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  • Deadline: 8 March 2010

  • information note for participants

    • CBD

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CBD Distr GENERAL March 2010 ENGLISH ONLY AD HOC OPEN-ENDED WORKING GROUP ON ACCESS AND BENEFIT-SHARING Ninth meeting Cali, Colombia, 22-28 March 2010 INFORMATION NOTE FOR PARTICIPANTS QUICK LINKS (Control + click on icons for web page, click on page number to directly access text in document) INFORMATION HIGHLIGHTS Visa Information (pages 5, 13, 17, 20) Meeting Documents (page 5) Hotel Information (pages 6, 29) Weather Information (page 11) Currency Information (page 12) OFFICIAL OPENING 2 VENUE PRE-REGISTRATION ON-SITE REGISTRATION (ACCESS TO THE MEETING VENUE AND NAME BADGES) DOCUMENTS VISA AND HEALTH REQUIREMENTS ANNEX A-1: COUNTRY LISTING ANNEX A-2: LISTING OF COLOMBIAN EMBASSIES ANNEX A-3: LISTING OF COLOMBIAN CONSULAR OFFICES 12 HOTEL INFORMATION ANNEX B – HOTEL LISTING 25 GENERAL INFORMATION ON ACCESS TO CALI 13 16 11 A GUIDED VISIT TO THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR TROPICAL AGRICULTURE (CIAT) OF COLOMBIA ANNEX D - GUIDED VISIT FORM 28 16 WEATHER AND TIME ZONE INFORMATION ORGANIZED BY THE GOVERNMENT 10 OFFICIAL OPENING The official opening for the ninth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing will take place at 10:00 a.m on Monday, 22 March 2010 The formal sessions of the meeting will be held daily from 10:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m and from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m For more information on the programme of work, please refer to the provisional annotated agenda, which will be available on the Secretariat’s web site at: http://www.cbd.int/doc/?meeting=ABSWG-09 The meeting will be preceded by two days of regional and inter-regional consultations, on 20 and 21 March 2010 at the same venue The venue of the Co-Chairs Informal Interregional Consultations scheduled to take place from 16 – 18 March 2010, will be announced at a later stage VENUE The meeting will be held at: Centro de Eventos Valle Del Pacífico (CEVP) Calle 15 N 26 – 120 Autopista Cali – Yumbo Cali, Colombia Fax: +(57)-(2)-641-1000 / 641-1008 E-mail: cevp@centrodeeventosvalledelpacifico.com.co Web sites: http://www.ccc.org.co/centrodeeventos.html; www.centrodeeventosvalledelpacifico.com.co PRE-REGISTRATION 3.1 CONTRACTING PARTIES Pre-registration of representatives from Contracting Parties is subject to the receipt by the Secretariat of an official nomination letter The letter should indicate the names, titles and contacts of delegates attending the ABS-9 meeting and should be sent to the attention of the Executive Secretary at the address below, as soon as possible, but no later than 12 March 2010 Without an official notification from representatives of contracting Parties nominated to attend the meeting, indicating the names, titles and contacts of delegates and including the head of the delegation, registration will not be possible This will facilitate the delivery of conference badges upon arrival on site, and the preparation of the list of participants Participants who not wish to have their coordinates appear on the list of participants should inform the registration desk upon their arrival at the venue Mr Ahmed Djoghlaf Executive Secretary Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity 413 St Jacques Street, Suite 800 Montreal, Quebec H2Y 1N9 Canada Fax: + 1-514-288-6588 E-mail: secretariat@cbd.int 3.2 OBSERVERS 3.2.1 STATES NOT PARTY TO THE CONVENTION The pre-registration of states not Party to the Convention is subject to the same procedure as outlined in paragraph 3.1 above 3.2.2 THE UNITED NATIONS AND ITS SPECIALIZED AGENCIES The pre-registration of representatives of the UN and its specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency is subject to the same procedure as outlined in paragraph 3.1 above 3.2.3 GOVERNMENTAL AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL BODIES OR AGENCIES QUALIFIED IN THE FIELDS OF BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE USE Rule 7.1 of the rules of procedure applies to bodies or agencies qualified in the fields of biodiversity conservation and sustainable use wishing to be represented as observers in the meeting These observers may, upon invitation of the President of the meeting, participate without the right to vote in the proceedings of any meeting in matters of direct concern to the body or agency they represent unless at least one third of the Parties present at the meeting object (rule 7.2) Pursuant to COP decision IX/29 (Annex) if a body or agency was not represented at the Ninth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (Bonn, 2008) the organization’s statutes/rules or terms of reference, membership, as well as any other relevant information about the organization, must also be included with the request to be represented as an observer at the meeting The pre-registration of these representatives is subject to the receipt by the Secretariat of an official letter and relevant documentation The letter must be on the organization’s letterhead and signed by the organization’s Chief Executive or President and not by the nominee The letter should indicate the names, titles and contacts of delegates attending the ABS-9 meeting The letter should be sent to the attention of the Executive Secretary at the address indicated in item 3.1 above This information provided will facilitate the delivery of conference badges upon arrival on site, and preparation of the list of participants Participants who not wish to have their coordinates appear on the list of participants should inform the registration desk upon their arrival at the venue ON-SITE REGISTRATION (ACCESS TO THE MEETING VENUE AND NAME BADGES) Access to the meeting venue is subject to the presentation of a valid conference badge Conference badges with photographs will be issued at the registration counter located at the first floor of the Centro de Eventos Valle Del Pacífico (CEVP) as follow: - Friday, 19 March from 10 a.m to p.m - Saturday and Sunday, 20 -21 March from a.m to p.m - Monday, 22 March from a.m to p.m Badges will be issued at the registration counter upon presentation of a valid passport or an identification card with a photograph, along with a copy of the nomination letters referred to under heading above For security reasons and to gain access to both meeting venue and meeting rooms, the