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Simulation Engineering
by Jim Ledin
PPP for
Embedded Systems
by John Bartas
Learn when and how to use simulation
methods. The entire range of important
techniques are presented, beginning with
the fundamentals of mathematical models,
how to produce useful results, how to
analyze the data and how to validate the
models. Each chapter provides step-by-
step instructions for developing a working
simulation. Includes a review of state-of-
the-art tools and administrative guidelines on management and
communications. 303pp, ISBN 1-57820-080-6, $44.95
Adapt PPP to stand-alone, embedded
applications. You get details of the PPP
protocol, C implementations of key
algorithms, and a demonstration of a port
to a commonly used microcontroller. Learn
what kinds of special issues you may
encounter in embedded systems
implementations, as well as how the protocol will interact with other
network components. 336pp, ISBN 1-57820-123-3, $39.95.
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. state-of-
the-art tools and administrative guidelines on management and
communications. 303pp, ISBN 1-57820-080-6, $44.95
Adapt PPP to stand-alone, embedded. Systems
by John Bartas
Learn when and how to use simulation
methods. The entire range of important
techniques are presented, beginning with
the fundamentals of