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Tài liệu Master the Gre 2010 - Part 31 doc

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18. The figure above shows a square that is tangent to one circle at four points, and inscribed in another. If the diameter of the large circle is 10, what is the diameter of the smaller circle? (A) 5 = 3 2 (B) 5 (C) 2p (D) 5 = 2 (E) 7.5 The correct answer is (D). The square’s diagonal is equal in length to the large circle’s diameter, which is 10. This diagonal is the hypotenuse of a triangle whose legs are two sides of the square. The triangle is right isosceles, with sides in the ratio 1:1: = 2. The length of each side of the square 5 10 = 2 ,or5 = 2. This length is also the diameter of the small circle. Tangents and Inscribed Circles A circle is tangent to a line (or line segment) if they intersect at one and only one point (called the point of tangency). Here’s the key rule to remember about tangents: A line that is tangent to a circle is always perpendicular to the line passing through the circle’s center at the point of tangency. The next figure shows a circle with center O inscribed in a square. Point P is one of four points of tangency. By definition, OP ⊥ AB. Chapter 11: Math Review: Geometry 283 www.petersons.com A P B O Also, notice the following relationships between the circle in the preceding figure and the square in which it is inscribed (r 5 radius): • Each side of the square is 2r in length. • The square’s area is (2r) 2 ,or4r 2 . • The ratio of the square’s area to that of the inscribed circle is 4 p . • The difference between the two areas—the total shaded area—is 4r 2 2pr 2 . • The area of each separate (smaller) shaded area is 1 4 (4r 2 2pr 2 ). For any regular polygon (including squares) that inscribes a circle: • The point of tangency between each line segment and the circle bisects the segment. • Connecting each vertex to the circle’s center creates an array of congruent angles, arcs, and triangles. For example, the left-hand figure below shows a regular pentagon, and the right-hand figure shows a regular hexagon. Each polygon inscribes a circle. In each figure, the shaded region is one of five (or six) identical ones. PART IV: Quantitative Reasoning284 TIP A line that is tangent to a circle is always perpendicular to a line connecting the point of tangency and the circle’s center. www.petersons.com 19. A D B O C 40º xº In the figure above, a circle with center O is tangent to AB at point D and tangent to AC at point C. If m∠A 5 40°, then x 5 (A) 140 (B) 145 (C) 150 (D) 155 (E) 160 The correct answer is (A). Since AC is tangent to the circle, AC ⊥ BC. Accordingly, DABC is a right triangle, and m∠B 5 50°. Similarly, AB ⊥ DO, DDBO is a right triangle, and ∠DOB 5 40°. ∠DOC (the angle in question) is supplementary to ∠DOB. Thus, m∠DOC 5 140° (x 5 140). 20. One side of a rectangle is the diameter of a circle. The opposite side of the rectangle is tangent to the circle. Column A Column B The perimeter of the rectangle The circumference of the circle (A) The quantity in Column A is greater. (B) The quantity in Column B is greater. (C) The quantities are equal. (D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. The correct answer is (B). The centered information describes the following figure: Chapter 11: Math Review: Geometry 285 TIP When tackling a GRE geometry question, don’t hesitate to draw your own figure to help you visualize the problem and answer the question. www.petersons.com Calling the radius r, the rectangle’s perimeter is 2(2r)+2(r)=6r. The circle’s circumference is 2pr. Since p.3, 2p.6, and the circle’s circumference is larger. Comparing Circles On the GRE, questions asking you to compare circles come in two varieties. You will be required to do one of the following: Calculate the difference between radii, circumferences, and areas. Determine ratios involving the two circles and their radii,circumferences,andareas. To calculate a difference between the radii, circumferences, or areas, just calculate each area or circumference, then subtract. To handle questions involving ratios, you need to understand that the relationship between a circle’s radius (circumference) and its area is exponential, not linear (because A 5pr 2 ). For example, if one circle’s radius is twice that of another, the ratio of the circles’ areas is 1:4[pr 2 :p(2r) 2 ]. If the larger circle’s radius is three times that of the smaller circle, the ratio is 1:9[pr 2 :p(3r) 2 ]. A 1:4 ratio between radii results in a 1:16 area ratio, and so forth. The same proportions apply if you compare circumferences and areas. If the circum- ference ratio is 2:1, then the area ratio is 4:1. If the circumference ratio is 3:1, then the area ratio is 9:1, and so forth. 