display of conference badges is mandatory at all times Any loss of a badge should be reported immediately to the registration counter MEETING ROOM ALLOCATIONS/RESERVATIONS Information pertaining to room allocations for the plenary as well as for the regional and other groups will be clearly displayed within the meeting venue Meeting rooms are available for all groups every day from a.m to 9:45 a.m For any other use outside this slot, the access to the meeting rooms must be requested, on a daily basis, prior to the start of the meeting Requests can be submitted to the CBD Secretariat to the attention of Ms Lisa Pedicelli (lisa.pedicelli@cbd.int) and Mr Nader Ibrahim (nader.ibrahim@cbd.int) and can also be requested through the “meeting room request” binder located at the documentation center located on the first floor of the CEVP DOCUMENTS In order to minimize the environmental footprint of the meeting, only one set of pre-session documents will be provided per country delegation Pre-session documents in languages and information documents can be retrieved from the Secretariat’s web site: http://www.cbd.int/doc/? meeting=ABSWG-09 Delegates are kindly requested to bring their own copies to the meeting CD-ROMs containing the pre-session documents, in all six United Nations official languages, as well as the information documents, will also be made available upon request at the at the documentation center located on the first floor of the CEVP VISA AND HEALTH REQUIREMENTS 7.1 VISA REQUIREMENTS All participants requiring a visa for the ABS-9 Meeting will be issued a courtesy visa by the respective Colombian Embassies and Consulates Participants from countries listed in Annex A-1 below require an entry visa for Colombia and are kindly requested to contact the nearest Colombian diplomatic or consular mission as soon as possible in order to secure the required entry visa in a timely manner, prior to departure Annex A-2 contains a list of relevant Colombian diplomatic/consular missions abroad and the concurrent missions for Countries where there are no Colombian Consulates or Embassies Further information is also available on the web site of the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs at: www.cancilleria.gov.co (Click on Directorio Misiones/Acreditadas en el Exterior) The necessary documents for requesting a Colombian visa are:    Passport with a minimum (3) months validity and at least three (3) blank pages photos with a white background (dimension varies, please check with Embassy) Copy of the return ticket If there is no Colombian diplomatic representation in your area, please send an e-mail with your itinerary, copy of your passport, no later than 15 February, 2010, to abs9-cali@cancilleria.gov.co with a copy to Mr Jairo Augusto Abadía, jairo.abadia@cancilleria.gov.co in order for the Colombian Government to send you an official letter stating that a visa will be issued for the delegate upon arrival to Colombia Kindly also copy Mr Nader Ibrahim (nader.ibrahim@cbd.int) To facilitate the issuance of visas, the Secretariat will issue upon request invitation letters to be attached to the visa applications 7.2 HEALTH REQUIREMENTS The International travel, health and vaccination requirements for travel to Colombia can be obtained from the World Health Organization (WHO) web site: http://apps.who.int/tools/geoserver/www/ith/index.html For more information, please consult a medical professional with regard to the vaccination requirements for your travel HOTEL INFORMATION Participants are kindly reminded that they have to make their own hotel reservations as soon as possible Special room rates have been negotiated on behalf of participants and are valid until the end of February To obtain the special room rates, please indicate that you will be attending a CBD meeting Below is an indicative list of hotels (Annex B) recommended by the Government of Colombia; transportation will be available daily from hotels listed in Annex B to the Valle del Pacífico Convention Centre (round trip) Further information on hotels in Cali is available at the following web site: http://www.colombia.travel/en/ GENERAL INFORMATION ON ACCESS TO CALI Cali is serviced by the Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport (16 km from the city centre) Cali is the capital of the province of the Valle del Cauca The meeting venue is located in Yumbo just on the outskirts of the City of Cali Transportation from the Cali International Airport to Hotels will provided for those arriving on the 15, 19, 21 March, 2010 Please look for “ABS-9 Welcome Desk” sign upon exiting immigration Taxis are also available at an approximate cost of COL $30,000 or US $15 as well as mini-vans at COL $4,000 or US $2/per person It is recommended that you travel only with certified transport companies Transportation from Hotels to Cali International Airport will be provided by the Government of Colombia free of charge on 29 March 2010, a bus transfer schedule will be posted in hotels and at the venue Shuttle Bus Schedules for ABS-9 The Government of Colombia has generously provided free shuttle bus service for all participants arriving for the ABS-9 meeting from the Airport to the hotels recommended in Annex B below Please locate the ABS-9 Welcome Desk that will be set-up at the airport at both the Domestic and International arrival terminals to assist participants to arrive at their hotel destination Bus schedule from Airport to Hotels (Schedule from 15 March to 29 March 2010) Please note that if your hotel does not appear on the list in Annex B below, t axis are available at an approximate cost of COL $30,000 or US $15 as well as mini-vans at COL $4,000 or US $2/per person The Government of Colombia has also provided free transportation to and from the Centro de Eventos Valle Del Pacífico (CEVP) for all participants of the meeting Please note that the transfers are available from the hotels listed in Annex B Bus schedule to and from Hotels to the CEVP (Convention Centre) (Schedule from 19 March to 28 March 2010) 10 SERVICES FOR PARTICIPANTS Internet access and Business Centre Participants will have access to the internet at a cyber café located on the first floor within the Convention Centre (please note that a small number of computers will be provided for this purpose) The Convention Centre will be equipped with Internet access via WIFI The cyber café will also provide services such as fax, scanner, telephone and printing on a