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Tài liệu 3420 TOEIC vocabulary tests words by Meaning part 35 pdf

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PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 221 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 221 Q1 v. to cause; to bring about; to set in motion; to influence (a) embrace (b) specialize (c) induce (d) contract Q2 v. to give a mark to; to classify; to make level; to evaluate; to assess (a) grade (b) fleet (c) volunteer (d) fail Q3 n. celebration; feast; dinner; drinking (a) vendor (b) banquet (c) auditorium (d) attendant Q4 n. amount of money received in payment for goods or services or from other sources; revenue; profits (a) income (b) rent (c) method (d) implementation Q5 adj. obligated; engaged; industrious; ambitious; loyal (a) annoying (b) committed (c) harmful (d) occupied Q6 adj. unable to wait; intolerant; restless (a) conventional (b) earnest (c) acquainted (d) impatient Q7 v. to move quickly; to pass quickly (a) fleet (b) weigh (c) target (d) emulate Q8 n. examination of financial accounts; internal investigation (a) fare (b) photographer (c) audit (d) anchor Q9 v. to list; to describe; to specify; to assign (a) detail (b) emulate (c) merchandise (d) reinforce Q10 v. to buy; to acquire in exchange for money; to procure; to obtain (a) fluctuate (b) diet (c) purchase (d) deny 239 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 222 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 222 Q1 n. person or company that does a particular job or assignment (a) membership (b) contractor (c) element (d) certificate Q2 n. totality; completeness; entirety (a) whole (b) customs (c) vendor (d) bubble Q3 n. training (a) run (b) discipline (c) warehouse (d) predisposition Q4 n. distinction; unusual quality; disagreement; remainder (a) difference (b) agenda (c) forecaster (d) midmorning Q5 n. respected position; honor; nobility (a) export (b) document (c) dignity (d) leisure Q6 n. large closed vehicle used for transporting goods or people (a) preventive (b) van (c) increase (d) matter Q7 n. reference point; geographical location (a) arrest (b) facilitator (c) coordinate (d) myriad Q8 n. wash basin; sewer; drain; cesspool; place where criminals gather (a) store (b) sink (c) distributor (d) potency Q9 n. position; place where a person or thing is usually found; headquarters; broadcast frequency (a) serve (b) prospect (c) step (d) station Q10 n. sickness; illness (a) disease (b) segment (c) luggage (d) frame 240 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 223 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 223 Q1 v. to slander; to defame (a) annoy (b) vilify (c) house (d) warehouse Q2 v. to tend carefully; to take care of; to make clean and tidy; to prepare for (a) continue (b) dispose (c) groom (d) guide Q3 v. to finish; to complete (a) capitalize (b) experiment (c) figure (d) get through with Q4 v. to hire as a worker; to activate; to operate; to use (a) employ (b) negotiate (c) jeopardy (d) enhance Q5 v. to pull by force; to twist; to cut off; to distort; to pervert (a) issue (b) wrench (c) dismiss (d) content Q6 v. to divide; to separate; to be divided; to allocate (a) convince (b) resign (c) part (d) privilege Q7 v. to bring relief; to encourage; to console (a) trustee (b) get (c) worry (d) comfort Q8 v. to be frightened; to be concerned; to be afraid of; to have respect for (a) space (b) second (c) fear (d) garner Q9 v. to receive as a result of work or other service performed; to profit; to be eligible; to be worthy (a) earn (b) soar (c) rescue (d) represent Q10 v. to argue; to debate; to contest; to oppose; to fight against (a) halt (b) sponsor (c) doctor (d) dispute 241 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 224 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 224 Q1 n. business of sending or transporting cargo; sea voyage (Archaic) (a) adverse opinion (b) dollar drain (c) shipping (d) affinity Q2 v. to invent; to create; to contrive; to think up (a) concoct (b) know (c) bankrupt (d) hit Q3 adj. extreme; intense; severe (a) representative (b) prevalent (c) pretentious (d) drastic Q4 n. realization; performance; completion; gratification; satisfaction (a) equality (b) fulfillment (c) strategy (d) assembly Q5 adj. using numbers; with numbers (a) digital (b) residual (c) base (d) substantive Q6 v. to