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Tiêu đề Intermediate Student's Book
Tác giả Dr. Marcin Smolik, Dr. Hab. Pawel Sobkowiak, Mgr Teresa Zawisza-Chlebowska
Trường học Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej
Chuyên ngành English Language Education
Thể loại student's book
Năm xuất bản 2019
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Intermediate Student's Book Podr~cznik dla lice6w i technik6w Podr~cznik dopuszczony uiytku szkolnego przez ministra wtasciwego spraw oswiaty i wychowania - zgodnie z rozporzqdzeniem Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 30 stycznia 2018 r w sprawie ksztatcenia og6lnego dla liceum , technikum oraz braniowej szkoty II stopnia - i wpisany wykazu podr~cznik6w przeznaczonych ksztatcenia og6lnego nauczania j~zyka angielskiego, na podstawie opinii rzeczoznawc6w: dr Marcina Smolika, dr hab Pawta Sobkowiaka , mgr Teresy Zawiszy-Chlebowskiej Poziom w skali ESOKJ : Bl/B2 Zakres ksztatcenia: podstawowy i rozszerzony Etap edukacyjny: Ill Typ szkoty: szkota ponadpodstawowa Rok dopuszczenia: 2019 Poziom zaawansowania wedtug podstawy programowej : 111.1.P, 111.1.R Numer ewidencyjny w wykazie: 1032/2/2019 • I 1:1 ·c-:r Tresc podr~cznika jest zgodna z podstawq programowq ksztatcenia og6lnego okreslonq w rozporzqdzeniu Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 27 sierpnia 2012 r w sprawie podstawy programowej wychowania przedszkolnego oraz ksztatcenia og6lnego w poszczeg61nych typach szk6t i podr~cznik o identycznej tresci zostat dopuszczony uiytku szko lnego przez ministra wtasciwego spraw oswiaty i wychowania i wpisany wykazu podr~cznik6w przeznaczonych nauczania j~zyka angielskiego Rok dopuszczenia: 2019 Numer ewidencyjny w wykazie: 1033/2/2019 ~ Ta ikona przy cwiczeniu oznacza koniecznosc napisania odpowiedzi w zeszycie C Vocabulary p4 Holidays Tou rist and visitor attractions (aquarium, castle, etc.) Introduction Holiday activities (lie on the beach, hire a kayak, etc.) Grammar: Past sim ple Gener at ions Vocabula r y: Social activities (meet friends in town, etc.) p6 Adjectives Adjectives describing fee lings (anxious, ashamed, etc.) g nqto Adjectives describing persona lity (flexible, honest, etc.) -ed and -ing adjectives Spea king: Talking about plans for the future Negative prefixes (un-, dis-, in, - etc.) Speaking: Describing holidays Speaking: Describing personality A Vocabulary BGrammar C Listening p8 Ages and stages Stages of life (be on adult, be a centenarian, etc.) plO PHt tense contrast Past simple, past continuous and past perfec t pll Family tensions Tip: Listen ing for tone of voice pl u dto Contrast with be/ Voc abulary: Attitude adjectives (accusing, etc.) get used to Life events (be born, be brought up, etc.) Speaking: Wha t causes family arguments7 Speaking: Talking about your family and background Cl> Teens talking about their fami lies and backgrounds Cl> Teens talking about fam ily tensions and arguments DRozumienie ze sluchu Wielokrotny wyb6r DRozumieni e ze sluchu Dobieronie plS Language Review • Znajomosc srodk6w j~zykowych Dobieronie • Porofrozo • Tlumoczenie frogment6w zdori USE OF ENGLISH MEDIATION p20 Skills Trainer • Rozumienie tekst6w pisanych Wielokrotnywyb6r • Rozumienie se sluchu Wielokrotny wyb6r • Znajomosc srodk6w j~zykowych Porofrozo • M6wienie Rozmowo z odgrywoniem roli • Wypowiedi pisemna List Leisure time p22 Love it or hate it Ac tivities (use social media, bake cakes, etc.) Activities and sport (do ballet, ploy basketball, go cycling, etc.) Speaking: Sport and leisure qu iz p24 Present perfect llnd past simple contrut Speaking: Talking about experiences Cl> Teens ta lk about thi ngs they hate p25 Eating out Tip: Identifying the context of a conversation Vocabulary: Food dishes (curry, pie, pudding etc.) p26 Pr ent D fe People t alk about food and res tauran ts PROJECT DRozumienie ze sluchu Wielokrolnywyb6r • Uklodonie frogment6w zdo n M6wienie Rozmowo wst~pno p32 Language Review • Znajomosc srodkow j41zykowych Dobieranie • Wielokrotnywyb6r The human body p34 Parts of the body USE OF ENGLISH MEDIATION p37 The body's limits Tip: Listen ing for numbers, times, dates and measurements Pa rts of the body (ankle, bottom, brain, etc.) p36 Speculating and predicting Treatments (antibiotics, bondage, etc.) will, may, might, could Accidents and inju ries (bong your head, break a bone, etc.) First conditional Vocabulary: large numbers, fractions, percentages, ratios, etc Speaking: Making predictions about your future Cl> The limits of human survival Speaking: Human body quiz Speaking: Role-play: at the doctor's DMowienie Rozmowo wst~pno Cl> At the doctor's p38 Future ontinuou and future p rfect Voc abulary: Future time expressions (in 100 years' time, etc.) Key phr ases: Asking for and offering a respon se (What'syour view', etc.) MEDIATION p44 Language Review • Znajomosc srodkow j41zykowych Dobieranie • Porafrazo • Tlumoczenie fragment6w zdori USE OF ENGLISH MEDIATION p46 Skills Trainer • Rozumienie tekst6w pisanych Dobieranie • Rozumienie ze sluchu Prowdo/Folsz • Znajomosc srodk6w j~zykowych Dobieronie • M6wienie Opis ilustracji • Wypowiedi pisemna Wiodomosc no forum internetowym Home p48 Describing houses and homes Types of home (bungalow, thatched cottage, etc.) Parts of a house and garden (attic, balcony, etc.) Describing houses and rooms (beautifully restored, etc.) Key phrases: Describing where you live (it's a flat, etc.) Cl> An estate agent shows someo ne ro und a house Cl> Teens describe their homes DRozum ienie ze sluchu Dobieranie pSO Comparison Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, double comparatives USE OF ENGLISH DZnajomosc srodk6w j~zykowych Poro frozo p51 Young and homeless Tip: Matching language in the listen ing to language used in the recordi ng Technology p60 Computing Digital acti vit ies (ploy games, etc.) I wish , If only Speaking: Discussing homelessness Cl> People talki ng about aspect s of homelessness DRozumieni e ze sluchu Wielokrotny wyb6r MEDIATION pSB Language Review • Znajomosc srodk6w j41zykowych Dobieranie • Porafrazo • Tlumoczenie frogment6w zdori p52 Imaginary situations Second conditional USE OF ENGLISH MEDIATION p62 Quantifiers every one of and none of p63 Navigation nightmare Tip: Distingui shing fact from opi nio n Computing verbs (comment, forward, etc.) USE OF ENGLISH Vocabulary: Gadgets (digital radio, games console, etc.) USE OF ENGLISH Computing: useful collocations (empty the trash, etc.) DZnajomosc sr odk6w Key phrases: Personal opinions(/ believe that , etc.) Speaking: Technology quiz j~zykowych Cl> News report about a satnav mistake Cl> Problems with gadgets DZnaj om osc srodk6w Speaking: Instructio ns for using digital technology Cl> Calling a helpli ne DRozumienie ze sluchu Wielokrotny wyb6r Porofrozo DRozu mienie ze sluchu Wielokrotny wyb6r MEDIATION MEDIATION p70 Language Review • Znajomosc srodkow j41zykowych Dobieranie • Wielokrotny wyb6r • Tlumoczenie frogment6w zdori MEDIATION p72 Skills Trainer • Rozumienie tekst6w pisanych Dobieranie • Rozumienie ze sluchu Dobieronie • Znajomosc srodkow j~zykow ych Wielakrotnywyb6r • M6wienie Rozmowo no podstowie moteriolu stymulujqcego • Wypowiedi pisemna Wiodomosc no blogu p64 Medals in the past Modal verbs j~zykowych Wielokrotny wyb6r • Porofrazo EWord Skills F Reading G Speaking HWriting p13 Phrasal verbs (1) Three-part phrasal verbs (look up to, catch up with, etc.) p14 Adolescence How to handle your parents p16 Guided conversation Tip: Preparing to speak p17 An informal letter Tip: Completing all part s of the task Tip: Gapped sen tence tasks Grammar: should and ought to for advice and warnings Key phrases: Polite requests Dictionary work Vocabulary: Noun and adjective endings DMowienie Rozmowa wst~pno ~ Advice for an exchange studen t Key phrases: Presenting your ideas DMowienie Rozmowo z odgrywaniem roli DWypowiedi pisemna List p30 At a leisure centre Tip: Performing a role play p31 A biog post Tip: Keeping within the word limit Vocabulary: School clu bs (art club, astronomy club, etc.) DRozumienie tekstow pisanych Oobieranie zdan Key phrases: Beginning/Ending a letter luk w tekscie MEDIATION p27 Compound nouns and adjectives Vocabulary: Sports venues: compound nouns Vocabulary: Compound adjectives ~ S tud ents talk about school facilities DRozumienie ze sluchu Oobieranie p28 Street games Zombie alert! Tip: Multiple-choice questions Key phrases: Perm ission Vocabulary: Prepositions (oil along, beside, etc.) ~J oining a leisure centre Key phrases: Explaining preference DMowienie Rozmowo z odgrywaniem roli DWypowiedi pisemna Wiodomosr' no p43 An essay Tip: Structuring your essay and using appropriate language DRozumienie tekstow p isanych Wielokrotny p39 Word families Related nouns, adjectives and adverbs p40 Body clock Night and day p42 Photo description Tip: Giving your description a structure Tip: Matching questions with tex ts and paragraphs Vocabulary: Mood (afraid, anxious, etc.) Vocabulary: Homonyms Key phra ses: Identi fying people in photos (the man in the red shirt, the girl with a ponytail, etc.) USE OF ENGLISH DZnajomosc srodkow j~zykowych DRozumienie tekstow pisanych Oobieranie • Mowienie Rozmowa wst~pna Key phrases: Speculating about photos (It looks like etc.) Key phrases: Introducing opinions, additiona l points, proposals and solutions, and conclusions ~ Caring for your appeara nce DWypowiedi pisemna Rozprowka DMowienie Opis ilustracji Slowotw6rstwo p53 do, make and take Dictionary work pS4 Alternative living Alternative houses p56 Stimulus-based discussion Tip: Developing you r statements USE OF ENGLISH Tip: Fi nd ing evidence in th e text for your answers Tip: Making time to think as you speak DZnajomosc