21. In the figure above, point O lies at the center of both circles. If the length of OP is 6 and the length of PQ is 2, what is the ratio of the area of the smaller circle to the area of the larger circle? (A) 3:8 (B) 7:16 (C) 1:2 (D) 9:16 (E) 5:8 The correct answer is (D). The ratio of the small circle’s radius to that of the large circle is 6:8, or 3:4. Since Area 5pr 2 , the area ratio is p(3) 2 :p(4) 2 ,or9:16. PART IV: Quantitative Reasoning286 www.petersons.com POLYGONS Polygons include all plane figures formed only by straight segments. Up to this point, we’ve focused on only three-sided polygons (triangles) and four-sided polygons (quad- rilaterals). Now take a quick look at the key characteristics of all polygons. You can use the following formula to determine the sum of the measures of all interior angles of any polygon whose angles each measure less than 180° (n 5 number of sides): (n 2 2)(180°) 5 sum of interior angles For regular polygons, the average angle measure is also the measure of every angle. But for any polygon (except for those with an angle exceeding 180°), you can find the average angle measure by dividing the sum of the measures of the angles by the number of sides. One way to shortcut the math is to memorize the angle sums and averages for polygons with 3–8 sides: 3 sides: (3 2 2)(180°) 5 180° 4 3 5 60° 4 sides: (4 2 2)(180°) 5 360° 4 4 5 90° 5 sides: (5 2 2)(180°) 5 540° 4 5 5 108° 6 sides: (6 2 2)(180°) 5 720° 4 6 5 120° 7 sides: (7 2 2)(180°) 5 900° 4 7 ' 129° 8 sides: (8 2 2)(180°) 5 1,080° 4 8 5 135° A GRE question might simply ask for the measure of any interior angle of a certain regular polygon; to answer it, just apply the preceding formula. If the polygon is not regular, you can add up known angle measures to find unknown angle measures. 22. Exactly two of the angles of the polygon shown below are congruent if x < 180, what is the LEAST possible sum of the degree measures of two of the polygon’s interior angles? degrees Enter a number in the box. The correct answer is (138). The figure shows a hexagon. The sum of the measures of all six angles is 720°. Subtracting the measures of the three known angles from 720° leaves 420°, which is the sum of the measures of the three unknown angles. Set up an equation, then solve for x: Chapter 11: Math Review: Geometry 287 ALERT! A polygon in which all sides are congruent and all angles are congruent is called a regular polygon. But for the GRE, you only need to know the principle, not the terminology. www.petersons.com x 1 x 1 1 2 x 5 420 5 2 x 5 420 x 5 ~420!~2! 5 x 5~84!~2! = 168 Of the three unknown angles, two are 168° each. The other is 1 2 of 168°, or 84°. The polygon’s two smallest angles measure 54° and 84°. Their sum is 138°. Another, more difficult, type of problem requires you to determine the area of a polygon, which might be either regular or irregular. To do so, you need to partition the polygon into an assemblage of smaller geometric figures. 23. A B C D E What is the area of polygon ABCDE shown above? (A) 4 1 2 = 3 (B) 3 1 3 = 2 (C) 6 = 3 (D) 2 1 6 = 2 (E) 8 = 2 The correct answer is (A). Divide the polygon into three triangles as shown below. The area of each of the two outer triangles 5 1 2 bh 5 1 2 ~2!~2!52. (Their combined area is 4.) Since the two outer triangles are both 1:1: = 2 right tri- angles, BE ≅ BD, and both line segments are 2 = 2 units long. Accordingly, the central triangle is equilateral. Calculate its area. s 2 = 3 4 5 ~2 = 2! 2 = 3 4 5 8 = 3 4 5 2 = 3 Thus, the area of the polygon is 4 1 2 = 3. PART IV: Quantitative Reasoning288 ALERT! GRE geometry figures are not necessarily drawn to scale (except when a f igure i s accompanied by a note stating otherwise). So don’t rely on visual proportions when analyzing GRE geometry questions. www.petersons.com A B C D E CUBES AND OTHER RECTANGULAR SOLIDS GRE questions about rectangular solids always involve one or both of two basic formulas (l 5 length, w 5 width, h 5 height): Volume 5 lwh Surface Area 5 2lw 1 2wh 1 2lh 5 2(lw 1 wh 1 lh) For cubes, the volume and surface-area formulas are even simpler than for other rectangular solids (let s 5 any edge): Volume 5 s 3 or s 5 = 3 Volume Surface Area 5 6s 2 s s s A GRE question might require you to apply any one of the preceding formulas. If so, plug what you know into the formula, then solve for whatever characteristic the question asks for. Chapter 11: Math Review: Geometry 289 www.petersons.com 24. s . 1 Column A Column B The volume of a cube with side s The volume of a rectangular solid with sides of s, s +1,ands 2 1 (A) The quantity in Column A is greater. (B) The quantity in Column B is greater. (C) The quantities are equal. (D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. The correct answer is (A). Quantity A = s 3 . Find Quantity B by multiplying together the three expressions given as the lengths of the sides: ~s!~s +1!~s 2 1! = ~s 2 + s!~s 2 1! = s 3 2 s 2 + s 2 2 s = s 3 2 s Subtracting s 3 from both columns leaves the comparison between zero (0) (Column A) and 2s (Column B). You can now see that QuantityAmust be greater than Quantity B. Or a question might require you to deal with the formulas for both surface area and volume. 