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  • Foreword

  • Part I Mathematical Foundations

    • 1 Introduction and Motivation

      • 1.1 Finding Words for Intuitions

      • 1.2 Two Ways to Read This Book

      • 1.3 Exercises and Feedback

    • 2 Linear Algebra

      • 2.1 Systems of Linear Equations

      • 2.2 Matrices

      • 2.3 Solving Systems of Linear Equations

      • 2.4 Vector Spaces

      • 2.5 Linear Independence

      • 2.6 Basis and Rank

      • 2.7 Linear Mappings

      • 2.8 Affine Spaces

      • 2.9 Further Reading

    • Exercises

    • 3 Analytic Geometry

      • 3.1 Norms

      • 3.2 Inner Products

      • 3.3 Lengths and Distances

      • 3.4 Angles and Orthogonality

      • 3.5 Orthonormal Basis

      • 3.6 Orthogonal Complement

      • 3.7 Inner Product of Functions

      • 3.8 Orthogonal Projections

      • 3.9 Rotations

      • 3.10 Further Reading

    • Exercises

    • 4 Matrix Decompositions

      • 4.1 Determinant and Trace

      • 4.2 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

      • 4.3 Cholesky Decomposition

      • 4.4 Eigendecomposition and Diagonalization

      • 4.5 Singular Value Decomposition

      • 4.6 Matrix Approximation

      • 4.7 Matrix Phylogeny

      • 4.8 Further Reading

    • Exercises

    • 5 Vector Calculus

      • 5.1 Differentiation of Univariate Functions

      • 5.2 Partial Differentiation and Gradients

      • 5.3 Gradients of Vector-Valued Functions

      • 5.4 Gradients of Matrices

      • 5.5 Useful Identities for Computing Gradients

      • 5.6 Backpropagation and Automatic Differentiation

      • 5.7 Higher-Order Derivatives

      • 5.8 Linearization and Multivariate Taylor Series

      • 5.9 Further Reading

    • Exercises

    • 6 Probability and Distributions

      • 6.1 Construction of a Probability Space

      • 6.2 Discrete and Continuous Probabilities

      • 6.3 Sum Rule, Product Rule, and Bayes' Theorem

      • 6.4 Summary Statistics and Independence

      • 6.5 Gaussian Distribution

      • 6.6 Conjugacy and the Exponential Family

      • 6.7 Change of Variables/Inverse Transform

      • 6.8 Further Reading

    • Exercises

    • 7 Continuous Optimization

      • 7.1 Optimization Using Gradient Descent

      • 7.2 Constrained Optimization and Lagrange Multipliers

      • 7.3 Convex Optimization

      • 7.4 Further Reading

    • Exercises

  • Part II Central Machine Learning Problems

    • 8 When Models Meet Data

      • 8.1 Data, Models, and Learning

      • 8.2 Empirical Risk Minimization

      • 8.3 Parameter Estimation

      • 8.4 Probabilistic Modeling and Inference

      • 8.5 Directed Graphical Models

      • 8.6 Model Selection

    • 9 Linear Regression

      • 9.1 Problem Formulation

      • 9.2 Parameter Estimation

      • 9.3 Bayesian Linear Regression

      • 9.4 Maximum Likelihood as Orthogonal Projection

      • 9.5 Further Reading

    • 10 Dimensionality Reduction with Principal Component Analysis

      • 10.1 Problem Setting

      • 10.2 Maximum Variance Perspective

      • 10.3 Projection Perspective

      • 10.4 Eigenvector Computation and Low-Rank Approximations

      • 10.5 PCA in High Dimensions

      • 10.6 Key Steps of PCA in Practice

      • 10.7 Latent Variable Perspective

      • 10.8 Further Reading

    • 11 Density Estimation with Gaussian Mixture Models

      • 11.1 Gaussian Mixture Model

      • 11.2 Parameter Learning via Maximum Likelihood

      • 11.3 EM Algorithm

      • 11.4 Latent-Variable Perspective

      • 11.5 Further Reading

    • 12 Classification with Support Vector Machines

      • 12.1 Separating Hyperplanes

      • 12.2 Primal Support Vector Machine

      • 12.3 Dual Support Vector Machine

      • 12.4 Kernels

      • 12.5 Numerical Solution

      • 12.6 Further Reading

    • References

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Lâp trình và ngôn ngữ lập trình là nền tảng cho tất cả bước tiến về công nghiệp hóa hiện đại hóa tự động hóa ngày nay . Con người càng phát triển thì ngon ngữ lập trình ngày càng phát triển. Nhưng cuốn sách này sẽ cho chúng ta thấy nền tảng của ngôn ngữ lập trình máy