treat; to adapt; to prepare; to make ready (a) process (b) participate (c) pass (d) fund Q7 v. to receive; to obtain; to purchase; to bring; to persuade (a) endure (b) practice (c) get (d) break Q8 adj. splendid; majestic; superb; glorious; impressive (a) level (b) magnificent (c) controlling (d) alert Q9 n. mind; understanding; leader; person in authority; top (a) ticket (b) constraint (c) break (d) head Q10 adj. imaginary; hypothetical; computer simulated (a) virtual (b) viable (c) prepaid (d) vital 242 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 225 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 225 Q1 n. reaching a destination; incoming; opposite of departure (a) royalties (b) destination (c) letterhead (d) arrival Q2 n. scope; range; scale; size; measure; degree (a) extent (b) valuable (c) assembly (d) mull Q3 n. commercial and market information that indicates overall economic trends (a) barometer (b) success (c) council (d) familiar Q4 n. noon; 12 a.m. (a) midday (b) consideration (c) coalition (d) might Q5 n. shape having three sides and three corners; group of three (a) floor (b) employer (c) triangle (d) house Q6 n. routine job; unpleasant task (a) procedure (b) original (c) chore (d) attribute Q7 n. rug; fabric floor covering (a) proximity (b) carpet (c) conduct (d) grocery Q8 n. type of beef tenderloin; type of cavity with a broad base (a) width (b) infant (c) undercut (d) exclusive Q9 n. conversation; speech; lecture; meeting (a) secret (b) talk (c) victim (d) briefcase Q10 n. official document; license; reference; attestation (a) certificate (b) personnel (c) element (d) display 243 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 226 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 226 Q1 v. to attract; to pull; to sketch; to depict with lines; to conclude (a) draw (b) experiment (c) reject (d) transcend Q2 v. to be unsuccessful; to not do; to disappoint; to go bankrupt; to be used up (a) vacation (b) crop (c) achieve (d) fail Q3 v. to pay to; to hire; to employ (a) recommend (b) fee (c) browse (d) mind Q4 adj. marked with narrow bands of contrasting color or texture (a) tall (b) difficult (c) available (d) striped Q5 adj. clear; unmistakable; apparent; evident; plain (a) elect (b) tremendous (c) current (d) obvious Q6 v. to spice; to flavor; to accustom; to acclimatize; to become experienced (a) contain (b) get into (c) formulate (d) season Q7 v. to infer; to conjecture; to guess; to presume (a) put in (b) pressure (c) surmise (d) abuse Q8 v. eject; drive out; banish (a) illustrate (b) expel (c) collaborate (d) protect Q9 v. to excel; to rise above (a) transcend (b) misunderstand (c) duplicate (d) deny Q10 v. to perform a thorough investigation; to study a subject closely (a) evoke (b) research (c) address (d) contrive 244 Answers Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 227 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 227 Q1 n. tanned and preserved animal skin; item made of animal skin (a) leather (b) profit (c) offset (d) adversity Q2 n. casualty; misadventure; mishap; failure (a) trash (b) accident (c) reservation (d) decision Q3 n. supply; stock; means of accomplishing a goal; expedient (a) stance (b) secret (c) statement (d) resource Q4 n. enchantment; affection; adoration (a) examiner (b) veracity (c) mainframe (d) admiration Q5 v. to mark as different; to see as different; to discern; to recognize (a) canvass (b) distinguish (c) exceed (d) provide Q6 adj. owed; payable; right; fitting; suitable; adequate (a) due (b) equivalent (c) outdoor (d) comprehensive Q7 n. geometric figure having four equal sides; plaza (a) consultant (b) square (c) increase (d) attendance Q8 v. to reproduce quickly; to multiply rapidly; to thrive; to grow quickly (a) pattern (b) proliferate (c) demand (d) span Q9 adv. separately; aside; into pieces (a) precisely (b) apart (c) contrary (d) fair Q10 v. to indicate; to emphasize; to sharpen; to direct (a) dispute (b) constrain (c) point (d) dial 245 Answers Index . Index PHOTOCOPIABLE © www.english-test.net Test 222 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 222 Q1 n. person or company that does a particular job or assignment (a) membership. www.english-test.net Test 225 TOEIC Vocabulary / Word by Meaning / Test # 225 Q1 n. reaching a destination; incoming; opposite of departure (a) royalties (b)

Ngày đăng: 26/01/2014, 16:20