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VIET NAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HCMC UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION THE FACULTY OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Project SOLVE PROBLEMS IN LIFE WITH TAROT CARDS Lecturers: Ms.Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long - 18520092 Vi Hữu Đức – 18520022 Class: KTPM2018 Ho Chi Minh City, December 2021 INTRODUCTION Information technology has grown significantly in recent years, in tandem with the advent of mobile devices such as tablets, phones, and smartphones, which are becoming increasingly popular and widely utilized Building apps for smartphones are also becoming increasingly popular Applications for mobile devices based on operating systems are becoming more diversified and rich, fulfilling a growing number of genuine user demands The operating system may be considered the foundation, and the applications will enhance that platform In recent years, the Android and iOS operating systems have become extremely popular Developing mobile phone applications In Vietnam, running these two operating systems is still young and developing Furthermore, cellphones are now utilized to work and solve problems in real life, in addition to being used for communication and pleasure Tarot is our life's tale, our soul's mirror, and the gateway to our inner knowledge The seventy-eight Tarot cards contain every spiritual lesson we encounter in our life When we consult the Tarot, we'll be given the specific lessons we need to study and master in order to live a life of inspiration It's like looking in the mirror and gaining access to your subconscious mind Tarot helps us to access the wisdom and answers that are inside each of us Tarot cards are often used and analyzed in person for clients, therefore the usage of mobile apps is still relatively new However, we have conducted an extensive study on this issue using papers, books, and videos, and we have seen positive outcomes as a consequence of our efforts Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Our team would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to Ms Nguyen Thi Thanh Truc for establishing the conditions that allowed us to complete the project The team has put a lot of effort into solving the solution by using the theoretical information that they were taught We were able to grasp vital facts and provide genuine ideas within 15 weeks, owing to her passionate instruction Thank you also to my teachers and friends at the Faculty of Software Engineering for their enthusiastic support and assistance in facilitating my team’s completion of this report Despite our best efforts, our team's report is not without flaws; we look forward to your comments so we can improve in the future Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức THE EVALUATION (For Instructor) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức Table of contents CHAPTER 1: TAROT AND HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS IN OUR LIFE WHAT IS TAROT? 1.1 TAROT 1.2 IS THE TAROT’S PROPHECY TRUE? 1.3 WHY IS TAROT ABLE TO DECRYPT? 1.4 GAME THEORY 1.5 NOTION OF SYNCHRONICITY (ĐỒNG PHƯƠNG TƯƠNG TINH) 1.6 SUBCONSCIOUS INFLUENCE 1.7 MAGIC 1.8 PIXIES HOW TO CHOOSE TAROT? 2.1 THREE TYPES OF TAROT 2.2 RIDER WAITE SMITH TAROT 10 COMPARE TAROT, ORCALE, LENORMAND 11 3.1 STRUCTURES 11 3.2 PURPOSE 12 TAROT TUTORIAL 13 4.1 22 MAJOR ARCANA CARD 13 4.2 LEARN ABOUT THE FOUR TAROT COMPONENTS AND THE FOUR SUITS THAT CORRELATE TO THEM 13 4.3 IN 40 MINOR CARDS, LEARN ABOUT FUNDAMENTAL NUMEROLOGY (NUMEROLOGY) AND ITS APPLICATIONS 13 4.4 FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE 4 ACES – THE BEGINNING CARD 14 4.5 LEARN ABOUT 16 COURT CARDS 14 4.6 MEANING OF REVERSE CARD 14 TAROT SPREADS 14 5.1 TAROT SPREADS FOR BEGINNERS 15 5.2 ONE-CARD DAILY SPREAD 15 5.3 THREE-CARD DAILY SPREAD 15 5.4 FIVE CARD TAROT SPREADS 17 5.5 TAROT SPREADS FOR LOVE 17 5.5.1 Three card love spread 18 5.5.2 Five card love spread 18 5.5.3 Ten card love spread 18 APPS IN STORE 19 CHAPTER 2: TAROT APP 23 INTRODUCTION 23 1.1 PURPOSE 1.2 SCOPE 23 23 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức 1.3 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS 23 INTRODUCTION OF TECHNOLOGY AND PLATFORM 23 2.1 MOBILE: FLUTTER 23 2.2 BACKEND: NODEJS + MONGODB 25 2.3 MANAGING SOURCE CODE: GIT & GITHUB 25 2.4 SYSTEM REQUIREMENT 25 2.4.1 Hardware requirements 25 2.4.2 Operating system