Yes No
- Is there a concise, clear, thoughtful message describing overall performance?
- Does the overall statement:
- Summarize performance compared with job objective/requirements?
- Match the individuals rating?
- Summarize development as compared to career progress?
- Identify performance problems that must be corrected to meet current job requirements?
- Is the summary paragraph consistent with the person’s self assessment and aspirations?
Review of
- Are the actual results achieved compared to objectives from the previous W/DP?
- Do the results cover both Building the Business and Building the Organization?
- Is there a balance between providing feedback on strengths as well as development needs in terms
of the What Counts Factors?
- Is the feedback specific and actionable?
- Does the feedback include a review of progress versus the previous Personal Development Plan?
- Does feedback include the individuals use of diversity to build the business/organization?
Work Plan
Are the tasks outlined:
- Linked to the organization Direction/Work Plan (both breakthrough and daily management)?
- Clear, specific and measurable in terms of numeric, quantifiable data?
- Inclusive of a specific action plan to promote diversity?
- Adequate (relative to business needs/expectations of the individual)?
- Realistic (of other priorities/person’s capabilities)?
- Focused on
what is expected - not the hows?
- Consistent with the individual’s interests?
- Identified as envisioning, energizing or enabling activities?
- Do the individual’s long term interests fit with leadership’s assessment of his/her long
term potential?
- Are the short term interests consistent with the long term vision?
- Are short term interests realistic (match business/personal needs & capability)?
- Does it include a description of skills/capabilities the individual wants to build -
in addition to potential?
- Are the development items reasonably consistent with:
- The tasks outlined in the work plan?
- The career map/plan?
- The strength/development feedback?
- Are specific actions identified for both the individual and the immediate manager?
- Are sufficient resources (i.e., coaches, etc.) clearly identified?
Overall W/DP
- Is the information in the W/DP fully understood and owned by the individual and his/her manager?
- Have ways to improve the value of the W/DP process been identified?
- Is there a balance between personal/business accomplishments ANDdevelopment areas?
Sign Off: ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________
(Employee) (date) (Immediate Manager) (date)
Work Plan
Are the tasks outlined:
- Linked to the organization Direction /Work Plan (both breakthrough and daily management)?
- Clear, specific and.
- Are the development items reasonably consistent with:
- The tasks outlined in the work plan?
- The career map /plan?