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Đáp án bài tập My EnglishLab trong cuốn sách Speakout 2nd Elementary Edition

Frances Eales • Steve Oakes • Louis Harrison ~ speak'Out 2ND EDITION Discover English as it is really spoken Speakout 2nd Edition is a comprehensive six-level general English course for adults that has been developed in association with BBC Worldwideand BBC Learning English The course integrates authentic video from popular BBC programmes into every unit and builds the skills and knowledge learners need to express themselves confidently in a real English-speaking environment The Speakout 2nd Edition Workbook contains a wide variety of practice exercises that review all the language areas covered in the Students' Book: • Grammar, vocabulary and functional Language exercises help to consolidate and extend new Language • Extra practice in reading, writing and Listening extends learners' skills • Regular review sections reinforce key Language and allow learners to check their progress Components • Students' Book with DVD-ROM • Students' Book with DVD-ROM and MyEnglishlab • Class Audio CDs • Workbook with Audio (with and without key) • Teachers Book with Resource and Assessment Disc • Active Teach Elementary Workbook with key Student's online video and audio resources at www.english.com/speakout · Learn about the Global Scale of English at www.english.com/gse ,, GLOBAL SCALE of English 2ND EDITION Elementary Workbook with key Frances Eales • Steve Oakes • Louis Harrison CONTENTS l WELCOME 1.1 GRAMMAR present simple: be 1.2 Pages PLACES 4.1 GRAMMAR there is/are VOCABULARY countries and nationalities VOCABULARY rooms and furniture; prepositions READING national dishes and drinks READING top tips for small rooms WRITING WRITING capital letters GRAMMAR this/that, these/those; possessives 4.2 VOCABULARY I objects LISTENING 1.3 FUNCTION interviews atan airport commas GRAMMAR can for possibility LISTENING 4.3 a tour of London FUNCTION I shopping VOCABULARY I tourist places VOCABULARY I things to buy LEARN TO ! listen for key words LEARN TO say no politely in a shop LIFESTYLE 2.1 GRAMMAR present simple: l/you/we/they FOOD 5.1 VOCABULARY activities GRAMMAR countable and uncountable nouns; nouns with a/an, sorne, any LISTENING VOCABULARY food and drink WRITING 2.3 VOCABULARY places in towns; prepositions making requests 2.2 Page 23 Page 10 doing a course Page 28 READING too busy to eat? I and, but, or 5.2 GRAMMAR present simple: he/she/it GRAMMAR how much!many; quantifiers VOCABULARY daily routines; jobs VOCABULARY I containers READING a hot dog seller LISTENING the junk food lover's diet FUNCTION WRITING asking for information 5.3 VOCABULARY I the time paragraphs FUNCTION ordering in a restaurant VOCABULARY restaurant words LEARN TO show you don't understand LEARN TO understand PEOPLE 3.1 GRAMMAR hove/has got 3.2 3.3 Page is THE PAST 6.1 GRAMMAR was/were fast speech VOCABULARY family VOCABULARY dates and time phrases LISTENING READING celebrities who are friends families 6.2 GRAMMAR adverbs of freq uency GRAMMAR past simple VOCABULARY personality VOCABULARY l life story collocations READING HELP! forum LISTENING adopted twins WRITING WRITING FUNCTION descriptions; apostrophe 's 6.3 making arrangements because and so FUNCTION asking follow-up questions VOCABULARY time expressions VOCABULARY1 activities LEARN TO show interest LEARN TO extend conversations Review Page 20 Page 33 Review Page 38 CONTENTS HOLIDAYS 7.1 GRAMMAR comparatives 7.2 GRAMMAR superlatives 10.2 GRAMMAR will, might (not), won't VOCABULARY places VOCABULARYI phrases with get LISTENING LISTENING I survival an audio diary checking and correcting FUNCTION WRITING giving directions 10.3 too, a/so, as well FUNCTION making suggestions VOCABULARY I places VOCABULARY1 art and culture LEARN TO check and correct directions LEARN TO respond to suggestions GRAMMAR present continuous Page46 11 HEALTH 11.1 VOCABULARY the body; health LISTENING READING walking - the perfect sport? phone conversations pronouns 11.2 GRAMMAR adverbs of manner GRAMMAR present simple and continuous VOCABULARY communication VOCABULARY appearance LISTENING time management READING I the changing T-shirt WRITING FUNCTION recommending 11.3 adverbs in stories FUNCTION offering to help VOCABULARY I types of film VOCABULARY1 verbs of movement LEARN TO l link words to speak faster LEARN TO thank someone TRANSPORT 9.1 GRAMMAR con/coo't, hove to/don': hove to Page sr 12 EXPERIENCES 12.1 GRAMMAR present perfect VOCABULARY adjectives VOCABULARY experiences READING no more wheels! READING a travel blog LISTENING WRITING l linkers review the balancing scooter GRAMMAR a/an, the, no article VOCABULARY prepositions READING LISTENING I fear or fun? FUNCTION commuting apologising 12.3 FUNCTION telephoning VOCABULARY excuses VOCABULARY1 telephoning expressions LEARN TO tell a long story LEARN TO say telephone numbers Review Page 69 12.2 GRAMMAR present perfect and past simple VOCABULARY transport collocations Page64 GRAMMAR l should/shouldn't VOCABULARY verbs + prepositions WRITING 9.3 10.1 GRAMMAR be going to; would like to READING a lottery winner 8.1 9.2 Page 59 READING travel partners NOW 8.3 PLANS VOCABULARY1 plans 8.2 10 VOCABULARY travel adjectives WRITING 7.3 Page 41 Page 56 Review Page 74 AUDIO SCRIPTS Page 77 ANSWER KEY Page 84 ! GRAMMAR Write questions A: you I American? B: no/ / Canadian A: he! a student? PRESENT SIMPLE: Bf 1Put the words in the correct arder to make sentences A: Yasmin ='s~v~o=ur~n~a~m~e~~~ª~sm~in' -~? A: Sofia ! it ! Anna / name / 's / my ? COUNTRIES ANO NATIONALITIES I a/ student ! you B: l'm ! no,! not is! teacher, B: nice 4A ! a ! too! David \_ G R E E e EJ e Q s p o R T u G A L e R G E R M A N y o u s o y E Q A J T s p e u X F D A L s A H V z A p A 1 u e M u A N A N N p o L A N D T H A L A N D p ! Sofia and David! to! nice ! meet I you, I meet I to I too with the correct form of be Conversation Ben: Hello How are you? Ed: Ben: Er hello Sorry, 1_a_re Ed: No, we Mrs Rutter Find twelve countries in the puzzle ! teacher ! l'rn ! a Complete the conversations Ben: _ ! China ! are! you B: David/ / am /yes,/ this / and /is A: you, B: no! you ! early A: they / from India? B: no I they ~ A: are Are you American? No, /'m not /'m Canadian B: no! he! a teacher A: we /late? ! your ! is/ name B: no,/ isn't and answers using the prompts you Mr and Mrs Rutter? They Mr and Oh, sorry B Write the nationalities far the countries in the puzzle Greek C Write the nationalities from Exercise 46 in the correct column Conversation Ben: Excuse me ~ -you Jerry Rutter? Jerry: Yes Ben: Ben Pastor Jerry: Oh, hello Nice to meet you, Ben This my wife, Sally Sally: Hi Ben: Sorry your name Sandy? Sally: No, it lt's Sally Ben: Nice to meet you, Sally 1-an / -ian -ish German Po/ish -ese other Portuguese Greek D ~ 1.1 Listen and underline the stressed syllables in the nationalities in Exercise 4C E Listen again and repeat READING Read the text and J match food 1-6 with countries a)-f) NATIONAL DISHES AND DRINKS Where are these fabulous dishes and drinks from? • Bubble tea, or pearl milk tea is from Taiwan • Jacket potatoes are from the UK • lndonesians eat a rice dish called Nasi Goreng • Pide is a food from Turkey lt's Turkish pizza -yum! • Ful Medames is from E~ypt They make it with beans and lemon • Curry is lndian lt's food cooked in sauce, and it's delicious! Pide~ Bubble tea Ful Medames Jacket potatoes Curry Nasi Goreng WRITING a) Indonesia b) Turkey e) India d) UK e) Egypt f) Taiwan CAPITAL LETTERS Complete the words with the letters in brackets Use capital letters where necessary Ihis is a _hoto of _e at the _olosseum in _orne, _taly (t p m c r i) _his is me and my _ustralian _riend, _aul _e're in enice (ta f p w v) _his is _enji ata _ar in _adrid _enji is a _tudent from _apan (t k b m k s j) _ere is _aul again _e's at _axim's in _aris _axim's is a - rench - estaurant (h p h m p m f r) VOCABULARY ~ OBJECTS 1A Look at the pictures and complete the crossword 10 11 12 2A ~ 1.3 Listen to interviews with three passengers atan airport and complete the table on business (B)? B Listen again and tick the things in the passengers' bags Passenger laptop B~ 1.2 Listen and write the words from Exercise lA in the correct column for each stress pattern 10 200 keys passport credit card diary MP3 player and earphones sunglasses passport camera ººº 4oo0 sunglasses mobi/e phone ticket newspaper magazine mobile phone e Listen keys again and repeat ./ Passenger I Passenger Add one apostrophe GRAMMAR THIS/THAT THESE/THOSE; POSSESSIVES Look at the picture and complete the conversation A: Is this your mobile phone? B: No, it isn't.l think it's Jane/s A: Are these DVDs yours? with this, that, these or those John: These Shop assistant: are great sunglasses How much are they? ? They're 200 euros John: 200 euros! Shop assistant: But sunglasses are only twenty euros OK And how much is -John: magazine? Shop assistant: 's two euros John: Two? OK, here you are Shop assistant: Thanks (') to each conversation B: No, they're Suzannas A: Is your friends name Greg? B: Yes, Greg Hutchens A: Are these Nathans sunglasses? B: don't know Ask him A: Are your teachers photos in the book? B: Yes, they're on pages 17 and 18 A: Where are lrenas tickets? B: They're on the table A: Is this chocolate cake yours? B: No, it isn't lt's Lucys A: Are these keys Mr Allisons? B: Yes, they are 6A Rewrite the sentences Don't repeat the nouns These glasses are my g!asses These glasses are mine These keys are your keys That bag is Jack's bag Those pencils are my pencils This mobile phone is Anita's mobile phone That magazine is your magazine 4A Rewrite the sentences in the plural That CD's great! Those CDs are great! This red pen is Anne's B~ 1.4 Listen and check C Underline the letter -s in your answers in Exercise 6A The~e glasse~ are mine This ísn't my key Where's that ticket? B D What is the pronunciation of -s in your answers? Listen again and write /s/ or /z/ The~e glasse~ are mine /z/ /s//z/ Rewrite the sentences in the singular These books are very good Those aren't my files Who are those men over there? Are these your photos? E Listen again and repeat VOCABULARY ~ LEARNTO TOURIST PLACES LISTEN FOR KEY WORDS 1A 5A Complete the words Add the vowels in brackets @ack@_ffees_ndwich (add Read the conversations Underline the two key words in each sentence a oro) t_uristsh_pp_stc_rdb_tterys_uvenir (add a oro) r_t_rntick_tapplj_ic_ (add u ore) tr nst_t_ons_nglet_cketpl_tform (add a or 1) A: B: A: B: A: B: B Circle the places and things in Exercise lA FUNCTION A: That's eight euros, please B: Ah, only have six euros MAKING REQUESTS Put the words in the correct order to make B~ requests have / /a/ coffee, /can/ please Can I hove a coffee, please ? Birmingham, / have / /a/ could / return / please /to ? -3 I please I batteries, I of I can I those I one I have have / could /sandwich,/ How much is a coffee cake, please? lt's two euros Could have a return to Sydney, please? That's ten fifty Is that a cheese sandwich? No, it's a chicken sandwich / please /a/ cheese ? ~ /can/ apple ju ice/ have / an / coffee, / and / please /a 1.6 Listen and check Then listen and repeat 6A ~ l Look at the menu and listen What the people order? Write the food and drink for 1-6 a tomato salad d)€ e)€ f)€ e Listen again and write the prices for a)-f) *MENU* Complete the conversations with the words in the box Ele have you that's euro please help ')._ can Conversation Excuse me English? Shop assistant: Yes Can l Tourist: 0~o a) € b)€ c)€ DRINKS you speak COFFEE HOT JUICE you? have these four -postcards, please? Shop assistant: OK two euros, please CHOCOLATE MINERAL TEA WATER Tourist: Conversation Tourist: Can Wai ter: Tourist: a coffee, -fifty That's one Thank SANDWICHES ? EGG CHICKEN CHEESE *** SALADS 4~ 1.5 Listen and tick the speaker (A or B) that sounds more polite A B ,/ A A B B A B -B A - ~ I GREEN TOMATO ~ ICE T CREAM A M 2.1 VOCABULARY Listen and write the words in the box in the correct column for each stress pattern ACTIVITIES gam-e Complete the profile with the verbs in the box ele J listen play read watch go eat have cinema nothing newspaper sport magazine coffee exercise MP3 player DVD TV film tennis pasta fun 10 ALLTOGETHER Personal Profile: 200 ºº ººººº game 4000 SooO newspaper TeresaAlvarez About Me come from Mexico, l'm twenty-three years old and l'm a student study politics at UNAM (the National Autonomous University of Mexico) l'rn single B PRESENT SIMPLE: l/YOU/WE/THEY Look at the information about Francesco and his flatmates, Ben and Tom Complete Francesco's sentences Activities a lot of sport running every day and weeks 1 _ tennis most Francesco Ben and Tom watch TV a lot / X listen to the radio X / eat in fast food restaurants X X drink a lot of coffee / / read computer magazines X / go to the cinema X / sport / X play computer games / / lnterests Going out: lave meeting people and a lot of fun going out with friends Food: like going out to restaurantswith friends We Mexican food - tacos are my favourite! Favourite Music to different kinds of music, but really like World Music Listen again and repeat Favourite TV shows a lot of TV American programmes like Breaking Bad and The Big Bang Theory are my favourite watch Favourite Movies Anything with Johnny Depp! the radio Ben and Tom Favourite Books and Magazines Vague! it every month! We We Ben and Tom TV a lot, but don't listen to TV a lot but they to the radio in fast-food restaurants a lot of coffee computer magazines Ben and Tom We to the cinema sport computer games AUDIO SCRIPTS J: Oh, no - l'm so sorry always mix up left and right G: Hm My wife was really angry J: feel terrible about this G: In the end we went home and ordered pizza! J: Oh, no! G: Ah, well Maybe next year! Don't worry about it really llH!jl(•I Recording hot, thirsty, warm, wet, lost, stung, cold, hungry llJ:lil(•i Recording Well, the most difficult thing was that there was so much water, but was so thirsty Food wasn't a big problem because caught fish and ate them Of course, got sunburnt after the first day because had nothing to put on my head And was afraid of sharks Once saw one, but it just swam around the raft for a few minutes and then it went away felt very small and very ti red walked ali night, very slowly because of the sand, and tried to stay cool in the daytime, but it was so hot On the second day found sorne water - that was very lucky- but then wanted to walk more, not just stay by the water wanted to try to find my way back to the town had food with me, so didn't get hungry- just very thirsty Once saw a snake and was afraid that one might go into my shoe, so never took my shoes off There was snow everywhere, everything was white, and that's why got lost - didn't see the path was up there only one night, but it was the longest night of my life The most important thing was staying warm didn't have enough clothes with me, so got terribly cold wanted to make a fire, but everything was wet slept on the ground and got colder didn't think about food - wasn't really hungry, but just so thirsty! lt was difficult, very difficult There was water, so didn't get thirsty And didn't get too hungry because knew what kind of plants to eat Of course, got very lost - walked day and night - but you know, you can never, ever