MATHEMATICS FOR MACHINE LEARNING Marc Peter Deisenroth A Aldo Faisal Cheng Soon Ong Contents Foreword Part I Mathematical Foundations 1.1 1.2 1.3 Introduction and Motivation Finding Words for Intuitions Two Ways to Read This Book Exercises and Feedback 11 12 13 16 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Linear Algebra Systems of Linear Equations Matrices Solving Systems of Linear Equations Vector Spaces Linear Independence Basis and Rank Linear Mappings Affine Spaces Further Reading Exercises 17 19 22 27 35 40 44 48 61 63 64 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 Analytic Geometry Norms Inner Products Lengths and Distances Angles and Orthogonality Orthonormal Basis Orthogonal Complement Inner Product of Functions Orthogonal Projections Rotations Further Reading Exercises 70 71 72 75 76 78 79 80 81 91 94 96 4.1 Matrix Decompositions Determinant and Trace 98 99 i This material is published by Cambridge University Press as Mathematics for Machine Learning by Marc Peter Deisenroth, A Aldo Faisal, and Cheng Soon Ong (2020) This version is free to view and download for personal use only Not for re-distribution, re-sale, or use in derivative works ©by M P Deisenroth, A A Faisal, and C S Ong, 2021 https://mml-book.com ii Contents 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Cholesky Decomposition Eigendecomposition and Diagonalization Singular Value Decomposition Matrix Approximation Matrix Phylogeny Further Reading Exercises 105 114 115 119 129 134 135 137 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 Vector Calculus Differentiation of Univariate Functions Partial Differentiation and Gradients Gradients of Vector-Valued Functions Gradients of Matrices Useful Identities for Computing Gradients Backpropagation and Automatic Differentiation Higher-Order Derivatives Linearization and Multivariate Taylor Series Further Reading Exercises 139 141 146 149 155 158 159 164 165 170 170 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Probability and Distributions Construction of a Probability Space Discrete and Continuous Probabilities Sum Rule, Product Rule, and Bayes’ Theorem Summary Statistics and Independence Gaussian Distribution Conjugacy and the Exponential Family Change of Variables/Inverse Transform Further Reading Exercises 172 172 178 183 186 197 205 214 221 222 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Continuous Optimization Optimization Using Gradient Descent Constrained Optimization and Lagrange Multipliers Convex Optimization Further Reading Exercises 225 227 233 236 246 247 Part II 249 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Central Machine Learning Problems When Models Meet Data Data, Models, and Learning Empirical Risk Minimization Parameter Estimation Probabilistic Modeling and Inference Directed Graphical Models 251 251 258 265 272 278 Draft (2022-01-11) of “Mathematics for Machine Learning” Feedback: https://mml-book.com Contents iii 8.6 Model Selection 283 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 Linear Regression Problem Formulation Parameter Estimation Bayesian Linear Regression Maximum Likelihood as Orthogonal Projection Further Reading 289 291 292 303 313 315 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 Dimensionality Reduction with Principal Component Analysis Problem Setting Maximum Variance Perspective Projection Perspective Eigenvector Computation and Low-Rank Approximations PCA in High Dimensions Key Steps of PCA in Practice Latent Variable Perspective Further Reading 317 318 320 325 333 335 336 339 343 11 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Density Estimation with Gaussian Mixture Models Gaussian Mixture Model Parameter Learning via Maximum Likelihood EM Algorithm Latent-Variable Perspective Further Reading 348 349 350 360 363 368 12 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 Classification with Support Vector Machines Separating Hyperplanes Primal Support Vector Machine Dual Support Vector Machine Kernels Numerical Solution Further Reading 370 372 374 383 388 390 392 References 395 ©2021 M P Deisenroth, A A Faisal, C S Ong Published by Cambridge University Press (2020) Foreword Machine learning is the latest in a long line of attempts to distill human knowledge and reasoning into a form that is suitable for constructing machines and engineering automated systems As machine learning becomes more ubiquitous and its software packages become easier to use, it is natural and desirable