Painting shall be applied in accordance with the Builder’s practice and the Manufacturer’s recommendation and also with reference to the Manufacturer’s published data sheets,
Trang 1
For Painting CLASS : DNV/VR DATE : 2008 - 04 - 16
HULL No PVT 831 Drawings No.: 122-P 01 Rev.: 02
Table of content
1 Type Approval Certificate: ……… 3
a Shopprimer :……… 3
b Main Coating : ……… 6
2 Technical Data sheets :……… 34
2.1 Product Data sheet (PDS): ……… 34
2.1.1 Product Data sheet of shopprimer: ……… 34
2.1.2 Product Data sheet of main coating: ……… 39
2.2 Material Safety Data sheet (MSDS) :……… 46
2.2.1 Material Safety Data sheet of Shopprimer: ……… 46
2.2.2 Material Safety Data sheet of Main Coating : ……… 60
2.3 List of Water Ballast Tanks: ……… 70
2.4 Painting Work Specification: ……… 71
2.4.1 Introduction: ……… 71 General note: ……… 71 Painting procedure: ……… 73 Surface preparation: ……… 74 Primary Surface preparation (PSP): ……… 74 Secondary Surface preparation (SSP): ……… 74 Miscellaneous: ……… 75 Application Of Coating: ……… 76 Material Protections of pipes: ……… 81 Description of compartment division for the painting scheme: … 82 Arrangement of separation lime for painting shell outside: …… 83 List of paints:……… 84
2.4.2 Specification sheet: ……… 85
2.4.3 Safety regulations for painting work: ……… 196 General prevention for surface preparation: ……… 196 Painting safety work: ……… 196 Necessary regulations: ……… 197 Preliminary method in case of emergency: ……… 199
3 Certificate of blast material: ……… 200
4 Certified/qualified Coating inspector: ……… 201
5 Useful coating life of paint system for ballast tank: ……… 202
6 Daily logs:……… 203
6.1 Primary Surface Preparation (PSP): ……… 203
6.2 Secondary Surface Preparation (PSP) - Block assembly: ……… 204
6.3 Secondary Surface Preparation (PSP) – Erection: ……… 205
6.4 Non - Conformity report: ……… 206
6.5 Coating Application: ……… 207
6.6 Dry film thickness (DFT) measurement : ……… 208
7.1 Inspection sheet for surface preparation and painting application: ………… 209
7.2 Final Inspection report: ……… 210
8 Procedures for in-service maintenance and repair of coating system: ………… 211
9 Inspection agreement between ship-owner, shipyard and coating manufacturer for painting work: ……… 212
9.1 Scope: ……… 212
9.2 General conditions: ……… 212
9.3 Communication and meetings: ……… 213
9.4 Inspection :……… 213
9.5 Planning: ……… 214
9.6 Surface preparation and paint application: ……… 214
9.6.1 Primary surface preparation (PSP):……… 214
9.6.2 Secondary surface preparation (SSP): ……… 214
9.7 Measurement of dry film thickness: ……… 215
9.8 Exception reports: ……… 216
9.9 Repairs: ……… 216
9.10 Coating Inspectors: ……… 216
1 Type Approval Certificate
a Shopprimer-
b Main Coating
2 Technical Data sheets
2.1 Product Data sheet (PDS)
2.2 Material Safety Data sheet (MSDS)
Volume ( M3 )
F.P.T (W.B) 98-FE 858.7 2479.5 F21P/S, F22C, F11C
NO.1 W.B.T (P) 91-98 3236.9 9387.2
F11C, F21P, F31P, F41P, F51P, S24P, S25P, S26P, B54P, B55P, B56P, B24C, B25C, B26C
NO.1 W.B.T (S) 91-98 3236.9 9387.2
F11C, F21S, F31S, F41S, F51S, S24S, S25S, S26S, B54S, B55S, B56S, B24C, B25C, B26C
NO.2 W.B.T (P) 84-91 2863.6 8275.8 S22P, S23P, S24P, B52P, B53P, B54P,
B22P, B23P, B24P, B22C, B23C, B24C
B22S, B23S, B24S, B22C, B23C, B24C NO.3 W.B.T (P) 77-84 2923.4 8419.4
S18P, S19P, S20P, S21P, S22P, B48P, B49P, B50P, B51P, B52P, B18P, B19P, B20P, B21P, B22P, B18C, B19C, B20C, B21C, B22C
NO.3 W.B.T (S) 77-84 2923.4 8419.4
S18S, S19S, S20S, S21S, S22S, B48S, B49S, B50S, B51S, B52S, B18S, B19S, B20S, B21S, B22S, B18C, B19C, B20C, B21C, B22C
NO.4 W.B.T (P) 70-77 2923.4 8419.4 S16P, S17P, S18P, B46P, B47P, B48P,
B16P, B17P, B18P, B16C, B17C, B18C NO.4 W.B.T (S) 70-77 2923.4 8419.4 S16S, S17S, S18S, B46S, B47S, B48S,
B16S, B17S, B18S, B16C, B17C, B18C NO.5 W.B.T (P) 63-70 2880.1 8323.5 S14P, S15P, S16P, B44P, B45P, B46P,
B14P, B15P, B16P, B14C, B15C, B16C NO.5 W.B.T (S) 63-70 2880.1 8323.5 S14S, S15S, S16S, B44S, B45S, B46S,
B14S, B15S, B16S, B14C, B15C, B16C NO.6 W.B.T (P) 47-63 3560.4 10218.6
E11C, E21P, E31P, E41P, E51P, S11P, S12P, S13P, S14P, B41P, B42P, B43P, B11P, B12P, B13P, B11C, B12C, B13C, NO.6 W.B.T (S) 47-63 3560.4 10218.6