get bored there There are so many different types of plants and animals and insects - it was beautiful So yes, felt ti red and lost, but not bored llH lil ( 11 Recording You get cold You'll get cold We'll miss the train We miss the train l'rn sure you'll hate it l'rn sure you hate it They know you're a tourist They'll know you're a tourist stay at home l'll stay at home l'll never go out never go out 11): 1i111Recording elbow, thumb, leg, knee, head, neck, stomach, hand, nose, toe, mouth, back 11): 1i111Recording P = Presenter E= Emma P: Helio and welcome to Working Week, where we take a look at the world of work This week we're looking at time management We ali know there are twenty-four hours in a day, but sorne people are just much better at using these than other people In today's programme we'll look at ways to improve the time we spend at work - things we should and things we shouldn't Professor Emma Fields from the lnstitute of Work Psychology joins us today Emma, what are the good and bad time management techniques? E: Well, the first thing you have to is to make sure you have time to plan Most of us start work without organising our week and days first You should always give yourself sorne planning time Secondly, make sure you don't forget your plans - write a to-do list for the day and for the week We ali try to keep too much in our heads and, of course, we forget things lt's better to make a list and make only one list - sorne people make two or three different lists and that doesn't help Thirdly, put the most important things at the top of the list and them first A lot of people the things they like doing first, not the important things Fourthly, don't rnulti-task - one thing, then another thing When you multi-task, you work more slowly - each task takes more time And you often make mistakes when you two or more things at the same time Finally, work smarter, not harder We ali spend extra time in the office trying to finish something But is that last hour on Friday the best time to it? When you are ti red and not concentrating? lf you're smart, you'll make time for the task on Monday morning-you'll it better and more quickly then llJ:1i111Recording A: Are you OK, Jim? B: No have to meet Anne at 5.30 and look at this list! A: Let me help l'rn not busy at the moment B: Oh, can you?Thanks! A: No problem Shall phone Noriko? B: A: B: A: Yes, please And then l'Il email the Moscow office Can you tell them l'll phone tomorrow? OK And l'll get sorne flowers for Ellie l'rn going to the hospital to see her tonight anyway B: Fantastic! Let me give you the money A: lt's OK Give it to me tomorrow B: Thanks a lot 1'11 the same for you any time! llJ:lilfj Recording be in a play, ride an elephant, climb Mount Bromo, a bungee jump, meet a new friend, go to a match, sleep outside, watch the sun rise llJ:lilfj Recording2 A: Have you ever flown in a helicopter? B: No, haven't Have you? A: Yes, have Just once, when went helicopter skiing - five years ago B: That sounds interesting What's helicopter skiing? A: A helicopter takes you up the mountain and you ski from there B: And how was it? A: lt was fun enjoyed it A: Matt, have you ever sung in a karaoke club? B: No, but l've sung ata party lt was last year sometime No, two years ago Ata birthday party A: What did you sing? B: can't remember Oh, yes -1 did it my way lt was fun can't sing, but it was a good laugh Why are you asking? A: l'm going to a karaoke club tonight and l'm feeling quite nervous about it B: You'll be ali right Just relax and enjoy it! A: What's the matter? B: have to drive to Dublin tomorrow and look at the rain! Have you ever driven in really bad weather? A: Yes drove up to Scotland to visit my grandparents in 2007 and it just snowed non-stop - it was impossible to see the road ahead B: Sounds dangerous AUDIO SCRIPTS A: Yes, so stopped and stayed overnight in a hotel After that always visit them by train! B: Yeah, that's a good idea Maybe l'll go by train A: Look at this picture lt looks scary! Have you ever been on a roller coaster like that? B: Yes, when was about nineteen, in Munich A friend of mine took meona really big roller coaster A: Were you afraid? B: No After ten seconds closed my eyes and didn't open them until it stopped! llHlilfj Recording three two three, four double nine six six double eight, two nine seven five oh seven five, seven two eight one six two three, two double eight nine nine eight nine, double seven double six oh eight seven oh, five u ble three, eight double nine two REVIEW4 Recording A: Could speak to Susie Dee? B: She's not at home She's back at three Could you phone her back tonight? A: B: A: B: A: A: C: A: C: A: C: A: l'll leave a message Is that ali right? Justa moment, need a pen Shes got my number My narne's Ben Let me check your name is Jack? Oh, never mind - l'll call her back Well, helio Susie! How are you? l'rn fine What would you like to do? Why don't we meet and have a chat? don't really feel like doing that Then how about a walk together? Sounds good Let me check the weather lts going to rain - that's not ideal So lers stay in and cook a meal! ANSWERKEY UNITl ID Mr Allison's lb 2f Je 4d 5c 1 B: No, it isn't My name's Anna A: Are you Sofia? B: Ves, am And this is David J A: Are you a student? B: No, l'm not l'rn a teacher David is a teacher, too A: Nice to meet you, Sofia and David B: Nice to meet you, too 2 aren't/re not J 're/are Are 'm/am is Is isn't This is a photo of me at the Colosseum in Rome, ltaly This is me and my Australian friend, Paul We're in Venice J This is Kenji ata bar in Madrid Kenji is a student from Ja pan Here is Paul again He's at Maxim's in Paris Maxim's is a French restaurant E E c E (P o R T u (G E R M 'R ,, Q G A L~ A N y c o J T A L p A A N N D D p r- u s o V E Q A ,, , s p c u X F D s A H V z A u c M u A Ji N (P o L A 1 (T H A L -s c A N - B Portuguese German Polish Thai Russian Spanish Chinese Mexican Canadian Japanese Scottish C/D German, Russian, Mexican, Canadian Polish, S.Qmish, Scottish Portuguese, Chine se, Japanese Greek, Thai /z/ /z/ /si Thi~ mobile phone i~ Anita'~ /z/ O L E y p H o N E 'p A s 's p o R T N M 'L •N A E W E A T p l T c K o e A A z p E N /z/ E A A R T E R A M R A s B watch camera, sweater, laptop, ticket J diary, newspaper magazine 2A Passenger 1: B Passenger 2: American Passenger 3: French, B this That These red pensare Anne's J These aren't my keys Where are those tickets? B This book is very good That isn't my file J Who is that man over there? Is this your photo? Suzanna's teacher's ID 1Ata snack bar, coffee, sandwich tourist shop, postcard, battery, souvenir J return ticket, apple ju ice train station, single ticket, platform 2 Could have a return to Birmingham, please? Can have one of those batteries, please? Could have a cheese sandwich, please? Can have an apple ju ice anda coffee, please? 