srodkow j~zykowych Vocabulary: Homes: compound nouns (front door, housing estate, etc.) Vocabulary: In the house (bedside table, bookcase, etc.) Wielokratny wyb6r blogu wyb6r DRozumienie tekstow pisanych Dobieronie Key phra ses: Phrases for gaining time (Let me see, etc.) ~ The pros and cons of different types of accommodation DMowienie Rozmowo no podstowie moteriolu p57 An email Tip: Appropria te language for informal emails and letters Key phrases: Introducing preferences (One good thing about , etc.) Grammar: would rather, had better DWypowiedi pisemna E-mail stymulujqcego p65 Adjective+ preposition Dictionary work p66 Clever machines Testing intelligence USE OF ENGLISH Tip: Answering multiple-choice questions Vocabulary: School subjects (art, drama, etc.) Vocabulary: Verb-noun collocations (break code, etc.) ~ Photo descripti ons DZnajomosc srodkow j~zykowych Zodanie z lukq DRozumienie tekstow pisanych Wielokrotny wyb6r p68 Photo description Tip: Using conjunctions in longer sentences DMowienie Opis i/ustracji p69 An internet forum post Tip: Answering all the elements in a writing task Grammar: Concession clauses DWypowiedi pisemna Wiadomosr' no forum internetowym High flyers A Vocabulary BGrammar p74 Describing character Describing character: nouns (ambition, cheerfulness, etc.) p76 Defining-elative clauses Describing character: phrases (hove a good sense of humour, etc) Omitting object pronouns USE OF ENGLISH Phrases for introducing personality adjectives (I'd soy he/ she C Listening DGrammar p77 Nellie Bly Tip: Listening for linking words and phrases Speaking: Discussing Nellie Bly's achievements p78 Non-defi i relative c uses USE OF ENGLISH Cl> Nellie Bly's round-the-world trip DZnajomosc srodk6w '& i llzykowych Porofrozo wos fairly, etc) Cl> People discussing qualities needed for jobs p84 Language Review • Znajomosc srodk6w jllzykowych Zodonie z lukq • Porofrozo • Slowotw6rstwo Artists p86 Talking about the arts Art forms (ballet, cartoon, etc.) ·• USE OF ENG LISH MEDIATION p89 Poetry in motion Tip: Listening for gist and ignoring unknown wor~ p88 The passive Artists (actor, composer, etc.) Speaking: Discussing poetry Artistic activities (act, carve, etc.) Cl> 'The Lost Generation' Cl> People talking about poetry Cultural activities (went to a rock concert, read o novel, etc.) Cl> People talking about cultural events p90 have something done Reflexive pronouns Rozumienie ze stuchu Dobieronie Rozumienie ze stuchu Wielokrotny wyb6r PROJECT p96 Language Review • Znajomosc srodk6w jllzykowych Dobieranie • Wielokrotny wyb6r • Uklodonie frogment6w zdori USE OF ENGLISH MEDIATION p98 Skills Trainer4 • Rozumienie tekst6w pisanych Wielokrotny wyb6r • Rozumienie ze stuchu Wielokrotny wyb6r • Znajomoscsrodk6w jllzykowych Wie/okrotnywyb6r • M6wienie Rozmowo zodgrywoniem roli • Wypowiedi pisemna E-mail Messages plOO On the phone p102 Reported 5puch Key phrases: Phrasal verbs: phoning (get through, speak up, etc.) Pronouns, possessive adjectives and references to Key phrases : Collocations: using a mobile phone (listen to your time and place in reported voicemoil, lose the signal, etc.) speech Speaking: Talking about mobile phones Cl> Phone conversations M6wienie Rozmowo wsti;pno • Opis ilustrocji USE OF ENGLISH M6wienie Rozmowo wsti;pno • Znajomosc srodk6w jllzykowych p103 Getting the message Tip: Focusing on meaning, not individual words (l)An ext ract from a film p104 Report qu tions Tip: Answering multiple-choice questions MEDIATION Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs (work out, seto(f, etc.) Speaking: Talking about sending messages without using electronic technology Cl> A radio programme about communication Rozumienie ze stuchu Wielokrotny wyb6r Porofrozo p110 Language Review • Znajomosc srodk6w jllzykowych Zodonie z lukq • Uk/odonie frogment6w zdori • Porofrozo Journeys p112 Travel and transport Forms of transport (aircraft, coble car, etc.) Travel: places (airport, buffet car, etc.) p114 Third conditional Contracting hove in spoken third conditional sentences Speaking: Discussing forms of transport USE OF ENGLISH MEDIATION p115 Travel solutions Tip: Identifying the intention or purpose of a speaker p116 Participle clauses Vocabulary: Verb+ noun collocations (board o plane, etc.) Speaking: Travel role-plays Cl> Travel problems Cl> Dialogues about transport Rozumienie ze stuchu Dobieronie • Wielokrotny wyb6r p122 Language Review • Znajomosc srodk6w j41zykowych Dobieronie • Porofrozo • Slowotw6rstwo USE OF ENGLISH MEDIATION p124 Skills Trainers • Rozumienie tekst6w pisanych Wielokro tny wyb6r • Rozumienie ze stuchu Dobieronie • Znajomosc srodk6w jllzykowych Tlumoczenie frogment6w zdori • M6wienie Opis ilustrocji • Wypowiedi pisemna List p126 Extended Skills Trainer • Rozumienie tekst6w pisanych Wielokrotny wyb6r • Rozumienie ze stuchu Wielokrotny wyb6r • Znajomosc srodk6w j41zykowych Zodonie z lukq • Tlumoczenie frogment6w zdori • M6wienie Rozmowo z odgrywoniem roli • Wypowiedi pisemna Artykul publicystyczny p129 Extended Skills Trainer • Rozumienie tekst6w pisanych Dobieronie • Rozumienie ze stuchu Wielokrotny wyb6r • Znajomosc srodk6w illzykowych Slowotw6rstwo Porofrozo Culture pl32 Functions Bank pl 68 Vocabulary Builder pl41 Extra Speaking pl71 Grammar Builder and Reference pl46 Pronunciation pl 73 Writing Bank pl 64 al Listening (1.01 = disc 1, t ck / 2.01 =disc 2, t rack 1, etc.) E Word Skills F Reading G Speaking HWriting p79 Phrasal verbs (2) Separable and inseparable phrasal ve rbs (work out, look after, etc.) pSO Girl boss Rags to riches p82 Guided conversation Tip: Completin g the task/ Moving the conversation on p83 A for and against essay Tip: Using rhetorical questions Tip: Answering gapped sentence tasks Grammar: Indirect questions Grammar: Preparatory it USE OF ENGLISH Vocabulary: Verb+ preposition Q) A job interview wi th a hotel manager DWypowiedz pisemna Rozprowko DZnajomosc srodkow i'lzykowych DRozumienie tekst6w pisanych Dobieronie • DM6wienie Rozmowo zodgrywoniem roli Wielokrotny wyb6r PROJECT Mowienie Rozmowo wslf1pno p91 Indefinite pronouns Indefinite pronouns in offers and requests p92 Graffiti's softer side Yarn bombing p94 Stimulus-based discussion Tip: Using a va ri ety of expressions p95 Article: a book review Tip : Choosing a title for an article Tip: Answering multiple-choice questions Tip: Phrases for introducing negative preferences Tip: Structuring your article Vocabulary: In the street (statue, stop sign, etc.~ Key phrases: Talking abou t likes and dislikes Key phrases: Arguing your point (In my opinion:' Vocabulary: Cultu ral events and shows As I see it, etc.) Q) Choosing a show or cultural event Q) Talking about cultural events Key phrases: Describing stories (There ore lots of twists and turns, it's a real page-turner, etc.) Vocabulary: Musical genres (blues, ciossicol, etc.) Speaking: Discussing music DRozumienie tekst6w pisanych Wielokrotny wyb6r • Mowienie Rozmowo wst1Cpno • Opis ilustrocji DWypowiedi pisem na Artykul DMowienie Rozmowo no podstowie moteriolu stymulujqcego p105 Verb patterns: reporting verbs Vocabulary: Reporting verbs (agree, offer, etc.) USE OF ENGLISH p106 A novel idea A different type of phone book p108 Social interaction Tip: Using appropriate intonation Tip: Answering gapped sentence tasks Key phrases: Congratulati ng, sympathising and wishing luck Vocabulary: Reading matter (biographies, etc.) Vocabulary: Digital formats (biogs, e-books, etc.) Q) Social interactions Vocabulary: Compound nouns (leisure time, etc.) DM6wienie Opis ilustrocji p109 A letter to a newspaper Tip: Using the correc t register Grammar: Verbs wi th two objects DWypowiedz pisemna List formalny DRozumienie tekst6w pisanych Dobieronie • Prowdo/ Folsz • Mowienie Rozmowo wsticpno MEDIATION p117 Verb patterns stop, remember, etc p118 Miscalculations Disastrous mistakes! p120 Guided conversation Tip: Using your preparation time p121 A formal letter Tip: Using paragraphs DZnajomosc srodk6w i'lzykowych Tip: Matching more than one text with a question Tip: Interacting appropriately Porofrozo Vocabulary: Units of measurement Vocabulary: Holiday activities and accommodation Vocabulary: Travel problems (cancelled, delayed, etc.) Q) Planning a holiday DWypowiedz pisemno List formalny • DMowienie Rozmowo z odgrywoniem roli Mowienie Opis ilustrocji DRozumienie tekst6w pisanych Dobieronie - Vocabulary Holidays I can talk about what I did in the school holidays SPEAKING Work in pairs Look at the photo and ask and answer the questions Do yo u know where it is7 Have you been there? If so, did you have a good time7 If you haven't been there, would you like to go7 Why7 /Why not7 G> 1.02 Read and listen to the conversation Who had a more enjoyable holiday: Jacob or Anna? Hi, Anna Did you have a good holiday? Yes, it was great, thanks What did you get up to7 I went on a beach holiday with my family Abroad? No, we went to Sopot Cool Did you have a good tim e7 Yes, we played beach volleyba ll and went windsurfing We wen t on a boat trip too Did you go to the song festival? No, it wasn't on when we were there How was your holiday? Not bad But I didn't much We didn't go away I out with my friends We went to the carnival and we visited a them e park a couple of times Sounds fun Yes, it was OK Just a shame the holidays weren't longerl Jacob Anna Jacob Anna Jacob Anna Jacob Anna Jacob Anna Jacob Anna Jacob Vocabulary Builder Describing visitor attractions: page 141 SPEAKING Work in pairs Ask and answer about the tourist attractions in exercises Do you like visiting castles? Yes, I I No, I don't Why7 I Why not? LEARN THIS! Past simple ~ii>~ Th e past simple of regular ve rbs ends in , -ed We use did/ didn't for th e negative and