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Peter Ghavami Big Data Analytics Methods Brought to you by | provisional account Unauthenticated Download Date | 1/7/20 6:35 PM Brought to you by | provisional account Unauthenticated Download Date | 1/7/20 6:35 PM Peter Ghavami Big Data Analytics Methods Analytics Techniques in Data Mining, Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing 2nd edition Brought to you by | provisional account Unauthenticated Download Date | 1/7/20 6:35 PM This publication is protected by copyright, and permission must be obtained from the copyright holder prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or likewise For information regarding permissions, write to or email to: Peter.Ghavami@Northwestu.edu Please include “BOOK” in your email subject line The author and publisher have taken care in preparations of this book, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no responsibility for errors or omissions No liability is assumed for the incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the use of the information or designs contained herein ISBN 978-1-5474-1795-7 e-ISBN (PDF) 978-1-5474-0156-7 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-1-5474-0158-1 Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available on the internet at http://dnb.dnb.de © 2020 Peter Ghavami, published by Walter de Gruyter Inc., Boston/Berlin Cover image: Rick_Jo/iStock/Getty Images Plus Typesetting: Integra Software Services Pvt Ltd Printing and binding: CPI books GmbH, Leck www.degruyter.com Brought to you by | provisional account Unauthenticated Download Date | 1/7/20 6:35 PM To my beautiful wife Massi, whose unwavering love and support make these accomplishments possible and worth pursuing Brought to you by | provisional account Unauthenticated Download Date | 1/7/20 6:35 PM Brought to you by | provisional account Unauthenticated Download Date | 1/7/20 6:35 PM Acknowledgments This book was only possible as a result of my collaboration with many world renowned data scientists, researchers, CIOs and leading technology innovators who have taught me a tremendous deal about scientific research, innovation and more importantly about the value of collaboration To all of them I owe a huge debt of gratitude Peter Ghavami March 2019 https://doi.org/10.1515/9781547401567-202 Brought to you by | provisional account Unauthenticated Download Date | 1/7/20 6:35 PM Brought to you by | provisional account Unauthenticated Download Date | 1/7/20 6:35 PM 230 Index Boltzman learning process 170 Bootstrap methods 110 Bridging studies 145 Build data repository 20 Business decision making 13 Business intelligence (BI) 13 Business intelligence provides business insight 14 Business optimization 33 Calibration 88 Capacity to analyze increasingly large data sets Case base reasoning (CBR) method 44, 91 Case frame instantiation 65 Cassandra 23 Categorical variable 43 Censored data 91 Centralized data warehouse approach 22 Chief Data Officer Classification and regression tree (CART) 138 Classification engines 26 Classification methods 100 Classification trees 98 Classification using a decision-tree 136 Classification using single-layer perceptron 158 Clustering of data in multiple dimensions 26 Coarse-to-fine parsing 78 Coefficient of determination 103 Coefficient of Variation (CV) 147 Combining external data with internal data 13 Combining multiple decision trees into a random forest 138 Comparison of results of multiple models in an ensemble 199 Competitive learning 169 Compile a large corpus of documents 73 Complex data sets 13 Computational cost of an algorithm 154 Computer-assisted coding (CAC) applications 27 Computing compressed sensing 46 Concept attainment 197 Conditional random fields 47 Conflation 67 Confounding 130 Conjugate gradient descent and simulated annealing 219 Consumer purchase prediction 59 Context free grammars 66 Control system treatment of prognostics and predictive models 87 Correlation analysis 104 Correlation and causality are not the same 40 Correlation coefficient (r) 104 Correlation is a linear relationship 105 Cox hazard function 90 Cox hazard model 103 Cox regression model 103 CRISP-DM data analytics process model 55 Criteria of accuracy 151 Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) 54 Cumulative damage model 93, 214 