requirements 26 2.4.3 Security requirements 26 2.4.4 Safe requirements 26 ANALYZE REQUIREMENTS 26 3.1 NON-FUNCTION REQUIREMENTS 26 3.1.1 Efficiency requirements 26 3.1.2 Accessibility requirements 26 3.1.3 Security requirements 26 3.1.4 Safe requirements 27 3.1.5 Technology requirements 27 3.1.6 Development Process Requirements 27 3.1.7 External requirements 27 3.1.8 Price requirements 27 3.2 ACTOR AND USE CASE 28 3.2.1 Actors 28 3.2.2 List Usecase 28 3.2.3 Use-case Diagram 29 3.3 USE-CASE DESCRIPTION 29 3.3.1 Use-case UC01: Search Tarot Card 29 3.3.2 Use-case UC02: Get History 30 3.3.3 Use-case UC03: Daily Tarot 32 3.3.4 Use-case UC04: Decrypt problems 33 DIAGRAM 35 4.1 ACTIVITY DIAGRAM 35 4.1.1 Enter user information 35 4.1.2 Lookup information 36 4.2 STATE DIAGRAM 36 4.2.1 Information changed state 37 4.2.2 Choose daily card state 37 4.3 SEQUENCE DIAGRAM 38 4.3.1 Enter user information 38 4.3.2 Lookup card 39 4.3.3 Look up spread card 39 SOFTWARE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE 39 5.1 OVERVIEW 39 5.2 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION 40 THIẾT KẾ QUY TRÌNH LÀM VIỆC 41 UI 42 7.1 SCREEN CONNECTION DIAGRAM 7.2 LIST OF SCREENS 7.3 SCREENS 7.3.1 Splash Screen 42 43 44 44 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức 7.3.5 Search Card Screen 52 7.3.7 Card Spread Categories 57 7.3.8 List Question 59 7.3.9 Card Spread 61 7.3.10 Profile 64 DATABASE DESIGN 67 CHAPTER 3: SUMMARY 68 3.1 PROJECT RESULTS 68 3.2 IN FUTURE 68 3.3 LEARNED KNOWLEDGE 68 CHAPTER 4: REFERENCE DOCUMENT 68 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức Chapter 1: TAROT AND HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS IN OUR LIFE What is Tarot? 1.1 Tarot Tarot is a deck of 78 cards with depictions of images, symbols, and archetypes that hold various philosophical, definitional, and life-related implications Tarot is used for enlightenment, meditation, decoding, divination, and even finding inspiration in life Today, we think of Tarot as a divination tool with a focus on prophecy rather than the various benefits it can provide Because people have a strong desire to predict and control the future 1.2 Is the Tarot’s prophecy true? Many people don’t believe in prophecy in the usage of the Tarot However, when use correctly, divination can improve someone’s understanding of the Tarot’s Cards meanings Examining a Tarot card’s symbol is one thing, finding the links between the cards is another one The correct or incorrect issue of prophecy by Tarot or any other tool is determined by the user's belief and knowledge If you believe it, it is true If you don't believe it, it will never come true for you 1.3 Why is Tarot able to decrypt? Tarot's mechanism of operation is straightforward: it consists of a Tarot deck of 78 cards, each having a unique significance tied to a humanistic philosophy or life experience The cards are shuffled, and each one is placed in a pre-determined order, such as "recent past" or "current feelings." The reader mulls over the meaning of each card before explaining to the client what the card's context signifies in their current situation The question of how it operates is difficult to address The following factors will be the most common perspectives that will supplement our understanding of how the Tarot works Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức 1.4 Game theory This argument implies that a Tarot spread isn't based on anything mystical or mysterious, yet this isn't totally true The basic concept is that the cards are chosen at random and appear in entirely random order However, interpreting their meanings is still useful Most of us have a tendency to examine circumstances logically, based on a set of unconscious assumptions and pre-existing expectations – and so to reach only one conclusion Standard reasoning may hinder their ability to comprehend situations The extra effort required to analyze the meaning of a "random" card into a "meaningful" pattern, on the other hand, forces the reader to think outside of their usual limited thinking, which can lead to new ideas, insights, and force their intuition to begin solving problems in new and more interesting ways So, while the layout of the Tarot cards has no "meaning," the endeavor to create meaning from those "random" has helped us gain greater understanding and inventiveness more information about our issues 1.5 Notion of Synchronicity (Đồng Phương Tương Tinh) Carl Jung, a psychoanalyst, was fascinated