interrogative forms of all verbs except be We not use did/ didn't with modal verbs (con, must, etc.) I d idn't go away in the s ummer Did you vis it your cous ins? Yes, I did I No, I did n't Read the Learn this! box In the conversation in exercise 2, VOCABULARY Complete the holiday activities with the words below H the beach beach volleyball a bike a bike ride cards a castle an excursion kayaking mountain biking a theme park find examples of the following past simple forms: regular affi rmative irregular affirmative negative interrogati ve Gra"'mar Builder I.1 page 146 Holiday activities visit a museum I SPEAKING Work in pairs Ask and answer about the I a cathedral I go shopping I win dsurfi ng / cycling/ gofora wa lk /for holiday activities in exercise Find three that you both did in the school holidays, and three that neither of you did Give extra information in your answers where possible /h iking/ /onaboattrip I a kayak I a car I a boat hire playtabletenn is/ lie on /on 10 eat out / /board games buy souvenirs Did you go mountain biking? sunbath e Find four of the holiday activities from exercise in the conversation in exercise VOCABULARY Look at the list of tourist attractions below How many more can you add? H park square statue Introduction restaurant theatre ruins tower Yes, I did I went mountain biking with my family near Zakopane SPEAKING Work in pairs Ask and answer about your school holidays Tourist and visitor attractions aquarium castle cathedral church harbour market monument museum national park old town opera house palace No, I didn't Did you7 What was the most enjoyable thi ng you did du ring th e school holidays? Why7 What was the least enjoyable thing you did7 Why7 shopping district wildlife park zoo DPodr6iowanie i turystyka mmar Present tense contrast I can use different tenses to talk about the present and future ~ 1.03 Read and listen to the conversation Why is Sophia annoyed with Noah at the end? LEARN THI Dynamic and state verbs Dynamic verbs describe actions and can be used in the simple or continuous form State verbs describe states or situations and are not usually used in continuous tenses Common state verbs include: believe belong hate know like love mean mind need prefer remember understand want Some verbs can be used as either state or dynamic verbs, depending on their mean ing: Dynamic: What are you thinking about? (=mental activity) State: What you think of this film? (=opinion) Sophia Noah Sophia Noah Sophia Noah Sophia Noah Sophia Noah Sophia Noah Sophia You aren't wearing your sports kit PE starts in ten minutes I haven't got my sports kit today You're always forgetting things! Well, I don't like PE, so I'm not feeling too sad about it Sport is important It makes you fit What are you doing instead7 Mr Harley is giving me some extra maths homework to in the library That's a shame Mr Harley always gives us really difficult homework I don't mind I need to some extra wo rk We have exams next week I know That's why we're revising together on Saturday We arranged it last week I don't remember that! Sorry1 I'm going away on Saturday Like I said you're always forgetting thingsl Let's revise when I get back on Sunday afternoon Sorry, I can't My parents are redecorating the house at the moment and I have to help Look at the conversation again Which verbs are in the present simple? Which are in the present continuous? How many negative and interrogative forms are there? for something happening now or around now for describing annoying behaviour (with always) d the for a permanent situation or fact e the for timetables and schedules (e.g school timetables) f the for future arrangements g the in future time clauses (starting with when, Grammar Builderl.2 page 146 S Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets (meet) Jack in town later We usually (you/ wan t) to come7 (wa lk) to school, but tomorrow we bus I (love) theme parks, but the ti ckets (cost) a lot My friends (not wan t) to play tennis because it This coffee (s mell) good , but it 10 (you/ enjoy) this film7 Or I (not believe) Ben's story He (you/ laugh)7 I Why I (rain) (taste) horrible! (you I prefer) comedies? (always I invent) things (not understand) the joke (catch) the train to London as soon as it 'What (go) by (you/ look) at7' 'Those clouds I (arrive) (think) it's going to rain ' SPEAKING Work in pairs Find out what your partner a) usually does at weekends, and b) is doing this weekend Use the words below or your own activities Social activities go for a bike ride go for a walk go out for lunch go shopping go skateboarding go to a cate with friends go to a friend's house listen to music meet friends in town play basketball play table tennis play video games watch TV I a DVD I a film for habits and routines c the Read the Learn this! box Find five state verbs in the conversation in exercise How you know they are state verbs? What you usually at weekends? I usually meet friends in town as soon as, after, if, etc.) What about this weekend7 Read the Learn this! box Complete the rules (a - g) with the correct tenses: present simple or present continuous Use the highlighted examples from the conversation to help you On Saturday, I'm On Sunday, I'm DZycie prywatne Introduction Vocabulary Adjectives I can form and use a variety of adjectives correctly SPEAKING Work in pairs Describe the photo Would you like to appear on stage in a theatre production? Why? I Why not? 1.04 Read and listen to the conversation ·why does Mason change from feeling anxious to feeling terrified? Ruby Mason Ruby Mason Ruby Mason Ruby Miss Hart Mason Miss Hart Ruby Mason So this is your first school show, Mason Are you excited about it7 Yes, I am But I'm anxious too There's going to be a big audience! Don't worry They're friendly! I hope so Where's Alex? He isn't here yet That's strange He's usually very punctual Maybe he's too frightened to come Alex? No, it can't be that He's a really confident person Hello, Mason I had a message from Alex He's ill and can't perform tonight He's very upset about it Can y~u sing his song in the second half? I know the song well, so maybe Thanks, Mason That's brave of you Don't worry, you'll be great You've got your own song now How exciting! I know But I'm terrified I Adjectives ending in -ed usually describe a feeling, while simi lar adjectives ending in -ing describe something or somebody that causes the feeling This game is t iring I'm tired It 's an excit ing competit ion They're feeli ng excited Read the Look out! box Complete the sentences with an VOCABULARY Look at the adjectives below Find five of -ed or -ing adjective formed from the verbs in brackets Q them in the conversation in exercise Adjectives describing feelings bored confused embarrassed relieved cross envi ous shocked anxious delighted excited suspicious The show was quite good, but parts of it were a bit (bore) The singing and dancing were (amaze) A few actors forgot their lines and looked quite (embarrass) The final scenes were actually quite (move) s I was (surprise) that it was over two hours long I was a bit (d isappoint) by the ending My brother is really (annoy) He's always going into my bedroom without permission ashamed disappointed frightened terrified proud upset SPEAKING Work in pairs Ask and answer the questions How you think performers in a school show usually feel before a performance? How might they feel afterwards? Do you mind speaki ng in pub lic? Why? I Why not? LEARN THIS! Adjectives: negative prefixes :~; Adjectives beginning with 1.os Listen to the speakers How is each person feeling? Choose from the adjectives in exercise "' un-, dis- or im- I in-/ ii- I ir- have a negative meaning unenthusiastic disorganised impatient SPEAKING Choose four adjectives from exercise Then find out when your partner last felt that way Read the Learn this! box Which adjectives from exercise can have a negative prefix? Use a dictionary to help you When did you last feel cross? 10 SPEAKING Work in pairs Describe yourself to your partner I fe lt cross when my sister broke my irdrye r using adjectives from exercise (with or without negative prefixes) Include the modifying adverbs a bit, quite or very if necessary VOCABULARY Work in pairs Look at the list of personality I think I'm qu ite hard-working, but I'm a bit disorganised adjectives below Then find four more in the conversation in exercise How many other personality adjectives you know?