Object oriented and classical software engineering, 8th edition Giáo trình công nghệ phần mềm

Object oriented and classical software engineering, 8th edition _Giáo trình công nghệ phần mềm

Object oriented and classical software engineering, 8th edition _Giáo trình công nghệ phần mềm

... design, management implications of the object- oriented paradigm, and the testing and maintenance of object- oriented software. Metrics for the object- oriented paradigm also are included. In ... importance of the basics of software engineering. • As in the seventh edition, particular attention is paid to object- oriented life-cycle mod- els, object- oriented analysi...

Ngày tải lên: 07/01/2014, 11:57

688 8,8K 3
An Introduction to Object-Oriented TM Programming with Java Fifth Edition docx

An Introduction to Object-Oriented TM Programming with Java Fifth Edition docx

... message. 18 Chapter 1 Introduction to Object- Oriented Programming and Software Development 1. Draw an object diagram for a Person class and two Person objects, Ms. Latte and Mr. Espresso. 2. What must ... the software development process in this chapter. 1.1 Classes and Objects The two most important concepts in object- oriented programming are the class and the object...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:20

1K 2,3K 1
Quản trị sự thay đổi khi áp dụng quy trình quản lý phần mềm tại công ty we are engineering

Quản trị sự thay đổi khi áp dụng quy trình quản lý phần mềm tại công ty we are engineering

... Can thiệp OD 13 II. XÂY DỰNG QUY TRÌNH QUẢN LÝ PHẦN MỀM TẠI CÔNG TY WAE 15 2.1. Giới thiệu về công ty WAE 15 2.2. Xây dựng quy trình quản lý phần mềm tại công ty WAE 16 2.2.1. Khởi tại dự ... QUY TRÌNH QUẢN LÝ PHẦN MỀM TẠI CÔNG TY WAE 19 3.1. Chuẩn đoán thực trạng tại công ty WAE khi áp dụng quy trình quản lý phần mềm. 19 3.2. Phân tích kháng cự của tổ chức khi áp dụng...

Ngày tải lên: 10/06/2014, 17:54

32 670 7
Object-Oriented Software Engineering

Object-Oriented Software Engineering

... text. Figures and Tables Each chapter provides a number of figures and tables to help you to visualise the software engineering models and concepts, and to illustrate and summarise important ideas. 1 1 Software ... using UML and Java Second edition Lethbridge.book Page i Tuesday, November 16, 2004 12:22 PM 6 Chapter 1 Software and software engineering Exercise E1...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2013, 14:35

560 399 0
Overview of Object-Oriented SoftwareDesign and Java Programming potx

Overview of Object-Oriented Software Design and Java Programming potx

... (class). Instantiation 35 Object Oriented Programming • When writing object- oriented programs, first one must define the classes (like Car). • Then, while the program is running, the instances of the classes (objects) ... failure to recognize the difference between the name of the object and the object itself is the source of many errors in object- oriented (OO) progra...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 20:20

68 565 0
The essence of object oriented programming with java and UML

The essence of object oriented programming with java and UML

... 1: Objects, UML, and Java Introduction Object Orientation Object- Oriented Languages Object- Oriented Design and the UML The Payoff of Objects Chapter Summary Chapter 2: The Essence of Objects What ... introduction to objects and the benefits of object- oriented software development. Chapter 2 covers the fundamental concepts of object orientation. Object orientation...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2013, 14:52

364 500 0
System Analysis and Design - Complete Introductory Tutorial for Software Engineering

System Analysis and Design - Complete Introductory Tutorial for Software Engineering

... Therefore, an object- oriented view has come into picture for creation of computer software. An object- oriented approach to the development of software was proposed in late 1960s. Object- Oriented ... events, and what responsibilities and relationships an object has to other objects. Object- oriented analysis has the analyst look at all the objects in a system, their c...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

123 2,8K 12
Tài liệu UML Applied - Object Oriented Analysis and Design using the UML doc

Tài liệu UML Applied - Object Oriented Analysis and Design using the UML doc

... understand every aspect of the system, and if the lifecycle is short (a few UML Applied Object Oriented Analysis and Design Using the UML A Course Companion 48 UML Applied - Object Oriented ... For this reason, we call the modules Objects, and hence we have the term Object Oriented Design/Programming. 24 UML Applied - Object Oriented Analysis and Design usin...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:16

123 747 2
Tài liệu Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests- P1 pptx

Tài liệu Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests- P1 pptx

... Growing object- oriented software, guided by tests / Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce. p. cm. ISBN 978-0-321-50362-6 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Object- oriented programming (Computer science) 2. Computer software ... Growing Object- Oriented Software, Guided by Tests, presents a coherent, consistent system of development, where different techniques support each other. I invite you to...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 21:15

50 531 3