commercial basis Telephone Participants will have access to pre-paid public telephones for local, national and international calls The telephones are located in the main foyers of the building The telephone prefix for Cali, Colombia is 572 (Country 57, City 2) Cafeteria Four restaurants are located at the meeting venue and will be open from 8:00 a.m to 10:00 p.m everyday of the Meeting offering an assortment of beverages, snacks, and hot meals Banking Two ATM machines are located beside the registration area on the first floor of the Convention Centre A Currency Exchange office will also be available for participants from a.m to p.m during the Meeting Medical facilities at the meeting venue Medical services for emergencies will be available on a permanent basis (ambulance, nurse, doctor) during the event 11.A GUIDED VISIT TO THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR TROPICAL AGRICULTURE (CIAT) ORGANIZED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF COLOMBIA The CIAT is a not-for-profit organization that works to reduce hunger and poverty, and improve human health in the tropics through research aimed at increasing the eco-efficiency of agriculture CIAT is one of the 15 centers funded mainly by the 64 countries, private foundations, and international organizations that make up the Consultative Group on International Agricultures research (CGIAR) CIAT’s ultimate goal is to help overcome the challenges of hunger, poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation in the developing world through science and new knowledge The Colombian Government is organizing a guided visit to the CIAT headquarters located in Palmira, 20 minutes from the Valle del Pacífico Convention Center, for participants of ABS-9 who wish to have a closer approach of CIAT’s scientific and research activities, and some experiences from other institutions located at CIAT Science Park Agronatura Three groups of 100 people each will be organized for the guided visits to CIAT HQ and Agronatura, which will include the following tour:       Genetic Resource Program Biotechnology Unit Alexander Von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute Institute of Marine and Coastal Research “José Benito Vives de Andréis” (INVEMAR) Corporación Biotec Bioversity International (CGIAR Center) The guided visits will take place on the 19 th, 23rd and 25th March 2010, according to the following preliminary schedule: March 19th: 9:00 – 11:00 a.m March 23rd: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m March 25th: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m In order to facilitate logistical arrangements, ABS-9 participants wishing to take advantage of this opportunity are kindly requested to fill out the attached pre-registration form (Annex D), and return it to Ms Adriana Bueno: ABS9-CALI@CANCILLERIA.GOV.CO with a copy to ADRIANA.BUENO@CANCILLERÍA.GOV.CO, and Ana Isabel Vargas ( A.I.VARGAS@CGIAR.ORG) before Friday, 12 March 2010 Requests for places for the visit will be processed on a first come, first-served basis More information on the organizations can be found at the following links: CIAT: HTTP://WWW.CIAT.CGIAR.ORG/PAGINAS/INDEX.ASPX Agronatura: HTTP://WWW.CIAT.CGIAR.ORG/OURPROGRAMS/LATINAMERICA/AGRONATURA/PAGES/AGRONATUR A.ASPX 12 PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL 12.1 DISPLAY TABLES Display tables will be made available, free of charge, at the meeting venue for the display of promotional material and publications Tables, clearly identified, are on a first come, first serve basis 12.2 SHIPPING OF PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL Participants wishing to enquire about space availability regarding storage of promotional material at the meeting venue (CEVP Conference building) should address their requests to Ms Adriana Buena: abs9-cali@cancilleria.gov.co with a copy to the CBD Secretariat (secretariat@cbd.int), for information purposes For any query on customs clearance, please contact your courier service directly All shipments of promotional materials must be:  Addressed to: Centro de Eventos Valle Del Pacífico (CEVP) Attention: Ms Gloria Patricia Castro Calle 15 N 26 – 120 Autopista Cali – Yumbo Cali, Colombia Mobile: +57-3-14-617-0852 Fax: +57-2-641-1000 / 641-1008 E-mail: cevp@centrodeeventosvalledelpacifico.com.co; gpcastro@centrodeeventosvalledelpacifico.com.co      Arriving in Cali no earlier than one week prior to the start of the meeting; Arranged on a door-to-door basis, as the Convention Centre - CEVP does not deal with customs clearance and handling of the shipments, nor pay any shipment costs; Marked to the attention of Ms Gloria Patricia Castro (as above); Identified with the title of the meeting (ABS-9); Communicated to the CBD Secretariat (secretariat@cbd.int), with a copy to Ms Adriana Bueno: abs9-cali@cancilleria.gov.co indicating the expected date of arrival in Cali, the airway bill number and the number of boxes sent N.B Boxes must be numbered in “1 of X format” Whenever possible, a copy of the publication should be affixed to each box 13 SIDE-EVENTS Requests for side-events should be made using the online system available on the Secretariat’s web site at: http://www.cbd.int/register/home.shtml The deadline for the receipt of requests is March 2010 Requests will be processed on a first-come, first-serve basis Requests received after the deadline will not be considered 10 CITY ADDRESS E-MAIL FAX WEB SITE Dominican Republic COUNTRY Santo Domingo CALLE FERNANDO ESCOBAR No A, ENSANCHE SERRALLES, SANTO DOMINGO D.N +1 809 5625282 / 5621670 erdomini@cancilleria.gov.co +1 809 5623253 Ecuador Quito +593 2222486 / 2221969 - 2228926 equito@cancilleria.gov.co +593 2567766 Egypt Cairo AV.COLON No.1133 Y AMAZONAS EDIFICIO ARISTA 7º PISO, QUITO, ECUADOR 6, GUEZIRA STREET, ZAMALEK CAIRO, EGIPTO http://www.embajadaenr epublicadominicana.gov co http://www.embajadaen ecuador.gov.co +20 27364203 / 27373711 eelcairo@cancilleria.gov.co +20 27357429 http://www.embajadaen egipto.gov.co El Salvador San Salvador +009 503 22631936 esalvador@cancilleria.gov.co +503 22631942 http://www.embajadaen elsalvador.gov.co France/ Monaco Paris, France CALLE EL MIRADOR 5120 COLONIA ESCALON, SAN SALVADOR 22, RUE DE L’ELYSEE 75008 PARIS +33 42654608 eparis@cancilleria.gov.co +33 42661860 http://www.embajadaenf rancia.gov.co Germany Berlin KURFÜRSTENSTR 84 10787 BERLIN, ALEMANIA +49 30 26396110-111112-114 eberlin@cancilleria.gov.co +49 30 26396125 