Tài liệu Toefl exam success in only 6 step part 1 pdf
... applying. You can also send a written request to: TOEFL ® /TSE ® Services P.O. Box 61 51 Princeton, NJ 085 41 - 61 51 USA 60 9-7 71- 710 0 Don’t Delay—Register Right Away – INTRODUCTION– x Why the TOEFL Exam? ... take the exam. TOEFL Exam Facts – INTRODUCTION– xi Scoring on the TOEFL Exam There is no single passing score on the TOEFL exam. The institutions to which you a...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 18:21
... Services Educational Testing Service P.O. Box 61 51 Princeton, NJ 085 41 - 61 51 USA Your request should include your name, date of birth, daytime phone number, appointment number, and payment of the $10 reinstatement ... QUESTIONS Tutorials no time limit — Listening 40 60 minutes 30–50 Structure 15 –20 minutes 20–25 Break 5 minutes — Reading 70–90 minutes 44–55 Writing 30 minutes 1 to...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 23:20
... b y taking the train. He is always frustrated aft er meeting with his lawyer. ■ Always use a gerund after the following verbs: I just missed cat ching that train! I am considering j oining the ... subject’s ability or intention to do something. The following table lists the helping verbs, their forms, and their meanings. PRESENT PAST MEANING EXAMPLES & FUTURE will, shall would intention I...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 18:21
Tài liệu Toefl exam success in only 6 step part 7 ppt
... STYLE– 86 11 . The paper is ______ on the dining room table. a. lying b. laying c. lain d. laid 12 . I think you’re the one ______ sent Rachna those flowers. a. did b. that c. which d. who 13 . L ess ... (someone) grateful for (something) in accordance with incapable of in conflict inferior to insist on/upon in the habit of in the near future interested in knowledge of next to of...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 18:21
Tài liệu Toefl exam success in only 6 step part 8 docx
... hear. MAIN POINT—SECONDARY POINT CLUES Most lectures are organized around a few main points. These main points are typically followed by second- ary or supporting points. These points develop the main ... between hearing and listening: hearing: perceiving sounds with the ear listening: the process of receiving and constructing meaning from an auditory message In other words, you can hear th...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 18:21
Tài liệu Toefl exam success in only 6 step part 9 ppt
... time: 1 ⁄ 4 of the time: planning 1 ⁄2 of the time: writing 1 ⁄4 of the time: revising and editing Your 30 minutes on the TOEFL exam, then, can be divided as follows: 5 10 minutes planning 15 minutes ... minutes writing 5 10 minutes revising and editing How to Divide Your Time on an Essay Exam – WRITING– 1 16 Six Steps to a Strong Essay Step 1: Understand the Writing Prom...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 18:21