10.1. Your FreeMacOSXPrograms
You've got a broad assortment of programs in the Applications folder in the main hard
drive window. The Applications Utilities folder holds another couple of dozen
miniprograms that handle such workaday jobs as setting up printers and network
connections, fixing problems on your hard disk, and monitoring the behind-the-scenes
processing performed by yourMac whenever you launch and run programs.
This chapter guides you through every item in your new software library, one program at
a time. (Depending on yourMac model, you may find other programs in your
Applications folder. Apple occasionally includes software of its own, or from other
companies, to spice up the collection for, say, iMacs or MacBooks.)
Tip: A reminder: You can jump straight to the Applications folder in the Finder by
pressing Shift- -A (the shortcut for Go Applications), or by clicking the
Applications folder icon in the Sidebar. You might consider adding the Application
folder's icon to the Dock, too, so you can access it no matter what program you're in.
Shift- -U (or Go Utilities) takes you, of course, to the Utilities folder.
. 10.1. Your Free Mac OS X Programs
You've got a broad assortment of programs in the Applications folder in the. behind-the-scenes
processing performed by your Mac whenever you launch and run programs.
This chapter guides you through every item in your new software library, one