http://www.embajadaen alemania.gov.co Guatemala Guatemala AVENIDA 5-55,ZONA 14 EDIFICIO EUROPLAZA, TORRE 1, OFICINA 1603 GUATEMALA +009 502 23853432/ 23853433 - 23853434 eguatemala@cancilleria.gov co +502 23853438 http://www.embajadaen guatemala.gov.co Holy See Vatican, Rome VIA COLA DI RIENZO, 285 00192 ROMA +39 06 3211681/ 3221465 estasede@cancilleria.gov.co +39 06 3211703 http://www.embajadaen santasede.gov.co Honduras Tegucigalpa +504 2311680 / 2399709/ 2325131 ehonduras@cancilleria.gov.c o +504 2399324 http://www.embajadaen honduras.gov.co Israel Tel Aviv +972 6953416/ 6953754/ 6953419 etelaviv@cancilleria.gov.co +972 6957847 http://www.embajadaeni srael.gov.co Italy Rome +39 06 3612131/ 3614348 eroma@cancilleria.gov.co +39 06 3225798 http://www.embajadaeni talia.gov.co Jamaica Kingston EDIFICIO PALMIRA, 3er PISO, FRENTE AL HOTEL HONDURAS MAYA, TEGUCIGALPA D.C Shekel Building, 8ht floor 111 Arlozovov St, Entrance from Tashah St Tel Aviv 62068 VIA GIUSEPPE PISANELLI, INTERNO - 00196 ROMA ITALIA 53 KNUTSFORD BOULEVARD, 4th FLOOR (VMBS) KINGSTON JAMAICA ekingston@cancilleria.gov.c o +1 876 9680577 http://www.embajadaenj amaica.gov.co Japan/ Singapore Tokyo +1 876 9291701/ 9252702/ 9205510/ 7542122 +81 34406451 etokio@cancilleria.gov.co +81 34406724 http://www.embajadaenj apon.gov.co Kenya Nairobi +254 20 2486969 / 2486982 enairobi@cancilleria.gov.co; emkenia@colombia.or.ke http://www.embajadaen kenia.gov.co Korea, Republic of Seoul +822 7201361 / 7201369 eseul@cancilleria.gov.co Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Fl.7, Korea Tourism Organization Building 40, Cheongyecheonno, Junggu Seoul 100-180, Korea BUSINESS SUITE 19A-28-2 LEVEL 28, U.O.A CENTRE No.19 JALAN PINANG, 50450 KUALA LUMPUR +254 20 2246772 / 2217925 +822 7256959 +60 2164 5488 o 89 +60 2164 5487 http://www.embajadaen malasia.gov.co Mexico Mexico PASEO DE LA REFORMA No.379 PISOS 1,5 Y COL CUAUHTEMOC MEXICO D.F 06500 +5255 55250277 ekualalumpur@cancilleria.g ov.co; emcomal@streamyx.com emexico@cancilleria.gov.co; emcol@colombiaenmexico.o rg +5255 52082876 http://www.embajadaen mexico.gov.co -10-53, KAMIOSAKI, SHINAGAWA-KU TOKIO 141-0021, JAPON INTERNATIONAL HOUSE, 6TH FLOOR MAMA NGINA STREET P.O.BOX 48494 NAIROBI, 00100 PHONE NUMBER http://www.embajadaen corea.gov.co FAX WEB SITE Netherlands COUNTRY The Hague CITY GROOT HERTOGINELAAN 14 2517 EG DEN HAAG LA HAYA ADDRESS +31 70 3614545/ 3614650 elahaya@cancilleria.gov.co +31 70 3614636 http://www.embajadaen paisesbajos.gov.co Nicaragua Managua +505 276 21 49 / 276 08 64 emanagua@cancilleria.gov.c o +505 276 06 44 http://www.embajadaen nicaragua.gov.co Norway Oslo SEGUNDA ENTRADA A LAS COLINAS, CUADRA ARRIBA, ½ CUADRA AL LAGO, CASA No 97, CONTIGUO AL SUPERMER Oscars gata 34 0258 Oslo, Noruega +47 23120150 eoslo@cancilleria.gov.co +47 23120151 http://www.embajadaen noruega.gov.co Panama Panama +507 2649513 epanama@cancilleria.gov.co +507 2231134 http://www.embajadaen panama.gov.co Paraguay Asunción +595 21 229888 / 229889 easuncio@cancilleria.gov.co +595 21 229703 http://www.embajadaen paraguay.gov.co Peru Lima CALLE 53 MARBELLA, EDIFICIO WORLD TRADE CENTER, PISO 18 OFICINA 1801, PANAMA PANAMA CALLE CORONEL BRIZUELA ESQUINA, CIUDAD DEL VATICANO, ASUNCION PARAGUAY AVENIDA JORGE BASADRE No.1580, LIMA 27 +51 4410954 / 4410530 - 4429648 elima@cancilleria.gov.co +51 2213661 4419806 http://www.embajadaen peru.gov.co Portugal Lisbon +351 213188480 elisboa@cancilleria.gov.co +351 213188499 http://www.embajadaen portugal.gov.co Russian Federation Moscow PALACIO SOTTO MAYOR AVENIDA FONTES PEREIRA DE MELO No 16 - - 1050 - 021 LISBOA - PORTUGAL Ulitsa Burdenko, 20 Código postal: 119121, Moscú Rusia emoscu@cancilleria.gov.co +7 499 2483025 http://www.embajadaenr usia.gov.co South Africa Pretoria +7 499 2483042/ 2483073/ 2483084/ 2483417 +009 2712 3420211/ 3420203 epretoria@cancilleria.gov.co +2712 3420201 http://www.embajadaen sudafrica.gov.co Spain Madrid +349 7004770 emadrid@cancilleria.gov.co +349 3102869 http://www.embajadaen espana.gov.co Sweden Stockholm OSTERMALSGATAN 46 PISO 3, ESTOCOLMO +46 214320 eestocolmo@cancilleria.gov co +46 218490 http://www.embajadaen suecia.gov.co Switzerland Berne DUFOURSTRASSE 47, 3005 – BERNA, SUIZA +41 31 3501400 eberna@cancilleria.gov.co +41 31 3501409 http://www.embajadaen suiza.gov.co United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland London HANS CRESCENT FLAT 3A LONDON SW1X INGLATERRA +44 20 72599703/ 75899177 EXT.101/100 elondres@cancilleria.gov.co http://www.embajadaenr einounido.gov.co United States of America Washington 2118 LEROY PLACE, N.W WASHINGTON D.C 20008 U.S.A +1 202 3878338/ 3878339/ 3878340 ewashington@cancilleria.go v.co +44 20 75811829 72599915 +1 202 2328643 Uruguay Montevideo JUNCAL 1305 PISO 18, EDIFICIO TUPI, OFICINA 1801, MONTEVIDEO +598 9161592/ 9161593/ 9154434 +598 9161594 http://www.embajadaen uruguay.gov.co Venezuela Caracas 2ª AVENIDA DE CAMPO ALEGRE CON AVENIDA FRANCISCO DE MIRANDA TORRE CREDIVAL PISO 11 CARACAS 1060 +582 122169596/ 12166249 euruguay@cancilleria.gov.co ; embajada@colombia.com.uy ecaracas@cancilleria.gov.co; asisembajador@net-uno.net +582 122611358 / 12638974 http://www.embajadaen venezuela.gov.co 1105 PARK STREET, FIRST NACIONAL BANK BUILDING 3RD FLOOR, HATFIELD PRETORIA 0083 GAUTENG, SOUTH AFR GENERAL MARTINEZ CAMPOS, 48 28010 MADRID PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL http://www.embajadaen estadosunidos.gov.co Annex A-3: Listing of Colombian Consular Offices (Please note that some Consular Offices service several countries) COUNTRY Algeria/ Gambia/ Guinea/ Guinea-Bissau/ Mali/ Morrocco/ Mauritius/ Senegal/ Tunisia Angola/ Botswana/ Lesotho/ Madagascar/ Malawi/ Mauritius/ Mozambique/ Namibia/ South Africa/ Swaziland/ Zambia/ Zimbabwe Antigua and Barbuda/ Barbados/ Dominica/ Granada/ Jamaica/ Saint Kitts and Nevis / Saint Lucia / Trinidad and Tobago CITY Madrid, Spain Pretoria, South Africa Kingston, Jamaica ADDRESS CALLE CARBONERO Y SOL 15 CODIGO POSTAL 28006MADRID 1105 Park Street, First National Bank Building rd Floor HatField, Pretoria 53 Knutsford Boulevard, 4th Floor, (VMBS), Kingston Jamaica PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL FAX WEB SITE +3491 7452590-ext 21/ 34915646785 cmadrid@cancilleria.gov.co +3491 7450471 http://www.consulado enmadrid-es.gov.co +2712 3420211/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15 epretoria@cancilleria.gov.co ; concol@mweb.co.za +2712 3420216 http://www.consulado enpretoria-za.gov.co +1 876 9203949 / 9291701 / 9291702 ekingston@cancilleria.gov.co +1 876 9680577 http://www.consulado enkigston-jm.gov.co Armenia/ Azerbaijan/ Belarus/ Georgia/ Kazakhstan/ Kyrgyzstan/ Moldova/ Russian Federation/ Tajikistan/ Turkmenistan/ Uzbekistan Moscow, Russian Federation Ulitsa Burdenko, 20 Código postal: 119121, Moscú Rusia +7 499 2483042/ 2483073-2483417 emoscu@cancilleria.gov.co ; consulado@colombia.ru +7 499 2483025 http://www.consulado enmoscu-ru.gov.co Australia/ Federated States of Micronesia/ Marshal Islands/ New Zealand/ Papua New Guinea/ Samoa Sydney, Australia 100 Walker Street Piso 12, suite No North Sydney NSW 2060 +61 99550311 -ext 221222-223 csidney@cancilleria.gov.co +61 99225597 http://www.consulado ensidney-au.gov.co Austria/ Albania/ Bosnia Herzegovina/ Bulgaria/ Croatia/ Czech Republic/ Hungary/ Slovakia/ Slovenia/ Montenegro/ Romania/ Serbia/ The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia/ Turkey Vienna, Austria Stadiongasse 6-8/15, A1010 Vienna +43 4054249 / 4064446 consulado.viena@aon.at; eviena@cancilleria.gov.co +43 4088303 http://www.consulado enviena-at.gov.co New Delhi PALAM MARG, VASANT VIHAR, NUEVA DELHI 110057 - INDIA +91 11 51662105 / 51662103 edelhi@cancilleria.gov.co +91 11 51662104 http://www.consulado ennuevadelhiin.gov.co Nairobi, Kenya INTERNATIONAL HOUSE, 6TH FLOOR MAMA NGINA STREET P.O.BOX 48494 NAIROBI, 00100 +254 20 2246-770 / 2246771 cnairobi@cancilleria.gov.co +254 20 246772 http://www.consulado ennairobi-ke.gov.co Cairo, Egypt Guezira Sterrt Zamalek, El Cairo Egipto +20 27364203/ 27373711 eelcairo@cancilleria.gov.co +20 27357429 http://www.consulado enelcairo-eg.gov.co Bangladesh/ India/ Nepal/ Pakistan/ Sri Lanka Benin/ Burkina Faso/ Burundi/ Cameroon/ Central African Republic/ Chad/ Comoros/ Congo, Republic of/ Congo, Democratic Republic of/ Côte d'Ivoire/ Equatorial Guinea/ Eritrea / Ethiopia/ Ghana/ Kenya/ Liberia/ Nigeria/ Sao Tome e Principe/ Gabon/ Rwanda/ Seychelles/ Sierra Leone/ Somalia/ Tanzania, United Republic of/ Togo/ Uganda Chad/ Egypt/ Jordan/ Kuwait/ Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/ Niger/ Oman/ Qatar/ Saudi Arabia/ Sudan/ United Arab Emirates/ Yemen COUNTRY CITY China / Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of/ Mongolia Beijing Cyprus/ Iraq/ Jordan/ Lebanon/ Syrian Arab Republic Beirut, Lebanon Denmark/ Finland/ Iceland/ Sweden Stockholm, Sweden Denmark/ Finland/ Iceland/ Sweden Stockholm, Sweden Estonia/ Latvia/ Lithuania/ Poland/ Ukraine Warsaw, Poland Malaysia/ Brunei Darussalam/ Indonesia / Lao People's Democratic Republic/ Thailand/ Timor-Leste/ Viet Nam Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Argentina Buenos Aires Aruba Oranjestad Australia Canberra Bahamas Miami, Florida, U.S.A Belgium Brussels Belgium Brussels Bolivia La Paz Brazil Brasilia ADDRESS Guang Hua Lu 34, Beijing R.P China 100600 JAL EL DIB, Centre MAZDA 5º Piso, BEIRUT - LEBANON OSTERMALSGATAN 46 PISO 3, ESTOCOLMO Ostermalmsgatan 46, 114 86, Est 1er Piso UL Zwyciezcow 29, 03-936 Polska BUSINESS SUITE 19A-28-2, LEVEL 28, U.O.A Centre No 19 Jalan Pinang 50450 Kuala Lumpur Malasia Avenida Santa Fé 782, Piso CP (1059) Buenos Aires Argentina CDI.2060329136-1 Avenida MILIO CROES No 29 Dacota Orangestad - Aruba Level 2,161 London Circuit,city ACT2602 280 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables Florida 33134 Avenue de la Colombie, 8.B1000 Bruselas 44 Rue Van Eyck , 1000 Bruselas Calle Roberto Prudencio No 797 entre 15 y 16 de Calacoto, La Paz Bolivia SES Avda.Das Nacoes Lote 10 Quadra 803 CEP 70444900 CNPJ 04437099/0001-44 Brasilia, D.F.Brasil PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL FAX WEB SITE +86 10 65323377 / 65323367 ebeijing@cancilleria.gov.co +86 10 65321969 http://www.consulado enbeijing-cn.gov.co +961 4712646/ 4712647/ 4712648 ebeirut@cancilleria.gov.co +961 4712656 http://www.consulado enbeirut-lb.gov.co +46 214320 eestocolmo@cancilleria.gov.co +46 82 18490 +46 218489 / 218502 concol@telia.com +46 216205 http://www.consulado enestocolmo-se.gov.co +48 22 6177157 / 6170973 evarsovia@cancilleria.gov.co +48 22 6176684 http://www.consulado envarsovia-pl.gov.co +60 21645488 / 21645489 ekualalumpur@cancilleria.gov co +60 21645487 http://www.consulado enkualalumpurmy.gov.co +54-11 43125446/ 43125538 / 43139885 cbaires@cancilleria.gov.co +54-11 43138563 +297 5837268 caruba@cancilleria.gov.co +297 5837271 +61-2-62304203 ecanberra@cancilleria.gov.co +61-262304209 +1305 4485558 / 4488402- 4411235 cmiami@cancilleria.gov.co +1305 4419537 +322 6600067 cbruselas@cancilleria.gov.co +322 6607227 +32 6490768 / 6480839 cbruselas@cancilleria.gov.co +32 6492404 http://www.consulado enbruselas-be.gov.co +5912 2790386 / 2790389 clapaz@cancilleria.gov.co; concol@acelerate.com +5912 2796011 / 2156972 http://www.consulado enlapaz-bo.gov.co +55 61 32262547 / 2268997- 2268902 ebrasili@cancilleria.gov.co +55 61 32244732 http://www.consulado enbrasilia-br.gov.co http://www.consulado enoranjestadaw.gov.co http://www.consulado enmiami-usa.gov.co COUNTRY CITY Brazil Manaus Brazil Sao Paulo Brazil Tabatinga Canada Montreal Canada Ottawa Canada Toronto Chile Santiago Costa Rica San José Cuba Havana Curacao Willemstad Dominican Republic Santo Domingo Ecuador Esmeraldas ADDRESS Rua 24 de Maio n°.220Centro, CEP:69010080 Ed Rio Negro Center Sala 1008, CNPJ 04.848.001/0001Rua Tenente Negrao, 140-9° andar Cj.92 Sao Paulo, CNPJ 04.919.564/0001-83 Brasil Rua General Sampaio No 623,CEP.69.640.000 Tabatinga, Brasil 1010 Sherbrooke St West, Suite 920 Montreal, Quebec H3A 2R7 360 Albert Street Suite 1002 Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 7X7 Dundas Street West Suite 2108 Toronto, Ontario M5G 1Z3 Avenida Kennedy 7535, oficina 204, Las Condes, SANTIAGO DE CHILE De Taco Bell San Pedro 175 mts Oeste casa color mandarina, rejas negras a mano derecha Calle 14 No.515 entre 5ta y 7a avenidas Miramar, La habana Cuba Wilhelminaplein No 25 Box 358, WILLEMSTAD, Curacao Calle Fernando Escobar Nº A Ensanche Serralles Santo Domingo D.N Calle Antonio Guerra y BarbizzottI, Esquina PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL FAX WEB SITE +55 92 32346777 cmanaos@cancilleria.gov.co +55 92 36226078 http://www.consulado enmanaos-br.gov.co +30780322 / 30780262 cspaulo@cancilleria.gov.co +30780298 +55 97 34122104 ctabatin@cancilleria.gov.co +55 97 34124868 http://www.consulado entabatinga-br.gov.co +1 514 8494852 / 8492929 - 8494374 cmontreal@cancilleria.gov.co +1 514 8494324 http://www.consulado