by this concept He claimed that, in addition to causality (every event occurs as a result of a certain cause), synchronicity is another reason for events to occur From a different perspective, synchronicity is a synonym for "coincidence," but the implication is that, like randomly shaped occurrences, there are meaningful coincidences, which occur by chance but have meaning for the people who experience them We may bring synchronicity into our lives by employing a complicated system like a Tarot spread, and the cards will "appear" to align into a single deck The order provides us with information about ourselves or answers a query we've made 1.6 Subconscious influence According to this idea, our subconscious has far more potential than we are aware of The spiritual study has revealed that the subconscious mind has a vast variety of skills and talents that we are not aware of The Tarot interpretation is that the subconscious "knows" the order of the Tarot cards, which we consciously transfer to the cards through shuffles so that they appear in a meaningful sequence to answer our queries, based on insights previously stored in the subconscious 1.7 Magic In general, magic refers to the ability to control the outcome of events The reader's intention in this scenario is for the cards to organize themselves in a meaningful fashion, revealing something helpful The magical interpretation is that this concentrated purpose is sufficient to cause the cards to align themselves in a beneficial manner Of Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức course, this isn't a mechanical interpretation; rather, it's a description of one method of looking at the Tarot It entails adopting as an explanation that magic is real - that the Universe reacts and alters in response to a person's intent It also demonstrates that making the Tarot,' as well as merely interpreting the cards, requires some talent Because of the way the cards are read, a deck of Tarot cards is thought to be particularly vulnerable to this magical effect Because the cards are not fixed and can only appear in the proper 'accidental' sequence, the uncertainty created by the shuffle makes it simpler to alter their order The basic manipulation of chance involves a significant lot of magic, which is one of the challenges with verifying it 1.8 Pixies As you shuffle and arrange the cards in the proper sequence, pixies grab hold of them and whisper their actual meaning into the reader's ear Okay, I haven't seen an explanation that explicitly states this (although some come alarmingly close, and the internet is getting more and more broad-spectrum of this) However, we should still bring it up because it appears that some individuals are affected by it These hypotheses, of course, have not been shown to be completely right, so use them just as a provisional explanation The difficulty is that the Tarot appears to operate according to a different set of laws than we encounter in our daily lives - we don't generally anticipate random occurrences to align in such a manner that they reveal truth and knowledge of what is going on in our lives It is for this reason that we came up with the concept of the Tarot's incredible abilities How to choose Tarot? Currently, there are over 1000 different decks of Tarot in the world, and this number is growing every year Because of the large number of cards, the newbie may feel awkward and struggle to select a suitable deck for themself So, where should you begin when selecting a deck for yourself? 2.1 Three types of Tarot All Tarot cards will choose one of three themes from the three most well-known decks: Tarot de Marseille, Rider Waite Smith Tarot & Thoth Tarot Marseille is the most traditional, as it is the root and foundation of Tarot Waite and Thoth are both descended from Marseille Many Tarot Readers around the world recommend the newbie learn RWS - Rider Waite Smith at first After that, once you have a good mindset and the basics of Tarot, you can begin to learn through Marseille to investigate thoroughly The reason why is: Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức 7.3.6 Meaning Card Screen a UI 55 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức b Widget N o Widget Scaffold Appbar “Ý nghĩa bài” Show title screen Image.asset Card image Showcard Text Showcard name Text Keyword of card Container Contain keyword text Text Advice that given by card IconButton Content Function Contains other widgets Back icon Navigate