that the low-level technical details are abstracted away and hidden from the practitioner However, this brings with it the danger that a practitioner becomes unaware of the design decisions and, hence, the limits of machine learning algorithms The enthusiastic practitioner who is interested to learn more about the magic behind successful machine learning algorithms currently faces a daunting set of pre-requisite knowledge: Programming languages and data analysis tools Large-scale computation and the associated frameworks Mathematics and statistics and how machine learning builds on it At universities, introductory courses on machine learning tend to spend early parts of the course covering some of these pre-requisites For historical reasons, courses in machine learning tend to be taught in the computer science department, where students are often trained in the first two areas of knowledge, but not so much in mathematics and statistics Current machine learning textbooks primarily focus on machine learning algorithms and methodologies and assume that the reader is competent in mathematics and statistics Therefore, these books only spend one or two chapters on background mathematics, either at the beginning of the book or as appendices We have found many people who want to delve into the foundations of basic machine learning methods who struggle with the mathematical knowledge required to read a machine learning textbook Having taught undergraduate and graduate courses at universities, we find that the gap between high school mathematics and the mathematics level required to read a standard machine learning textbook is too big for many people This book brings the mathematical foundations of basic machine learning concepts to the fore and collects the information in a single place so that this skills gap is narrowed or even closed This material is published by Cambridge University Press as Mathematics for Machine Learning by Marc Peter Deisenroth, A Aldo Faisal, and Cheng Soon Ong (2020) This version is free to view and download for personal use only Not for re-distribution, re-sale, or use in derivative works ©by M P Deisenroth, A A Faisal, and C S Ong, 2021 https://mml-book.com “Math is linked in the popular mind with phobia and anxiety You’d think we’re discussing spiders.” (Strogatz, 2014, page 281) Foreword Why Another Book on Machine Learning? Machine learning builds upon the language of mathematics to express concepts that seem intuitively obvious but that are surprisingly difficult to formalize Once formalized properly, we can gain insights into the task we want to solve One common complaint of students of mathematics around the globe is that the topics covered seem to have little relevance to practical problems We believe that machine learning is an obvious and direct motivation for people to learn mathematics This book is intended to be a guidebook to the vast mathematical literature that forms the foundations of modern machine learning We motivate the need for mathematical concepts by directly pointing out their usefulness in the context of fundamental machine learning problems In the interest of keeping the book short, many details and more advanced concepts have been left out Equipped with the basic concepts presented here, and how they fit into the larger context of machine learning, the reader can find numerous resources for further study, which we provide at the end of the respective chapters For readers with a mathematical background, this book provides a brief but precisely stated glimpse of machine learning In contrast to other books that focus on methods and models of machine learning (MacKay, 2003; Bishop, 2006; Alpaydin, 2010; Barber, 2012; Murphy, 2012; Shalev-Shwartz and Ben-David, 2014; Rogers and Girolami, 2016) or programmatic aspects of machine learning (Mă uller and Guido, 2016; Raschka and Mirjalili, 2017; Chollet and Allaire, 2018), we provide only four representative examples of machine learning algorithms Instead, we focus on the mathematical concepts behind the models themselves We hope that readers will be able to gain a deeper understanding of the basic questions in machine learning and connect practical questions arising from the use of machine learning with fundamental choices in the mathematical model We not aim to write a classical machine learning book Instead, our intention is to provide the mathematical background, applied to four central machine learning problems, to make