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NGỮ PHÁP TOEIC – HOÀNG HƯỜNG TOEIC CHỦ ĐIỂM 1: TỪ LOẠI CÁC CƠNG THỨC DÙNG TRONG TỪ LOẠI Tính từ + Danh Từ (Adj+ N) DANH TỪ Ví dụ: A beautiful girl (1 gái đẹp) – TÍNH + DANH The marketing deparment (phòng marketing) – DANH + DANH Some extremely beautiful girls (1 cô gái đẹp) – TRẠNG + TÍNH + DANH A kind and beautiful girl (1 cô gái vừa đẹp vừa tốt bụng) – TÍNH + TÍNH + DANH Trật tự loại từ cụm danh từ:  Mạo từ (a/an/the/some/many/all) + DANH TỪ  Trật tự từ cụm danh từ là: TRẠNG TỪ > TÍNH TỪ >DANH TỪ  Đứng trước danh từ là: TÍNH TỪ/DANH TỪ + DANH TỪ + Ví dụ: a beautiful girl (adj+n), a sales department (n+n)  Đứng trước tính từ là: TRẠNG TỪ/ TÍNH TỪ + TÍNH TỪ + Ví dụ: extremely beautiful (adv+ adj), kind and beautiful girl (adj+adj bổ sung cho danh)  Trong cụm danh từ: tính từ bổ sung cho danh từ (adj+ n), trạng từ bổ sung cho tính từ (adv+ adj) Nếu chúng bổ sung cho ghép lại dịch nghĩa hợp ok TÍNH TỪ: Vị trí Tính Từ: 1, ADJ + N: tính từ + danh từ Ví dụ: a beautiful girl 2, To be+ ADV+ ADJ: To be + Trạng Từ+ Tính Từ Ví dụ: she is extremely beautiful 3, Keep (giữ cho), seem (dường như), sound (nghe có vẻ), look (trơng có vẻ), make (khiến cho), feel (cảm thấy), find (cảm thấy), remain (vẫn), stay (vẫn), appear (dường như), become (trở nên) + TÍNH TỪ Ví dụ: she finds the movie interesting (cô nhận thấy phim hay) It sounds interesting (điều nghe thú vị) Keep it safe (hãy giữ cho an tồn) He makes it possible (anh khiến cho xảy ra) The product becomes popular among teenagers (sản phẩm trở nên phổ biến giới trẻ) Trạng Từ + Động Từ (Adv + V) Vị trí Trạng Từ (ADV)  Trạng từ +Tính Từ (ADV + ADJ) Ví dụ: Extremely beautiful (rất đẹp)  Trạng Từ + Động từ + Trạng Từ (ADV + V V + ADV) Ví dụ: Gradually increase (tăng cách từ từ) increase gradually (tăng cách từ từ)  Trạng Từ + Mạo từ/giới từ/cụm từ (ADV+ a/an/the/of/…) Ví dụ: largely due to her effort (chủ yếu cố gắng cô ấy)  Trạng Từ + Mệnh đề (ADV + S,V) Ví dụ: Fortunately, she passed the exam (may quá, cô vượt qua kỳ thi)  Lưu ý: Sau động từ có trường hợp: danh từ (làm tân ngữ) trạng từ Ví dụ: Sing a song (hát hay) – V + N (tân ngữ) Sing a song beautifully (hát cách hay) – V+ ADV Số Trường Hợp Đặc Biệt Của Động Từ:  Please close the door and listen to me V nguyên mẫu từ nối Vnguyên mẫu (Trong câu mệnh lệnh, V nguyên mẫu)  To learn English well, follow my instruction To V , Vnguyên mẫu (Để học tốt = To V, nghe theo = V nguyên mẫu)  He said that learning English isnot difficult S V (Ving làm chủ ngữ = việc học Tiếng Anh, that + Mệnh đề (S,V)  Being late, she apologized to everyone Ving Dạng đầy đủ: She was late, she apologized to everyone (Ving= rút gọn chủ ngữ dạng chủ động, tạm dịch: cô trễ nên cô xin lỗi người)  Approved, the project will be implemented soon Ved/V3 Dạng đầy đủ: The project was approved, it will be implemented soon (Ved/V3= Rút gọn chủ ngữ dạng bị động, tạm dịch: phê duyệt nên dự án tới tiến hành)  Động từ khuyết thiếu + Vnguyên mẫu Can Might Need to Will Would rather Could Must Shall Would Used to May Ought to Should Had better CÁC ĐUÔI N/ADJ/V/ADV THÔNG DỤNG Danh Từ -Ment -Ness -Tion -Sion -Cy -Ty Er/or/i st/ee Develop ment Equipm ent Inform ation Locatio n Poli cy Priv acy Sadness Permis Bea happines sion uty s Version Qual ity -Ance -Ence -Ing -ure -ship -dom -ism -ant -al Teacher Entranc Teachi Actor e ng Importa Openi nce ng Advent ure Proced ure Boredo m Freedo m Appli cant Propo sal Scienti Depend Marke st ence ting employ science ee Friends hip membe rship Commu nism criticis m Note: -ant/al đa số ADJ -al -ous A-B Suga r– free Goo dlooki ng Tính Từ  A -ful b - ive l e  i b l e - ic - ical - ant - ent - less -y -ed/V3 - ing - ish - ly Reason able Valuabl e Beaut iful Stress ful Specif ic Publi c Signific ant Import ant Carel ess Helpl ess Interes Childish ted selfish broke n Nation al Final Visible accessi ble Effect ive positi Politi Excelle cal nt practi freque Funn y cloud Boring Daily/mo excitin nthly g (vừa Famou s danger ve cal nt y adv adj) ous Động Từ -ate Create Generate Decorate Locate -ize/ise Realize Authorize Memorise