WT2 - Globalization- Discuss both views

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WT2 - Globalization- Discuss both views

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Topic: Even though globalization affects the world's economies in a very positive way, its negative side should not be forgotten Discuss both views and give your opinion In recent times, globalization has been sparked as a controversial debate regarding its potential effects Some people argue that this trend of international cooperation brings forwards beneficial influences, while others contend that its detrimental effect should not be oblivious Personally, I agree with the latter statement On the one hand, it is undeniable that globalization is playing a pivotal role in the economic proliferation across the world As a matter of fact, there have been a great number of multinational corporations profusely emerged, which in turn exceptionally enhances both demand and supply of various commodities worldwide Together with that, collaborations among the nations also contribute to boost the global economy in favour of mutual imports and exports For example, within the past decade, Asian countries such as India, China and Vietnam, with the international outreach policy, those nations have attained an enormous amount of outsourcing contracts in terms of labour force and material resources from giant companies like Apple and Samsung They, therefore have witnessed economic growth unparalleled by any previous years In other words, the whole population is likely to experience much better living conditions when their national economy exceedingly increases regardless of their locations Despite the aforementioned advantages derived from globalization, I would concur with other individuals to claim that this phenomenon should be taken into closer consideration according to its destructive ramifications First and foremost, when it comes to contagious diseases, globalization, characterized by the worldwide transportation, can be counterproductive and spin the situation out of control Taking the current Coronavirus as an example, the fact that people travelling back and forth from China where the outbreak originated has constituted menaces to more than 100 countries and territories around the world in less than months, accounting for thousands of deaths and innumerable victims living on the verge of medical treatment Coupled with that, the entire economic system across the globe has been severely disrupted as a result of the closure or lockdown of hundreds of factories and airlines That is to say, official leaders of all nations should never diminish the potential threats of international development in respect of the long-term sustainability of humankind In conclusion, although the merits of globalization are irrefutable, I believe that this trend profoundly consists of adverse impacts which should be carefully scrutinized by governments worldwide (383 words)– Written by Ms Laura IELTS 8.0 – IELTS Teacher (INNO Language School) Topic: Even though globalization affects the world's economies in a very positive way, its negative side should not be forgotten Discuss both views and give your opinion Vocabulary Glossary: Spark (v): khơi màu lên chuyện gì, làm dấy lên Adverse impacts = detrimental effect = Controversial debate: tranh luận destructive ramifications: ảnh hưởng gây hại Oblivious (adj.): thờ ơ, khơng ngó ngàn đến Counterproductive (adj.): phản tác dụng Beneficial influences: ảnh hưởng tích cực, Spin the situation out of control: vượt tầm kiểm có lợi sốt Play a pivotal role: đóng vai trò quan trọng Travelling back and forth: di chuyển vào (một Economic proliferation: tăng trưởng kinh tế nơi nào) Multinational corporations: hợp tác quốc Countries and territories: quốc gia vùng lãnh gia thổ Commodities: mặt hàng nhu yếu phẩm On the verge of + noun: bên bờ vực The international outreach policy: sách mở Diminish (v): xem thường, làm giảm giá trị cửa giới Sustainability (n): bền vững Outsource (v/n): hình thức gia cơng cho cơng ty Merit (n): mặt tốt, ưu điểm khác, dịch vụ thuê hoạt động kinh doanh Irrefutable (adj.): chối bỏ Regardless of + noun: Scrutinize (v): xem xét kỹ lưỡng Aforementioned (adj.): đề cập trước Topic: Even though globalization affects the world's economies in a very positive way, its negative side should not be forgotten Discuss both views and give your opinion Essay structure: Discuss both views and give your opinion Introduction: Paraphrase lại đề (2-3 câu) Thesis statement (dẫn vào đề, giới thiệu nội dung tồn bài): Trả lời trực tiếp câu hỏi đề Body 1: Lợi ích của (Globalization) 1st Idea: Giúp đẩy mạnh kinh tế giới thông qua mối quan hệ ngoại giao quốc gia Support: Tăng cung cầu mặt hàng nhu yếu phẩm 2nd Idea: Giúp đẩy mạnh kinh tế thông qua xuất nhập nước Support + Example: Các nước châu Á TQ, VN, Ấn Độ, nhờ vào sách mở cửa giới mà nhận hợp đồng outsourcing béo bở từ tập đồn cơng nghệ lớn Samsung, Apple => Kinh tế phát tiển, đời sống người dân nâng cao Body 2: Không nên thờ trước mối đe dọa xuất phát từ Globalization 1st Idea: Khi có dịch bệnh truyền nhiễm, Globalization phản tác dụng vượt khỏi tầm kiểm soát nhân loại Support + Example: Tình hình dịch bệnh Coronavirus bùng phát luân chuyển vào nước TQ khiến lây lan xảy 100 quốc gia, gây hàn nghìn chết vơ số bệnh nhân lây lắc sống dựa vào điều trị y tế 2nd Idea: Nền kinh tế giới mà bị gián đoạn nghiêm trọng nhà máy hãng hàng khơng đồng loạt đóng cửa Personal opinion: Nhà chức trách quốc gia không nên xem thường mối nguy họa xuất phát từ Globalization phát triển bền vững tồn nhân loại Conclusion: Paraphrase lại thesis statement nêu lại quan điểm, ý kiến cá nhân đề cập ... side should not be forgotten Discuss both views and give your opinion Essay structure: Discuss both views and give your opinion Introduction: Paraphrase lại đề ( 2-3 câu) Thesis statement (dẫn... affects the world's economies in a very positive way, its negative side should not be forgotten Discuss both views and give your opinion Vocabulary Glossary: Spark (v): khơi màu lên chuyện gì, làm dấy

Ngày đăng: 01/03/2022, 09:53

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