it easier to read other machine learning textbooks Who Is the Target Audience? As applications of machine learning become widespread in society, we believe that everybody should have some understanding of its underlying principles This book is written in an academic mathematical style, which enables us to be precise about the concepts behind machine learning We encourage readers unfamiliar with this seemingly terse style to persevere and to keep the goals of each topic in mind We sprinkle comments and remarks throughout the text, in the hope that it provides useful guidance with respect to the big picture The book assumes the reader to have mathematical knowledge commonly Draft (2022-01-11) of “Mathematics for Machine Learning” Feedback: https://mml-book.com Foreword covered in high school mathematics and physics For example, the reader should have seen derivatives and integrals before, and geometric vectors in two or three dimensions Starting from there, we generalize these concepts Therefore, the target audience of the book includes undergraduate university students, evening learners and learners participating in online machine learning courses In analogy to music, there are three types of interaction that people have with machine learning: Astute Listener The democratization of machine learning by the provision of open-source software, online tutorials and cloud-based tools allows users to not worry about the specifics of pipelines Users can focus on extracting insights from data using off-the-shelf tools This enables nontech-savvy domain experts to benefit from machine learning This is similar to listening to music; the user is able to choose and discern between different types of machine learning, and benefits from it More experienced users are like music critics, asking important questions about the application of machine learning in society such as ethics, fairness, and privacy of the individual We hope that this book provides a foundation for thinking about the certification and risk management of machine learning systems, and allows them to use their domain expertise to build better machine learning systems Experienced Artist Skilled practitioners of machine learning can plug and play different tools and libraries into an analysis pipeline The stereotypical practitioner would be a data scientist or engineer who understands machine learning interfaces and their use cases, and is able to perform wonderful feats of prediction from data This is similar to a virtuoso playing music, where highly skilled practitioners can bring existing instruments to life and bring enjoyment to their audience Using the mathematics presented here as a primer, practitioners would be able to understand the benefits and limits of their favorite method, and to extend and generalize existing machine learning algorithms We hope that this book provides the impetus for more rigorous and principled development of machine learning methods Fledgling Composer As machine learning is applied to new domains, developers of machine learning need to develop new methods and extend existing algorithms They are often researchers who need to understand the mathematical basis of machine learning and uncover relationships between different tasks This is similar to composers of music who, within the rules and structure of musical theory, create new and amazing pieces We hope this book provides a high-level overview of other technical books for people who want to become composers of machine learning There is a great need in society for new researchers who are able to propose and explore novel approaches for attacking the many challenges of learning from data ©2021 M P Deisenroth, A A Faisal, C S Ong Published by Cambridge University Press (2020) Foreword Acknowledgments We are grateful to many people who looked at early drafts of the book and suffered through painful expositions of concepts We tried to implement their ideas that we did not vehemently disagree with We would like to especially acknowledge Christfried Webers for his careful reading of many parts of the book, and his detailed suggestions on structure and presentation Many friends and colleagues have also been kind enough to provide their time and energy on different versions of each chapter We have been lucky to benefit from the generosity of the online community, who have suggested improvements via https://github.com, which greatly improved the book The following people have found bugs, proposed