~ I'm very loyal, but I'm a bit impatient Adjectives describing personality hard-working outgoing - Introduction honest patient kind reliable loyal flexible organised sensitive Vocabulary Builder Adjective endings: page 141 shy O cztowiek Grammar Builder and Reference C z~sto zmieniajq si~ takze okoliczniki cza su Units 'I saw Tom yesterday.' Mowa zalezna He sa id he had seen Tom the day before Mow y zaleznej uzywamy re lacjo nowan ia, co ktos pow iedziat, bez doktad nego cytowania w ypowiedzi tej osoby Przeksztatcen ie zdan w mowie niezaleznej na mo w~ zaleznq cz~sto t his morning/ afternoon I wymaga zm iany czasu gra matycznego evening 'Fred works in London,' sa id Ben t oday that day tonight that night tomorrow the fol low in g day next week / month/ year the follow ing week I month I year that morning I afternoon I evening ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-j Ben said that Fred wor ked in London "" ,., 1~1 Present simple -"'' .I: · ••I~ Past simple ~~~~~~~~ ; - f ~~~~~~~~~-t-~~ 'I like chips ' He said he liked c hips an hour ago an hour earli er ~~~~~~-;-~- ~ -! Prese nt cont inuous Past continuous yesterd ay the day before 'She's worki ng.' He sa id s he was working last week / mont h / year the we ek Past simple Past pe rfect 'He went out ' He sa id he had gone out 'I like it here,' said Mel Present perfect Past perfect Mel said she liked it there 'They've just arrived.' He sa id t hey had just ar r ived Complete t he reported speech with th e correct verb forms Q Past perfect Past perfect 'I had n't noticed.' She sa id she had n't noticed can could 'She can't swim' He sa id s he could n't swim Odniesieni a miejsc r6w niez mogq ulec zmianie 'Su e is sleeping,' sa id Toby Toby sa id t hat Sue 'I ca n't find any clean socks,' said Barn ey Barn ey said th at he would 'They will be here soon He sa id t hey would be here soon Willi am said that he Nast~p uj qce cza sow niki moda lne zwykle nie ulegaj q zmianie might, should, could, would, must, would like 'I might go to the concert ' He sa id he might go to the concert 'I'd like a Coke.' S he said s he'd like a Coke Czas post perfect nie ulega zmianie w mow ie za leznej 'I'd never eaten Chinese food ' S he sa id s he'd never eat en Chinese food Czasow niki w zdan iach po d rz~dnych zazw yczaj zmieniajq s i ~ w mow ie zaleznej He said he didn't t hink he would go out that evening tell zawsze uzywamy dopet nieni a da lszego, natomi ast po soy nie jest to konieczne Po czasowniku I told you t hat I'd be lat e I I said (to you) that I'd be late W mowie za leznej cz~s to pom ijamy that Max sa id that he of th at 'I've never been t o Po rt ugal,' said Jose ph to Po rtugal Joseph sa id th at he 'Gemma might be at ho me,' said Fred Fred said t hat Gemma Mike said t hat Kate to t he zoo 'We arrived t en m inutes ago,' sa id Chris Chri s said t hat they ten minutes earlier Complete t he sentences with t he correct form of said or He me th at he was thirst y Sa rah Mart in Th ey Didyou Kate to me th at she wou ld arri ve at six Toby tha t he'd like to go to th e cinema they wou ld be here at four thatyouwere t hinkingofbecomingapri est7 Ma dison would be angry with me Your brot her W mowie za leznej zaimki cz~sto ulegajq zm ianie Juliet 'I'm cold,' s he sa id (I + he/she) someth ing to me, but I didn 't hear it it was difficu lt t o hear what th e actors were saying Report t he sentences Take care to change the pronouns and expressions of time correctly Q 'I'll ca ll you tomorrow,' said Tom to Rya n We're tired,' t hey sa id (we + they) 'We went t o Paris last month,' Geoff told Gera rd 'I can't come to yo ur hou se today,' said Julia to Mira nda 'I've bor rowed your phone,' he said (your + my) He sa id he had borrowed my phone at home 'Kate 's going to th e zoo,' said Mi ke S he sa id s he was hungry They sa id t hey were t ired Mum 'I hadn't thought of th at ,' sa id Max told Q 'I don't thin k I'll go out thi s eveni ng ' S he said s he was cold any clean soc ks 'I'll he lp Mu m,' said Wi lliam will w mowie zaleznej: I month I year before 'I texted Joanna an hour ago,' Quentin t old Leah 'We 're all go ing out tonight,' sa id Emm a to Amy 'I wa nt you to be here at p.m ,' sa id Jo to Sarah Mfdii Grammar Builder and Reference Grammar Builder and Reference Pytania w mowie zaleinej Czasowniki z dwoma dopetnieniami Do relacjonowania pytan w mowie zaleznej uzywamy czasownika Niekt6re czasowniki !qczq si~ z dwoma dopetnieniami: blizszym wprowadzajqcego ask i dalszym Dopetnienie dalsze wyst~puje jako pierwsze i zwykle 'Is it rai ni ng?' I asked odnosi si~ osoby I asked if it was rai ning I gave my aunt a present Kiedy przeksztalcamy pytania w mowie niezaleznej na pytania Jesli jako pierwsze wyst~puje dopetnienie blizsze, to dopetnienie w mowie zaleznej, zmienia si~ czas gramatyczny, zaimki, a cz~sto dalsze musi bye zwykle poprzedzone przyimkiem (to albo for) takze okoliczniki czasu Sq to takie same zmiany cow wypadku She reads her children a story every evening innych zdan w mowie zaleznej (patrz 8.1) ALE She reads a story to her children every evening W hat you wa nt to tomorrow?' she asked me Do czasownik6w lqczqcych si~ z dwoma dopetnieniami nalezq S he asked me what I wanted to the following day mi~dzy innymi: W pytaniach w mowie zaleznej podmiot poprzedza czasownik bring buy cook find give lend make offer pass promise read sell send show tell i nie stosuje si~ czasownik6w positkowych, takich jak czy did W here does your friend live?' Rewrite the sentences without a preposition Put the indirect object first Q She asked me where my friend lived W pytaniach szczeg6towych w mowie za leznej uzywamy tego samego zaimka pytajqcego cow mowie niezaleznej W hat did you have fo r lunch?' I gave some amazing presents to my family this Christmas I didn't tell your secret to anybody We cooked a special meal for my parents last night S he asked me what I had had fo r lunc h My mum made a brilliant fancy dress costume for my brother W pytaniach og61nych, kt6re nie zawierajq zaimka pytajqcego, ~re you ready?' We sold our old car to our next-door neighbours Have you offered a sweet to everybody in the class? Please can you pass these books to Ben7 He asked her if I whether s he was ready The estate agent found a much bigger flat for us w mowie zaleznej uzywamy stowa iflub whether Complete the reported qu estions with a question word (who, which, what, how or why) or if Q I asked my brother She asked he was looking so sad my best friend's name was They asked her her favourite subject was maths I asked my friends We asked the driver they had felt about their exam results the bus would arrive early or late He asked me my birthday was She asked him he could play the piano she had ever been to China I asked her Write the direct questions that are reported in exercise Q Umt9 9.1 Trzeci tryb warunkowy Zdania w trzecim trybie warunkowym tworzymy za pomocq konstrukcji: if+ czas post perfect, would hove+ imiest6w czasu przesztego If you'd gone to bed earlier, you wouldn't have fal len asleep in class Trzeciego trybu warunkowego uzywamy, kiedy m6wimy o hipotetycznych sytuacjach dotyczcicych przesztosci If we'd left earlier, we wouldn't have missed the train Cz~sto uzywamy tego trybu wyrazania zalu tub krytyki If you'd been more careful, you wouldn't have dropped those plates ' 7' we asked the driver ' ?' I asked my brother 7' she asked ' 7' he asked me ' 7' they asked her 7' she asked him Zdanie podrz~dne z if moze tez wystqpic na koncu zdania ztozonego 4' 7' I asked my friends 7' I asked her I'd have invited you if I'd known you liked fancy dress parties Write these questions as reported questions Q 'Where's my dictionary?' my sister asked me My s ister asked me where 'What did you this morning?' I asked Anna 'Are you going to Jake's party?' Lucy asked me 'Why are you laughing at me?' Adam asked his mother 'Will you be here all day?' I asked my uncle 'Who told you about my idea?' my brother asked me You would have passed your exams if you'd worked a bit harder W zdaniach w trzecim trybie warunkowym mozemy uzyc skr6conych form wyraz6w hod i would Obie majq t~ samq postaC: 'd If I'd had more money, I'd have paid for you W m6wionym j~zyku angielskim cz~sto skracamy zar6wno would, jak i hove w zdaniu nadrz~dnym W pisanym j~zyku angielskim zazwyczaj nie skracamy tych stow J~zyk m6wiony: If I hadn't run out of petrol, l'd've come by car J~zyk pisany: If I hadn't run out of petrol I'd have come by car Grammar Builder and Reference - - - - - Grammar Builder and Reference Write third conditional sentences Use the verbs in 5l brackets If I (drive) faster, we If Mary (arrive) before six (get) to the cinema earlier, she I saw three men who were arguing about a taxi We talked to a young man who wanted to study in England You (know) what to if you {listen) to the instructions You (not cut) yourself if you (not be) so ca reless with the kn ife (have) the time, I I saw three men arguing about a taxi (see) the start of the film If I Rewrite the sentences using participle clauses to replace the relative clauses.~ (call) you (not get) angry if you (not be) so rude! Do you think you (pass) your exams if you A suspected burglar, who had been arrested by the police, has escaped My uncle bought a pen that was made of gold She was wearing a necklace that belonged to her grandmother (work) Three men, who were coming out of the restaurant late at harder? Rewrite the two sentences as one Use the third conditional.§ night, saw the robbery Pytania typu ,,naprawd~?" Pytan typu naprawd~7" uzywamy jako reakcji na stwierdzenie You didn't go to bed early You were tired the following morning If you'd gone to bed early, you wouldn't have been t ired the following morning Emma didn't catch the bus She had to walk to school wypowiedziane przez rozm6wc~ WyrazaJil one zainteresowanie lub zaskoczenie 'I've bought a new bike.' 'Have you? How could you afford it?' The tickets were expensive I didn't t ravel by plane Pytania typu ,,naprawd~7" tworzymy za pomocq czasownika be, I ate too much I felt ill czasownik6w positkowych (do, have) lub modalnych (np will lub I spent all my money I was broke would) I took a painkiller My headache went away We didn't save a lot of money We weren't ab le to buy a 'He hasn't seen that film.' new car 'Hasn't he? Well let's rent it then.' 'I hate cats.' 'Do you? I thought you liked them.' 9.2 lmiesfowowe r6wnowai:niki zdan lmiestowowych r6wnowaznik6w zdan uzywamy wprowadzania Czas I Stwierdzenie I Pytanie typu ,,naprawd~?" dodatkowych informacji na temat rzeczownika Mozna je okreslie Present sim pie I like dogs Do you? Definiujqce: Present continuous He's eating Is he? A woman wearing a yellow T-shirt ran out of the shop (=who was Past simple She broke her arm Did she7 wearing a yellow T-shirt) Present perfect It has finished Has it7 Niedefiniujqce: Past perfect They hadn't met Had n't they7 can She can't swim Can't she? will She won't forget Won'tshe7 would He'd enjoy skiing Would he7 jako skr6cone zdan ia przydawkowe (definiujqce albo niedefiniujqce) Her uncle, looking anxious, was standing on the pavement {= who was looking anxious) lmies!owowe r6wnowazniki zdan mogq si~ zaczynae od imiestowu czasu terainiejszego (forma -ing) lub przesztego R6wnowazniki zdan z imiestowem czasu terainiejszego (forma -ing) zast~pujq Zap ami~taj szczeg6lne przypadki: zdania w stronie czynnej Zdan ia te mogq bye w dowolnym czasie Tm not hungry.' Aren't you?' NIE 1'\11m't yBu? X Outside the cafe, there was a man selling postcards (= who was 'You never invtte me to your house.' 