to the previous page c Event list and handling on screen No Event Handling Note 56 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức On tap Back icon Navigate to Daily Tarot Screen 7.3.7 Card Spread Categories a UI 57 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức b Widget No Widget Content Function 58 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức Scaffold Contains other widgets Appbar “Trải bài” Show title screen TabBar Icon Categories of spread card GridView List with multi-row, column and can scroll to choose the type of spread TabBarView Show list type of spread with categories c Event list and handling on screen No Event Handling Note On tap item in Gridview Navigate to List Question Screen 7.3.8 List Question a UI 59 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức b Widget No Widget Content Function 60 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức Scaffold Contains other widgets Appbar “Thông điệp ngày” Show title screen Text ‘Danh sách câu hỏi’ Show text ListView Text List with multi-row contains question Question Show text question c Event list and handling on screen No Event On tap any item in list question of listview Handling Note Navigate to Card Spread Screen 7.3.9 Card Spread a UI 61 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức b Widget No Widget Content Function 62 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức Scaffold Contains other widgets Appbar Text Show question that is selected before Image.asset Show image for spread card Text The meaning of each card in the spread CustomScrollView Scroll view with much information AnimatedContainer Animation change size of the widget “Vấn đề bạn” Show title screen c Event list and handling on screen No Event On tap any item in the spread if the card isn’t open Handling Note Container that contains meaning will expand and show text 63 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức 7.3.10 Profile a UI 64 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức b Widget 65 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Content Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức No Widget Function Scaffold Appbar Image.network Show avatar Text Show name Text Show birthday TextButton Spread history Contains other widgets “Trang cá nhân” Show title screen c Event list and handling on screen No Event Handling Note 66 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức Database Design 8.1.1 Data table list No Table Description PackCard List of Packcard Card List of Card Category Categories of Card Keyword Keywords of Card 67 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức Descryption Descryptions of Card User User list DailyTarot Daily Tarot card of User Chapter 3: SUMMARY 3.1 Project Results Tarot Project is a project which supports people to decrypt many things in their life, search Tarot card information, and get much useful advice from Tarot Cards With the instruction from the teacher, we succeeded in building this application With our best efforts, the application however also has many omissions The team will continue to evolve and develop the application to apply in life 3.2 In future Building a social network about Spirituality Users can find one and a book that can read Tarot cards, Numerology, Horoscope, … 3.3 Learned knowledge We gained a lot of expertise in the process of developing software through Project We have studied Flutter technology, which is used to create mobile applications You also understand how to examine and create a project Chapter 4: REFERENCE DOCUMENT [1] Tarot community website for Vietnamese people Link : Tarot.vn: Cộng Đồng Tarot Việt Nam 2021 [2] Wikipedia, Google, … 68 Lectures:Mrs Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trúc Students: Nguyễn Thành Long & Vi Hữu Đức 69 ... life- related implications Tarot is used for enlightenment, meditation, decoding, divination, and even finding inspiration in life Today, we think of Tarot as a divination tool with a focus on prophecy... HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEMS IN OUR LIFE What is Tarot? 1.1 Tarot Tarot is a deck of 78 cards with depictions of images, symbols, and archetypes that hold various philosophical, definitional, and life- related... meanings Examining a Tarot card’s symbol is one thing, finding the links between the cards is another one The correct or incorrect issue of prophecy by Tarot or any other tool is determined by the

Ngày đăng: 08/03/2022, 21:37
