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1 Transistor and Component Models at Low and High Frequencies 1.1 Introduction Equivalent circuit device models are critical for the accurate design and modelling of RF components including transistors, diodes, resistors, capacitors and inductors. This chapter will begin with the bipolar transistor starting with the basic T and then the π model at low frequencies and then show how this can be extended for use at high frequencies. These models should be as simple as possible to enable a clear understanding of the operation of the circuit and allow easy analysis. They should then be extendible to include the parasitic components to enable accurate optimisation. Note that knowledge of both the T and π models enables regular switching between them for easier circuit manipulation. It also offers improved insight. As an example S 21 for a bipolar transistor, with an f T of 5GHz, will be calculated and compared with the data sheet values at quiescent currents of 1 and 10mA. The effect of incorporating additional components such as the base spreading resistance and the emitter contact resistance will be shown demonstrating accuracies of a few per cent. The harmonic and third order intermodulation distortion will then be derived for common emitter and differential amplifiers showing the removal of even order terms during differential operation. The chapter will then describe FETs, diode detectors, varactor diodes and passive components illustrating the effects of parisitics in chip components. Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design with Low Noise Oscillators. Jeremy Everard Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons Ltd ISBNs: 0-471-49793-2 (Hardback); 0-470-84175-3 (Electronic) 2 Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design It should be noted that this chapter will use certain parameter definitions which will be explained as we progress. The full definitions will be shown in Chapter 2. Techniques for equivalent circuit component extraction are also included in Chapter 2. 1.2 Transistor Models at Low Frequencies 1.2.1 ‘T’ Model Considerable insight can be gained by starting with the simplest T model as it most closely resembles the actual device as shown in Figure 1.1. Starting from a basic NPN transistor structure with a narrow base region, Figure 1.1a, the first step is to go to the model where the base emitter junction is replaced with a forward biased diode. The emitter current is set by the base emitter junction voltage The base collector junction current source is effectively in parallel with a reverse biased diode and this diode is therefore ignored for this simple model. Due to the thin base region, the collector current tracks the emitter current, differing only by the base current, where it will be assumed that the current gain, β , remains effectively constant. C E B r e β i b i b C E B β i b i b N P N E B C (a) (b) (c) Figure 1.1 Low frequency ‘T’ model for a bipolar transistor Note that considerable insight into the large signal behaviour of bipolar transistors can be obtained from the simple non-linear model in Figure 1.1b. This will be used later to demonstrate the harmonic and third order intermodulation Transistor and Component Models at Low and High Frequencies 3 distortion in a common emitter and differential amplifier. Here, however, we will concentrate on the low frequency small signal AC ‘T’ model which takes into account the DC bias current, which is shown in Figure 1.1c. Here r e is the AC resistance of the forward biased base emitter junction. The transistor is therefore modelled by an emitter resistor r e and a controlled current source. If a base current, i b , is applied to the base of the device a collector current of β i b flows through the collector current source. The emitter current, I E , is therefore ( 1 + β )i b . The AC resistance of r e is obtained from the differential of the diode equation. The diode equation is:         −       = 1exp kT eV II ESE (1.1) where I ES is the emitter saturation current which is typically around 10 -13 , e is the charge on the electron, V is the base emitter voltage, V be , k is Boltzmann’s constant and T is the temperature in Kelvin. Some authors define the emitter current, I E , as the collector current I C . This just depends on the approximation applied to the original model and makes very little difference to the calculations. Throughout this book equation (1) will be used to define the emitter current. Note that the minus one in equation (1.1) can be ignored as I ES is so small. The AC admittance of r e is therefore:       = kT eV I kT e dV dI ES exp (1.2) Therefore: dI dV e kT I = (1.3) The AC impedance is therefore: dV dI kT eI = . 