Customer classifications 16 Customer relationship management (CRM) systems 21 Customer’s next move 17 Dashboard of KPI variables 33 Dashboards 15, 29 Dashboard tools 18 Data aggregation 24 Data analytics 1, 4, 13 Data analytics community 36 Data analytics dashboard 34 Data analytics framework 36 Data analytics governance 35 Data analytics matrix 38 Data analytics methods, models evolve 100 Data analytics process 30, 49 Data analytics strategy 35 Data analytics value systems Database tools 20 Data cleaning 49 Data cleansing programs 20 Data cleansing techniques 111 Data collected from primary and secondary sources 16 Data collection 13, 49 Data connection layer 18, 19 Data consistency model 38 Data curation 60 Data discovery 30 Data exhaust 16 Data extraction 30 Data gateways 20 Brought to you by | provisional account Unauthenticated Download Date | 1/7/20 6:36 PM Index Data governance 20 Data ingestion (Load) 30 Data integration 13 Data lake 18, 21 Data lake is ideal for rapid data preparation 21 Data management layer 17 Data may be missing 17 Data mining 31, 123, 141 Data mining programs 26 Data model 38 Data modeling 49 Data preparation 30 Data quality 13 Data “quality” issues 17 Data repositories 19 Data scaling 199 Data schema 13 Data schema on read 13 Data schema on write 13 Data science methods Data science process model 51 Data scientist 13 Data security 20 Data strategy Data transformation 13, 30 Data virtualization 21, 25 Data visualization tools 29 Data warehouses 19, 24 Data warehouse strategies Data which are often ambiguous, incomplete, conditional and inconclusive 14 Decision boundary line 158 Decision tree 47 Decision tree construction 139 Decision trees 98 Deduplication 113 Deep learning 97, 164 Deep learning methods of machine learning 202 Deep learning refers to an artificial neural network model that has multiple hidden layers 164 Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 203 Define the objectives for the oracle program 186 Degrees of separation 31 Dendrogram approach 142 Dependency parsing 78 Derivative of the total error 166 231 Descriptive statistics 16, 42 Desired prediction accuracy 88 Detecting invalid data 113 Diagnosis phase 111 Diagnostics 92 Difference between L1 and L2 117 Differences between data analytics and business intelligence 13 Different Dimension tables 22 Dirty & Noisy data can be cleaned Discover, detect, and distribute 17 Discrimination 88 Discriminative parsing 78 Disparate and fragmented datasets 17 Disparate databases 24 Distinctions between BI and data analytics 15 Distinctive features of clustering and classification 126 Distributed data warehouses (DDW) 21 Diversity-based schema 193 DIY (Do-IT-Yourself) model 37 Domain expert libraries 5, 82 Domain experts 70, 82 Dummy variable 110 Effect of non-homogeneity on correlation 106 Eight axioms of big data analytics 39 Elastic search 23 Electronic medical record (EMR) Embedded method 145 Ensemble (also known as the committee of models) 149 Ensemble approach provides a more accurate prediction than any single best algorithm 185 Ensemble framework uses multiple models 171 Ensemble of models 8, 41, 87, 149, 197, 202 Enterprise data bus 18 Enterprise data strategy 35 Enterprise DW 18 Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems 21 Enterprise service bus (ESB) 18, 19, 21 Error correction learning 165 ETL extraction 21 (ETL) software tools to extract data from their source 19 ETL tools 18 Euclidean distance 141 Brought to you by | provisional account Unauthenticated Download Date | 1/7/20 6:36 PM 232 Index Example-predictive modeling case study 59 Exclude outliers 105 Exemplars 198 Expert systems 214 Exploratory data analysis 129 External validation 99, 100 Extract-Transfer-Load (ETL) 30 Factor analysis 129 Fact tables 22 Failure rate 215 False negatives (FN) 153 Feature discovery 60 Feature extraction 145 Feature selection 98 Feature selection procedure 144 Federated data network model 21 Federated data strategy 19 Feedback 92 Feed-forward model 92 Feed-forward neural network 177 FIBO (Financial Industry Business Ontology) 82 Filtering 144 Finding these factors can help the organization identify the right KPIs 33 Florence Nightingale Forecasting 27 Forward pass 180 Four categories of NLP techniques 65 4-layer framework 17 4-layer neural network 157 Four pillars of data