2A lrena's Nathan's Lucy's JA 4B 5B SA A: How much is a coffee cake, please? B: lt's two euros A: Could have a return to Sydney, please? B: That's ten fifty J A: Is that a cheese sandwich? B: No, it's a chicken sandwich A: That's eight euros, please B: Ah, only have six euros a mineral water J an ice cream two cheese sandwiches a chicken sandwich three coffees e b1 J friend's /z/ help J Can That's have please euro you Passenger 1: ticket, mobile phone, keys Passenger 2: camera, newspaper, sunglasses, MP3 player and earphones Passenger 3: mobile phone, laptop, magazine, sunglasses, passport, ticket, diary J these /z/ B Those /z/ That magazine i~ yourj, 's w 'o y H /z/ /si B p R /z/ J That bag i~Jack'~ 1A 1M (G These key~ are yours, /z/ IK Is he a student? No, he isn't He's a teacher Are we late? No, you aren't You're early Are they from India? No, they aren't They're from China CID Those pencils are mine u A: B: J A: B: A: B: These keys are yours J That bag is Jack's Those pencils are mine This mobile phone is Anita's That magazine is yours ID J 6a c 1.50 d 4.40 e 3.50 f 4.50 ANSWERKEY DI On Thursday, work in the office or TV cinema, exercise magazine, DVD MP3 player ID go play have read watch eat listen 2A sport, film, fun coffee, nothing, tennis, pasta 1A don't watch, listen drink don't eat read don't go play don't A: Do you a lot of sport, Kiko? B: Yes, A: Do the students in your class live nearyou? B: No, they don't A: Do you and Clara like pasta? B: Yes, we s A: Do you listen to Radio 5, Dan? B: Yes, A: Do Ursula and Hans study English with you? B: No, they don't A: Do have classes on Sunday? B: No, you don't A: Do you and your family eat together? B: Yes, we A: Do Ali and Marco play ten nis? B: Yes, they 10 A: Do you and Ana drink coffee? B: No, we don't 5AJB Digital photography: B, Salsa for beginners: C, Singing forfun: D, Office yoga: A, e Singing for fun: Monday and Thursday evenings; music school; sing/singing (old songs, new songs) (and the teachers play the guitar) Digital photography: Saturday mornings; high schoo/; study how to take good photos Salsa for beginners: Tuesdays and Thursdays (and weekends); dance club; practise salsa dancing (and go to dance clubs at the weekend) Office yoga: Mondays and Wednesdays; Un ion County; stretching and relaxing exercises have lunch go to bed get home have dinner get up start work leave home finish work 7a.m 66p.m On Tuesday, phone my mother and chat with her for hours On Wednesday, get up early, but don't go to work - its my free day e People talk to Al People are (very) hungry at night Al likes/loves hot dogs a Al goes to the park with his boys shop assistant police officer politician waiter businessman receptionist doctor sportsman actor Hidden job: hairdresser DI B 8a.m 8p.m lp.m llp.m 5p.m 2A plays drinks drives relaxes eats studies knows washes 10 leaves 11 gets 12 practises tt's quarter past nine lt's nine fifteen lt's ten past eleven It's eleven ten lt's quarter to three lt's two forty-five s lt's twenty past five lt's five twenty lt's twenty-five to nine lt's eight thirty-five lt's five to eleven lt's ten fifty-five It's twenty to two lt's one forty 2A B numbers (times) drinks, eats, gets 2e drives, studies, knows, leaves washes, practises When does the train arrive? 3A makes takes starts has works sees meets finishes 10 reads 11 gets 12 has 13 goes B He doesn't go to work by taxi He goes He doesn't have a salad (for lunch) He has He doesn't read a magazine (on the bus) He reads He doesn't get home late at night He gets He doesn't have lunch with his family He has Does Juanes drink coffee? What does 'junk' mean? When does he have lunch? Does she like popcorn? Which newspaper does Kay read? How does Faisal come to work? Where does your friend live? SA No, he doesn't B 2F What time does the tour start? When does the tour finish? Where does the tour start from? How much does the tour cost? What time does the bank open? When does the bank close? D 12.10 7(a.m.) p.m./1 o'clock Wat Phra Kaew 650 9.30(a.m.) l(p.m.) 3A in all three conversations Yes, he does work at home s On Friday, go out late with my friends or go to bed early On Saturday, play tennis with Pete at and have lunch with him On Sunday morning, read a newspaper, but it isn't in English! On Sunday afternoon, l listen to mu sic or watch TV JF 4T 5F 6T 7T 8F B Sorry, could you speak more slowly, please? Excuse me, the Wat ? Could you spell that? Sorry, could you repeat that? e Could you spell that? Excuse me, the Wat ? Sorry, could you speak more slowly, please? Sorry, could you repeat that? ANSWERKEY ID ID brother wife nephews daughters son husband uncle aunt 10 cousins 11 niece 12 parents intelligent funny friendly talkative unkind serious interesting stupid 10 quiet 11 unfriendly 12 boring B B 1A 25 1A 3D 45 55 6D 7D 85 2 daughter parents aunt uncle nephew niece wife husband 10 grandparents 3A haven't got hasn't got have got has got haven't got have got has got B Has [your brother] got, No, he hasn't Have [you] got, No, we haven't Has [your sister] got Yes, she has Has [your flat] got, Yes, it has Have [your parents] got, Yes, they have Conversation B: No, haven't, but l've gota pencil A: Is it black? B: No, it's red A: Has it gota rubber? B: Yes, it has A: Can borrow it?Thanks Conversation A: Have you got your camera with you? B: No, but Fatima's got an MP3 player A: Has it gota camera, Fatima? C: No, it hasn't But my mobile phone's gota camera A: Is it good? C: Not really lt's very small and the pictures aren't very good A: Thars OK Can you take a photo of me? C: OK, smile! Look You've gota nice smile 5 10 e haven't got have got haven't got have got has got has got haven't got Have, got have funny, friendly, stupld, quiet, boring unkind talkative, serious, interesting unfriendly intelligent D quiet funny unkind intelligent boring 2 often never usually sometimes hardly ever always often always 10 usually 3A No, they aren't B Hi Maria, How are you? l'rn fine, but l've gota new flatmate, Cristina, and she's a real problem 5he never talks to me When she comes home in the evening, usually ask her about her day 5he always says, 'Fine!' and then she usually watches TV or she sometimes goes to her room to sleep! 5he hardly ever wants to chat What can do? 5andy Hi Zsuzsa, How are you? l'rn fine, but my new flatrnate, 5andy, is a real problem 5he never stops talking In the evening after classes l'rn often ti red usually want to relax in front of the TV for half an hour or sometimes have a short rest 5he always wants to talk about her day hardly ever have the energy to listen That's my news Email me soon! Cristina 4a Joanne, Patsy Karl, Miki Beth, Miki 5teve, Levente SA 6A Sarn's he's Hes wife's Jean's 5ally's leves works 10 lives 11 Keira's 12 jean's 13 She's 14 she's B a) 2, 4, 7, 12, 14 David: 2, 4, Meg: 2, 2F 3T 4F B 5F 6T 7F 8T b) 3, 13 c) 5, 6, 11 d) 8, 9, 10 My teacher's called Pilar She's a language teacher - she teaches 5panish Pilar's classes are always very interesting 5he works very hard to make her students speak to each other We lots of fun activities like quizzes and working in pairs Pilar's really interested in us and because of this we are interested in her Our teacher's got an award for her work: best 5panish teacher of the year! know Mark from playing games online He leves games and he plays ali the time - he's a really good player He's very quick Mark's family is quite small - he's got one sister and she also plays online games all the time 5ometimes think they see each other online more than at home! ID 1A does, three times a week has, twice a week cleans, twice a month goes, every day rneets once a week goes, once or twice ayear phones, twice a day/every day B live in Los Angeles and like going to the beach and surfing go to Malibu beach once a week, usually on 5aturday At the weekend meet friends and we go to the cinema ora café, or go to a club We go to the cinema three or four times ayear and go to a club once a month We meet in cafés twice a week and call each other every day Because l'm usually very busy, only clean my flat on the first Sunday of every month 2A would you like How about don't like Do you like is good for you sounds good B about free, like time, how where, problem great shame awful terrible wonderful ANSWERKEY 6A REVIEW 1Ale sweater O, camera O, Poland C, lrish N, waiter J newspaper O, hairdresser J, listen to V, credit card O, Ca nada C, Mexican N Colombia C, umbrella O, accountant J, nothing V, adaptar O, Korean N engineer J, souvenir O, go to bed V, Vietnam C, magazine O, Portuguese N e a) b) e) d) 2A works are don't get gets up has doesn't cook is does 10 cleans 11 helps 12 doesn't work 13 goes 14 chat 15 is/'s 16 don't want e Where is he from? Where is the hoste!? How much money the volunteers get? When does Roy get up? Who is Cynthia? Does she clean the rooms? What does Roy usually in the afternoons? What he and the guests in the evenings? 