clarifications and suggested relevant literature, either via https://github.com or personal communication Their names are sorted alphabetically Abdul-Ganiy Usman Adam Gaier Adele Jackson Aditya Menon Alasdair Tran Aleksandar Krnjaic Alexander Makrigiorgos Alfredo Canziani Ali Shafti Amr Khalifa Andrew Tanggara Angus Gruen Antal A Buss Antoine Toisoul Le Cann Areg Sarvazyan Artem Artemev Artyom Stepanov Bill Kromydas Bob Williamson Boon Ping Lim Chao Qu Cheng Li Chris Sherlock Christopher Gray Daniel McNamara Daniel Wood Darren Siegel David Johnston Dawei Chen Ellen Broad Fengkuangtian Zhu Fiona Condon Georgios Theodorou He Xin Irene Raissa Kameni Jakub Nabaglo James Hensman Jamie Liu Jean Kaddour Jean-Paul Ebejer Jerry Qiang Jitesh Sindhare John Lloyd Jonas Ngnawe Jon Martin Justin Hsi Kai Arulkumaran Kamil Dreczkowski Lily Wang Lionel Tondji Ngoupeyou Lydia Knă ufing Mahmoud Aslan Mark Hartenstein Mark van der Wilk Markus Hegland Martin Hewing Matthew Alger Matthew Lee Draft (2022-01-11) of “Mathematics for Machine Learning” Feedback: https://mml-book.com 392 Classification with Support Vector Machines is an N by N matrix where the elements of the diagonal are from y , and X ∈ RN ×D is the matrix obtained by concatenating all the examples We can similarly perform a collection of terms for the dual version of the SVM (12.41) To express the dual SVM in standard form, we first have to express the kernel matrix K such that each entry is Kij = k(xi , xj ) If we have an explicit feature representation xi then we define Kij = xi , xj For convenience of notation we introduce a matrix with zeros everywhere except on the diagonal, where we store the labels, that is, Y = diag(y) The dual SVM can be written as α subject to α Y KY α − 1N,1 α 2  y −y  0N +2,1   −I N  α C1N,1 IN (12.57) Remark In Sections 7.3.1 and 7.3.2, we introduced the standard forms of the constraints to be inequality constraints We will express the dual SVM’s equality constraint as two inequality constraints, i.e., Ax = b is replaced by Ax b and Ax b (12.58) Particular software implementations of convex optimization methods may provide the ability to express equality constraints ♦ Since there are many different possible views of the SVM, there are many approaches for solving the resulting optimization problem The approach presented here, expressing the SVM problem in standard convex optimization form, is not often used in practice The two main implementations of SVM solvers are Chang and Lin (2011) (which is open source) and Joachims (1999) Since SVMs have a clear and well-defined optimization problem, many approaches based on numerical optimization techniques (Nocedal and Wright, 2006) can be applied (Shawe-Taylor and Sun, 2011) 12.6 Further Reading The SVM is one of many approaches for studying binary classification Other approaches include the perceptron, logistic regression, Fisher discriminant, nearest neighbor, naive Bayes, and random forest (Bishop, 2006; Murphy, 2012) A short tutorial on SVMs and kernels on discrete sequences can be found in Ben-Hur et al (2008) The development of SVMs is closely linked to empirical risk minimization, discussed in Section 8.2 Hence, the SVM has strong theoretical properties (Vapnik, 2000; Steinwart and Christmann, 2008) The book about kernel methods (Schă olkopf and Smola, 2002) includes many details of support vector machines and Draft (2022-01-11) of “Mathematics for Machine Learning” Feedback: https://mml-book.com 12.6 Further Reading 393 how to optimize them A broader book about kernel methods (ShaweTaylor and Cristianini, 2004) also includes many linear algebra approaches for different machine learning problems An alternative derivation of the dual SVM can be obtained using the idea of the Legendre–Fenchel transform (Section 7.3.3) The derivation considers each term of the unconstrained formulation of the SVM (12.31) separately and calculates their convex conjugates (Rifkin and Lippert, 2007) Readers interested in the functional analysis view (also the regularization methods view) of SVMs are referred to the work by Wahba (1990) Theoretical exposition of kernels (Aronszajn, 1950; Schwartz, 1964; Saitoh, 1988; Manton and Amblard, 2015) requires a basic grounding in linear operators (Akhiezer and Glazman, 1993) The idea of kernels have been generalized to Banach spaces (Zhang et al., 2009) and Kre˘ın spaces (Ong et al., 2004; Loosli et al., 2016) Observe that the hinge loss has three equivalent representations, as