1 (1.4) As k = 1.38 × 10 -23 , T is room temperature (around 20 o C) = 293K and e is 1.6 × 10 -19 then: 4 Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design I dI dV r mA e 25 ≈= (1.5) This means that the AC resistance of r e is inversely proportional to the emitter current. This is a very useful formula and should therefore be committed to memory. The value of r e for some typical values of currents is therefore: 1mA ≈ 25 Ω 10mA ≈ 25. Ω 25mA ≈ 1 Ω It would now be useful to calculate the voltage gain and the input impedance of the transistor at low frequencies and then introduce the more common π model. If we take a common emitter amplifier as shown in Figure 1.2 then the input voltage across the base emitter is: () ebin riV .1 += β (1.6) β i b R L C E B i b Figure 1.2 A common emitter amplifier The input impedance is therefore: Transistor and Component Models at Low and High Frequencies 5 () ()() mA e b eb b in in I r i ri i V Z 25 11 1 ββ β +=+= + == (1.7) The forward transconductance, g m , is: () eeb b in out m rri i V I g 1 1 ≈ + == β β (1.8) Therefore: e m r g 1 ≈ (1.9) and: e L Lm in out r R Rg V V −=−= (1.10) Note that the negative sign is due to the signal inversion. Thus the voltage gain increases with current and is therefore equal to the ratio of load impedance to r e . Note also that the input impedance increases with current gain and decreases with increasing current. In common emitter amplifiers, an external emitter resistor, R e , is often added to apply negative feedback. The voltage gain would then become: ee L in out Rr R V V + = (1.11) Note also that part or all of this external emitter resistor is often decoupled and this part would then not affect the AC gain but allows the biasing voltage and current to be set more accurately. For the higher RF/microwave frequencies it is often preferable to ground the emitter directly and this is discussed at the end of Chapter 3 under DC biasing. 6 Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design 1.2.2 The π Transistor Model The ‘T’ model can now be transformed to the π model as shown in Figure 1.3. In the π model, which is a fully equivalent and therefore interchangeable circuit, the input impedance is now shown as ( β + 1) r e and the output current source remains the same. Another format for the π model could represent the current source as a voltage controlled current source of value g m V 1 . The input resistance is often called r π . β i b C C E E E B B r e i b i b (r β +1) e 1 V β ior gV bm1 Figure 1.3 T to π model transformation At this point the base spreading resistance r bb’ should be included as this incorporates the resistance of the long thin base region. This typically ranges from around 10 to 100 Ω for low power discrete devices. The node interconnecting r π and r bb’ is called b’ . 1.3 Models at High Frequencies As the frequency of operation increases the model should include the reactances of both the internal device and the package as well as including charge storage and transit time effects. Over the RF range these aspects can be modelled effectively using resistors, capacitors and inductors. The hybrid π transistor model was therefore developed as shown in Figure 1.4. The forward biased base emitter junction and the reverse biased collector base junction both have capacitances and these are added to the model. The major components here are therefore the input capacitance C b’e or C π and the feedback capacitance C b’c or C µ . Both sets of symbols are used as both appear in data sheets and books. Transistor and Component Models at Low and High Frequencies 7 C E E B 1 V b C b'e C b'c I r b'e r bb' β ior gV rb'e m 1 i b 1 Figure 1.4 Hybrid π model A more complete model including the package characteristics is shown in Figure 1.5. The typical package model parameters for a SOT 143 package is shown in Figure 1.6. It is, however, rather difficult to analyse the full model shown in Figures 1.5 and 1.6 although these types of model are very useful for computer aided optimisation. Figure 1.5 Hybrid π model including package components 8 Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design Figure 1.6 . Typical model for the SOT143 package. Obtained from the SPICE model for a BFG505. Data in Philips RF Wideband Transistors CD, Product Selection 2000 Discrete Semiconductors. We should therefore revert to the model for the internal active device for analysis, as shown in Figure 1.4, and introduce some figures of merit for the device such as f β and f T . It will be shown that these figures of merit offer significant information but ignore other aspects. It is actually rather difficult to find single figures of merit which accurately quantify performance and therefore many are used in RF and microwave design work. However, it will be shown later how the S parameters can be obtained from knowledge of f T . It is worth calculating the short circuit current gain h 21 for this model shown in Figure 1.4. The full definitions for the h , y and S parameters are given in Chapter 2. h 21 is the ratio of the current flowing out of port 2 into a short circuit load to the input current into port 1. I I h b c = 21 (1.12) The proportion of base current, i b , flowing into the base resistance, r b’e , is therefore: Transistor and Component Models at Low and High Frequencies 9 () 1 1 1 ' '' ' ' + = ++ ⋅ = CRj i r CCj i r i b eb cbeb b eb erb ω ω (1.13) where the input and feedback capacitors add in parallel to produce C and the r b’e becomes R . The collector current is I C = β i rb’e , where we assume that the current through the feedback capacitor can be neglected as I Cb’c << β i rb’e . Therefore: 11 21 + = + == SCR h SCRi I h fe b c β (1.14) Note that β and h fe are both symbols used to describe the low frequency current gain. A plot of h 21 versus frequency is shown in Figure 1.7. Here it can be seen that the gain is constant and then rolls off at 6dB per octave. The transition frequency f T occurs when the modulus of the short circuit current gain is 1. Also shown on the graph, is a trace of h 21 that would be measured in a typical device. This change in response is caused by the other