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  • CHAPTER 11

  • Learning Objectives

  • Discussion Starter (1)

  • 11-1 The Nature of Leadership (slide 1 of 3)

  • 11-1 The Nature of Leadership (slide 2 of 3)

  • 11-1 The Nature of Leadership (slide 3 of 3)

  • Table 11.1 Distinctions between Management and Leadership

  • 11-1c Leadership and Power (slide 1 of 2)

  • 11-1c Leadership and Power (slide 2 of 2)

  • Discussion Starter (2)

  • 11-2 Generic Approaches to Leadership

  • 11-2b Leadership Behaviors (slide 1 of 4)

  • 11-2b Leadership Behaviors (slide 2 of 4)

  • 11-2b Leadership Behaviors (slide 3 of 4)

  • 11-2b Leadership Behaviors (slide 4 of 4)

  • FIGURE 11.1 The Managerial Grid

  • 11-3 Situational Approaches to Leadership

  • 11-3a LPC Theory (slide 1 of 2)

  • 11-3a LPC Theory (slide 2 of 2)

  • FIGURE 11.2 The Least-Preferred Coworker Theory of Leadership

  • 11-3b Path-Goal Theory (slide 1 of 2)

  • 11-3b Path-Goal Theory (slide 2 of 2)

  • FIGURE 11.3 The Path-Goal Framework

  • 11-3c Vroom’s Decision Tree Approach (slide 1 of 4)

  • 11-3c Vroom’s Decision Tree Approach (slide 2 of 4)

  • 11-3c Vroom’s Decision Tree Approach (slide 3 of 4)

  • FIGURE 11.4 Vroom’s Time-Driven Decision Tree

  • FIGURE 11.5 Vroom’s Development-Driven Decision Tree

  • Discussion Starter (3)

  • 11-3d The LMX Approach

  • FIGURE 11.6 The Leader–Member Exchange Model

  • 11-4 Related Approaches to Leadership

  • 11-4b Charismatic Leadership (slide 1 of 3)

  • 11-4b Charismatic Leadership (slide 2 of 3)

  • 11-4b Charismatic Leadership (slide 3 of 3)

  • 11-4c Transformational Leadership (slide 1 of 2)

  • 11-4c Transformational Leadership (slide 2 of 2)

  • 11-5 Emerging Approaches to Leadership (slide 1 of 2)

  • 11-5 Emerging Approaches to Leadership (slide 2 of 2)

  • 11-6 Political Behavior in Organizations

  • Discussion Starter (4)

  • 11-6c Managing Political Behavior

Nội dung

PART Leading CHAPTER 11 Leadership and Influence Process © 2019 Cengage All rights reserved Learning Objectives After studying this chapter you should be able to: Describe the nature of leadership and relate leadership to management Discuss and evaluate the two generic approaches to leadership Identify and describe the major situational approaches to leadership Identify and describe three related approaches to leadership Describe three emerging approaches to leadership Discuss political behavior in organizations and how it can be managed © 2019 Cengage All rights reserved Discussion Starter (1) • In April 2010, an explosion at BP’s Deepwater Horizon offshore rig poured 300 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, polluting 68,000 square miles of open water and devastating economies along 1,100 miles of coastline from Louisiana to Florida The former Chief Executive Tony Hayward stated, “Reputationally, and in every other way, we will be judged by the quality, intensity, speed, and efficacy of our response.” – Do you feel BP is a company interested in sustainability because it is the right thing to do, or because BP wants to protect its reputation? © 2019 Cengage All rights reserved 11-1 The Nature of Leadership (slide of 3) • Leadership – As a process, the use of noncoercive influence to shape the group’s or organization’s goals, motivate behavior toward the achievement of those goals, and help define group or organizational culture; as a property, the set of characteristics attributed to individuals who are perceived to be leaders • Leaders – People who can influence the behaviors of others without having to rely on force; those accepted by others as leaders © 2019 Cengage All rights reserved 11-1 The Nature of Leadership (slide of 3) • Divide into small groups Brainstorm a list of names that you think of when they hear the word “leadership.” Have a representative from your group write the list on the board As a class, discuss similarities and differences among the different lists © 2019 Cengage All rights reserved 11-1 The Nature of Leadership (slide of 3) • In this video, Simon Sinek, bestselling author of Start With Why, explains that leadership isn't a rank you achieve It's a skill you need to practice your entire life – YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXhagdV2Ug8) © 2019 Cengage All rights reserved Table 11.1 Distinctions between Management and Leadership Activity Management Leadership Creating an agenda Planning and budgeting: Establishing detailed steps and timetables for achieving Establishing direction: Developing a vision of the future, often the needed results; allocating the resources necessary to make those needed results distant future, and strategies for producing the changes needed to happen achieve that vision Developing a human network for Organizing and staffing: Establishing some structure for accomplishing plan Aligning people: Communicating the direction by words and deeds to achieving the agenda requirements, staffing that structure with individuals, delegating responsibility and everyone whose cooperation may be needed to influence the creation authority for carrying out the plan, providing policies and procedures to help guide of teams and coalitions that understand the visions and strategies and people, and creating methods or systems to monitor implementation accept their validity Controlling and problem solving: Monitoring results versus planning in some detail, Motivating and inspiring: Energizing people to overcome major identifying deviations, and then planning and organizing to solve these problems political, bureaucratic, and resource barriers by satisfying very basic, Executing plans but often unfulfilled, human needs Outcomes Produces a degree of predictability and order and has the potential to produce Produces change, often to a dramatic degree, and has the potential to consistently major results expected by various stakeholders (for example, for produce extremely useful change (for example, new products that customers, always being on time; or, for stockholders, being on budget) customers want, or new approaches to labor relations that help make a firm more competitive) © 2019 Cengage All rights reserved 11-1c Leadership and Power (slide of 2) • Power: The ability to affect the behavior of others – Legitimate power • Power granted through the organizational hierarchy; the power defined by the organization to be accorded to people occupying a particular position – Reward power • The power to give or withhold rewards, such as salary increases, bonuses, promotions, praise, recognition, and interesting job assignments – Coercive power • The power to force compliance by means of psychological, emotional, or physical threat © 2019 Cengage All rights reserved 11-1c Leadership and Power (slide of 2) • Power: The ability to affect the behavior of others – Referent power • The personal power that accrues to someone based on identification, imitation, loyalty, or charisma – Expert power • The personal power that accrues to someone based on the information or expertise that they possess © 2019 Cengage All rights reserved Discussion Starter (2) • How would you rank the effectiveness of the forms of power that are used by managers when their subordinates are the same age as you are now? – Which type of power is most effective? Why? – Which type of power is the least effective? Why? © 2019 Cengage All rights reserved

Ngày đăng: 08/03/2022, 23:36


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