'Don't I?' selling postcards) 'Nothing bad happened.' 'Didn't it?' She gave me a box containing some old letters (= which contained 'Nobody wants to sit next to me.' 'Don't they?' some old letters) Match statements 1- with reply questions a- e 5l R6wnowazniki zdan z imiestowem czasu przesztego zast~pujq zdania w stronie biernej Zdania te mogq bye w dowolnym czasie A Roman vase found in France last year is being sold (= which was found in France last year) Grammar Builder and Reference Yesterday was Monday Nothing exciting happened on holiday a Didn't it7 Our dog had never run away before c Was it7 b Did it7 The train had to stop suddenly d Has it7 My laptop has broken aga in e Hadn't it7 Grammar Builder and Reference Write reply questions for these statements H I want to go somewhere different for my holiday this year Nobody told me about your accident I'm not ready to go out yet Our friends never go out during the week Match the question tags below with statements 1-8 aren't I? didn't you7 had you? shall we? were they? weren't they? will we? wouldn't you7 You hadn't seen your friend for years, It costs a lot to send texts abroad Gorillas can't swim I'd rather spend this weekend at home My parents wouldn't enjoy skiing 9.4 Pytania typu ,,nieprawdai?" Pytar\ typu ,,nieprawdaz7" (question tags) uzywamy, kiedy chcemy, Let's go away for a few days, You'd rather be alone this evening, Nobody was surprised at his decision, We won't arrive on time, Your parents were teachers, I'm the best chess player in the school, You had double maths this morning, Add a question tag to these statements by rozm6wca potwierdzit nasze stowa Zdanie z pytaniem tego Nobody wants to go home, We hadn't finished that pizza, You can't see my phone, ·7 stwierdzenie You live in Madrid, don't you? Jesli czasownik w poprzedzajqcym stwierdzeniu ma formi:; twierdzqcq, pytanie typu ,,nieprawdaz7" jest przeczqce, i na odwr6t She was late, wasn't s he? She wasn't late, was s he2 Pytania typu ,,nieprawdaz7" tworzymy za pomocq czasownika be, czasownik6w positkowych (do, have) lub modalnych (np will lub would) I Stwierdzenie H ? It isn't too late to change my mind, typu czi:;sto brzmi grzecznieJ niz pytanie bezposrednie lub samo Czas H I Pytanie typu I That shop is never open, 10 11 Your dad wouldn't give us a lift, You're hardly ever at home, Let's buy some popcorn, I'm your best friend, They aren't listening, 7 Calls from abroad cost a lot, 12 I'll see you soon, ? ,,nieprawdai:"? 9.5 soi such Soi such uzywamy, kiedy chcemy podkreslic znaczenie She likes dogs, doesn't she7 Present continuous He's eating, isn't he7 przymiotnika lub przyst6wka be+ so+ przymiotnik Past simple She broke her arm, didn't she7 Present perfect It has finished, hasn't it? Past perfect They hadn't met, had they7 can She can't swim, can she7 will She won't forget, will she7 would He'd enjoy skiing, wouldn't he7 let's Let 's go to the park, shall we7 I'm the winner, aren't I? 7 Present simple Zapamii:;taj szczeg61ne przypadki: I'm so tired! so+ przyst6wek You write so quickly! such+ a/an+ przymiotnik + rzeczownik w I poj He's such a rude man such+ przymiotnik + rzeczownik w I mn / rzeczownik niepoliczalny They serve such delicious chips I pizza Complete the sentences with so or such tSI, The guard on the train was It never rains here, does it? This is Let's go to the park, shall we? The tickets were Nothing's wrong, is it? We waited Nobody minds if I eat the last piece, they? They serve impolite to mel a dirty seatl expensive I a longtimeforthetrain horrible food in buffet carsl The clerk in the ticket office spoke quickly that I couldn't understand her Why did the tram travel slowly? There are usually long queues at the ticket machines that I buy my tickets on line Grammar Builder and Reference - - Writing Bank Informal letter You recently visited an English frie nd in York Write a letter to Clare • • • • Thank Clare for looking after you du ring your visit Describe your first week at university Ask Clare about her job and tell her your plans to work pa rt-time Invite her to visit \:~~~~-~!~.~i.::= • Rozpocznij list od Dear i imienia adresata • Na poczcitku listu zapytaj o samopoczucie adresata ~-H~~ ·a ~~-th·i·~gs~1 1t was great to see you during the holidays! Thanks fo~·s·h~wing me ~II the sights of York I had a fantastic time I started university here in Krakow last week There's so much • Podziel list na kr6tkie aka pity, tak aby kazdy z nich dotyczyt innego tematu information and so many new people to meet I think the course is going to be really interesting and I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun here How is your newjob? Are you enjoying it? It must be really nice • wliscie prywatnym mozna uzywac st6w i zwrot6w potocznych to be earning some money I'm going to try to get a part-time job while I'm studying here A bit of extra cash will be really useful There's a bookshop in the city centre that's advertising for staff so I might go there and have a chat with them Well I've got to get back to the books Write soon : f?e~~-~!~h~~· : Kuba ····························· (f.s.Y~~-~~~-~ery welcome to come and visit • Mozesz zakonczyc list takimi zwrotami, jak Write soon, Best wishes, See you soon lub Take core, i swoim imieniem Jesli dobrze znasz osobE;, kt6rej piszesz, mozesz napisac Love, Lots of love lub With love from Uzyj skr6tu PS, gdy chcesz podac dodatkowe informacje lub zadac dodatkowe pytanie na koncu listu me next year \ Do you think you will be able to? I hope so! : ···················· ····· E-mail You have received a letter from an English-speaking friend who has just started university in Cambridge Write an email • • • • Describe a job you have recently started Accept an invitation to visit Share some news about your family Ask about your friend 's plans for Christmas and describe your own plans • Prywatny e-mail CZE;sto rozpoczyna siE; od Hi lub samego imienia adresata Zwykle nie uzywa SiE; Dear • Piszcic e-mail, mozesz uzywac zwrot6w potocznych • Uzywaj form skr6conych, np We're i /'// oraz skr6t6w takich jak etc., e.g • Mozesz zakonczyc e-mail zwrotem See you soon, See you later lub Bye for now Hi, Karl, Thanks for your letter - it was great to hear from you! I'm really pleased that you're enjoying university I started my new job last week and I don't like it at all My boss is really rude and we have to work long hours No one else t alks to me - not even the customers! I'd love to come and visit you next year Cambridge sounds like a great place There's so much I'd like to see there I can't wait! Tomorrow, I'm going t o visit my cousin in hospital She hasn't had an accident - she's had a baby! It's a little girl and they've called her Lily Do you like that name? What are you up t o at Christmas? I'm going to st ay with my grandp arents in Edinburgh I hope to hear from you soon Take care Bye for now, Aleksy Writing Bank Writing Bank Blog post Your En glish penfriend Clare came to stay with you at Easter Write a biog post • Explain how you know Clare • Descri be her appearan ce and perso nality • Descri be a memorable day out • Speculate about a visit to England in t he future • W swojej wypowiedzi staraj siE; uzywac roznych czasow gramatycznych Poszczegolne punkty polecenia sq tak skonstruowane, aby ci to umozliwiC Tworzqc wpis na blogu, unikaj oficjalnych zwrotow UZ:ywaj nieformalnego lub neutralnego jE;zyka • PamiE;taj, ze dtugosc tekstu powinna wynosic od 80 130 stow i uwzglE;dniac wszystkie elementy polecenia • Dobrym pomystem jest uwzglE;dnienie kazdego elementu polecenia w oddzielnym akapicie ~··L:a5t · E:·a5ier-:· m;··p;;·r1fr:i.en·ci · c(ci·r-e··c:ame· fo··5·fa:Y ·v;;fh me in."Krak2;v;·fo·r········ !two weeks I know Clare because our schools arranged an exchange : programme and we visited each other two years ago Since then, we : have sent regular emails and letters, but we haven't seen each other :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : Clare is the same age as me She's tall with short, dark hair and green : eyes We get on well because our personaliti es are very similar We're both easy-going and friendly, but quite shy too We both hate loud , : arrogant people' ! Because Clare visited at Easter, I wanted to show her how we celebrate the festival here in Krakow So on Easter Monday, we went out to the fair with buckets of water and splashed lots of people It was great fun and · Clare really enjoyed experiencing a local tradition If I can save up enough money between now and August, I'll go to England to visit Clare for a fortnight We may go camping for a few days while I'm there I hope the British weather is better than they say l _., Internet discussion forum post Your local authority has decided that a superm arket chain can build a store on some nearby playi ng fi elds Write a post for an internet discussion foru m • Explai n w hy you d isagree wi th th e deci sio n • Present the ad va ntages of gree n spaces in t ow ns • Desc ri be a mem o rabl e event that too k place t here • Suggest a better locatio n for t he superm arket and give reason s • • I strongly disagree with the plan to