10 Does he like his job? e e Vincenzo Moretti 368 03837 4025 wallet 100 credit photo of (his) wife 9th/9 April CHECK la 2c 3b 4b Se 6a 7b a a 10 e 11 b 12 b 13 c 14 a 15 a 16 a 17 e 18 b 19 a 20 a 21 e 22 b 23 b 24 e 25 e 26 e 27 a 28 b 29 a 30 c 3A intelligent serious, kind, friendly talkative stupid e e) d) e) have/'ve got has/'s got hasn't got is/'s is/'s have got Am (Amari is a boy.) 5A phone, often, mobile, like, things time, leave, half, these, tickets, euros Could, please, course, cheese, can, these past, sorry, how, about, busy, free e The man is very short In the morning he pushes the button for the ground floor but in the evening he can't reach the button for the twelfth floor When there's someone else in the lift, he/she pushes the button for the twelfth floor for the short man UNIT4 ID ID 1A (L c w V N G R M z L N o o o N A G E T c R H E N M u G B A T E R o (s H E L V E s T u A ~K p R Q B o o R E y B o E A T H A o z o R M R u K p F E R B A L N y Q A V o E A T o E s K T o p He's from Ca nada ít's in Corfu, Greece They don't get money They're volunteers He gets up at six She's the chef No, she doesn't He goes to the beach They chat 10 Yes, he does b) 5A A man lives on the twelfth tloor of a tal! building Every morning he leaves home, locks the door, takes the lift down to the lobby, opens the front door and leaves the building In the evening he gets into the lift, presses a button, goes to the tenth floor, opens the lift doors and walks up the stairs to his flat Sometimes there's someone else in the lift and he goes up to the twelfth floor Picture E E (A c o c o R M c H A 1A 1e 2c e 3p R y lamp curtain sofa B/C don't have use don't have put open don't paint D There's There are There's There's There's There's There are There are 10 There's G 1 N o 'ºPO T B R A R y L L E R M e you can you can't send Can my son play he can't he can play can we find You cango Can we get you can can we pay you can't Where can you speak Where can you see Where can you travel Where can you watch e lb 2a u E N T R E R 4A picture o 95 p 4A 4p A R K E T R 5T H E A T R E y in front of above between on behind next to under There's a big kitchen Is there a television? How many ~~are there? There are two of us There's a large sho¡:ml.!J.g centre 15 U P E R M H A R M A 10 11 12 b, a 3d 1( there isn't there's is there there's are there There are Is there there are 10 there's 8b e e Places in a house: kitchen, balcony, bedroom Furniture: shelves, desk, armchair, cupboard, wardrobe, sofa 71 2g 3a 4e 5j 6h not mentioned: d, f, i, k Je 4a 5b u E M ANSWERKEY D In Ca nada you can hear two languages You can visit it in Florence in Russia you cango through eleven time zones but in London you can choose between sixteen SA B Eduardo C Theo D Steve F Andrei G Tony H Nene E Jorge DI 1A Fruit: banana, apple, strawberry, pear Vegetables: broccoli, potato, garlic, pepper Meat and fish: chicken, salmon Drink: fruitjuice, milk Other: bread, cheese, butter B Message: Don't eat too much! in front of opposite on the left of near next to 2S 3S 3A 4D 5D 6D 7D SS ID fruit rice 1A hairdresser's newsagent's clothes shop music shop butcher's electronics shop shoe shop pharmacy/chemist's 10 internet café Is coffee good for you? There's a lot of sugar in the cupboard There are a lot of tomatoes in the fridge Does he like grapes? don't like butter Do you eat a lot of biscuits? We don't eat a lot of ice crearn B lB swimming costume newspapers, magazines jea ns, jacket CD, DVD shampoo, medicine SIM card, headphones, memory stick A: Can you help me? A: Have you got these jea ns in black? A: Oh, they aren't big enough Have you got them in size 16? A: Great, l'll take them How much are they? B: They're €39.99 A: Can help you? B: No, it's too big Have you got it in small? B: Thanks That's great How rnuch is it? B: What? f60! That's too expensive A: Fine No problem 3 l'm just looking, thanks Have you got this J-shirt in small? No, sorry Only in medium No, it isn't right Thanks anyway We've got it in red Mmm, l'rn not sure need to think about it eggs peas meat beans pasta SA 2A 3C B B pepper Can onion el b6 d8 eZ f4 g7 h3 many much no none a lot of A: Is there any orange ju ice in the fridge? B: No, not much - just one carton A: How many biscuits you eat in a week? B: Quite a lot love biscuits! A: There's no water in this bottle lt's empty B: That's OK There's another bottle in my bag A: Are there any tomatoes in the fridge? B: Not many - two or three A: How much rnoney have you got? B: Quite a lot! A: How many bananas are there in that bowl? B: None - it's empty A: Have we got much ice cream? B: Yes, we've got quite a lot SA b sorne any, an, a any, sorne sorne, any any, sorne a There's sorne bread, but there isn't any butter There isn't any fruit ju ice, but there's sorne water There aren't any bananas, but there are sorne apples There are sorne grapes, but there isn't any cheese There's sorne pasta, but there isn't any rice There aren't any onions, but there are sorne carrots There's sorne salt, but there isn't any pepper ID bowls packet B 2A B How much ju ice is there in ten kilos of oran ges? How much sugar is there in one can of cola? bottles cartons jar bags 2A How many letters are there in the English alphabet? How much beef is there in a hamburger? How many vowels are there in English? How many cents are there in a euro? How much water is there in a 25-metre swimming pool? B How much How many How much How many How much e three glasses seven two one small bowl one can 6A 2e 3g 4a 5f not mentioned: b, c menu dishes chef dishes menu order waiter chef 10 bill 11 bill 12 tip 13 tip 14 waiter Are you ready to order? l'd like sorne onion soup, please Would you like a main course? Could have sorne roast lamb? What vegetables would you like? Can have potatoes and peas, please? Something to drink? Could have sorne mineral water? ANSWERKEY e 2e 3d 4f Sa 6b 3A Customer 1: onion, tomato, salad Customer 2: chicken sandwich, fries, onion, corn on the cob Customer 3: hamburger, lettuce, onion, salad e could~I have~a chicken sandwich corn~on the cob oníonsjon the sandwich lettuce~and~onion and~a salad too, please UNIT6 weren't/were not, were was, wasn't/was not was, weren't/were not were, were wasn't/was not, was 2 a) Was Beatrix Potter a writer? Yes, she was b) Was she English? Yes, she was a) Were Beethoven and Wagner dancers? No, they weren't b) Were they German? Yes, they were a) Was Confucius a doctor? No, he wasn't b) Was he Chinese? Yes, he was a) Were Che Guevara and Eva Perón singers? No, they weren't b) Were they Argentinian? Yes, they were 3 10 were, 's/is wasn't/was not, 's/is is, was weren't/were not, 're/are was, isn't/is not wasn't/was not, 'rn/arn not was, 's/ís were, aren't/are not aren't/are not, were 4A May the first, two thousand and ten/ the first of May, two thousand and ten March the thirty-ñrst two thousand and two/the thirty-first of March, two thousand and two October the thirtieth, nineteen ninetyfive/the thirtieth of October, nineteen ninety-five January the twenty-sixth, two thousand and five/the twenty-sixth of January, two thousand and five October the thirteenth, nineteen fifty-seven/the thirteenth of October, nineteen fifty seven May the twenty-first, nineteen ten/the twenty-first of May, nineteen ten January the sixth, eighteen oh five/the sixth of January, eighteen oh five B taught bought met, slept left spoke, woke, wrote grew, knew, drew 1/5/2010 was at university in 1995 He wasn't at home a week ago We were at the party last weekend Were you at work on/last Wednesday? My parents were both eighty years old last year The children were tired yesterday morning, and today, too lt was cold in/lastJuly We were in the café yesterday afternoon 10 Simon was here ten minutes ago, but he isn't here now 6A Where did she grow up? How many brothers and sisters did she have? What did she after school? When did she get married? Where did she open the first Body Shop? When did she die? 4A lT 2? 