E11C, E21S, E31S, E41S, E51S, S11S, S12S, S13S, S14S, B41S, B42S, B43S, B11S, B12S, B13S, B11C, B12C, B13C, A.P.T (W.B) AE-12 1077.9 3115.6 A21C, A22C, A31P/S
2.4.1 INTRODUCTION: GENERAL NOTE: This Painting Specification was prepared in accordance with the Contract Specification,
Shipowner and the Manufacturer’s recommendation Painting shall be applied in accordance with the Builder’s practice and the
Manufacturer’s recommendation and also with reference to the Manufacturer’s published data sheets, particularly in regard to mixing and thinning of paint materials,
conditions/method of application and time interval between each coat Work stage of surface treatment & painting shall be in accordance with the Builder’s
practice and the Owner’s approval The colors of finish coats shall be in accordance with the Buyer’s color scheme in
consultation with the Builder, and those of primer coats shall be in accordance with the Manufacturer’s recommendation Painting work for the parts which are not specified in this Specification shall be similar
to the surroundings or comparable spaces
Trang 6COATING TECHNICAL FILE The steel structure surface including all welded beads to be painted before leak test, in
general However, fillet welding joint and erection seams/butts forming tank boundary to
be painted after the jint has been examined either by compressed air test, vacuum test or tank air test as appropriate
Pre-erection joint of hull block to be paited before leak test and not to be considered as block erection joint Painting shall not be applied to the following items unless otherwise specified
1) Wood works in stores and lockers, polished fittings, gaskets, packing, non-ferrous materials (i.e copper, brass, bronze, aluminum alloy and other non-corrosive metals), permanently enclosed space and any other surfaces of fittings and equipment where paints would obstruct their proper functions
2) Galvanized fittings, steel surface under deck covering (cement area)
3) Anodes for cathodic protection Steel outfitting manufactured by the subcontractor shall be coated as specified in this
Specification or with equivalent type of paint by the subcontractor’s standard And the coatings may be applied with the adjacent structure’s coating system for ease of
subsequent maintenance Equipment which the Builder shall purchase, i.e main and auxiliary engines, electrical
equipment, navigation equipment, deck machinery, etc shall be painted according to each Manufacturer’s standard and the damaged part after installation to be touched up with one coat of primer and one coat of finish paint Epoxy primer on outfitting, seats, etc shall be applied with the Builder’s standard as
specified in this Specification The coating material shall be supplied by the following Paint Manufacturers
- All items including shop primer : HEMPEL Entire ballast works both of new building and repair should be refer to Hempel’s
Technical Standard for Ballast Tank Coating Work (Doc No.: BTC-0100-W, Rev 04) PAINTING PROCEDURE
ry Surfa
ce Prepa ration (PSP)
1 Blasting and profile
Oil and grease etc to be removed by suitable emuls ion cleaning
or suitable solvent, if any follow intructions of Hempel’s Coating Advisor on site Entire area to be (high pressure) fresh water cleaned in order to remove salts and other contaminants
Sa 2.5; with profiles between 30-75 μm
Blasting should not be carried out when:
.1 The relative humidity is above 85%; or 2 The suface temperature of teel is less than 30C above the dew point
Checking of the steel surface clealiness and roughness profile should be carried out at the end of the surface preperation and before the application of the primer In accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations Secondary surface preparation (SSP):
1 Steel condition The steel suface shall be prepared so that the coating
selected can achieve an even distribution at the required NDFT and have an adequate adhesion by removing sharp edges, grinding weld beads and removing weld spatter and any other surface contaminant
Edges shall be treated to a rounded radius of minimun 2mm, or subjected to three pass grinding or at least equivalent process before painting
