< Day Day Up >
Targeting aParentMovie
Flash allows you to place one timeline inside another—this is what you're doing
whenever you add amovie clip instance to the main timeline. However, even movie clip
instances can contain other movie clip instances many levels deep. Placing one timeline
inside another creates a parent-child relationship between the timelines. The parent is the
timeline that contains the other movie; the child is the movie contained within the other
A child movie can easily tell its parent what to do (not so easy in real life!) using the
following syntax:
To understand how it works, imagine placing amovie clip instance named
myMovieClip_mc on the main timeline and then placing another movie clip instance
named myOtherMovieClip_mc inside myMovieClip_mc. The absolute target path of the
movie structure would look like this:
If you wanted an action on myOtherMovieClip_mc's timeline to cause
myMovieClip_mc's timeline to go to Frame 50, you would use this syntax:
You could place this same syntax on myMovieClip_mc's timeline, and it would cause the
main timeline to go to Frame 50 because the main timeline is that movie clip's parent.
In the next exercise, we'll place movie clips inside movie clips, creating parent-child
relationships. Such relationships can have all sorts of ramifications within a project,
helping you make your movies more interactive. You will also create a simple "effect"
clip that you can drag and drop into any timeline, causing that timeline to do something.
1. Open parentTarget1.fla in the Lesson03/Assets folder.
The only difference between this file and the file we worked on in the last exercise
is that the buttons set up to scale the main timeline have been removed to avoid
2. Double-click one of the movie clip instances on the stage to edit it in place. With
the Library panel open and the Child Clip layer selected, drag an instance of the
Hatfield Child movie clip onto the stage, just to the right of the graphics in the
current movie clip.
You've just placed one movie clip within another, creating a parent-child
relationship: the movie clip instance you just dragged onto the stage is the child,
and the timeline you dragged it to is the parent. The child's timeline is set up in the
same manner as the parent's timeline. It contains an invisible button that, when
pressed, will drag the instance and display a text balloon. The text field in this
balloon is named balloon_txt, just as it is in the parent movie.
For visual clarity, you might want to resize the Hatfield Child movie clip to 50
percent of its original size, but you aren't required to do so.
3. With the Actions panel open, select the child movie clip instance and add the
5. onClipEvent (load) {
7. var words:String;
9. this.words = _parent.words + "'s kid";
11. }
When this movie clip instance is loaded—loading occurs simultaneously with the
parent's loading because the child resides on Frame 1 of its parent timeline—data
is transferred from the parent to the child. The action can be translated like this:
"Make the value of words in this timeline equal to the value of words in the parent
timeline, plus the text 's kid." Thus, if words has a value of "I'm Derek" in the
parent, then words will have a value of "I'm Derek's kid" in the child. Let's test it.
4. Choose Control > Test Movie to view the project up to this point.
The first thing you'll notice when the movie plays is that each of our instances now
includes a child movie clip instance. If you click one of the child movie clip
instances, not only does it become draggable, but its text balloon appears with text
indicating who its parent is. This is the functionality we set up in the previous step.
Click and drag one of the parent movies and you'll notice that its child is dragged
as well. The same thing occurs with the parentmovie that rotates as the mouse
moves: its child movie rotates along with it.
Data-wise, a child movie clip is independent of its parent: Data in one timeline
does not affect data in the other unless you program it to do so. Graphically,
however, it's another story. Size, position, transparency, and other graphical
changes made dynamically to aparentmovie clip will automatically affect its
children in the same way. However, changes to a child have no inherent effect on
a parent. If you want child clips to affect parent clips, you must specifically
program them to do so. This means you can program groups of timelines to work
together but remain separate from other groups in the project.
Let's look at another use of this parent-child relationship between timelines.
5. Close the testing environment to return to the authoring environment. With the
Library panel open, double-click the Swirl Clip movie clip instance.
This step puts Flash in Symbol Editing mode with the Swirl Clip's timeline visible.
This clip contains no graphical data, just four empty keyframes to which we will
add scripts.
6. With the Actions panel open, select Frames 1, 2, 3, and 4 and add these scripts:
Place on Frame 1:
_parent._x = _parent._x - 1;
_parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 1;
Place on Frame 2:
_parent._y = _parent._y - 1;
_parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 1;
Place on Frame 3:
_parent._x = _parent._x + 2;
_parent._xscale = _parent._xscale - 1;
Place on Frame 4:
_parent._y = _parent._y + 2;
_parent._yscale = _parent._yscale - 1;
The makeup of these scripts isn't terribly important—what's important is that the
actions all target the parentmovie clip, and when an instance of the Swirl Clip is
placed inside a timeline, its parent will appear to spiral away into nothingness.
Let's demonstrate.
7. Return to the main timeline. With the Library panel open and the Swirl Clip layer
selected, drag a Swirl Clip instance onto the stage. Choose Control > Test Movie
to test the project.
As soon as the movie begins to play, the main timeline begins to swirl away into
nothingness—an effect achieved by the movie clip instance we dropped into it.
You can apply this effect to any timeline by placing that same movie clip instance
inside it, which we'll do next.
8. Close the test window to return to the authoring environment. Select the Swirl Clip
instance on the main timeline and choose Edit > Cut. Double-click one of the
Hatfield movie clip instances to go to its timeline. With the Swirl Clip layer
selected, choose Edit > Paste in Center to paste the Swirl Clip into this timeline.
Choose Control > Test Movie to test the project.
When the movie plays, the main timeline no longer swirls away—every instance
of the Hatfield movie clip does instead. This is because once the Swirl Clip
instance was moved, the main timeline ceased being its parent and the Hatfield
movie clip became its parent instead. Getting amovie clip to swirl away is just the
tip of the iceberg when it comes to exploiting the ability to create drag-and-drop
To create more sophisticated behaviors, you can use the parent target path to target
many levels up:
_parent._parent._alpha = 50;
9. Close the test window to return to the authoring environment. Save your work as
This step completes the exercise.
< Day Day Up >
Place on Frame 1:
_parent. _x = _parent. _x - 1;
_parent. _xscale = _parent. _xscale - 1;
Place on Frame 2:
_parent. _y = _parent. _y - 1;
_parent. _yscale.
_parent. _yscale = _parent. _yscale - 1;
Place on Frame 3:
_parent. _x = _parent. _x + 2;
_parent. _xscale = _parent. _xscale - 1;
Place on Frame 4: