueness

    • 7.3 Regularity

    • 7.4 The Self-Adjoint Case

    • Comments on Chapter 7

  • 8. Sobolev Spaces and the Variational Formulation of Boundary Value Problems in One Dimension

    • 8.1 Motivation

    • 8.2 The Sobolev Space W^{1,p}(I)

    • 8.3 The Space W^{1,p}_0

    • 8.4 Some Examples of Boundary Value Problems

    • 8.5 The Maximum Principle

    • 8.6 Eigenfunctions and Spectral Decomposition

    • Comments on Chapter 8

    • Exercises for Chapter 8

  • 9. Sobolev Spaces and the Variational Formulation of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems in N Dimensions

    • 9.1 Definition and Elementary Properties of the Sobolev Spaces

    • 9.2 Extension Operators

    • 9.3 Sobolev Inequalities

    • 9.4 The Space W^{1,p}_0(Ω)

    • 9.5 Variational Formulation of Some Boundary Value Problems

    • 9.6 Regularity of Weak Solutions

    • 9.7 The Maximum Principle

    • 9.8 Eigenfunctions and Spectral Decomposition

    • Comments on Chapter 9

  • 10. Evolution Problems: The Heat Equation and the Wave Equation

    • 10.1 The Heat Equation: Existence, Uniqueness, and Regularity

    • 10.2 The Maximum Principle

    • 10.3 The Wave Equation

    • Comments on Chapter 10

  • 11. Miscellaneous Complements

    • 11.1 Finite-Dimensional and Finite-Codimensional Spaces

    • 11.2 Quotient Spaces

    • 11.3 Some Classical Spaces of Sequences

    • 11.4 Banach Spaces over \mathbb{C}: What Is Similar and What Is Different?