2 Surface treatment Oil and grease etc to be removed by suitable emuls ion cleaning
or suitable solvent, if any follow intructions of Hempel’s Coating Advisor on site Entire area to be (high pressure) fresh water cleaned in order to remove salts and other contaminants
Sa 2.5 on damaged shopprimer and welds
Sa 2.0 removing at least 70% of intact shopprimer, which has not passed a pre-qualification certified by test
procedures in 1.3
If the complete coating system comprising epoxy-based main coating and shopprimer has passed a pre-quilification certified by test procedures in 1.3, intact shopprimer may be retalned provided the same epoxy coating system is used The retained shopprimer shall be cleaned by sweep blasting, high-pressure water washing or equivalent method
If a zinc silicate shopprimer has passed the pre-qualification test of 1.3 as part of an epoxy coating system, it may be used in combination with other epoxy coatings certified under 1.3, provided that the compatibility has been confirmed by the manufacturer by the test in accordance with 1.7 of appendix 1 to annex 1 without wave movement
3 Surface treatment Oil and grease etc to be removed by suitable emuls ion cleaning
Trang 9COATING TECHNICAL FILE Advisor on site Entire area to be (high pressure) fresh water cleaned in order to remove salts and other contaminants
Butts St3 or better or Sa2.5 where practicable
Small damages up to 2% of total area: St3
Contiguous damsges over 25m2 or over 2% of the total area
of the tank: Sa2.5 shall be applied
Coating in overlap shall be feathered
4 Profile requirements In case of full or partial blasting 30-75µm, otherwise as
recommended by the coating manufacturer
5 Dust Dust quantity rating ”1” for dust side class “3”, “4’ or “5”
Lower dust side classes to be removed if visible on the surface to be coated without magnification
6 Water soluble salt
1 Ventilation Adewuate ventilation is necessasy for the proper drying and
curing of coating Ventilation should be maintained throughout the application process and for a period after application is completed, as recommended by the coating manufacturer
AP Power tool to St 2 (T2)
Or Pickling treatment (PK) Power tool to St 2 (T2)
(*) Note : St 3 shall be applied for blocks of E/R and aft APPLICATION OF PAINT
Trang 10COATING TECHNICAL FILE When more than one coat is specified, subsequent coats not to be applied until preceding
coat has sufficient curing/drying time in accordance with the time interval which is
recommended by the paint manufacturer Painting shall be carried out by airless spray mainly However, hand brush or roller brush
may be adopted where it is more suitable than spray A stripe coat shall be applied to the cut free edges of structural members, the edges of
holes such as slots, scallops, drain holes, air holes, and manual welding beads, where the dry film thickness may not always be the specified, before or after the first coat according to the Builder’s practice Two (2) stripe coats shall be applied to the above area in water ballast tanks and fresh water tanks
Table1: Coating of Water Ballast tanks:
Name of coating Coating
manufacturer Colour
Specified DFT (µm)
DFT (µm)
DFT (µm)
Application method
The second stripe coating (SC) may be applied after the secon spray coating (FC)
• For ballast tank coating dft of Shopprimer 15890 and Hempadur 17630, According rule 10” , product data sheet & paint spec.:
Trang 11COATING TECHNICAL FILE The adhesive tape or equivalent may be used to protect the fillet joint and the erection
seams/butts for leak test or welding from contamination by surrounding painting Pre-primer shall be applied with shop coat primer, after suitable surface cleaning at the
hull shop If the maxi mum recoating intervals has exceeded, the surface treatment shall be done in
accordance whit the Manufacturer’s recommendation to ensure the inter coat adhesion
subject to Owner’s approval In case of the application of tar epoxy or epoxy paint during the winter season, the builder