enmontreal-ca.gov.co +1 613 2303760 EXT 23 eottawa@cancilleria.gov.co +1 613 2304416 http://www.consulado enottawa-ca.gov.co +1 416 9770475 / 9770098 - 9771738 ctoronto@cancilleria.gov.co +1 416 9771025 http://www.consulado entoronto-ca.gov.co +562 4321999 / 4321950 csantiag@cancilleria.gov.co +562 4265114 http://www.consulado ensantiagodechilecl.gov.co +506 22813222 csanjose@cancilleria.gov.co +506 22830507 http://www.consulado ensanjose-cr.gov.co +537 2041246 / 2041247 / 2041249 clahabana@cancilleria.gov.co ; clahabana@embcolombia.co.c u +537 2041249 http://www.consulado enlahabana-cu.gov.co +599 4614663 cwillem@cancilleria.gov.co; concolcur@onenet.an +599 4612680 http://www.consulado enwillemstadan.gov.co +809 5621670 / 5625282 csantodomingo@cancilleria.go v.co +809 5623253 http://www.embajadae nrepublicadominicana gov.co +593 2728688 cesmeral@cancilleria.gov.co +593 2720521 http://www.consulado enesmeraldasec.gov.co COUNTRY CITY Ecuador Guayaquil Ecuador Nueva Loja Ecuador Quito Ecuador Santo Domingo de los Colorados Ecuador Tulcan El Salvador San Salvador France / Monaco Paris, France Germany Berlin Germany Frankfurt Guatemala /Belize Guatemala, Guatemala Honduras Tegucigalpa ADDRESS Avenida Francisco Orellana Manzana 111 Edificio World Trade Center, Torre B , Piso 11 AVENIDA QUITO Y COLOMBIA, EDIFICIO MONCADA PISO 4, NUEVA LOJA, SUCUMBIOS ECUADOR LAGO AGRIO Avenida Atahualpa No.955 y República, 3er Piso Edificio Digicom, Quito Ecuador Avenida Esmeraldas No 218 Segundo Piso y Guayaquil Avenida RAFAEL ARELLANO y calle GARCIA MORENO, Edificio SERVIENTREGA Frente al INSTITUTO TULCAN, Calle El Mirador No.5120, Colonia Escalón, San Salvador 12 Rue de Berri, París 75008 Kurfürstenstrabe 84 primer piso 10787 Berlín Fuerstenberger strasse 223 60323 Frankfurt AM Main, 1 AVENIDA 5-55, ZONA 14, EDIFICIO EUROPLAZA, TORRE I, OFICINA 1603 GUATEMALA Colonia Palmira, Edificio Palmira, Piso 3° Frente al Hotel Honduras Maya PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL FAX WEB SITE +593 2630674 / 2630675 cguayaqu@cancilleria.gov.co +593 2630676 http://www.consulado enguayaquil-ec.gov.co +593 62 832114 cnloja@cancilleria.gov.co +593 62 830084 http://www.consulado ennuevaloja-ec.gov.co +593 2270154 / 2458012 - 2460054 cquito@cancilleria.gov.co; consulquito@andinanet.net +593 2460054 / 2458012 / 2920916 http://www.consulado eniquitos-pe.gov.co +593 2750757 cscolorados@cancilleria.gov.c o +593 2760750 http://www.consulado ensantodomingodelos colorados-ec.gov.co +593 2980559 ctulcan@cancilleria.gov.co +593 2987302 http://www.consulado entulcan-ec.gov.co +009 503 22631947 esalvador@cancilleria.gov.co +503 22638354 http://www.consulado ensansalvadorsv.gov.co +331 53939197 cparis@cancilleria.gov.co; ljaramillo@consulatcolombie.c om +331 42899292 http://www.consulado enparis-fr.gov.co +49 30 26396161 / 26396162 cberlin@cancilleria.gov.co +49 30 26557054 http://www.consulado enberlin-de.gov.co +49 69 5963050 / 5963060 cfrankfurt@cancilleria.gov.co +49 695962080 http://www.consulado enfrankfurt-de.gov.co +009 502 23853435 / 23853436 eguatemala@cancilleria.gov.co +502 23853438 http://www.consulado enguatemalagu.gov.co +504 2311680 / 2325131 / 2399709 ehonduras@cancilleria.gov.co +504 2399324 http://www.consulado entegucigalpahn.gov.co COUNTRY CITY China Hong Kong Israel Tel Aviv Israel Tel Aviv Italy / San Marino Milan Italy/ Greece/ Malta Rome, Italy Japan Tokyo Korea, Republic of /Philippines Seoul Mexico Mexico D.F Netherlands Amsterdam Nicaragua Managua Norway Oslo Norway Oslo Panama Colón ADDRESS Unit 1215, 12/F China Merchants Tower Shun Tak Centre 200 Connaugth Road Cemtral Hong Kong Shekel Building, 8ht floor 111 Arlozovov St, Entrance from Tashah St Tel Aviv 62068 Migdalei Aviv Derech Petah Tikva 48, Building B, 12 floor Tel Aviv 66184 Foro Bonaparte 12, Milán 20121 Via Di San Sebastianello No 9, 00187 Roma 3-10-53 Kamiosaki Shinagawa-KuTokio 141-0021 Japón Fl.7, Korea Tourism Organization Building 40, Cheongyecheonno, Jung-gu Seoul 100-180, Korea Paseo de la Reforma No 379 Colonia Cuauhtémoc, CP 6500 México D.F Oranje Nassaulaan, 551075 AK Amsterdam SEGUNDA ENTRADA A LAS COLINAS, CUADRA ARRIBA, ½ CUADRA AL LAGO, CASA No 97, CONTIGUO AL SUPERMER Smallvollveien 44 Oslo,Noruega Postboks 37 Alnabru 0614 Oslo Noruega PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL FAX +852 25458547 / 25412217 chongkong@cancilleria.gov.co +852 25448347 http://www.consulado enhongkong-cn.gov.co +9723 6953416 / 6953419 / 6953754 etelaviv@cancilleria.gov.co +9723 6957847 http://www.consulado entelaviv-il.gov.co +972 291211 +972 294073 +272003872 cmilan@cancilleria.gov.co +3902 801189 http://www.consulado enmilan-it.gov.co +39 06 69942522 croma@cancilleria.gov.co +39 06 6788436 http://www.consulado enroma-it.gov.co +81 34406491 / 34406492 etokio@cancilleria.gov.co +81 57914838 http://www.consulado entokio-jp.gov.co +82 7201369 / 7201361 eseul@cancilleria.gov.co +82 7256959 http://www.consulado enseul-kr.gov.co +5255 55110309/ 5255 cmexico@cancilleria.gov.co +5255 52082830 http://www.consulado enmexico-mx.gov.co +312 03050111 camsterdam@cancilleria.gov.c o +312 03050110 http://www.consulado enamsterdamnl.gov.co +505 2762149 / 2760864 cmanagua@cancilleria.gov.co +505 2760644 http://www.consulado enmanagua-ni.gov.co +47 22 071040 / 22071045 sten@molsen.no +47 22 071068 http://www.consulado enoslo-no.gov.co eoslo@cancilleria.gov.co Colón 2000 Local 61 Primer Piso WEB SITE +507 4418057 ccolon@cancilleria.gov.co +507 4410114 http://www.consulado encolon-pa.gov.co COUNTRY CITY Panama Panamá Panama Puerto Obaldia Paraguay Asunción Paraguay Asunción Peru Iquitos Peru Lima Portugal /Cape Verde Lisbon, Portugal Puerto Rico San Juan de Puerto Rico Spain Bilbao Spain Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain Palma de Mallorca Spain Valencia Spain / Andorra Barcelona Switzerland /Liechtenstein Berne ADDRESS Avenida BALBOA calle 43 Bella Vista, edificio PH BBVA Torre MENOR piso 4, Ciudad de Panama Comarca de San Blas, Puerto Obaldía Calle Coronel Brizuela 3089 esquina Ciudad del Vaticano Av Eusebio Ayala Km 4.1/2 Calle Calvo de Araujo No 431 Avenida Jorge Basadre No.1580 - San Isidro, Lima - Perú PALACIO SOTTO MAYOR AVENIDA FONTES PEREIRA DE MELO No 16 - 1050 - 021 LISBOA PORTUGAL Edificio Mercantil Plaza, Suite 814 Av.Ponce de León, Hato Rey, San Juan Puerto Rico, 00918 Alameda de Mazarredo No.47 2º piso 48009 Bilbao Calle Obispo Codina No 3, Planta Código Postal 35001 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Espa