  • Solutions of Some Exercises

  • Problems

  • Partial Solutions of the Problems

  • Notation

  • References

  • Index

Nội dung

Functional analysis sobolev spaces and partial differential equations

Universitext For other titles in this series, go to www.springer.com/series/223 Haim Brezis Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations 1C Haim Brezis Distinguished Professor Department of Mathematics Rutgers University Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA brezis@math.rutgers.edu and Professeur émérite, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) and Visiting Distinguished Professor at the Technion Editorial board: Sheldon Axler, San Francisco State University Vincenzo Capasso, Università degli Studi di Milano Carles Casacuberta, Universitat de Barcelona Angus MacIntyre, Queen Mary, University of London Kenneth Ribet, University of California, Berkeley Claude Sabbah, CNRS, École Polytechnique Endre Süli, University of Oxford Wojbor Woyczyński, Case Western Reserve University ISBN 978-0-387-70913-0 e-ISBN 978-0-387-70914-7 DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-70914-7 Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London Library of Congress Control Number: 2010938382 Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 35Rxx, 46Sxx, 47Sxx © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011 All rights reserved This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights Printed on acid-free paper Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media (www.springer.com) To Felix Browder, a mentor and close friend, who taught me to enjoy PDEs through the eyes of a functional analyst Preface This book has its roots in a course I taught for many years at the University of Paris It is intended for students who have a good background in real analysis (as expounded, for instance, in the textbooks of G B Folland [2], A W Knapp [1], and H L Royden [1]) I conceived a program mixing elements from two distinct “worlds”: functional analysis (FA) and partial differential equations (PDEs) The first part deals with abstract results in FA and operator theory The second part concerns the study of spaces of functions (of one or more real variables) having specific differentiability properties: the celebrated Sobolev spaces, which lie at the heart of the modern theory of PDEs I show how the abstract results from FA can be applied to solve PDEs The Sobolev spaces occur in a wide range of questions, in both pure and applied mathematics They appear in linear and nonlinear PDEs that arise, for example, in differential geometry, harmonic analysis, engineering, mechanics, and physics They belong to the toolbox of any graduate student in analysis Unfortunately, FA and PDEs are often taught in separate courses, even though they are intimately connected Many questions tackled in FA originated in PDEs (for a historical perspective, see, e.g., J Dieudonné [1] and H Brezis–F Browder [1]) There is an abundance of books (even voluminous treatises) devoted to FA There are also numerous textbooks dealing with PDEs However, a synthetic presentation intended for graduate students is rare and I have tried to fill this gap Students who are often fascinated by the most abstract constructions in mathematics are usually attracted by the elegance of FA On the other hand, they are repelled by the neverending PDE formulas with their countless subscripts I have attempted to present a “smooth” transition from FA to PDEs by analyzing first the simple case of onedimensional PDEs (i.e., ODEs—ordinary differential equations), which looks much more manageable to the beginner In this approach, I expound techniques that are possibly too sophisticated for ODEs, but which later become the cornerstones of the PDE theory This layout makes it much easier for students to tackle elaborate higher-dimensional PDEs afterward A previous version of this book, originally published in 1983 in French and followed by numerous translations, became very popular worldwide, and was adopted as a textbook in many European universities A deficiency of the French text was the vii viii Preface lack of exercises The present book contains a wealth of problems I plan to add even more in future editions I have also outlined some recent developments, especially in the direction of nonlinear PDEs Brief user’s guide Statements or paragraphs preceded by the bullet symbol • are extremely important, and it is essential to grasp them well in order to understand what comes afterward Results marked by the star symbol can be skipped by the beginner; they are of interest only to advanced readers In each chapter I have labeled propositions, theorems, and corollaries in a continuous manner (e.g., Proposition 3.6 is followed by Theorem 3.7, Corollary 3.8, etc.) Only the remarks and the lemmas are numbered separately In order to simplify the presentation I assume that all vector spaces are over R Most of the results remain valid for vector spaces over C I have added in Chapter 11 a short section describing similarities