3T 4? B yes e unhappy Zsilan's photo the same didn't live one year B Justin and Britney: C W George and Brad: W Kate and Leonardo: ? e 2T 3F 4T SF 6F D far together in in in, far with on, away ID 1A carne had left went studied travelled met got 10 opened 11 worked 12 opened 13 sold 14 died B D She didn't She didn't She didn't They didn't She didn't go to Bath University become a teacher stay at home start a café have a son 2A finished, stopped, helped changed, loved, played, tried, enjoyed, travelled started, wanted, hated e met spoke grew woke taught knew drew wrote 10 slept 11 left 12 bought became started worked met got Kasia didn't study last night because she felt too ti red She needed sorne fresh air, so she went out far a walk lt was a warm evening, so there were a lot of people in the street She metan old friend and they wanted to talk about old times, so they went to a café They stayed there far hours because they hada lot to talk about Then they went to a restaurant because they were both very hungry Kasia's friend had a car, so he drove her home at the end of the evening They wanted to meet again, so he gave her his phone number Kasia tried the number, but it didn't work, so she isn't very happy now! D.I 1 did, wrote went stayed, read went, saw 2A 10 What did you do? What film did you see? Was it good? Who did you go with? What did you on Sunday? Where did you go? How was the music? What time did you get back? Are you ti red now? e b8 c2 i 10 j dl e3 f7 g6 h4 ANSWERKEY 3A 2b 3a 4a Sb 3e 4c Sa 2g 6b 7f 8d 9i 4A kilo of apples tin of beans kilo of ca rrots South Africa's hotter than ltaly l'm older than my brother lndian food is spicier than English food Lena's more intelligent than me Cola is sweeter than lemonade Chinese is more difficult than English Crisps are worse for you than chips B None sorne REVIEW How many are any Is any a 10 any SA weren't had were bought didn't buy brought went ate 10 were 11 didn't have 12 was 13 did 14 played 15 went 16 saw B ,/ The cheese is between the beans and the pasta The pasta is under the rice ,/ The grapes are behind the carrots better more interesting more romantic closer colder bigger friendlier When did her family buy their first colour TV? Did Terry's family go shopping for food at the supermarket? Where did they buy milk, bread and eggs? How much chocolate did John and his friends get for ten pence? Did Winston go out with friends at the weekend? ,/ no ,/ The beans are on the left of the carrots 2T e e b) Can help you? e) No, it's too small d) Have you got this in large? In 1968 No, they didn't A man brought them to their house Five big bars No, he didn't kitchen armchairs, sofa television, mobile phone(s), laptop(s), tablet(s) play football, play (other) games, go for walks, go to the theatre (and see a play) supermarket, post office, theatre B b) cupboard e) police station d) memory stick e) headphones f) stay in bed g) wardrobe h) go shopping i) museum j) bathroom e a, j b, g d, e f, h a) Yes, l'd like the chicken with potatoes and rice/rice and potatoes b) And would you like something to drink? e) Are you ready to order? d) Can have a glass of mineral water, please? B d,a,c e, a, b, d CHECK2 lb 2c 3a 4a Se 6a 7b b e 10 a 11 e 12 b 13 b 14 b 15 e 16 b 17 a 18 a 19 e 20 e 21 a 22 b 23 a 24 a 25 e 26 a 27 b 28 a 29 b 30 b e, i UNIT7 c H o c o H ~ V u got went became met worked got started c s K c L (Y , ., M E ID A) B 1A p Ei u u R T uncomfortable fast crowded interesting quiet expensive boring cheap 10 noisy B B T e L A T L (T E (G R A o G H X c R , , _,, E u V D y R E E N L V z L E A ~R Q T ¿ (B A N A N A) H o N E vJ M _D~ N N slow, fast noisy, boring, quiet, crowded comfortable, interesting expensive uncomfortable B 3T TM 5T 6M M TM the apartment the apartment the hotel Mike Tim Tim Mike ID 1 lake village forest mountain desert market hill famous building river hidden words: a good time 2A lC 2A 3B B The cheapest is Family fun The most comfortable is Luxury weekend The noisiest is Family fun The longest is Mountain adventure The easiest is Luxury weekend The most difficult is Mountain adventure The shortest is Luxury weekend The most uncomfortable is Mountain adventure 10 The coldest is Mountain adventure 3A What's the shortest word on this page? Which is the most interesting text in units 1-6 of this book? Which is the best exercise on this page? What's the most difficult grammar point in English? Who's the happiest person in your family? Who's the friendliest person in your English class? Which is the worst restaurant in your town? ANSWERKEY e 6A UNIT8 sentence a 3-8 David B Students' own answers 4A having running staying swimming sleeping writing trying beginning 10 giving His train goes from Moscow e 2T 3T 4F SF 6F 7T 8T o Nick can see snow, forests and villages out of the window (He can't see lakes.) Nick and Anton buy food from women at stations They drink a lot of tea on the train SA Hi, it's Nick again We started the day with a surprise - but nota good one Anton and went to the dining car for breakfast and there wasn't any food That wasn't a big problem because had sorne biscuits and we drank sorne tea, but then we went back for lunch and it was the same situation The waiter told us that there's a station where they usually get food, but the food truck wasn't there Nobody on the train was worried about this because almost everybody brought their own food A guy called Egor gave us half of his roast chicken and a Chinese couple gave us sorne bread People were so kind Anton and talked about how to thank them, so taught them sorne English songs and it was really justa big party My best day on the train! ID car park crossroads traffic lights s comer pedestrian street park road 2 on Go right left straight miss past 2c 3a 4b 4A the cinema and the post office the third building on the left the fourth building on the right the museum next to e No, it's between the cinema and the post office No, it's the third building on the left No, lt's the fourth building on the r.