may use the winter type paint recommended by the paint manufacturer The painting schedule specified hereunder may have alteration in number of coats and the
dry film thickness in accordance with standard specification of the paint manufacturer
selected subject to the Buyer’s approval After the specified coating is applied, the damaged parts of paint film shall be repaired at
proper time When such a damage reaches to the steel surface and rust occurs, the surface shall be cleaned by disc sander and shall be coated as originally specified subject to Owner’s approval Small outfitting and fittings may be galvanized instead of painting Fixture, machined surface, label plate, name plate, rubber gaskets, working threads, etc,
to be properly protected during preparation and painting, and upon completion of the work, all paint dusts or pther sludges to be remove from glass, plumbing fixtures, deck covering, etc, as far as possible within the limits of practical method Measurement of dry film thickness Total dry film thickness specified in the painting
schedule shall be attained in at least 90 % (85%)of measuring points, and the film thickness
in the remaining 10 % (15%)measuring points shall not be less than 90 % (85%) of the specified one (VNS+PV TRAN)
* ( ) for area except water ballast tank and peak tanks Weather conditions
Painting is not to be carried out under the following conditions
1) When the Relative humidity is above 85%
2) Steel temperature is lower than 3° in centigrade above dew point
3) Rain, snow fall & fog and mist in the open air
If painting work have to be continued by the time schedule, the work to be done in work ship or under efficient over where suitable conditions can artificially be created and
maintained subject to Owner’s approval The steel surfaces of various outfitting such as vent ducts, supports, seats, and small
miscellaneous fittings are to be primed with one(1) coat of epoxy universal primer and
coated with the subsequent coat as surroundings
After installation, the behind areas by the connection of U-bolt, bolt, nut, band, etc, shall be applied with the extra stripe coat or touch up coat without disassembling and coated same as surrounding area Lower part of deck house, engine room, stores and the parts that are liable to get dirty
shall be coated as follows Painting works for the flanges and other comparable items are in accordance with
following diagram
Notes) 1 **** marked area shall be coated as outside Specification
2 Non-ferrous metals incl galvanized steel : To be left unpainted or Manufacturer’s
3 Flanges for high pressure line : Manufacturer’s standards
4 Bolt hole inside : To be coated same as 1st coat of pipe outside MATERIAL PROTECTIONS OF PIPES
System / Piping Outside Material Protection
Trang 14COATING TECHNICAL FILE Cargo loading and discharge system, all
On exposed deck same coating as deck
Tank vent systems (Air vent & P/V
Tank cleaning system On exposed deck same coating as deck
externally two coats with pure epoxy HB 32 Sanitary cold and hot water pipes except
non ferrous pipe
On exposed deck same coating as deck Cleaned and oil wiped ins ide
Cleaned and oil wiped ins ide Heating coils in FO / sludge tanks No coating
Cleaned and oil wiped ins ide Sea water pipes in ER Galvanized after pickling
Fresh water pipes in ER Epoxy coated after blasting
Compressed air pipes On exposed deck same coating as deck
Exhaust pipes ins ide casings (Only valid
for non insulated pipes)
Heat res istant paint for non insulated area Stainless steel uptake : No coating
Steam supply and condensate (on
weather deck only)
Pickling and painted with 1 coat of 75 pipes
on weather deck, except pre-insulated pipes Ballast pipes (if not GRP) Hot dip galvanized after pickling
Bilge pipes (if not GRP) Hot dip galvanized after pickling
Fire and deck wash lines On exposed deck same coating as deck
Air and sounding pipes On exposed deck same coating as deck
Hydraulic pipes Corrosion-proof pipes to be coated as
All coating whether specified above or not to be executed according to the respective paintsupplier’s recommendations
Trang 15
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Cargo oil tanks and Slop tank.