build a supermarket on the playing fields near our school Firstly, it w ill mean losing an important facility for recreation People of all ages use the fie lds for jogging, playing sports and having picnics Secondly, it w ill cause an increase in traffic around the school • Rozpocznij wypow iedz od wyjasnienia jej kontekstu • Kiedy wymieniasz argumenty lub przyktady, uzywaJ takich wyrazow, jak Firstly lub Secondly Gree n spaces are particularly important in tow ns They provide a space w here p e ople can escape from noise and pollution Moreove r, they make the whole area more attractive Last November, there w as a firew ork d isplay on the playing fields Hundreds of people attended a n d the event raised a lot of money for charity • Tworzqc wpis na forum internetowym, unikaj zbyt nieformalnego jE;zyka • Aby wyrazic swojq opiniE;, uzywaj takich zw rotow,jak In my view lub As I see it • PamiE;taj, ze dtugosc tekstu powinna wynosi c In my view, it would be better to build a new supermarket n e xt to the station The buildings there are mostly e mpty A new supermarket would improve this part of town od 80 130 stow i uwzglE;dniac wszystkie elementy polecenia • Dobrym pomystem jest uwzglE;dnienie kazdego elementu polecenia w oddzielnym akapicie Writing Bank lflm Writing Bank For and against essay Many you ng ad ults choose to leave their parents' home in order to share a house with friends Write an essay in which you present arguments for and aga inst this course of action In the past, most people lived with their parents until they got married But in the j modern world, it's more common to leave home and share accommodation with j friends This choice has both positive and negative aspects : Sharing with friends has several advantages Firstly, it gives you the opportunity to spend time with your friends and to ·ouild strong relationships with them Secondly, it allows you to develop some of the practical skills that you will need as an independent adult For instance, you will learn how to manage household bills, how to shop and cook, and so on And thirdly, it makes living in your own home more affordable, and the more people who share, the more cost-effective it is (F~~·i;;~t~~~~;·:a shared house for six people is far cheaper ··························· than two houses for three people i (i;·th·~- -~th~~j.;·~~d.·; ·sharing a home has its disadvantages Sharing a house ······ '~~~ ·~ft·~·~ · ~~~~·~ ·d.i~~greements For instance, housemates often argue about household chores What is more, it can be difficult to have time alone when you \ need it And finally, the houses which young people share are sometimes in \ poor condition and landlords are not always good at repairing appliances when \ they break ··' Although sharing a house with other young adults is not always easy, the \ advantages definitely outweigh the problems It is certainly something I would [ like to in a few years' time ! • We wstE;pie rozprawki przedstaw tezE; zawartq wtemacie W drugim akapicie przedstaw argumenty popierajqce tezE; Jesli to mozliwe, uzyj trzech argument6w • Podaj przyktady, kt6re wprowadzisz za pomocq takich wyrazen, jak For example, lub For instance, • Aby wyrazic kontrast, rozpocznij trzeci akapit od takich wyrazen, jak On the other hand, lub However, W t rzeci m akapicie przedstaw argumenty przeciw gt6wnej tezie Postaraj SiE; uzyc trzech argument6w • Czwarty akapit powinien zawierac podsumowanie i wn ioski Wy raz swoja opiniE; i zdecyduj, kt6re argumenty przewazajci Article According to the media, young people today are more inte rested in protests than in traditiona l party politics Write an article for your local newspaper in which you give possible reasons for this preference and describe a protest which you personally witnessed or took part in • Wyb ierz wtasciwy tytut dla swojego artykutu • Zaczn ij artykut w ciekawy spos6b, tak aby przycicignqc uwagE; czytelnika Mozesz to zrobic za pomocci pytan ia lub kontrowersyj nego stwierdzenia • Stosuj pytania w dalszej CZE;SCi tekstu, aby utrzymac uwagE; czyte lnika StosuJ prosty, zrozumiaty styl, wtasciwy dla artykutu gazety lub czasopisma Unikaj zbyt formalnego lub potocznego jE;zyka Upewnij siE;, ze uwzglE;dnites/as wszystkie elementy wymagane w poleceniu Dobrym pomystem jest rozwiniE;cie tych element6w w osobnych akapitach mD Writing Bank AN APPETITE FOR ACTIVISM : X?.~.n.g_ P.8.0.P.!~ ~O.~?Y ~.n_I Y c.a.r~ ~.~.o.~t s.?.c.i.a.1 n.i~.d_i.a • n.i.~.?.i.~ a.n.~ ~a.s.~io.n ' - or at least, that's the impression you get from the media But in fact, this description is far from the truth Young people are interested in important issues and want to make the world a better place But they prefer direct action to party politics :· what.ar·8··1he reasa·ri·s··for friis?·: rtPh~:ii~~t:~~~~ci~::i ~:1;;~:~i~:~ 1:~~i:·;n·051·te"e.iia9eis.are stiii.foa··y-a·uii9·t0·v0fo·:·i;6··, ~ i vv.~.v s.~.o.~!~.-~~e.Y ~~.~-e ?.n !~~e.r~~~ i.n P.~.r]t.P.~!!~i~.~ ?is·Li1 · 1h·e.re·a-r8.Cifri8r.fiiciors··1ao [ [ : ~ : : [ : [ [ When young people look at traditional politics, they don't find answers to the questions that are most important to them How can we put an end to poverty? How can we save the world from pollution and global warming? But there are other organisations that address these topics directly They arrange protests and other forms of activism What is more, they use social media and the internet to publicise their campaigns, so it is easy for young people to find out about them Last month, I attended a protest against the building of a new retail park Many of the protestors were under the age of twenty We met near the proposed construction site and then marched into town, finishing outside the town hall We stayed there all afternoon, giving out leaflets and talking to members of the public l ~~ was a very successful protest and we even appeared on the local TV news Writing Bank Opinion essay Many people believe that is t oo lat e t o reverse the harm wh ich humans have done to t he planet Write an essay in which you present your opinion on this topic and suggest how people could limit further damage to the environment • Stosuj styl fo rmalny i unikaj potocznych wyrazen j For many decades, humans have been damaging the ; environment by polluting the atmosphere and the oceans ' Global warming threatens to change the planet's climate forever and make large areas of it uninhabitable In my opinion, it impossible to reverse all ofthis damage:-tJut we can = is ce.rta~~!ymake aposi.~ive .~~'.,'.e:,~n.ce .~y~ha~ging o~r.~ehavi.our., , In.recent years there has been some progress in preventing ' pollution For example, factories and car engines are far • We wstE;p ie przedstaw swojq op in iE; na temat prob lemu opisanego w temac ie • Stosuj wyrazy i wyrazenia lqczqce zdan ia i aka pity, np Additionally, lub However, W drugim akapicie skup siE; na rozwin iE;ciu pierwszego elementu polecen ia • Rozwin swoje argumenty, podajqc przyktady Aby je wprowadzic, stosuj takie wyrazenia, jak For example, , For instance, i such as • W trzec im akapi cie skup siE; na rozwiniE;ciu drugiego elementu polecenia • W ostatn im aka picie ponown ie wyraz swojq op iniE;, ale nie powta rzaj tych sa mych stow, kt6rych uzytes/as we wstE;pie cleaner t han they were f ifty years ago.'(\~~:(i,i?.n.~l[y":some products that harm t he atmosphere, such as aerosols t hat : contain dangerous chemicals are no longer available However, some forms of pollution are more difficult to tackle Plastic j waste will rema in in the environ ment for thousands of years ; And alt hough governments are attempting to limit carbon ~ : emissions nobody is certain whether this will be enough to ' stop global warming But it is important to remain positive and 9o everything we can to prevent further damage to our planet i It is perfectly possible for individuals to limit their own impact exam pie:: : on the environment}or they should save electricity · by switching off lig hts:·c;c;n;·pute.~s and other electrical ' appliances when t hey are not using t hem As far as possible, , they should avoid buying products with plastic packaging and : drink water from a reusable bottle · · In conclusion, I would say that we s hould all what we can to ' prevent more damage to our environment However, only t ime will tell whether this is enough to reverse the harm that has already been done Formal letter (complaint) You and yo ur fam ily recent ly ce leb rated a special occasion in a small hote l, but were unhappy with th e experience Writ e a letter of compla int to the hot el manage r in w hich you describe what went w rong and suggest how th e hot el could improve its service t o cust omers • Rozpocznij list od Dear Sir or Madam, jesli ni e znasz nazwiska osoby, kt6rej piszesz Jesli znasz nazwisko :::~~:~:~ :~:i!.:~r.:~:a.~~:~ ) adresata, pop rzedzje zwrotem Dear Mr, Mrs lub Ms :· i·ani.W'rit'in9·fr;·e:·0ffii)ra·fri'ii6c;li1·a··r;;c:;;iit'.5taY'·a1·tfie.wfiiie.'Deer.i-ioiei.iii iira·c:icifo.rci····:~ : b.~~.~.~n ~ ~.n.~ ~.q ~~y/rfie hCiiida·y·'had beeii iirraiicied 1a··e:·eieiJrii~~"friY '.""""""""""""""""" grandfather's 75th birthday and involved twelve family members.,~ Unfortunately, :··1iie se.riiice.we receiiieci tro·iii·yau·r·ii·ciiei.wa·5··e:·Ci;ni)'t'eteiy.iii·a·deq·i:iate and ! P.~~.~.~.n,t~.~ ~ ~.r?.~ ~n,j ?X i.~.9 ~h a.t ~h.~.~!? h.~.~~ ~.~.e.n ~ v.~.rl/ 5.P.~~ !~ ! o.~.~.a.