and differences Many chapters are followed by numerous exercises Partial solutions are presented at the end of the book More elaborate problems are proposed in a separate section called “Problems” followed by “Partial Solutions of the Problems.” The problems usually require knowledge of material coming from various chapters I have indicated at the beginning of each problem which chapters are involved Some exercises and problems expound results stated without details or without proofs in the body of the chapter Acknowledgments During the preparation of this book I received much encouragement from two dear friends and former colleagues: Ph Ciarlet and H Berestycki I am very grateful to G Tronel, M Comte, Th Gallouet, S Guerre-Delabrière, O Kavian, S Kichenassamy, and the late Th Lachand-Robert, who shared their “field experience” in dealing with students S Antman, D Kinderlehrer, and Y Li explained to me the background and “taste” of American students C Jones kindly communicated to me an English translation that he had prepared for his personal use of some chapters of the original French book I owe thanks to A Ponce, H.-M Nguyen, H Castro, and H Wang, who checked carefully parts of the book I was blessed with two extraordinary assistants who typed most of this book at Rutgers: Barbara Miller, who is retired, and now Barbara Mastrian I not have enough words of praise and gratitude for their constant dedication and their professional help They always found attractive solutions to the challenging intricacies of PDE formulas Without their enthusiasm and patience this book would never have been finished It has been a great pleasure, as Preface ix ever, to work with Ann Kostant at Springer on this project I have had many opportunities in the past to appreciate her long-standing commitment to the mathematical community The author is partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-0802958 Haim Brezis Rutgers University March 2010 References Adams, R A., [1] Sobolev spaces, Academic Press, 1975 Agmon, S., [1] Lectures on Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, Van Nostrand, 1965, [2] On positive solutions of elliptic equations with periodic coefficients in Rn , spectral results and extensions operators on Riemannian manifolds in Differential Equations (Knowles, I W and Lewis, R T., eds.), North-Holland, 1984, pp 7–17 Agmon, S., Douglis, A and Nirenberg, L., [1] Estimates near the boundary for solutions of elliptic partial differential equations satisfying general boundary value conditions I, Comm Pure Appl Math 12 (1959), pp 623–727 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function, 29 norm, 4, 29 uniformly, 76 convolution, 104 inf-, 26, 27 regularization by, 27, 453 regularization by, 108 d’Alembertian, 335 Dirichlet condition in dimension 1, 221 in dimension N, 292 principle (Dirichlet’s principle) in dimension 1, 221 in dimension N, 292 discretization in time, 197 distribution function, 462 theory, 203, 264 domain of a function, 10 of an operator, 43 of dependence, 346 dual bi-, norm, H Brezis, Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations, DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-70914-7, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011 595 596 of a Hilbert space, 135 of L1 , 99 of L∞ , 102 of Lp , < p < ∞, 97 1,p of W0 in dimension 1, 219 in dimension N , 291 problem, 17 space, duality map, eigenfunction, 231, 311 eigenspace, 163 eigenvalue, 162, 231, 311 multiplicity of, 169, 234 simplicity of, 253 ellipticity condition, 294 embedding, 212, 278 epigraph, 10 equation elliptic, 294 Euler, 140 heat, 325 Cauchy data for, 326 initial data for, 326 hyperbolic, 335 Klein–Gordon, 340 minimal surface, 322 parabolic, 326 reaction–diffusion, 344 Sturm–Liouville, 223 wave, 335 Cauchy data for, 336 initial data for, 336 equi-integrable, 129, 466 estimates C 0,α for an elliptic equation, 316 for the heat equation, 342 Lp for an elliptic equation, 316 for the heat equation, 342 a priori, 47 exponential formula, 197 extension operator in dimension 1, 209 in dimension N , 272 Fredholm alternative, 160 operator, 168, 492 free boundary problem, 322, 344 function absolutely continuous, 206 Index characteristic, 14, 98 conjugate, 11 convex, 11 distribution, 462 domain of, 10 indicator, 14 integrable, 89 lower semicontinuous (l.s.c), 10 measurable, 89 of bounded variation, 207, 269 Rademacher, 123 shift of, 111 support of, 105 supporting, 14 test, 202, 264 fundamental solution, 117, 317 gauge of a convex set, graph norm, 37 Green’s formula, 296, 316 heat equation, 325 Cauchy data for, 326 initial data for, 326 Hilbert sum, 141 Huygens’ principle, 347 hyperplane, indicator function, 14 inductive, inequality Cauchy–Schwarz, 131 Clarkson first, 95, 462 second, 97, 462 Gagliardo–Nirenberg interpolation in dimension 1, 233 in dimension N , 313 Hardy in dimension 1, 233 in dimension N, 313 Hölder, 92 interpolation, 93 Gagliardo–Nirenberg, 233, 313 Jensen, 120 Morrey, 282 Poincaré in dimension 1, 218 in dimension N, 290 Poincaré–Wirtinger in dimension 1, 233, 