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Nhóm 7 ðinh Nho Hiệp – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com - 1 - Adaptation: Sự thích nghi, sự ñiều chỉnh The adaptation of desert species to the hot conditions • adapt • adaptability • adaptable • adaption • adaptive Adult: (~grown-up) Người lớn, ñã trưởng thành (n;adj) Children must be accompanied by an adult. The fish return to the river as adults in order to breed. • adulthood Advocate: Có chủ trương, tán thành (mang tính publicly) The group does not advocate the use of violence. Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behaviour. • advocacy Aid: Sự giúp ñỡ, sự cứu trợ An extra £10 million in foreign aid has been promised. This job would be impossible without the aid of a computer. Channel: Chuyển smth tới smwh Ditches were constructed to channel water away from the buildings. If she could only channel all that energy into something useful. A lot of money has been channelled into research in that particular field. Chemical: (thuộc) hóa học A chemical element The chemical industry • chemically Classical: Kinh ñiển, cổ ñiển The classical economics of Smith and Ricardo Classical and modern ballet • classic • classically Nhóm 7 ðinh Nho Hiệp – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com - 2 - Comprehensive: (~complete, full) Bao hàm ñầy ñủ A comprehensive list of addresses Comprehensive insurance (= covering all risks) • comp • comprehensively • comprehensiveness Comprise: (~make something up ) Chiếm, ñóng góp Women comprise 15% of the police force. Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty. Confirm: Xác nhận, chứng thực Rumours of job losses were later confirmed Please write to confirm your reservation (= say that it is definite). It has been confirmed that the meeting will take place next week. • confirmation Contrary: (~opposite): Trái ngược Contrary to popular belief, many cats dislike milk. The contrary view is that prison provides an excellent education—in crime. The government has decided that the publication of the report would be ‘contrary to the public interest’. • contrarily • contrariness Convert: Biến ñổi (ñồ vật, niềm tin, quan ñiểm, í kiến…) The hotel is going to be converted into a nursing home. We've converted from oil to gas central heating. I didn't use to like opera but my husband has converted me. • conversion • convertibility • convertible Couple: ðôi, cặp I saw a couple of men get out. • a couple • coupling Decade: Thập kỉ 1910–1919 or 2000–2009 Nhóm 7 ðinh Nho Hiệp – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com - 3 - Definite: Rõ ràng, chắc chắn Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow? I'm not sure—I can find out for definite if you like. • definitely / • indefinitely • definitive • definitively • indefinite Deny: Phủ nhận The spokesman refused either to confirm or deny the reports. There's no denying (the fact) that quicker action could have saved them. It can't be denied that we need to devote more resources to this problem. He denies attempting to murder his wife. • deniable • denial Differentiate: (~distinguish) (ngoại) phân biệt/ (nội) khác biệt Differentiate A (from B) I can't differentiate one variety from another. The male's yellow beak differentiates it from the female. Differentiate (between) A and B It's difficult to differentiate between the two varieties. • differentiation Disposal: Sự vứt bỏ, sự tống ñi A bomb disposal squad: ðội xử lí bom mìn Sewage disposal systems: Hệ thống xả nước thải The disposal of nuclear waste: việc xử lý chất thải hạt nhân • disposable • dispose • disposed Dynamic: ðộng lực học (n/adj) (><statics: tĩnh học) Fluid dynamics: Chất lỏng ñộng lực học • dynamically Eliminate: Loại ra, loại trừ, bài tiết, khử (hoàn toàn loại bỏ) Credit cards eliminate the need to carry a lot of cash. The police have eliminated two suspects from their investigation. This diet claims to eliminate toxins from the body. • elimination Nhóm 7 ðinh Nho Hiệp – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com - 4 - Empirical: (~theoretical ) Kinh nghiệm, thực nghiệm Empirical evidence Such claims need to be tested empirically. An empirical study • empirically • empiricism • empiricist Equipment: ðồ trang bị, thiết bị, dụng cụ, sự trang bị New equipment for the sports clu The equipment of the photographic studio was expensive. • equip Extract: Loại bỏ cái gì (từ cái gì ñó); nhổ ra (răng); rút ra (nguyên tắc) He's going to the dentist's to have a tooth extracted. A machine that extracts excess moisture from the air To extract essential oils from plants • extraction File: Tài liệu, hồ A stack of files awaited me on my desk. Every file on the same disk must have a different name. Finite: (~infinite ) Có hạn, có chừng mự, có giới hạn A finite number of possibilities The world's resources are finite. • infinite • infinitely Foundation: Nền móng, căn cứ, cơ sở, nền tảng The builders are now beginning to lay the foundations of the new school. Respect and friendship provide a solid foundation for marriage. The rumour is totally without foundation (= not based on any facts). These stories have no foundation (= are not based on any facts). Globe = The world: Quả ðất Tourists from every corner of the globe • globalization • globally Nhóm 7 ðinh Nho Hiệp – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com - 5 - Grade: Cấp bậc, mức, ñộ; hạng, loại; tầng lớp All the materials used were of the highest grade. • graded Guarantee: (~assurance) Sự bảo ñảm, sự cam ñoan; sự bảo lãnh, sự dám chắc To give a guarantee of good behaviour He gave me a guarantee that it would never happen again. They are demanding certain guarantees before they sign the treaty. Hierarchical: Có thứ bậc, có tôn ti A hierarchical society/structure/organization • hierarchically • hierarchy Identical: ðúng, chính xác, như nhau The two pictures are similar, although not identical. Identical to somebody/something Her dress is almost identical to mine. This is the identical room we stayed in last year. The children were dressed identically. Identical with