parasitic elements in the device and package. f T is therefore obtained by measuring h 21 at a frequency of around f T /10 and then extrapolating the curve to the unity gain point. The frequency from which this extrapolation occurs is usually given in data sheets. Frequency A Actual device measurement h fe f β (3dB point) f when h = 1 T 21 Measure f for h extrapolation T 21 Figure 1.7 Plot of h 21 vs frequency 10 Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design The 3 dB point occurs when ω CR = 1. Therefore: f CR β π = 1 2 CR f = 1 2 π β (1.15) and h 21 can also be expressed as: β f f j h h fe + = 1 21 (1.16) As f T is defined as the point at which 21 1 h = , then: 2 1 1 1         + == + β β f f h f f j h T fe T fe (1.17) () fe T h f f 2 2 1 =         + β (1.18) () 1 2 2 −=         fe T h f f β (1.19) As: () 1 2 >> fe h (1.20) CR h fhf fe feT π β 2 . == (1.21) [...]... 'e   rb 'e + rbb ' + 50    (1.59) 20 Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design 1.5 Example Calculations of S21 It is now worth inserting some typical values, similar to those used when h21 was investigated, to obtain S21 Further it will be interesting to note the added effect caused by the feedback capacitor Take two typical examples of modern RF transistors both with an fT of 5GHz where one transistor... actually almost independent of hfe and only dependent on IC, re or gm as the calculations can be done in a different way For example: CR = 1 2πf β = h fe 2πf T Therefore: (1.24) 12 C= Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design h fe 2πf T (h fe + 1)re ≈ g 1 = m 2πf T re 2πf T (1.25) Many of the parameters of a modern device can therefore be deduced just from fT, hfe, Ic and the feedback capacitance with the... worth investigating the effect of changing the sign of the gain Z -G V in V in Vo u t Z (1 + G ) Vo u t -G Figure 1.8c Generalised Miller effect Figure 1.8d Generalised Miller effect 14 Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design As before: VZ = (1 + G )Vin (1.29) As: IZ = VZ Z (1.30) the new input impedance is now: Vin Z = I Z (1 + G ) (1.31) as shown in Figure 1.8d If Z is now a resistor, R, then the input impedance... I 1 = (V1 − V0 )C b 'c jω (1.37) The feedforward current I1 through the feedback capacitor Cb’c is usually small compared to the current gmV1 and therefore: V0 ≈ − g m RLV1 (1.38) 16 Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design Therefore: I 1 = (V1 + g m RLV1 )C b 'c jω (1.39) I 1 = V1 (1 + g m RL )C b 'c jω (1.40) The input admittance caused by Cb’c is: I1 = (1 + g m RL )C b 'c jω V1 (1.41) which is equivalent... 1 rb 'e V1 =    rb 'e + rbb ' + Rs  1 + jωCT (rbb ' + Rs )rb 'e  rb 'e + rbb ' + Rs  (1.46)   Vin    (1.47) As: Vout = − g m RLV1 the voltage gain is therefore: (1.48) 18 Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design    1 Vout rb 'e = − (g m RL )  (rbb ' + Rs )rb 'e Vin  rb 'e + rbb ' + Rs  1 + jωCT  rb 'e + rbb ' + Rs        (1.49) Note that:   1  1 + jωC (rbb ' + Rs )rb 'e... and High Frequencies 11 Note also that: fβ = fT h fe (1.22) As: h21 = h fe 1+ j f fβ (1.16) it can also be expressed in terms of fT : h21 = h fe h fe f 1+ j fT (1.23) Take a typical example of a modern RF transistor with the following parameters: fT = 5 GHz and hfe = 100 The 3dB point for h21 when placed directly in a common emitter circuit is fβ = 50MHz Further information can also be gained from knowledge... RF transistors both with an fT of 5GHz where one transistor is designed to operate at 10mA and the other at 1mA The calculations will then be compared with theory in graphical form 1.5.1 Medium Current RF Transistor – 10mA Assume that fT = 5GHz, hfe = 100, Ic=10mA, and the feedback capacitor, Cb’c ≈ 2pF Therefore re = 2.5Ω and rb 'e ≈ 250Ω Let rbb ' ≈10Ω for a typical 10mA device The 3dB point for h21... pF and C b 'e = 9 − 1 = 8pF  R  1 CT = 1 + L C b 'c + C b 'e = (1 + 14.3) + 8 = 23.3pF  re    (1.69) (1.70) As: f 3dB = rb 'e + rbb ' + Rs 2π [CT ](rbb ' + Rs )rb 'e (1.65) 22 Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design then: f3dB = 350 + 10 + 50 = 133MHz 2π [23.3 E − 12](10 + 50 )350 (1.71) The low frequency S21 is therefore:   rb 'e S21 = 2.(g m 50)   rb 'e + rbb ' + 50  (1.72) 350   S 21 =... measurement of S parameters includes the Miller effect because the load impedance is not zero Therefore:  R  CT = (1 + g m RL )Cb 'c + Cb 'e = 1 + L Cb 'c + Cb 'e  re    (1.77) 24 Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design CT = (1 + 2 )0.2 + 1.06 = 1.66pF As: f 3dB = (1.78) rb 'e + rbb ' + Rs 2π [CT ](rbb ' + Rs )rb 'e (1.65) 2500 + 100 + 50 = 678MHz 2π 1.66 ×10 −12 (100+ 50)2500 (1.79) then: f 3dB = [... typical low current device, such as the BFG25A, are shown in Figure 1.12 10 S21 1 0.1 10 100 1 10 3 1 10 4 Frequency, MHz Figure 1.12 S21 for a typical bipolar transistor operating at 1mA 26 Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design It has therefore been shown that by using a simple set of models a significant amount of accurate information can be gained by using fT, hfe, the feedback capacitance and the operating . Fundamentals of RF Circuit Design Figure 1.6 . Typical model for the SOT143 package. Obtained from the SPICE model for a BFG505. Data in Philips RF Wideband. find single figures of merit which accurately quantify performance and therefore many are used in RF and microwave design work. However, it will be shown

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