511 in dimension N, 312 Sobolev, 212, 278 Trudinger, 287 Index Young, 92 inf-convolution, 26, 27 regularization by, 27, 453 initial data for the heat equation, 326 for the wave equation, 336 injection canonical, compact, 213, 285 continuous, 213, 285 interpolation inequalities, 93, 233, 313 theory, 117, 465 inverse operator left, 39 right, 39 irreversible, 330 isometry, 8, 369, 505 Laplacian, 292 lateral boundary, 325 lemma Brezis–Lieb, 123 Fatou, 90 Goldstine, 69 Grothendieck, 154 Helly, 68 Opial, 153 Riesz, 160 Zorn, linear functional, local chart, 272 lower semicontinuous (l.s.c), 10 maximal, maximum principle for elliptic equations in dimension 1, 229 in dimension N, 307, 310 for the heat equation, 333 strong, 320, 507 measures (Radon), 115, 469 method of translations (Nirenberg), 299 of truncation (Stampacchia), 229, 307 metrizable, 74 min–max principle (Courant–Fischer), 490, 515 theorem (von Neumann), 480 mollifiers, 108 monotone operator linear, 181, 456 nonlinear, 483 multiplicity of eigenvalues, 169, 234 597 normal derivative, 296 null set, 89 numerical range, 366 operator accretive, 181 bijective, 35 bounded, 43 closed, 43 range, 46 compact, 157 dissipative, 181 domain of, 43 extension in dimension 1, 209 in dimension N, 272 finite-rank, 157 Fredholm–Noether, 168, 492 Hardy, 486 Hilbert–Schmidt, 169, 497 injective, 35 inverse left, 39 right, 39 maximal monotone, 181 monotone linear, 181, 456 nonlinear, 483 normal, 369, 504 projection, 38, 476 resolvent, 182 self-adjoint, 165, 193, 368 shift, 163, 175 skew-adjoint, 370, 505 square root of, 496 Sturm–Liouville, 234 surjective, 35 symmetric, 193 unbounded, 43 unitary, 505 orthogonal of a linear subspace, projection, 134, 477 orthonormal, 143 parabolic equation, 326 partition of unity, 276 primal problem, 17 projection on a convex set, 132 operator, 38, 476 orthogonal, 134, 477 quotient space, 353 598 Radon measures, 115, 469 reaction diffusion, 344 reflexive, 67 regularity in Lp and C 0,α , 316, 342 of weak solutions, 221, 298 regularization by convolution, 108 by inf-convolution, 27, 453 Yosida, 182 resolvent operator, 182 set, 162 scalar product, 131 self-adjoint, 165, 193, 368 semigroup, 190, 197 separable, 72 separation of convex sets, shift of function, 111 operator, 163, 175 simplicity of eigenvalues, 253 smoothing effect, 330 Sobolev embedding, 212, 278 spaces dual, fractional Sobolev, 314 Hilbert, 132 Lp , 91 Marcinkiewicz, 462, 464 pivot, 136 quotient, 353 reflexive, 67 separable, 72 Sobolev fractional, 314 in dimension 1, 202 in dimension N, 263 strictly convex, 4, 29 uniformly convex, 76 W 1,p , 202, 263 1,p W0 , 217, 287 W m,p , 216, 271 m,p W0 , 219, 291 spectral analysis, 170 decomposition, 165 mapping theorem, 367 radius, 177, 366 spectrum, 162, 366 Stefan problem, 344 strictly convex function, 29 Index norm, 4, 29 Sturm–Liouville equation, 223 operator, 234 support of a function, 105 supporting function, 14 theorem Agmon–Douglis–Nirenberg, 316 Ascoli–Arzelà, 111 Baire, 31 Banach fixed-point, 138 Banach–Alaoglu–Bourbaki, 66 ˇ Banach–Dieudonné–Krein–Smulian, 79, 450 Banach–Steinhaus, 32 Beppo Levi, 90 Brouwer fixed-point, 179 Carleson, 146 Cauchy–Lipschitz–Picard, 184 closed graph, 37 De Giorgi–Nash–Stampacchia, 318 dominated convergence, 90 Dunford–Pettis, 115, 466, 472 ˇ Eberlein–Smulian, 70, 448 Egorov, 115, 121, 122 Fenchel–Moreau, 13 Fischer–Riesz, 93 Friedrichs, 265 Fubini, 91 Hahn–Banach, 1, 5, Helly, 1, 214, 235 Hille–Yosida, 185, 197 Kakutani, 67 Kolmogorov–Riesz–Fréchet, 111 Krein–Milman, 18, 435 Krein–Rutman, 170, 499 Lax–Milgram, 140 Lebesgue, 90 Mazur, 61 Meyers–Serrin, 267 Milman–Pettis, 77 Minty–Browder, 145, 483 monotone convergence, 90 Morrey, 282 open mapping, 35 Rellich–Kondrachov, 285 Riesz representation, 97, 99, 116 Schauder, 159, 179, 317 Schur, 446 Schur–Riesz–Thorin–Marcinkiewicz, 117, 465 Sobolev, 278 spectral mapping, 367 Index Stampacchia, 138 Tonelli, 91 Vitali, 121, 122 von Neumann, 480 trace, 315 triplet V , H, V , 136 truncation operation, 97, 229, 307 599 vibration of a membrane, 336 of a string, 336 equation, 335 Cauchy data for, 336 initial data for, 336 propagation, 336 wavelets, 146 weak convergence, 57 topology, 57 weak solution, 221, 292 regularity of, 221, 298 weak convergence, 63 topology, 62 wave Yosida approximation, 182 uniform boundedness principle, 32 uniformly convex, 76 ... element A function p satisfying (1) and (2) is sometimes called a Minkowski functional H Brezis, Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations, DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-70914-7_1,... Pick any x0 ∈ ω and r0 > such that B(x0 , r0 ) ⊂ ω Then, choose x1 ∈ B(x0 , r0 ) ∩ O1 and r1 > such that H Brezis, Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations, DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-70914-7_2,... titles in this series, go to www.springer.com/series/223 Haim Brezis Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations 1C Haim Brezis Distinguished Professor Department of Mathematics

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