~.i.?.n,: Our problems began as soon as we arrived The check-in process took more than an hour and it appeared the hotel was not expecting us, even though I had phoned the week before to confirm our reservation After that, things went from bad to worse For example, we had asked that my grandparents be given a superior double room In fact, they were given a standard room overlooking the car park at the back of the hotel When we complained, we were told that the hotel was full and a change of rooms was impossible May I suggest that in future the hotel makes better preparations for special events of this kind? You should make guests feel welcome from the moment they arrive I also believe that your check-in procedu re needs to be improved For example, at busy times, more than one receptionist should be at the desk I expect to receive an explanation for our unsatisfactory treatment and would appreciate an offer of compensation I look forward to your reply : Y?~i~::f~)~~f~i!Y.::: M Wri9ht • W pierwszym akapicie okresl, w jakiej sprawie piszesz • Stosuj styl fo rm alny i uni kaj potocznych wyrazen • W drugim akap icie listu odnies siE; pierwszego elementu polecenia PamiE;taj, aby go rozwinqc, podajqc szczeg6ty i przyktady • W kolejnym akapicie rozwin drugi element po lecenia • Zakon cz gt6wnq CZE;SC listu, informujqc, czego oczekuj esz Zakoncz list zwrotem Yours faithfully, jesli zaczqtes/ zaczE;tas list od Dear Sir or Madam, lub zwrotem Yours sincerely, jesli uzytes/ as na poczqtku nazwiska adresata Mark Wright Writing Bank - - Functions Bank Presenting your ideas Przedstawianie swoich poglc1d6w I agree that (l F) Zgadzam si~, ze Nie zgadzam si~, ze I don't agree that (l F) It's (not) true to say that In my experience, (l F) (lF) Identifying people in photos Wskazywanie osob na zdj~ciach The man wearing a yellow T-shirt (3G) M~zczyzna w z6ttym T-shircie The girl in purple leggings (3G) Dziewczyna w fioletowych legginsach The woman with a ponytail (3G) Kobieta z wlosami spi~tymi w koriski ogon The boy who is on the ground (3G) Chtopiec na ziemi To prawda/nieprawda, ze Wiem z doswiadczenia, ze Personally, I believe that (lF) Osobiscie uwazam, ze I'm not sure about that (lF) Nie mam co tego pewnosci For example/ For instance, (lF) Na przyktad Speculating Snucie przypuszczen Polite requests Grzeczne prosby It looks like some kind (3G) To wyglqda na jakis/jakqs/jakies Would it be possible for you to (lH) Czy m6glbys/mogtabys ? I think it's of some kind (3G) Mysl~, ze to jest pewnego rodzaju Could you please ? (lH) Czy m6gtbys/moglabys There's a sort of (3G) Jest jakis/jakas/jakies Pozwolisz, ze ? It's most likely (3G) To najprawdopodobnieJ jest Would you mind (+-ing form) (l H) Czy m6gtbys/mogtabys ? I would say./ I'd say that (3G) Powiedziatbym/Powiedziatabym, ze I wonder if (lH) Zastanawiam si~, czy Introducing your opinions Przedstawianie wtasnych opinii Explaining preference Uzasadnianie preferencji I believe that I'd find it (2F) Moim zdaniem to bytoby I not believe that (3H) Nie wierz~, ze It sounds really (2F) To brzmi In my view/ As I see it, (3H) Moim zdaniem I'd like to play it because (2F) Chciatbym/Chciatabym (w) to zagrac, poniewaz It seems to me that (3H) Wydaje mi si~, ze I am (not) convinced that (3H) Jestem (nie jestem) przekonany/ przekonana, ze Making an additional point Wprowadzanie kolejnego argumentu Moreover, (3H) Ponadto Would you mind if (lH) naprawd~ It appeals/ doesn't appeal to me because (2F) Podoba mi si~ /Nie podoba mi si~, poniewaz I'm (not) really into (2F) Jestem /Nie jestem wielkim mitosnikiem /wielkq mitosniczkq I'd rather (2F) Wolatbym/Wolatabym I can't stand (2F) Nie znosz~ I don't mind , but (2F) Nie mam nic przeciwko ., ale Permission Pozwolenie/zgoda Am I allowed to ? (2G) Czywolno mi .7 allow* sugeruje, ze sq jakies regulacje, kt6re na cos pozwalajij bqdz nie (3H) Uwazam,ze Ponadto ./Co wi~cej Furthermore, (3H) What is more, Cowi~cej (3H) Not only that, but (3H) Nie tylko to, ale Introducing proposals and solutions Przedstawianie propozycji i rozwi'lzan One solution might be to (3H) Jednym z rozwiqzari moze bye What I propose is that (3H) Proponuj~, zeby Yes, you are./ No, you aren't (2G) Tak, wolno ci /Nie wolno ci Can I (2G) Czy mog~ ? (og6lna mozliwosc) I would strongly recommend that (3H) Yes, you can./ No, you can't (2G) Tak, mozesz /Nie, nie mozesz It is vital that (3H) Koniecznie trzeba In order to tackle this problem, I suggest that (3H) Aby rozwiqzac ten problem, Concluding To sum up, (3H) Podsumowywanie May I (2G) Czy mog~ (konkretna mozliwosc) Yes, you may./ No, you may not (2G) Tak, mozesz /Nie, nie mozesz Asking for a response I Offering a response Zadawanie pytan / Udzielanie odpowiedzi Do you agree7 (3D) Zgadzasz si~7 What's your view I opinion? (3D) Jakie jest twoje zdanie? What you think7 (3D) Co sqdzisz? I'm not sure I agree (3D) Nie jestem pewien/pewna, czy si~ zgadzam I think/ don'tthinkyou're right (3D) Sqdz~ ze masz racj~ / nie masz racji That's what I think too (3D) Functions Bank Tez tak sqdz~ In conclusion, (3H) To conclude, (3H) Zdecydowanie polecam proponuj~ Podsumowujqc, Podsumowujqc, Koriczqc, Functions Bank Describing where you live Opisywanie swojego miejsca zamieszkania It's a flat/ detached house, etc (4A) Jestto mieszkanie / dom wolnostojqcy itp It's in the town centre, etc (4A) Jest w centrum miasta itp There's a park/ There are some shops nearby (4A) W poblizu jest park/ sq sklepy Describing people Opisosob What's he/ she like' (6A) Jaki on/on a jest7 (pytanie o charakter) I'd say he/ she was fairly (6A) Powiedzialbym/Powiedzialabym, ze on/ona byl/byla dose/calkiem He I She sees himself I herself as (6A) On/Ona postrzega siebie It's got (bedrooms) (4A) Ma (sypialn i) Ma (inne pomieszczenia) He's/ She's a person (6A) He's/ She's not particularly (6A) On/Ona jest osobq There is I are (other rooms) (4A) There's/ There isn't a (4A) Jest/ Nie ma He/ She can get a bit (6A) On/Ona moze bye troch~ Moving the conversation on Kontynuacja konwersacji It's a bit/ very (adjective) (4A) Jesttroch~/bardzo On/Ona nie jest szczeg6lnie (przymiotnik) Moving on to the question of (6G) Przechodzqc kwestii Zwroty pozwalajilce zyskac czas Another thing I wanted to ask/ know is (6G) Let me see I'd have to give that some thought (4G) Niech pomysl~ Musialbym/ Musialabym si~ nad tym zastanowic' Something else I'd like to ask about Jest jeszcze cos, o co chcialbym/ is (6G) chcialabym jeszcze zapytae That's a difficult question, but a very important one (4G) To trudne, ale bardzo wazne pytanie Phrases for gaining time Oczywiscie jest to kwestia, It's clearly a question which people na temat kt6rej ludzie majq have strong feelings about (4G) zdecydowane poglqdy Well, thinking about it, (4G) C6z,jakterazotym mysl~ • All things considered, I (don't) suppose (4G) W sumie (nie) I suppose the thing is, (4G) Sqdz~, Co Jeszcze7 Dobrze Reacting to photos Opiszdj~c It looks to me/ doesn't look to me as if they (SG) Wyglqda I Nie wyglqda na to, ze oni/one They look/ don't look (to me) as if/ Wyglqda /Nie wyglqda na to, as though they're (SG) ze onijone They look/ don't look like they're Wyglqda /Nie wyglqda na to, (+ -ing form) (SG) ze onijone (6G) To mi przypomina, Asking for information Pytanie o informacj~ Could you tell me (6G) Czy m6gtbys/moglabys mi powiedziee / I was wondering (6G) I'd like to know (6G) Zastanawialem/Zastanawialam czy si~, Chcialbym/Chciatabym si~ dowiedziee, I'd be interested to know (6G) lnteresuje mnie May I ask .7 (6G) Czy mog~ za pytae .7 Rhetorical questions Pytania retoryczne Who wou Id want to live in a world where (6H) Kto chciatby zye na swiecie, w kt6rym How can it be rightthat (6H) Jak moze bye w porzqdku to, ze ? What could be betterthan (+ -ing form)' (6H) Co mogtoby bye lepsze niz Is it not just as important to (6H) Czy nie tak samo wazne jest, by Czy to juz nie pora, abys my wszyscy ? Why should/ shouldn't we ? (6 H) Dlaczego mielibysmy / nie mielibysmy • t Argumg your pom Uzasadnianie swojego punktu "d w1 zema Uwazam, ze In my opinion, I As I see it, (7F) Moim zdaniem Moim zdaniem It cou Id be argued that (7F) Mozna twierdziC, ze I agree with you (7 F) Zgadzam si~ z tobq I see your point, but (7F) Rozumiem tw6j punkt widzenia, ale That may be true, but (7F) Bye moze to prawda, ale Wydajq si~ calkiem It seems to me that (SG) Wydaje mi si~, ze The way I see it (SG) Skora mowa o , Speaking of , (6G) That reminds me, Czy mog~ zapytae ci~ o Is it not time we all (+past tense)? (6 H) They seem quite (SG) They don't look/ don't seem very (+ adj) (SG) Personally, I think/ don't think that (SG) I believe that (SG) (6G) sqdz~ ze chodzi o to, ze That's a very interesting question, To bardzo interesujqce pytanie, ale but not one I've thought a lot about nie takie, o kt6rym wczesniej duzo before now (4G) myslalem/myslalam Actually, now I come to think Wlasciwie,jesli si~ zastanowie about it, (4G) What else? Well, (4G) Could I ask you about Chcialbym/Chcialabym zapytae jeszczeo Nie wyglqdajq na /wydajq si~ nie bardzo Osobiscie (nie) uwazam, ze For me, the important thing is (that) Dia mniewaznq/istotnq rzeczqjest (to) (SG) Functions Bank miZ!J Functions Bank Likes and dislikes Upodobania Parting Pozegnanie I'm a big fan of (7G) Jestem wielkim mitosnikiem / wielkij mitosniczkq Safe journeyi (SG) BezpieczneJ podr6zy1 I'm quite into (7G) Bardzo lubir; I'm really keen on (7G) Naprawdr; lubir; Thank you so much for having me (SG) I absolutely love (7G) Absolutnie uwielbiam See you again soon (SG) Do zobaczenia wkr6tce I enjoy very much (7G) Bardzo lubir; Keep in touch (SG) Bqdzmy w kontakcie Have a good trip I nice holiday (SG) Udanej podrozy / mi!ego urlopu Dzir;kujr;, ze mogr; tu bye'/ za zaproszenie to raczej nie jest cos dla mnie Take care./ Look after you rself (SG) Dbaj o siebie I'm not really into (7G) Nie jestem wielkim mitosnikiem / wielkq mitosniczkq Give my love to (your sister) (SG) I really can't stand (7G) Naprawdr; nie znoszr; Remember me to (your mum) (SG) Pozdrow (swojq mamr;) ode mnie I'm not a big fan of (7G) Nie jestem wielkim