Galería Jaime III No - A / CP 07012 Calle Cronista Carreres No planta 1BValencia 46003 Espa Calle Aragón No 362, 108009 Barcelona, Espa Dufourstrasse 47 3005 Berna PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL FAX WEB SITE +507 2233535 - 2640915 cpanama@cancilleria.gov.co +507 2232811 http://www.consulado enpanama-pa.gov.co +507 2999449 cobaldia@cancilleria.gov.co +507 2999449 http://www.consulado enpuertoobaldiapa.gov.co +229-889, 229-888,214775,0985216018 casuncion@cancilleria.gov.co +595 21 229703 http://www.consulado enasuncion-py.gov.co +595 21 503721 +595 21 503720 +65231461 ciquitos@cancilleria.gov.co +65231461 http://www.consulado eniquitos-pe.gov.co +51 4416922 - 4410530 clima@cancilleria.gov.co +51 4416922 http://www.consulado enlima-pe.gov.co +351 213188486 clisboa@cancilleria.gov.co +351 213188499 http://www.consulado enlisboa-pt.gov.co +1 787 7546885 csanjuan@cancilleria.gov.co +1 787 7541675 http://www.consulado ensanjuan-pr.gov.co +34 94 4230539 cbilbao@cancilleria.gov.co +34 94 4230267 http://www.consulado enbilbao-es.gov.co +34 928 330949 cicanarias@cancilleria.gov.co +34928 322501 +34 971729944 cpmallorca@cancilleria.gov.co +34 971 282331 +34 963 942441 cvalencia@cancilleria.gov.co +34 963 517417 http://www.consulado envalencia-es.gov.co +34933028584 cbarcelona@cancilleria.gov.co +34 93 4127540 http://www.consulado enbarcelona-es.gov.co +41 31 3515434 eberna@cancilleria.gov.co +41 31 3527072 http://www.consulado enberna-ch.gov.co COUNTRY CITY United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland London United States / Bahamas Miami United States of America Atlanta United States of America Boston United States of America Chicago United States of America Houston United States of America Los Angeles United States of America New York ADDRESS 3er Floor, Westcott House, 35 Portlan Place, London W1B 1AE 280 Aragon Avenue, Coral Gables Florida 33134 5901 B Peachtree Dunwoody Rd Suite 375 Atlanta, Georgia 30328 31 ST JAMES AVENUE, SUITE 960, PISO 9, BOSTON MA 02116 500 North Michigan Avenue Suite 2040 Chicago, Illinois 60611 2400 Augusta Drive, Suite 400 Houston, Texas 77057 8383 Wilshire Boulevard,Suite 420 Beverly Hills, California 90211 10 East 46th Street N.York 10017 595 Market Street, Suite 2130 San Francisco, California 94105 1101 17th Street NW Suite 1007 Washington D.C.20036 PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL FAX +44 20 76379893 -79277125 -79277124 clondres@cancilleria.gov.co +44 20 76375604 http://www.consulado enlondres-uk.gov.co +1305 4485558 4488402- 4411235 cmiami@cancilleria.gov.co +1305 4419537 http://www.consulado enmiami-usa.gov.co +1770 6680512-66805526680451 EXT 21 A 24 catlanta@cancilleria.gov.co +1770 6680763 http://www.consulado enatlanta-usa.gov.co +1 617 5366222 cboston@cancilleria.gov.co +1 617 5369372 http://www.consulado enboston-usa.gov.co +1 312 9231196 (Conmut)-92308019239141 cchicago@cancilleria.gov.co; conchicago@consulcolombia.u s +1 312 9231197 http://www.consulado enchicago-usa.gov.co +1 713 5278919 /5279093 chouston@cancilleria.gov.co +1 713 5293395 http://www.consulado enhouston-usa.gov.co +1 323 6534299/6539863/653129 cangeles@cancilleria.gov.co +1 323 6532964 http://www.consulado enlosangelesusa.gov.co +1-212-798-9000/ 9017/ 9008/ 9041/ 9031 cnewyork@cancilleria.gov.co; concolny@nosotros.com +1-2129721725 http://www.consulado ennuevayorkusa.gov.co +1 415 4957195 4957196 - 4953450 csnfrancisco@cancilleria.gov.c o +1 415 7773731 http://www.consulado ensanfranciscousa.gov.co +1202 3327476 - 3327573 cwashington@cancilleria.gov.c o +1 202 3327180 United States of America San Francisco United States of America Washington Uruguay Montevideo Juncal 1305 Piso 19, Montevideo Uruguay +598 9157921 9161592 - 9161593 euruguay@cancilleria.gov.co +598 9161594 Barinas Avenida Montilla, cruce calle Carvajal Edificio La Fuente Ofc.08 +58 273 5525026 cbarinas@cancilleria.gov.co +58 273 5524482 Venezuela WEB SITE http://www.consulado enwashingtonusa.gov.co http://www.consulado enmontevideouy.gov.co http://www.consulado enbarinas-ve.gov.co COUNTRY CITY Venezuela Barquisimeto Venezuela Maracaibo Venezuela Mérida Venezuela Machiques Venezuela Puerto Ayacucho Venezuela Puerto La Cruz Venezuela Puerto Ordaz Venezuela San Antonio del Táchira Venezuela San Carlos de Zulia Venezuela San Cristobal Venezuela San Fernando de Atabapo ADDRESS Prolongacion Avenida los Leones, Edificio Torre Milenium, Piso Oficina 8-2, Barquisimeto Av.El Milagro, Calle 72 A No.72-98 Urbanización La Virginia Urbanización El Encanto, Av Lora Esq Calle 42 Casa 82 Merida - Estado Mérida (Venezuela) Av Joviniano Sánchez diagonal Iglesia de San Benito Machiques Venezuela Calle Yapacana, Quinta Beatríz #5 Puerto Ayacucho, Estado Amazonas, Venezuela Edificio Torre Union,Calle Libertad, Oficina 3-4 Pto La Cruz URB RORAIMA, CLL HUMBOLDT, MANZANA 3, CASA No 47, Puerto Ordaz, Estado Bolivar Avenida Primero de Mayo No 8-52, San Antonio del Tachira Venezuela Calle No - 15 SAN CARLOS DE ZULIA VENEZUELA Carrera 2a No 7-61 Urbanización Mérida Estado Tachira Venezuela Calle Piar prolongación vía la carretera casa Alejandro Patiđo, Fernando de Atabapo, Estado Amazona PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL FAX WEB SITE +58251 2543602 - 58251 2543611 cbarquisimeto@cancilleria.gov co +58251 2543602 / 58251 2543611 http://www.consulado enbarquisimetove.gov.co +582 61 7916891 7927090 - 7926916 cmaracai@cancilleria.gov.co +582 61 7931180 http://www.consulado enmaracaibove.gov.co +58274 2623105 cmerida@cancilleria.gov.co +58274 2623077 http://www.consulado enmerida-ve.gov.co +5826 34732139 34736672 cmachiqu@cancilleria.gov.co +5826 34732139 ext 124 http://www.consulado enmachiquesve.gov.co +58 248 5210789 cpayacuc@cancilleria.gov.co +58 248 5212808 http://www.consulado enpuertoayacuchove.gov.co +58281 2685787 cpdcruz@cancilleria.gov.co +58281 2651348 http://www.consulado enpuertodelacruzve.gov.co +58 286 9616511 9616033 cpordaz@cancilleria.gov.co +58 286 9610611 http://www.consulado enpuertoordazve.gov.co +58 276 7715890 csantach@cancilleria.gov.co +58 27 55554993 czulia@cancilleria.gov.co +58 27 55552994 http://www.consulado ensancarlosdelzuliave.gov.co +58276 3471960 cscristo@cancilleria.gov.co +58276 3460123 http://www.consulado ensancristobalve.gov.co +58248 5411114 / 5411041 csanfernando@cancilleria.gov co +58248 5411038 http://www.consulado ensanfernandodeataba po-ve.gov.co http://www.consulado ensanantoniodeltachir a-ve.gov.co COUNTRY CITY Venezuela