shown in (12.28) and (12.29), as well as the constrained optimization problem in (12.33) The formulation (12.28) is often used when comparing the SVM loss function with other loss functions (Steinwart, 2007) The two-piece formulation (12.29) is convenient for computing subgradients, as each piece is linear The third formulation (12.33), as seen in Section 12.5, enables the use of convex quadratic programming (Section 7.3.2) tools Since binary classification is a well-studied task in machine learning, other words are also sometimes used, such as discrimination, separation, and decision Furthermore, there are three quantities that can be the output of a binary classifier First is the output of the linear function itself (often called the score), which can take any real value This output can be used for ranking the examples, and binary classification can be thought of as picking a threshold on the ranked examples (Shawe-Taylor and Cristianini, 2004) The second quantity that is often considered the output of a binary classifier is the output determined after it is passed through a non-linear function to constrain its value to a bounded range, for example in the interval [0, 1] A common non-linear function is the sigmoid function (Bishop, 2006) When the non-linearity results in well-calibrated probabilities (Gneiting and Raftery, 2007; Reid and Williamson, 2011), this is called class probability estimation The third output of a binary classifier is the final binary decision {+1, −1}, which is the one most commonly assumed to be the output of the classifier The SVM is a binary classifier that does not naturally lend itself to a probabilistic interpretation There are several approaches for converting the raw output of the linear function (the score) into a calibrated class probability estimate (P (Y = 1|X = x)) that involve an additional calibration step (Platt, 2000; Zadrozny and Elkan, 2001; Lin et al., 2007) From the training perspective, there are many related probabilistic approaches We mentioned at the end of Section 12.2.5 that there is a re©2021 M P Deisenroth, A A Faisal, C S Ong Published by Cambridge University Press (2020) 394 Classification with Support Vector Machines lationship between loss function and the likelihood (also compare Sections 8.2 and 8.3) The maximum likelihood approach corresponding to a well-calibrated transformation during training is called logistic regression, which comes from a class of methods called generalized linear models Details of logistic regression from this point of view can be found in Agresti (2002, chapter 5) and McCullagh and Nelder (1989, chapter 4) Naturally, one could take a more Bayesian view of the classifier output by estimating a posterior distribution using Bayesian logistic regression The Bayesian view also includes the specification of the prior, which includes design choices such as conjugacy (Section 6.6.1) with the likelihood Additionally, one could consider latent functions as priors, which results in Gaussian process classification (Rasmussen and Williams, 2006, chapter 3) Draft (2022-01-11) of “Mathematics for Machine Learning” Feedback: https://mml-book.com References Abel, Niels H 1826 D´emonstration de l’Impossibilit´e de la R´esolution Alg´ebrique des E´quations G´en´erales qui Passent le Quatri`eme Degr´e Grøndahl and Søn Adhikari, Ani, and DeNero, John 2018 Computational and Inferential Thinking: The Foundations of Data Science Gitbooks Agarwal, Arvind, and Daum´e III, Hal 2010 A Geometric View of Conjugate Priors Machine Learning, 81(1), 99–113 Agresti, A 2002 Categorical Data Analysis Wiley Akaike, Hirotugu 1974 A New Look at the Statistical Model Identification IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 19(6), 716–723 Akhiezer, Naum I., and Glazman, Izrail M 1993 Theory of Linear Operators in Hilbert Space Dover Publications Alpaydin, Ethem 2010 Introduction to Machine Learning MIT Press Amari, Shun-ichi 2016 Information Geometry and Its Applications Springer Argyriou, Andreas, and Dinuzzo, Francesco 2014 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Feedback: https://mml-book.com Foreword covered in high school mathematics and physics For example, the reader should have... provides the impetus for more rigorous and principled development of machine learning methods Fledgling Composer As machine learning is applied to new domains, developers of machine learning need to

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