analytics program 37 Four stages of data cleansing 112 Four steps for building and running an ANN model 206 Four types of bias associated with systematic error 130 Framework for prognostics 88 Fundamental condition for back-propagation 179 Fuzzy logic methods 114 Fuzzy rule-based systems 93, 214 Gaussian graphical model 120 Gaussian pattern unit 173 Generalized estimating equation (GEE) 146 General path model (GPM) 93, 214 General structure of a multi-layer ANN 156 Generative models 78 Genetic algorithms 153 Geo-spatial methods 123 Geo-temporal analysis 124 GFN (Generalized feed-forward network) 151, 172 Ghavami’s Laws of Analytics Goal of prognostics 89 Gold standard test 191 Gradient 166 Gradient descent algorithm 177 Gradient descent method 165 Graphical Gaussians models (GGMs) 121 Graphical reasoning 44 Graphical representation of statistical data Gray-box 90 Guidelines by ANN experts 198 Hadoop 19, 23 Hadoop distributed file systems (HDFS) 23 Handling noisy data 135 Hebbian based learning 168 Hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) 141 Higher R-squared value is more desirable 103 Highorder logic 66 HIPAA standards for security and privacy 20 History of predictive methods 97 HITRUST (Health Information Trust Alliance) 20 Hive 24 HiveQL 24 How much data is needed for machine learning 198 How neural networks can cluster data 128 How PCA works 129 Hybrid schema 192 Hyperplane 175 Ideal gold standard test 191 Identify dirty data 113 Implementing PSM 132 Imputation 109 Impute data 61 Inference 27 Inference engines 27 Inferencing 82 Influence diagrams 47 Infographic dashboards 29 Inputs which have a non-Gaussian distribution 208 Internal validation 99 Internet of things (IoT) 1, Interval variable 44 Brought to you by | provisional account Unauthenticated Download Date | 1/7/20 6:36 PM Index Jacobian matrix is the matric of all first order partial derivatives of a vector-valued function 182 Kaggle Kalman filtering is popular because 118 Kalman filters 45, 118, 135 Kaplan-Meier estimator 90 Key performance indicators (KPI) 33 K-means 120 K-means clustering method 127 K-means has two significant limitations 120 K-nearest neighbor algorithm 61 Knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) process 52 Large-scale machine learning 79 LASSO, L1 and L2 Norm Methods 117 LASSO (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator) 46, 118 Last observed carried forward (LOCF) 109 Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) 72 LDA algorithm 73 Learning despite noisy data 198 Learning methods 66 Learning models in neural networks 167 Least absolute deviations (LAD) 117 Least squares method 46 Lemmatization 67 Lexicon 71 Likelihood ratio 88, 187 Limitations to logistic regression 98 Linear and descriptive analytics 16 Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) 97 Linear regression 45 L2-norm is also known as least squares 117 Logistic regression 26, 97, 125 Logistic regression comes in three flavors 125 Logit 125 Lucene 23 Machine data Machine learning 7, 25, 27, 123 Machine learning and data mining are not the same 40 Mahalanobis distance 142 Manhattan distance 141 MANOVA 115 MapReduce 23 233 Markov chain analysis 134 Markov chain model 90 Markov chains Markov methods 213 Mash boards 29 Mass storage Mathematical models using control theory 89 Maximize a model’s accuracy 185 Maximum distance 142 Maximum likelihood estimations (MLE) 110 Maximum likelihood estimators (MLE) 144 Mean-shift 120 Mean shift clustering algorithm has two main drawbacks 120 Mean square error (MSE) 28, 160, 208 Mean time between failure (MTBF) 215 Medical data Memory based learning 167 Meta-analysis is the systemic examination of multiple studies 133 Metadata 19 Meta-data management 18 Miniaturization Missing data 109 MLP 172 MLP trained with LM - Multi-layer perceptron with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm 151 MLP with Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) Algorithm 181 Mobile data traffic Model, training and testing 30 Model building 16, 30 Modeling 55 Model performance 60, 185 Model training stops 208 Model validation 99 Model validity 89 More data is better 8, 39 More hidden layers can improve accuracy of the prediction 164 Most neural network models, all data in each column is normalized 199 Multi-algorithm approaches 16 Multi-factorial