[g)J! s No, it's opposite the museum No, it's next to the bank 2A 's/is taking are standing, 're/are listening 's/is walking, isn't listening 's/is sitting, 's/is reading are chatting, aren't watching 's/is looking, 's/is waiting B A Jake B Megan C Paolo D Philip E Wesley F Jo G Dave H Roger Zoe J Lisa K Kalila e Who is Zoe talking to? Where are Zoe and Paolo sitting? How many bags are Jo and Dave carrying? Who is Wesley taking a photo of? Who is talking on the phone? What is Megan reading? Who is buying a bag? o them we she it her we her he 10 his 11 it 12 her 13 him 14 his 15 it 16 they ID 1A A Will E Rob B Mike C Tom F Bruce B (Possible answers) Belinda's got short, dark hair and shes a little overweight She's wearing glasses Jay's got long, blande curly hair She's very slim and she's wearing glasses Keira's very slim She's got short, dark straight hair Across: skirt shoes dress jea ns tie socks 10 shirt Down: trousers sweater coat jacket suit top 3 They're sitting ata café/ata table/ near Megan/next to Megan They're carrying three bags s He's taking a photo of Jake Roger is talking on the/his phone She's reading a newspaper Kalila's buying a bag 'rn having 'rn sitting aren't working don't usually start doesn't like works Is she looking looks 10 'm phoning She's talking to Paolo Is your phone ringing? Yes, it is./No, it isn't Are you doing this exercise with a pen? Yes, am./No, rrn not Are any other people sitting in the room? Yes, they are./No, they aren't Is music playing in the room? Yes, it is./No, it isn't Are you enjoying this exercise? Yes, am./No, l'm not Is your teacher writing on the board? Yes, he/she is./No, he/she isn't Are your classmates drinking coffee? Yes, they are./No, they aren't SA 's/is cooking 's/is helping are (you) doing 'm/arn watching are you wearing don't usually wear wear 'm/am standing 10 don't usually stand 11 get 12 'm/am waiting SA 2T 3F 4F SF 6T 3a 4c Se 6b B for of to about about 2e D Sam 3d 4a about on ID Sb 1A B wants going into Sorne of 2f wants horror film sci-f film musical romantic film comedy drama B 85 C4 Dl E6 F3 G7 ANSWERKEY 2 What kind of films you like? How about The Hunger Games? What's it about? Who's in it? think you'd like it 3A ls it an._ action film? ls anyone famous in._ it? Do you want to watch a film? haven't got._ a DVD player l've got it on my computer 4A Za lb 3b 4b DJI 1A B ferry F plane C bike D horse E taxi G train H motorbike boat a 2F 9A 3E 4D SH 6G 7B 81 carne by rides take go on goes by 'm/arn getting on went by lb 2c a UNIT9 2cline22 e line 28 b line 23 d line 32 a line 25 healthy dangerous inconvenient difficult convenient safe easy comfortable 10 polluting e safe healthy, easy dangerous, difficult, comfortable polluting convenient inconvenient angry B 2F 3T 4T 5F 3A you can't You can't ride Can people smoke, they Can we walk, we can Taxis can drive 410- the 6a an 11 a 12 the Rajiv is an actor in Mumbai haven't gota car, but l've gota motorbike The Town Hall opens at 9.30 in the morning love planes and flying always ask for a window seat Keith often works at home in the evening Is Manchester in the UK? can't can't can't have to can we can't can can Do we have to can we 10 don't have to 11 can't 12 can SA 2F 3T 4T e By bike or (sometimes) by bus About two hours Twenty-five kilometres an hour Yes, she does Near her desk She feels stupid No, she doesn't, 10 3A are you enjoying Does Jesse write you write sing say is Danny wearing 'm/am wearing C convenient D dangerous E empty F famous G get H horror interesting J junk K know L lake M missed N noisy O on P polluting Q quiet R recommend S street T traffic U uncomfortable V village W worse X (e)xpensive Y you Z (ama)zing the hottest the coldest slower faster most convenient the tallest quieter the most interesting 10 cheaper 4A b 2T 3F 4T 5F 6F e 1 alarm dock broke down B lost, keys traffic missed would like it me the way and turn left on for about sorry about this about it, really 2A can't don't have to don't have to 3a 9- DI a lF 28- / 6T 1A plays 'm writing 're having arrive carne don't have to can can't 10 have to 11 walk 12 's talking 13 is practising 14 is calling 15 have to B 3A 5a REVIEW don't believe you The traffic was terrible my car broke down left my wallet at home feel terrible about this don't worry about it l'rn so sorry No, really, it's fine But don't let it happen again because because so and Finally Then but B First of all, left the house late beca use lost my keys Then missed the bus, so phoned a taxi but the taxi broke down and waited thirty minutes for another taxi After that, got to the restaurant an hour late, but left your present in the taxi l phoned the taxi company, but they didn't answer, so went into the restaurant, but you weren't there Finally, went home and tried to phone you, but you didn't answer - a the a a the - 10 a 11 - 12 the CHECK lb 2b 3c 4a Se 6c 7b b a 10 a 11 e 12 b 13 b 14 a 15 b 16 b 17 a 18 e 19 a 20 a 21 e 22 e 23 b 24 a 25 a 26 b 27 e 28 e 29 e 30 a ANSWERKEY drink J married move get family friends course learn 10 job 11 take 12 have 13 stay 14 party 15 shopping UNIT 10 mm 1A 's/is going to look for J isn't going to stay would like to be 's/is going to have 's/is going (to go) would like to work are going to visit aren't going to have 10 would like to move e Where are you going to look for a new flat, Jim? J When are you going to go to university, Hiro? Why would you like to work in TV, Hiro? How are you going to travel, Tom and Kim? Why would you like to move nearer your daughter, Tom and Kim? e b5 c2 d6 e3 fl 2 Would you like to work in TV? Yes, 1would./No,1 wouldn't J Are you going to see your family next weekend? Yes, am./No, l'rn not Is English going to be useful for you? Yes, it is./No, it isn't Would you like to buy a new mobile phone? Yes, 1would./No,1 wouldn't Are you and your classmates going to study English next year? Yes, we are./No, we aren't Would you like to live in another country? Yes, 1would./No,1 wouldn't Would your classmates like to go home now? Yes, they would./No, they wouldn't 3A b e no J fl.2 million his children (Carla and Paolo) no their children peo ple without jobs/jobless peo ple 4A go for J sorne work a holiday clubbing move married start learn 10 stay Message: Life's a lottery! B IIE 1A thirsty J tired wet hungry hot lost cold stung 10 warm e a7 h8 b9 e5 il j6 d e4 f 10 g2 e stung, hungry hot, lost thirsty warm cold J wet lost, tired to school to work, home J a new computer, a present for a friend, a new car sorne help, a glass of water, a job 3A Speaker 1: d Speaker 2: e Speaker3:b Speaker 4: a Across drawing J exhibition statue photograph concert Down dance performance painting play 2 about J Shall stay let's 3A How about going for a bike ride? J Why don't we go toan art gallery? What about staying at home and cooking something? What/How about making spaghetti and meatballs? a) rrs not forme Looking at paintings is boring! b) don't really feel like doing that l'rn too ti red e) That's a good idea You make the meatballs, can make the pasta d) Brilliant! What shall we eat? e) That isn't a very good idea haven't got much money e Ja 2b B 2a Je 4b Sb 6a 7c 8b will win won't be won't know 'll/will miss 'll/will love won't be won't come r- a) 1, a) 2, a) 2, a) 1, b) b) b) b) b) / At night taxis are convenient, but they're expensive as well (E L o (r H u M o w) s) ,_ ,_ ,, B V (L E G) u -! (K N E p ÍH E A o o A o1 -! u e E E (N E e s T o M A w E (H A N ? lt's generally a safe city, but it can also be dangerous to walk alone late at night in sorne a reas lt isn't a good idea to carry a lot of money, and leave your expensive watch at home, too You can get delicious food in cafés and in street markets as well o s 2 1 2 / J / Se M N 4d UNIT 11 will J will might will might won't might not might 10 won't J a) 1, don't e leg, head, neck hand, back knee e/bow, nose, toe thumb, stomach mouth 2 hurts J headache sore throat runny nose stomachache tempera tu re cough T M B E) K) T K e Hl e o) N ANSWERKEY A: hard 10 4A you should speak Should get You shouldn't have should You should visit You should take you shouldn't open you shouldn't travel you shouldn't drink b3 c4 lA ride climb met go to Sleeping watch B a teacher a golfer s a jazz singer tired, terribly comfortable, noisy, hungry, cheaply, expensive badly, beautifully, kind should you shouldn't eat you should change should sleep you shouldn't watch you shouldn't go you should SA HE safely, dangerously, fast hard, late, loudly healthily, early, fast, clearly perfectly, well, loudly B 4 UNIT lZ B: hard