mitosnikiem / wielkq mitosniczkq Congratulating Gratulacje Well done (for passing your exam)! (SG) Swietna robota (ze zdates/zdatas egzamin)I It's fantastic that you (passed your exam) (SG) To wspan iale/fantastycznie, ze ty (zdates/zdatas egzamin) You really deserve it (SG) Naprawdr; na to zastugujesz That's an amazing achievement (SG) To niesamowite osiqgnir;cie is not really my thing (7G) doesn't anything for me (7G) mnie nie przemawia I've never been that keen on (7G) Nigdy nie przepadatem/ przepadatam szczeg6lnie za Introducing a negative opinion Wprowadzanie negatywnej opinii I'm afraid (7G) Obawiam sir;, Usciskaj/Pozdr6w ode mnie (swojq siostrr;) I must say (7G) Muszr; powiedziec', Szczerze m6wiqc, Congratulations! That's brilliant news! (SG) Gratulujr;I To swietna wiadomosc'I To be frank/ honest (7G) If I'm honest, (7G) Jesli mam bye' szczery/szczera, I'm really happy for you (SG) Bardzo sir; cieszr; Sympathising Wyraianie wsp6tczucia To be blunt, (7G) Persona lly, (7G) Mowiqc wprost I bez ogr6dek, Osobiscie, Get well soon (SG) Wracaj zdrowia Co za pechl Mam nadziejr;, ze wkr6tce poczujesz sir; lepiej / szybko wrocisz zdrowia Describing stories Opisywanie historii That was bad luckl (SG) It's set in (place and/or t ime) (7 H) Akcja rozgrywa sir; w (miejsce i/lub czas) I hope you feel better soon/ make a quick recovery (SG) There are lots of twists and turns (7H) Jest mn6stwo zaskakujqcych zwrot6w akcji Oh dear I'm sorry to hear that (SG) Ojej, przykro mi to styszec' It tells the story of (character) (7 H) Opowiada historir; (bohatera) Oh well, better luck next time (SG) I would definitely recommend it (7H) Moze ci sir; uda/poszczr;sci nastr;pnym razem Zdecydowanie polecam It's a real page-turner (7 H) Naprawdr; wciqga Wishing luck iyczenie szczElscia/powodzenia Good luck! (SG) Powodzenial Thanking PodziE:kowanie I hope it goes well (SG) Thank you so much for (my birthday present) (SG) Dzir;kujr; ci bardzo za (prezent urodzi nowy) Mam nadzieJE;, ze wszystko p6jdzie dobrze You 'll really well, I'm sure (SG) That's so kind/ generous of you (SG) To bardzo mite/wspaniatomyslne Jestem pewien/pewna, ze sobie poradzisz z twojej strony Best of luck (SG) Powodzenia I really appreciate it (SG) Naprawdr; to doceniam Trzymam za ciebie kciukil I can't thank you enough (SG) Nie wiem, jak ci dzir;kowac' Keeping fingers crossed for you I (SG) You really shouldn't have (SG) Naprawdr; nie powinienes/ powinnas tego robic' That means a lot to me (SG) To wiele dla mnie znaczy Functions Bank Speaking Tasks Unit Unit4 SPEAKING Work in pairs Prepare a role-play Student A: follow the instructions from exercise 10 in lesson 2G Student B: follow the instructions below SPEAKING Work in pairs Take turns to the task below Spend about a minute preparing your answer Use phrases from exercise in lesson 4G to help you Student B: You work at a leisure centre Find out what activities You are going to study in the UK You are looking for a flat to Student A is interested in Answer his/her questions and give rent with a friend Choose the one which, in your opinion, will information about the facilities and membership Use the be the most appropriate and justify your choice Say why you information below are rejecting the other options Membership: Gold £50 per month Silver £40 per month Bronze £30 per month Membership can be suspended for three months Facilities: Gold pool, gym, squash courts, all classes, sauna, Jacuzzi Silver pool, gym, squash courts, yoga, dance and aerobics classes Bronze pool, gym, aerobics class The cafe, creche and changing rooms are open to everyone Unit3 SPEAKING Work in pairs Take turns to be A and B Describe one photo each Use phrases from exercise in lesson 3A and exercises and in lesson 3G Student A: Ask B to describe the photo Student B: Describe the photo Student A: Now ask B the three questions below the photo Student B: Answer A's questions How you think the people in the photo are feeling? Do you think it is important to care about your appearance7 Why7 /Why not7 Tell me about the last time you did some physical exercise SPEAKING Work in pairs Take turns to answer the teacher's questions Questions for Student A: Some people think that universities should provide their students with free accommodation To what extent you agree? What are the advantages of sharing a flat with someone while you are at university7 Do you think the people in the photo spend a lot of time at Questions for Student B: the gym7 What makes you think so7 If you were sharing a flat and you argued with your Do you think fitness classes are the best way to get fit7 Why7 /Why not7 Tell me about an occasion when you needed to be fit l flatmates, what could you do7 What are the advantages of living with your parents while you are at university7 Speaking Tasks - - Speaking Tasks Units Unit Work in pairs Take turns to be A and B Describe one photo each Use phrases from exercise in lesson 4G and exercise in lesson SG to help you SPEAKING Work in pairs Take turns to the task below Spend about a minute preparing your answer Use phrases from exercises and in lesson 7G to help you Student A: Ask B to describe the photo Student B: Describe the photo Student A: Now ask B the three questions below the photo Student B: Answer A's questions Your English penfriend is staying with you Your parents have offered to buy you and your penfriend tickets to a show Choose the show that is the most suitable Justify your choice and say why you are rejecting the other options :} I ;~ , ~Ix-~ / " ' '\( - , - What subj ect you think they are studying7 Why you think so7 Do you th ink it is important to have lessons about computing at school7 Why7 /Why not? Tell me about an occasion when you didn't use any kind of technology for a long period of time SPEAKING Work in pairs Take turns to ask and answer the questions Questions for Student A: Which kinds of show are the most difficult to perform, in your opinion7 Why7 What subject you think they are studying7 Why you think so? Do you think technology sometimes makes it harder for people to communicate with each other7 Why7 /Why not? Tell me about some schoolwork you did with the help of a computer or other device Do you think modern art is easier or more difficult to enjoy than older paintings7 Why you think so? Questions for Student B: Are some kinds of show more popular with girls than with boys7 Give examples What are the advantages and disadvantages of seeing a show live, rather than on TV7 Speaking Tasks Pronunciation 2A -s endings SA The schwa (/g/) ~ 4.20 Listen to th e words below How is the final letter s pronounced in each row? Complete the rules with /s/, /z/ and/iz/ H cakes instruments photographs figures friends clothes photos horses Sat the end of nouns, can be pronounced in three ways: after unvoiced sounds (/k/, /pi, If/, It/ and /91), after voiced sounds (most other sounds), after /s/, /z/, Ids!, If/ and /tf/ Q) 4.21 Read the words below Which word in each group has a different s so und from the others? Listen, check and repeat stamps weights magazines activities videos matches cakes magazines GA Word stress Q) 4.28 Listen and match the words 1- with the stress patterns a- c One pattern matches two words Then listen again and repeat H creativity creative thumb wrist c ••• Q) 4.29 Draw the stress patterns for these words Then listen, check and repeat enthusiasm enthusiastic flexibility 4A The letter c Q) 4.24 Listen to the sounds /k/ and /s/ Then listen again and repeat attic cellar Match them with the correct sound, /k/ or /s/ Use the examples in exercise and a dictionary to help you Then listen, check and repeat bJ, balcony conservatory contemporary city cosy fence peaceful Add five more words to each list in exercise Then practice H H flexible honesty honest F The letters th Q) 4.2 How is the letter c pronounced in these words? intelligence intelligent a•••• b ••••• pronounced in each word? Use a dictionary to help you Then listen, check and repeat saying them with your partner folder lnstagram subscribe H Listen to the words calf and muscle Which letter is not pronounced in each word? Listen again and repeat /kl /s/ Identify the schwa sound in the words below Use a dictionary to help you Then listen, check and repeat sound Write the words and practise reading them in pairs ~ 4.23 Read the words below Which letter(s) is/are not Q) 4.27 Use a dictionary to find four more words with the schwa Q) 4.22 knee thigh /bm'pju:tg/ /b'nekt/ account document enter 3A Silent letters Listen to the schwa sound in the words below Does the schwa sound appear in stressed or unstressed syllables? Listen again and repeat computer connect H cards texts books sports Q) 4.26 Q) 4.30 Listen to the sounds /9/ and lo/ Then listen again and repeat /9/ lo/ three them Q) 4.31 How are the letters th pronounced in these words: /9/ or lo/? Use a dictionary to help you Then listen, check and repeat Earth gather North other than width Find six other words with the letters thin the text on page 119 Decide if the letters th are pronounced /9/ or lo/ Pronunciation IJlm1 ... is You can them free of charge if you Gold membership I see What about the swimming poo l' That's for Silver members, but not for Bronze May I a guest? Gold members are allowed to invite one... photos (It looks like etc.) Key phrases: Introducing opinions, additiona l points, proposals and solutions, and conclusions ~ Caring for your appeara nce DWypowiedi pisemna Rozprowka DMowienie... conditional sentences Speaking: Discussing forms of transport USE OF ENGLISH MEDIATION p115 Travel solutions Tip: Identifying the intention or purpose of a speaker p116 Participle clauses Vocabulary:

Ngày đăng: 04/02/2022, 15:50