analysis 16 Multi-layer ANN models are common 156 Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) algorithm 208 Multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with back propagation 94 Brought to you by | provisional account Unauthenticated Download Date | 1/7/20 6:36 PM 234 Index Multi-model approaches can achieve higher accuracy 98 Multi-model ensemble approach 185 Multiple imputation method (MIM) 110 Multiple regression 110 Multi-state analysis 93, 214 Multi-variable analysis of variance (MANOVA) 28 Multivariate analysis of variance 47 Multivariate logistic regression 46 Naïve Bayes (NB) method 47 Named entity recognition (NER) 68, 73 Natural language processing (NLP) 5, 26, 65 Negative LR 188 Negative predictive value (NPV) 152 Neural network models 44, 93, 214 Neural networks 94, 155 Neural networks are less susceptible to missing data 201 Neuron can be constructed with a single activation function 164 Newton-Raphson method 183 Nine different data analytics methods for predictive modeling 125 95% confidence 100 N-leave-out method 201 NLP capability maturity model 69 NLP stack for enhanced semantic understanding 83 NLTK 66 Non-linear correlation 107 Non-linear logistic regression models 98 Non-parametric Bayes classifier 122 Nonparametric statistical procedures 121 Non-SQL database schema 22 Non-structured data Normal distributions 98, 213 Normalize and index data 17 Normalize each data value 200 NoSQL 23 Not Only SQL 23 N-point correlation functions (NPCF) 118 Null hypothesis 100 ODBC connectors 25 Odds ratio 86 Off premise private virtual cloud 36 OLAP 41 On-demand data pull 21 One model does not fit all 39 Ontologies 82 Optimization engine 25 Options for imputing missing data 109 Oracle 149 Oracle program 152, 185 Ordinal variable 43 Outlier detection 144 Outliers are atypical 105 Overfitting 99 Overseer program 149 Overtraining 8, 206 Parallel computing platform 23 Parallel data warehouses (PDW) 21 Parametric statistical procedures 121 Parametric vs non-parametric features 122 Parsing 65 Parsing methods 66 Partial correlation 102 Part of speech (POS) tagging 74, 82 Past performance Pattern analysis 28 Pattern matching 65 Pattern recognition engines 26 Patterns in data 15 Perceptron parameters 156 PHM 202 Pitts-McCullough equation 177 Plug-and-play connectors 25 PNN 151, 172 Polar area diagram Polarity 69 Polarity of sentences 82 Positive LR 188 PPV 190 Precision of a model 152 Predicting consumer behavior Predicting patient health condition Predicting when people are likely to shop Prediction 85, 193 Prediction is a form of speculation 149 Prediction of future events Predictions using prognostics have not been fully explored 97 Predictive analytics 27, 45 Predictive analytics and prognostics Predictive modeling 26 Brought to you by | provisional account Unauthenticated Download Date | 1/7/20 6:36 PM Index Predictors of business outcomes 17 Predict when a system may fail 89 Presentation layer 17, 29 Primary criticisms of ANNs 163 Principal component analysis (PCA) 48, 129 Probabilistic context-free grammars (PCFG) 77 Probabilistic neural network (PNN) 173 Probabilistic neural networks 151, 172 Probabilities 86 Probability of purchase 59 Prognostics 87, 92 Prognostics models can be classified into three general types 213 Propensity score matching (PSM) 131 Properly train a model 198 Properties of an appropriate mathematical model for analytics 91 Proportional hazards model (PHM) 47, 214 Proportion of variance explained (PVE) 130 Prospective view 14 Publish-and-subscribe model 37 Pull data on-demand 21 Purpose of CRISP-DM 54 Python 17 Qualitative analysis 17 Quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot 146 Quantitative analysis 85 Query model 38 Random forest is a collection of multiple trees 137 Random forest is a machine learning method used for classification and regression 137 Random forest method is an ensemble approach 137 Random forests 47 Random forest’s weaknesses 137 Random forest works 137 Real-time analysis 14, 24 Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) 89, 152 Reduction in variance (RIV) 146 Regression analysis overview 101 Regression coefficients 102 Regression line 42, 164 Regression line and its equivalent single neuron representation 165 Regression models 26, 103, 213 Relational databases 235 Reliability 215 