d2 quickly angrily nervously carefully climbed done travelled had ridden drunk played met 10 flown B B carefully slowly 3,5, 7,8 e 2g 3a 4c Sf 6b 7e D quickly angrily III] 1 drop cross lie stand DE That was my favourite vase rrn really ti red lt's cold in here a) Let me make you a coffee b) Let me look e) l'll buy you another one d) Shall close the window? have get, send, answer forget, exchange, remember answer, turn on, turn off send remember turn off answer exchange have answer forget 10 start 11 turn on 12 get 2AJB multi-tasking 5, b forgetting things you have to 2, a staying late to finish work 6, c doing what you like doing first 4, f keeping two or three lists of things to 3, e e use improve time management multi-task same 3 push lift, pick, up 2A A: slowly A: lazy A: A: A: A: A: quietly easily badly energetic noisily B: slow B: B: B: B: B: B: lazily quiet easy bad energetically noisy lb 2c 3a Have, visited Has, eaten Has, seen Have, been Has, swum e No, they haven't No, she hasn't Yes, she has Yes, they have No, he hasn't SA 2F Shall phone 'll email Let, give '11 3c 4b Sa C Day D Day E Day B 4d 3A 2a B B Day B B 4A hasn't been have seen hasn't seen has eaten haven't eaten have visited hasn't swum to have have with from too in at take 10 ali 11 meet 12 make 1A 2 and too/as well because but First then Finally too/as well 10 or 6A sleep outside meet a new friend, go to a match climb Mount Bromo, watch the sun rise ride an elephant, a bungee jump 6c 'll get 3T 4F 5T 6F 7T 8F e Jim has eaten Greek food (many times) (in New Zealand) They watched the sunset near the Temple of Poseidon/in Cape Sounion Jim didn't ride the donkey (he walked behind it and it kicked him in the stomach) He isn't back home, hes in hospital in Athens 6A Yes, he has No, he hasn't Yes, they have No, he hasn't, B Yes, he has Yes, he has No, he hasn't Yes, they have [EE 1A 2F 3C 4E 5A 60 7H 8G ANSWERKEY e A: Hello Can/Could speak to the manager, please? B: Justa moment J'm sorry, he's busy at the moment Could you call back la ter? A: lt's very important B: Can take a message? A: No thanks 1'11 phone back later got been sung been f\own swum driven e Conversation 2: Conversation 3: Conversation 4: D Conversation 2: two years ago Conversation 3: 2007 Conversation 4: when he was about nineteen 2 haven't Have have went Have you ever sung 've sung was did you sing 10 Have you ever driven 11 drove 12 snowed REVIEW 1A rode Did you like was didn't go Has he ever hurt 's broken did he was 10 fell down across towards over under through away from into 10 up lfE 1 phone ring take phoning Answer six double eight, two nine seven five oh seven five, seven two eight one six two three, two double eight nine nine eight nine, double seven double six oh eight seven oh, five double three, eight double nine two cal! 2 Could you tell me the number? OK, 1'11 ring you back Could leave a message for her? / Hi, Frank lt's Sally Good morning Could talk/speak to Mr Suriano, please? / A: Could you ring me back, please? B: Of course Can you give me your number? A: Yes, it's 0141 6493861 B: Let me check that 0141 6493861 A: That's right A: Hi, Xavier This is Bea B: Hi, Bea How are you? A: J'm OK Is Michelle there? B: Yes, but she's sleeping A: Could/Can leave a message for her? B: Of course A: Just ask her to cal! me B: OK Bye decided joined 've/have been 've/have met met returned is going to speak 're/are going to have 10 'd/would like to open B Have you been to a lot of different countries? When did you meet your husband? Where is Jacques going to speak next week? What would you like to next? e Yes, have Four years ago Ata big MSF meeting We'd like to open a hospital 2A finally, as well, because, also headache, sore throat, temperature, cough through, towards, away from, out of hungry, thirsty, sunburnt, lost drawing, concert, exhibition, statue carry, drop, lift, pick up shoulder, knee, finger, elbow B b7 c2 d5 f6 e3 g4 e runny nose into dance performance stung push neck A DR D D 5R R B should '11 should should '11 might shouldn't should 10 '11 11 shouldn't 12 might not 13 should 14 won't w T R ~ R w y H 'T H o V E A B H A A T A y N K o V (s u G' M V G D M E s E 'G o A N o o o A o A o s R G J A V B M B F H R G E R E A o o G o e G o H E w R R p E G u o A o B A p e R M K R E w '-º L R N E V K e A N A z s G E B u L G E T A o '-E (G K Q K X L L X o s e J E T BiJ B F R A M E A L) o H o 5A home phone leave moment number Let cal! would 10 don't 11 feel 12 about 13 Sounds 14 lers CHECK4 le 2a 3b 4b Se 6b 7c a b 10 c 11 b 12 e 13 b 14 b 15 a 16 a 17 b 18 b 19 e 20 e 21 a 22 b 23 e 24 a 25 b 26 b 27 a 28 b 29 e 30 a Pearson Education Umited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world www.pearsonelt.com © Pearson Education Limited 20 15 The right of Frances Eales, Steve Oakes and Louis Harrison to be identified as authors of this Work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying recording, or otherwise without the prior written penmission of the Publishers First published 20 15 ISBN: 978-1-4479-7676-9 Set in Aptifer sans 1O/12 pt Printed in Slovakia by Neografia Photo acknowledgements The publisher would like to thank the following for their kind permission to reproduce their photographs: (Key: b-bottom; e-centre; l-left: r-right; t-top) 123RF.com: Graca Victoria 53 (E) 27/3, 27/8, 28 (Apple), 28 (Cheese), 28 (Chicken), 28 (Milk) 28 (Orange Juice), 28 (Pear), 43/1 43/2, 43/3, Stefano Cavoretto 27/4, djem 53 (H), Jennifer Keddie de Cojon O, Maksym Yemelyanov 27 Alamy lmages: Robert Fried 32t, Hangon Media Works Private limited l 8b Horizons WWP 74, lntemational Photobank 42, Natalie Jezzard 56, MBI 60, Rory Buckland L 24, Robin Weaver 52; Fotolia.com: cristi 180884 48/3, eugenesergeev 53 (B) fotomatrix 48/8 (Blouse), Brent Hofacker 31, julialine802 43n, Alexandra Karamyshev 48/1, 48/4, 48/5, larisa 13 6b OlegDoroshin 48/9, Popova Oiga 48/1 O, Kimberly Reinick 27/ 1, sugar0607 6tl, Martin Turzak 6tc, underworld 53 (C) Lilyana Vynogradova 6tr, WavebreakMediaMicro 16, zakaz 48/7; Getty lmages: Ghislain & Marie David de Lossy / The lmage Bank 54, lan Cook/ The LIFE lmages Collection 35, jupiterimages 65, Mark Bowden / Vetta 15, SO Productions / Photodisc 36, Stephen Mallon / The lmage Bank 2, Stone / Michelle Pedone 41 ; Pearson Education Ltd: Gareth Boden 32b, MindStudio 44; Rex Features: Action Press 34t Erik C Pendzich 34b; Shutterstock.corn: 6493866629 28 (Bread), Andresr l 9t, bikeriderlondon 63, Binkski 53 (F) BlueOrange Studio 43/6, Bola_BR 28 (Garlic) chikapylka 28 (Pepper) Djomas 48 (E), Elena Elisseeva 53 (1), Freer 28 (Potato), Goodluz 59r, Peter Gudella 2711 O, Anton Gvozdikov 66b, Jiri Hera 27/6, Hogan lmaging 48 (J) terekhov igor 48/8, IR Stone 25, juniart 48 (D), Kaarsten 48 (G), Karkas 4812, 48/6, 48/6 (Jacket) KKulikov 2712 Robert Kneschke 66t Kuzma 28 (Strawberry), wong yu liang 48 (1), Oleksiy Mark 53 (G), Maxriesgo 48 (B), 48 (C), michaeljung 48 (A), motorolka 28 (Broccoli), Maks Narodenko 28 (Banana), nickichen 43/4, Pablo Eder 27/5, Pkchai 59c, Elena Schweitzer 28 (Butter), Shebeko 48/3 (Jumper), Shout lt Out Design 53 (D), Somchai Som 43/8, Alex Staroseltsev 28 (Salmon), Alexey Stiop 43/9, Stockyimages 48 (H), Studioloco 48 (F), Surrphoto 49, Thaagoon 27/9, Vibrant lmage Studio 53 (A), violetblue 591, Vladimir Wrangel 43/5; SuperStock: Blend lmages 20 Radius 62 n; All other images © Pearson Education Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders and we apologise in advance for any unintentional omissions We would be pleased to insert the appropriate acknowledgement in any subsequent edition of this publication

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