Emphasise -fy Modify Qualify Satisfy Notify -en Lengthen Strengthen Weaken Shorten Trạng Từ Được thành lập cách thêm đi” ly” vào tính từ: Adj+ly=Adv Ví dụ: Beautiful – beautifully Careful-carefully A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D Customers must contact the ……directly for all warranty and repair issues Manufacturer Manufacturing Manufactures Manufactured Our new manager, has a particularly … work style and brings a vibrant and exciting new perspective Distinctive Distinctively Distinctiveness Distinction Mr.Forbes has yet to make his official school-sponsored ……to California, though he is planning to make it the first week of May Visiting Visit Visitor Visited The bids must be reviewed by the engineers to make sure all engineering(N)+ …Ns……for the project are met Specific To specify Specifically Specifications We are pleased to announce that the ADV….+.(ADJ)anticipated tablet computer brochure has now been launched on our website A B C D Most eager Eagerness Eagerly Eager It is common practice for a firm to seek a …ADJ+(N)….advantage in order to maintain its position in the marketplace A Compete B Competition C Competitive D Competitively Tiffany Rings offers a complimentary …N+ (N)service to keep your ring as beautiful as it was the day you received it A Clean B Cleaning C Cleanest D Cleaned ……ADJ+(N)…picture ID is required to purchase any alcoholic beverage A Validate B Valid C Validate D Validity The food industry has undergone …ADJ+(N)…changes A Considerate B Considerable C Consideration D Considering 10 Careful planning and …N+(V)…pave the way for a successful meeting A Coordination B Coordinated C Coordinate D Coordinator 11 A …ADV+(ADJ) more effective procedure was implemented as an alternative for the former one A Significantly B Signify C Significant D Significance 12 For further +N… on completing a project, visit our webpage A Information B Inform C Informational D Informed 13 All potential candidates applying for this position must have at least six years of …ADJ+(N)….experience in the automobile industry A Apply B Applies C Applicable D Applicability 14 The information below is being provided in response to …ADJ+(N) requests for teleconference referrals A Frequent B Frequenting C Frequented D Frequently 15 Thank you for showing an interest in …Ving…(Tân ngữ)us A Assist B Assisted C Assistance D Assisting 16 Corsica is an undeniable paradise for …N of sea and water sports, as well as for hiking A Enthusiasts B Enthusiastically C Enthusiastic D Enthused 17 Factory officials reported that with the installation of the new machinery, errors during …+N….have decreased by 15 percent A Assemble B Assembly C Assembles D Assembled 18 Security directors must monitor the performance of security staff, conduct survey and make recommendations for hiring …ADJ+(N) staff A Additionally B Additions C Additional D Addition 19 You can find whatever office …N you need in the storage area A Supply B Supplies C Supplied D Supplier 20 This will assist AB in the …ADJ+N settlement of your new mortgage A Time B Timely C Timing D Timelier 21 A new schedule has been proposed as an …N to existing one in order to meet the deadline A Alternative B Alternatives C Alternatively D Alternativeness 22 Please send my greeting to your staff for …vING my visit A Organizes B Organization C Organizing D To organize 23 A high sense of ……often means individuals go well above the normal standard in various business situations A Professionalism B Professional C Profession D Professionally 24 AT&T Wireless announced a small but …adj…increase in revenue in the third quarter, largely due to its new wireless models A Significant B Signify C Signifying D Significantly 25 Many recruiters will be attending this year’s …sở hữu cách + cdt…job fair, which is being held at the Marshall Center A Week v B Weeks C Weekly D Weeklong 26 Loye Cruise has become the industry standard for …….on cruise ships due to their famous theatric performances A Entertained B To entertain C Entertainment D Entertainer 27 Please contact Julian Bells if you need to get a copy of the