somebody/something The number on the card should be identical with the one on the chequebook. • identically Ideology: Tư tưởng, hệ tư tưởng The ideology of gender roles Alternative ideologies • ideological • ideologically Infer: (~deduce) Suy ra, luận ra, kết luận Readers are left to infer the killer's motives. Infer something (from something) Much of the meaning must be inferred from the context. • inference Nhóm 7 ðinh Nho Hiệp – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com - 6 - Innovation: Sáng kiến, ñiều mới ñưa vào, cái mới, phương pháp mới, sự ñổi mới The latest innovations in education The company is very interested in product design and innovation. • innovate • innovative • innovator • innovatory Insert: Lồng vào, gài vào, chèn (+in, into) (add?) Insert coins into the slot and press for a ticket. They inserted a tube in his mouth to help him breathe. Later, he inserted another paragraph into his will. • insertion Intervene: Xen vào, can thiệp The President intervened personally in the crisis. She might have been killed if the neighbours hadn't intervened. They were planning to get married and then the war intervened. • intervention Isolate: Cô lập, tách ly Patients with the disease should be isolated. He was immediately isolated from the other prisoners. This decision will isolate the country from the rest of Europe. It is possible to isolate a number of factors that contributed to her downfall. Media: Các phương tiện truyền thông The trial was fully reported in the media. The media was/were accused of influencing the final decision. He became a media star for his part in the protests. Mode: Cách, cách thức A mode of communication A mode of behaviour Environment-friendly modes of transport Paradigm: Mẫu, mô hình The war was a paradigm of the destructive side of human nature. Nhóm 7 ðinh Nho Hiệp – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com - 7 - Phenomenon: Sự việc phi thường; vật phi thường; vật kỳ lạ, hiện tượng lạ Globalization is a phenomenon of the 21st century. Early retirement is a relatively new phenomenon in Britain. Priority: ðiều ưu tiên Education is a top priority. Our first priority is to improve standards. Financial security was high on his list of priorities. You need to get your priorities right (= decide what is important to you). The search for a new vaccine will take priority over all other medical research. Prohibit: (~forbid) Ngăn cấm, cấm chỉ (bởi luật lệ) A law prohibiting the sale of alcohol Soviet citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad. The policy prohibits smoking on school grounds. The high cost of equipment prohibits many people from taking up this sport. (~prevent) Publication: Sự xuất bản (sách); sách báo xuất bản (báo, tạp chí,…) The publication date The publication of his first novel A delay in the publication of the exam results The newspaper continues to defend its publication of the photographs. Quote: Trích dẫn He quoted a passage from the minister's speech. The President was quoted in the press as saying that he disagreed with the decision. Release: Sự giải thoát, sự phóng thích To release a prisoner Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage. Reverse: Nghịch, ñảo ngược, ñảo, ñiều trái lại (n,adj,v) The government has failed to reverse the economic decline. This problem is the reverse of the previous one. To travel in the reverse direction • irreversible • irreversibly Nhóm 7 ðinh Nho Hiệp – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com - 8 - Simulate: Giả lập, mô phỏng Computer software can be used to simulate conditions on the seabed. Role-playing is a useful way of simulating real-life situations. Sole: (~only; single) Duy nhất My sole reason for coming here was to see you. This is the sole means of access to the building. Somewhat(~rather) Hơi, gọi là, một chút, phần nào I was somewhat surprised to see him. The situation has changed somewhat since we last met. What happened to them remains somewhat of a mystery. Submit: ðệ trình, ñưa ra í kiến (formally) Completed projects must be submitted to Mr. James by 10 March. Successor: Người nối nghiệp; người nối ngôi; người thừa tự Who's the likely successor to him as party leader? Their latest release is a worthy successor to their popular debut album. He chose as his successor a relative newcomer to the organization. Survive: Sống qua, qua khỏi ñược, sống sót She was the last surviving member of the family. Of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived. The children had to survive by begging and stealing. I can't survive on £40 a week. They spent two months in the jungle, surviving on small animals and fruit. He survived as party leader until his second election defeat. Thesis: Luận văn, luận án Students must submit a thesis on an agreed subject within four years. Topic: ðề tài, chủ ñề The main topic of conversation was Tom's new girlfriend. The article covered a wide range of topics. The topic for tonight's discussion is… Nhóm 7 ðinh Nho Hiệp – ddinhnhohiep@gmail.com - 9 - Transmit: (~ transfer) Chuyển giao, truyền (tín hiệu) Signals transmitted from a satellite The ceremony was transmitted live by satellite to over fifty countries. Ultimate:( ~final, basic, fundamental) cuối cùng, chủ yếu, quan trọng nhất We will accept ultimate responsibility for whatever happens. The ultimate decision lies with the parents. This race will be the ultimate test of your skill. Unique: Duy nhất, ñơn nhất, ñộc nhất, vật duy nhất (adj/n) Everyone's fingerprints are unique. The deal will put the company in a unique position to export goods to Eastern Europe.The koala is unique to Australia. The UK, uniquely, has not had to face the problem of mass unemployment. Visible: Có thể trông thấy ñược The house is clearly visible from the beach. Most stars are not visible to the naked eye. • invisibility • invisible • invisibly Voluntary: Tự nguyện, tự giác (><compulsory) I do some voluntary work at the local hospital. She works there on a voluntary basis. 123doc.vn

Ngày đăng: 22/11/2012, 20:29

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