Machinery space.
Tank weather ballast.
Miscellaneous space incl pump room.
Deck house interior.
Tanks, void space and cofferdam except machinery space and accommodation space.
General parts exposed to weather.
Outside shell and etc.
7 4 4
4 5
5 5
Description of compartment division for painting scheme ARRANGEMENT OF SEPARATION LIME FOR PAINTING SHELL OUTSIDE:
Approx 4,120 mm Approx 4,120 mm
Arrangement of separation line for painting shell outside
Flat bottom (Bilge keet to bilge keet) Side bottom, boottop (Bilge keet to scantling draft Topside
(Welding bead marking of separation line) between Topside and Side bottom
/30 0
No Type of paint Brand name Color &
Mussel No Thinner
Min (H)
5 Modified epoxy
8 Tin free self-polishing A/F
2.4.2 SPECIFICATION SHEET: (Review at specification sheet.) From page 85 to page
2.4.3 Safety regulations for painting work General prevention for surface preparation and painting application:
• Before painting:
- Should be trained when starting paint work
- Know all of safety procedures and place put necessary equipments if accidents
- Read and understand all of safety data and technique of products
- Know all of dangers
- Equipped enough individual safety equipments
• Painting process:
- Always using individual tools checked (under standard)
- Rightly use tools and equipments to avoid causing accidents
- Should take a rest if work beyond painters’ strength
• After painting:
- Close all tanks
- Know how to clean equipments
- Keep paints and solvents which have not been used in safety (storage)
- Throw rubbish in dustbin regulated (harmful rubbish)
- Clean individual safety tools and preserve to avoid contamination
- Individual cleanness with water and soap Painting safety work:
Painters have to understand symbol regulated by paint maker on painting can
When working, painters prevent their skin touching directly from paint Pay attention to special paint
• Equipped enough safety equipments, safety clothes and other safety conditions
• There must have a person being on duty above while another working inside tank Do not use 110V or 220V bulbs, explosion proof lights used not over 24V
- Wear respirator with mechanical breather
- Do not assign weak strength workers to work inside tank
• Should open ventilation cover and gauge air volume before working inside tank
• Do not weld, cut or heat near painting area in tanks with solvents vaporizing fast (min 5m) Continually use electrical ventilating blower 5m distance from tank hatch
• Should equip firm scaffolds, safety belts for working on high place
• Should wear insulated gloves when use electrical machine to rub rust Should break circuit if move electrical machine to another position
• Mixing types of paint with multi-components under correct rate of maker
• Use paint mixer between coats, steel surface temperature should comply with Technical Instruction Procedure of painting types which paint maker sends to shipyard Should not mix solvents with paint unless paint maker or shipyard technical staff instruct or accept
• No smoking and prevent flammable abilities during painting work
• Painting types should have instructions before usage Do not use paints with vague origin
• Tidy up instruments after working Should put clouts with oil, paint in metal container with cover, and put in correct places Necessary regulations:
• Scaffold:
- Scaffold structure is durable, safety and easy to approach working surface: Distance between the working surface and scaffold should be 150mm÷ 300mm, (prevent hitting between circuit breaker and steel plate); Distance between scaffold surfaces should be 30mm÷ 50mm (prevent hitting), which makes advantage conditions for clearing as well as checking
- When painting inside tank, scaffold should meet demands as follows:
§ Max limit points contact with tank surface
§ Scaffold should be clean to avoid dust sticking on wet coats or damage painting surface when removing
§ Use rubber to cover scaffold’s metal leg in order not to emit spark when moving
- Put switches outside, distance from tanks and the switches should be covered
in order not to emit spark