Remaining useful life (RUL) 92 Removal of outliers 61 Research coming in natural language processing 78 Residual values 102 Retrain machine learning models Retrospective analytics 14 Return on data (ROD) Return on investment (ROI) Revising weights to correct misclassification 159 Ridge regression 46 Risk factors for DVT/PE 204 Robust estimation method 144 Robust estimation methods are used to detect outliers 144 ROC 188 R statistical language 17 Rules-based prognostics engine 87 Run the models in real time 203 SAS 17 Scatterplot 105 Schema.org 83 Semantic analysis 27, 31 Semantic analysis through natural language processing (NLP) 17 Semantic grammars 65 Semantic modeling using graph analysis technique 79 Semantics SEMMA process model stands for sample, explore, modify, model and access 56 Sensitivity 88 Sensitivity analysis 208 Sensors Sentence boundary disambiguation (SBD) 67 Sequence Sequential mode 218 Service level agreement (SLA) between the users and the data analytics group 37 7-step data analytics life cycle process model 50 7-step “value-chain” process 49 Shock models 213 Sigmoid function 161 Signal boosting 8, 41 Significance of correlation 104 Brought to you by | provisional account Unauthenticated Download Date | 1/7/20 6:36 PM 236 Index Simple neuron 156 Simulations 90 Situational awareness 14 SMAC: social media, mobility, analytics, and cloud computing Smart devices Smartphones Smote() function to balance data 61 Snowflake schema 22 SOLR 23 Spark 24 Sparse data analytics approaches will win 40 Spearman R 107 Specificity 88, 188 Spline functions 107 Squared Euclidean distance 141 Stability refers to how immune a model is to small changes in data 152 Standard deviation higher than the mean 114 Star schema vs snowflake schema 22 Statistical analysis 27 Statistical analysis tools 28 Statistical models 44 Stemming 67 Storage units of measure 3t Strategic lift 35 Strategic plans for analytics 35 Stratification is a technique for classifying data 130 Streaming data 4, 13 Stressor-based approaches 93 Structured data 13 Study the data before training a model 199 Supervised learning 78, 157 Supervised training models 175 Support vector machine networks 151 Support vector machines (SVMs) 94, 175 Survival analysis 90 SVM 151, 172 SVM is a machine learning method 175 Syntactically driven parsing 65 Takes the logarithm of each data item 200 Taxonomy 71 TDSP data science lifecycle 57 Team data science process (TDSP) 57 Term extraction 31 Test data set 185 Tests that measure calibration 99 Tests that measure clinical usefulness 99 Tests that measure discrimination 99 Text analysis using graph technique 81 TextBlob 80 Text classification is enhanced through training 68 The four areas 33 The highest layer of capability is natural language understanding 70 The SVM is a non-probabilistic binary linear classifier 175 The SVM method is now highly regarded 175 The three V’s: volume, velocity, and variety Three types of feature selection methods exist 144 Threshold function 159 Time series ARIMA 47 Time-series data 5, 151 Tokenizers 67 Topic modeling 72 Total error count 192 Total sum of squares (TSS) 147 Traditional analytical methods 101 Traditional database systems Traditional systems control theory 92 Training each model 208 Training of MLP occurs in two stages 182 Training of the neural net, three factors 205 Training the model 61 Train the model that best captures the patterns 198 Transition analysis 90 Treatment phase 111 Tree based analysis 135 12 types of bias to be watchful of 106 Two approaches to machine learning 197 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provisional account Unauthenticated Download Date | 1/7/20 6:36 PM ... implementing pointsolutions that are stand-alone applications which not integrate with other analytics applications Consider implementing an analytics platform that supports many analytics applications... Hadoop by data scientists using Hive and the Python programming language Data Ingestion (Load) In this step the data is properly ingested by the data analytics system and imported into the appropriate... Layer In the data connection layer, data analysts set up data ingestion pipelines and data connectors to access data They might apply methods to identify metadata in all source data repositories

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