meeting minutes from last week’s … call A conference B conferencing C has conference D had conference 28 Customers often turn to magazine articles or reviews for …… product test results when purchasing an item A relying B relied C reliable D reliant 29 I’ve read a couple of different articles on Franklin Roosevelt, who was a much …….president than Barack Obama has been so far A boldness B bolder C boldest D boldly 30 All interoffice ….must first be delivered to a central mailbox before being sent to each employee A corresponds B corresponding C correspondence 31 According to a student at Smith Elementary School, you have been meeting with them ……for several months now to research the issue A regular B regularly C.regulated D regularity 32 All employees at Hospice Hospital should enroll in the upcoming training session to ensure ……with the new government guidelines regarding continuing education A comply B complied C compliant D compliance 33 The discount for students …….only to those who attend a local public school A apply B applies C application D applications 34 The Sanderson Company uses premium shipping ……that can be modified to meet the diverse needs of customers A contains B contained C containing D containers 35 Arcosa Design Ltd offers digital and print design ….that fit the the individual clients’ requirements A to service B service C serviced D services 36 Harrier Construction employs a group of contractors whose ………knowledge and experience translate into quality workmanship A collect B collectively C collective D collection 37 Recent research on battery life shows that the battery in our newest mobile phone ……better than those in similar products A perform B performing C performs D performance 38 Derek now has over 400 stores … located in more than 40 states A convenience B convenient C conveniently D conveniences 39 Personal information gathered about customers ………in leasing a solar panel system is confidential A interested B interests C interesting D interest 40 The research released by Henford Trust ranked automobile companies according to sales ……and financial position A Performed B Performing C Performance D Performer 41 All staff members should log in to their time and labor ….daily to record their hours worked A Accounts B Accounted C Accountant D Accountable 42 Yesterday’s Festival featured some of the most … dancers that the palace Theater has ever hosted A Live B Liveliness C Lively D Livelier 43 The High Performance weather gauge is … accurate in measuring the level of humidity in the air A Surprising B Surprisingly C Surprised D Surprises 44 To receive …….updates regarding your journal subscription status, please provide an email address on the order form A Period B Periods C Periodicals D Periodic 45 We regret to announce that Mr.Charles has resigned his position as senior sales manager,….next Monday A Effect B Effected C Effectiveness D Effective 46 Lexino Publisher’s dictionary database allows users to search for entries in ……languages A Multiplied B Multiplying C Multiples D Multiple 47 Heidt Used Appliance Store guarantees that your purchases will arrive in working … A Condition B Conditional C Conditionally D Conditioned 48 Due to construction delays on Maplewood Avenue, employees will ….need to find alternate routes A Probable B Probably C Probability D Probabilities 49 The final review board has stated that no budget proposal may … ten pages A Excessive B Excess C Exceeding D Exceed 50 Cruz-Alva Oil provides ….priced solutions for all your energy needs A Competing B Competition C Competitive D Competitively 51 Once staff has had training in the new accounting software, they will be prepared to work …… A Independent B Independently C Independence D Independency 52 Customers expressed dissatisfaction with the cost of the phone, but complaints about the user interface were relatively … A Rarest B Rare C Rarity D Rarely 53 Crum Carpeting’s profits have risen … since the company introduced a new environmentally friendly carpet line

Ngày đăng: 19/03/2022, 08:18

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