25. A closed rectangular box with a square base is 5 inches in height. If the volume of the box is 45 cubic inches, what is the box’s surface area in square inches? (A) 45 (B) 66 (C) 78 (D) 81 (E) 90 The correct answer is (C). First, determine the dimensions of the square base. The box’s height is given as 5. Accordingly, the box’s volume (45) 5 5lw, and lw 5 9. Since the base is square, the base is 3 inches long on each side. Now you can calculate the total surface area: 2lw 1 2wh 1 2lh 5 (2)(9) 1 (2)(15) 1 (2)(15) 5 78. A variation on the preceding question might ask the number of smaller boxes you could fit, or “pack,” into the box that the question describes: for instance, the number of cube-shaped boxes, each one 1.5 inches on a side, that you could pack into the 3 3 3 3 5 box is 12 (3 levels of 4 cubes, with a half-inch space left at the top of the box). PART IV: Quantitative Reasoning290 www.petersons.com A test question involving a cube might focus on the ratios among the cube’s linear, square, and cubic measurements. 26. If the volume of one cube is 8 times greater than that of another, what is the ratio of the area of one square face of the larger cube to that of the smaller cube? (A) 16:1 (B) 12:1 (C) 8:1 (D) 4:1 (E) 2:1 The correct answer is (D). The ratio of the two volumes is 8:1. Thus, the linear ratio of the cubes’ edges is the cube root of this ratio: = 3 8: = 3 1 5 2:1. The area ratio is the square of the linear ratio, or 4:1. CYLINDERS The only kind of cylinder the GRE covers is a “right” circular cylinder (a tube sliced at 90° angles). The surface area of a right cylinder is the sum of the following areas: • The circular base • The circular top • The rectangular surface around the cylinder’s vertical face (visualize a rectan- gular label wrapped around a can) The area of the vertical face is the product of the circular base’s circumference (i.e., the rectangle’s width) and the cylinder’s height. Thus, given a radius r and height h of a cylinder: Surface Area (SA) 5 2pr 2 1 (2pr)(h) Volume 5pr 2 h On the GRE, a cylinder problem might require little more than a straightforward application of formula either for surface area or volume. As with rectangular-solid Chapter 11: Math Review: Geometry 291 TIP The relationships among a linear edge, a square face, and the volume of a cube are exponential. For the GRE, make sure you know how to express each one in terms of the others. www.petersons.com questions, just plug what you know into the formula, then solve for what the question asks. 27. Column A Column B The volume of a right cylinder whose circular base has a radius of 3 and whose height is 6. The volume of a right cylinder whose circular base has a radius of 6 and whose height is 3. (A) The quantity in Column A is greater. (B) The quantity in Column B is greater. (C) The quantities are equal. (D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. The correct answer is (B). Use the formula for the volume of a right cylinder (V = pr 2 h) to compare volumes: Quantity A = p(3 2 )(6) = p(3)(3)(6) Quantity B = p(6 2 )(3) = p(6)(6)(3) You can easily see that Quantity B is greater than Quantity A. A tougher cylinder problem might require you to apply other math concepts as well, or it might call for you to convert one unit of measure into another. 28. A cylindrical pail whose diameter is 14 inches and whose height is 10 inches is filled to one fourth its capacity with water. Which of the following most closely approximates the volume of water in the pail, in gallons? [231 cubic inches 5 1 gallon] (A) 6.7 (B) 4.2 (C) 2.9 (D) 1.7 (E) 0.8 The correct answer is (D). The volume of the cylindrical pail is equal to the area of its circular base multiplied by its height: V 5pr 2 h ' S 22 7 D ~49!~10! = (22)(7)(10) = 1,540 cubic inches The gallon capacity of the pail ' 1,540 4 231, or about 6.7. One fourth of this capacity is approximately 1.7 gallons. COORDINATE GEOMETRY—THE XY-PLANE GRE coordinate geometry questions involve the rectangular coordinate plane (or xy-plane) defined by two axes—a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis. You can define any point on the coordinate plane by using two coordinates: an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate. A point’s x-coordinate is its horizontal position on the plane, and its PART IV: Quantitative Reasoning292 TIP Rounding your calculations will suffice to answer GRE questions that ask for an appoximation. Just don’t round up or down too far. www.petersons.com . opposite side of the rectangle is tangent to the circle. Column A Column B The perimeter of the rectangle The circumference of the circle (A) The quantity. greater. (B) The quantity in Column B is greater. (C) The quantities are equal. (D) The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. The

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