Tài liệu về học lập trình web ,JavaScript cho tất cả mọi người.
[...]... Step by Step was written in 2007: the underlying JavaScript specification received a major update; Microsoft released new versions of Internet Explorer and Windows; the Chrome browser came of age, as did mobile web usage; and JavaScript development frameworks have matured and are now ubiquitous This third edition of JavaScript Step by Step builds on the foundation laid down by the first two editions... 1 JavaScript is more than you might think After completing this chapter, you will be able to ■■ Understand the history of JavaScript ■■ Recognize the parts of a JavaScript program ■■ Use the javascript pseudo-protocol ■■ Understand where JavaScript fits within a webpage ■■ Understand what JavaScript can and cannot do ■■ Understand how JavaScript is used in Windows 8 A brief history of JavaScript JavaScript... Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) xix The first part of the book examines JavaScript and helps you get started developing JavaScript applications You don’t need any specific tools for JavaScript development, so you’ll see how to create JavaScript files in Microsoft Visual Studio, and in Appendix B, in Eclipse and in Notepad (or any other text editor) The book examines JavaScript functions and the use of JavaScript. .. Windows 8 development using JavaScript However, this book is most definitely not Microsoft-centric One of the first things I asked prior to accepting the offer to write JavaScript Step by Step was whether it had to focus on Microsoft products The answer was a firm “no.” The book was and is intended to be a general tutorial on using JavaScript, including best practices for using JavaScript on the web The... sometimes doesn’t display or use the javascript pseudo-protocol correctly JavaScript is also event-driven, meaning that it can respond to certain events or “things that happen,” such as a mouse click or text change within a form field Connecting JavaScript to an event is central to many common uses of JavaScript In Chapter 11, you see how to respond to events by using JavaScript JavaScript placement on your... JavaScript placed within the tags executes as it is encountered by the browser, which is helpful when you need to write to the document by using a JavaScript function, as follows (the function calls are shown in boldface type): A Web Page Title // JavaScript Goes Here ... about what JavaScript can do—the focus of this book—you need to understand what JavaScript can’t do, but note that neither discussion is comprehensive What JavaScript can’t do Many of the operations JavaScript can’t perform are the result of JavaScript s usage being somewhat limited to a web browser environment This section examines some of the tasks JavaScript can’t perform and some that JavaScript. .. 177 Selecting elements by ID 177 Selecting elements by class 177 Selecting elements by type 178 Selecting elements by hierarchy 178 Selecting elements by position 179 Selecting elements by attribute ... of JavaScript Part II, “Integrating JavaScript into design,” looks closely at the interactions between JavaScript and its primary role of web programming xx Introduction Part III, “AJAX and server-side integration,” shows the use of JavaScript to retrieve and parse information from web services Finally, Part IV, JavaScript and Windows 8,” shows how to create a Windows 8 app with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. .. within one another JavaScript fits within tags inside the and/or tags of a webpage, as in the following example: Chapter 1 JavaScript is more than you might think 7 A Web Page Title // JavaScript Goes Here // JavaScript can go