Registry BackupUsingResourceKitUtilities
Resource Kit software products can simplify the process of administering and supporting
Windows NT/2000/XP or Windows Server 2003. Normally, any software product of this
type includes a distribution CD and several volumes of supplementary documentation.
Despite the fact that Microsoft doesn't officially support ResourceKit products and
doesn't provide any warranties, ResourceKitutilities are valuable tools for the
experienced system administrator. Furthermore, Microsoft warns customers that they use
these tools at their own risk. ResourceKitutilities aren't subject to localization; they were
only tested with the U.S. versions of Windows NT/2000, Windows XP, or Windows
Server 2003, and their usage with localized versions may lead to unforeseeable results.
Despite of all the concerns mentioned above, ResourceKit software is very popular
among system administrators, support specialists, and programmers. Most ResourceKit
utilities were developed for internal use, and they significantly extend existing OS
functionality. It's not surprising, then, that Resource Kits also contain registry tools.
Caution ResourceKitutilities intended for working with the system registry are
command-line tools. Use these tools with caution. Note that registry editors,
which at least have a graphic user interface, are much easier to use. When using
the ResourceKit command-line utilities for modifying the registry, you need to
have a proper understanding of the changes you're going to make in the local or
remote registry.
The REG Command-Line Utility
The REG ResourceKit utility allows you to add, modify, delete, and search registry keys
and values, and to perform registrybackup and restore and other administrative
operations. This command-line utility can also be used in the batch files. It can operate
over both local and remote registries.
The REG utility implements the functionality of the following registry tools from the
Resource Kit versions, earlier than Windows 2000 Resource Kit: Regchg.exe,
Regdel.exe, Regdir.exe, Regread.exe, Regsec.exe, Restkey.exe, Rregchg.exe, and
Savekey.exe. In Windows 2000, it replaces all of these utilities. Starting with Windows
XP, Reg.exe tool is built into the OS. Detailed information on the Reg.exe command-line
syntax will be provided in Chapter 15
To backup and restore the registryusing Reg.exe command-line tool, use the following
Saves the indicated registry values, keys, or hives to the specified file. This
command is particularly useful for backing up the registry before introducing any
changes. The REG SAVE and REG BACKUP commands are identical.
Restores the specified value, key, or hive from the file created using the REG
SAVE or REG BACKUP commands.
The REG SAVE and REG BACKUP commands use the following syntax:
REG SAVE RegistryPath FileName [\\Machine]
REG BACKUP RegistryPath FileName [\\Machine]
The RegistryPath argument specifies the registry path to the registry key or value in the
following format: [ROOTKEY\]Key.
The ROOTKEY parameter specifies the registry root key containing the key to be backed
up (the default value of this parameter is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).
The root key may be specified using one of the following abbreviations:
Key-this parameter specifies the complete path to the registry key contained within the
root key specified by the ROOTKEY parameter.
FileName-this parameter specifies the file name (without an extension) where the registry
data will be saved. (On a local computer, this file will be stored in the current directory.
When working with remote systems, this file will be saved in the Windows installation
Machine-this parameter specifies the name of the remote computer (by default, the local
system is used). Use a UNC notation when specifying computer names. For example:
ote Only HKLM and HKU keys are available when working with remote systems.
The REG RESTORE command supports the following syntax:
REG RESTORE FileName KeyName [\\Machine]
FileName-name of the file to be restored (without the filename extension). This
parameter should specify a file previously created using REG SAVE or REG BACKUP.
KeyName-name of the registry key, in the following format: [ROOTKEY\]Key.
Key-complete path to the registry key contained within the root key specified by the
ROOTKEY parameter.
Machine-name of the remote system in UNC format (by default, the local computer will
be used).
Registry Backup Using Resource Kit Utilities
Resource Kit software products can simplify the process of. surprising, then, that Resource Kits also contain registry tools.
Caution Resource Kit utilities intended for working with the system registry are