Valencia Venezuela/ Guyana/ Suriname Caracas ADDRESS Avenida Bolívar Norte Centro Comercial y Profesional El Camoruco Piso Oficina 5-6, Valencia Venez Calle Guacaipuro Entre Plaza Luis Brión y Avenida Casanova, sector Chacaito Urbanización El Rosal PHONE NUMBER E-MAIL FAX WEB SITE +58241 82270229 8246976 cvalenci@cancilleria.gov.co +58241 82270229 / 8238769 http://www.consulado envalencia-ve.gov.co +58 212 9513631 9522992 - 9513758 ccaracas@cancilleria.gov.co +58 212 9517056 / 9516692 http://www.consulado encaracas-ve.gov.co Annex B – Hotel listing Rate of exchange: €1 = Col $2,782.14 US $1 = COL$1,975.00 LIST OF HOTELS WITH INDICATIVE ROOM RATES IN US DOLLARS RATES ARE INDICATIVE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE Hotel Name Single occupancy Double occupancy All the prices + tax (IVA 10%) + US $3 (hotel insurance) All the prices + tax (IVA 10%) + US $3 (hotel insurance) Distance to meeting venue Five Star Hotels Intercontinental Cali Av Colombia No 2-72 Cali, Colombia Tel: +57 (2) 882 3225 Fax: +57 (2) 886 1000 Toll Free Colombia: 01 8000 97 8000 Toll Free Canada & USA: 1-866-599-8703 E-mail: reservas@hotelesestelar.com Web site: http://www.hotelesestelar.com/es/lineaprime/intercontinental-cali Dann Carlton Cra 2a No – 60 Cali, Colombia Tel: +57(2) 893 3000- 886 2000 Fax +57(2) 893 4000 Toll – Free Tel: 01 8000 523111 E-mail: reservas@hotelesdanncali.com.co Web site: http://www.hotelesdann.com/paginas_internas/cali/dc_cal i/casa_dann_bog.html Four Points by Sheraton Calle 18 N, 4n-08 Cali, Colombia Tel: +57 (2) 685 99 99 Fax: +57(2) 660 47 96 Reservation: +57(2) 685 99 99 E-mail: reservas.sheratoncali@ghlhoteles.com Web site: http://www.ghlhoteles.com/hotel.php3?id=17 Mercure Hotel Casa del Alférez Avenida Norte No 9-24 Cali, Colombia Tel: +57 (2) 661 8111 E-mail: reservas@hotelcasadelalferez.com.co - Standard room: US $127 - Superior Room: US $157 - Junior Suite: US $188 - Standard Room: US $160 Shuttle service to venue approximately 25 minutes - Standard Room: US $126 - Suite Carlton: US $174 - Standard Room: US $63 (per person) Shuttle service to venue approximately 25 minutes TOWER A - Standard Room US $100 - Junior Suite Room US $127 TOWER A - Standard Room US $111 - Junior Suite Room US $154 Shuttle service to venue approximately 25 minutes TOWER B - Standard Room: US $110 - Junior Suite Room: US $140 TOWER B - Standard Room US $120 - Junior Suite Room US $158 - De Luxe Room US $97 - De Luxe Twin Room US $89 - Privilege Room US $115 - Suite US $258 Shuttle service to venue approximately 25 minutes - Standard Room US $89 - Standard Room US $41 (per person) Shuttle service to venue approximately 25 minutes - Standard room US $75 - Superior Room US $82 - Standard room US $70 - Superior Room US $82 Shuttle service to venue approximately 25 minutes - De Luxe Room: US $89 De Luxe Twin Room: US $89 Privilege Room: US $115 Suite: US $258 Four Star Hotels Hotel Dann Cali Avenida Colombia # 1-40, (Cali) Cali, Colombia Tel: +57(2) 893 3000 - 886 2000 Fax +57(2) 893 4000 Toll – Free: 01 8000 523111 E-mail: reservas@hotelesdanncali.com.co Web site: http://www.hotelesdann.com/paginas_internas/cali/dc_cal i/casa_dann_bog.html Hotel Obelisco Av Colombia No Oeste Cali, Colombia PBX: +57(2) 893 3019 / 8932995 E-mail: reservas@hotelobeliscocali.com Web site: www.hotelobeliscocali.com and Hotel Name Single occupancy Double occupancy All the prices + tax (IVA 10%) + US $3 (hotel insurance) All the prices + tax (IVA 10%) + US $3 (hotel insurance) Distance to meeting venue Three Star Hotels Hotel Torre de Cali Av De las Américas No 18N-26 (Cali) Tel: +57 (2) 683 35 35 Fax: +57 (2) 667 18 17 – 6675093 E-mail: hotel.torredecali@ghlhoteles.com ; reservas.torredecali@ghlhoteles.com Web site: http://www.ghlhoteles.com/hotel.php3?id=7 Hotel Valle Real Avenida 3N Nº 17N-25 PBX: +57 (2) 4853304 / 6851212 E-mail: reservas@hotelvallerealcali.com Web site: www.hotelvallerealcali.com Hotel El Pón Calle Oeste No 2-61 Tel: +57 (2) 8933625 – 8933644 E-mail: hotel_elpenon@hotmail.com Web site: www.reservashoteleras.com.co - Superior Room: US $50 - Comfort Level Room: US $75 - Superior Room: US $50 - Comfort Level Room: US $75 Shuttle service to venue approximately 25 minutes - Junior Suite: US $ 50 - Presidential Suite: US $150 - Superior Suite: US $60 - Presidential Suite: US $200 Shuttle service to venue approximately 25 minutes - Standard US $56 (tax and hotel insurance included) - Standard room US $66 (tax and hotel insurance included) Shuttle service to venue approximately 25 minutes IMPORTANT NOTICE Transportation will be available from the hotels on this list to the venue center everyday of the Meeting (scheduled round trips) Participants staying at other hotels not listed in Annex B, must meet with the rest of participants at this hotels' entrance or arrive at the venue center by their own means Annex C – Side-Event Request Form CBD Deadline: March 2010 SIDE-EVENTS REQUEST FORM NINTH MEETING OF THE AD HOC OPEN-ENDED WORKING GROUP ON ACCESS AND BENEFIT-SHARING (WG-ABS-9), 22-28 MARCH 2010, CALI, COLOMBIA Please ensure that all the information below is completed For online requests, please click here: http://www.cbd.int/register/home.shtml Event Title: Full name and acronym of organizer(s): Expected number of Participants: Preferred date and time: (a) First Choice: /3/2010 time: 13:15 – 14:45 18:15 – 19:45 (b) Second choice: /3/2010 time: 13:15 – 14:45 18:15 – 19:45 (c) Third choice: /3/2010 time: 13:15 – 14:45 18:15 – 19:45 Requirements* (Please check the boxes as appropriate) (a) LCD Projector with PC (for PowerPoint presentations) (b) Other* (please specify and refer to note below): Date of submission: ( / / _) dd/mm/yy Short event description: * For any catering arrangements, please refer to page under heading 13 Any event requiring special equipment is at the expense of the organizer; for any query & assistance, please contact: secretariat@cbd.int Annex D Pre-registration Form for Guided Visits Guided Visits to CIAT HQ and Agronatura Name: Passport number: Country: Language: Please mark the day of your preference for the visit: March 19th 9:00 – 11:00 a.m March 23rd 1:00-3:00 p.m March 25th 1:00-3:00 p.m Please return form to the following e-mails: Ms Adriana Bueno: abs9-cali@cancilleria.gov.co; copy to adriana.bueno@cancillería.gov.co, and Ana Isabel Vargas (a.i.vargas@cgiar.org) Deadline is Friday, 12 March 2010 for registration for the guided visit -

Ngày đăng: 03/03/2022, 00:31

