... Multicast addresses are mapped to Functional Address C 000 .00 00. 000 1. C. All IP Multicast addresses are mapped to Functional Address C 000 .00 04 .00 00. D. All IP Multicast addresses are mapped to MAC ..., 00 :09 :49 /00 :04 :23 RP 172.16. 224. 1, flags: SC Incoming interface: Serial1. 708 , RPF nbr 172.16.2 .242 Outgoing interface list: Ethernet0, Forward/Sparse,...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 05:18
... 100 0. 100 0. 100 1 ! interface Ethernet 0 ipx network ACA1235 ipx gns-response-delay 10 ! interface Serial 0 encapsulation frame-relay ipx network 100 frame-relay map ipx 100 . 100 0. 100 0. 100 0 ... Multicast addresses are mapped to Functional Address C 000 .00 00. 000 1. C. All IP Multicast addresses are mapped to Functional Address C 000 .00 04 .00 00. D. All IP Multic...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20
CCIE Written Version 11.0
... 100 0. 100 0. 100 1 ! interface Ethernet 0 ipx network ACA1235 ipx gns-response-delay 10 ! interface Serial 0 encapsulation frame-relay ipx network 100 frame-relay map ipx 100 . 100 0. 100 0. 100 0 ... Multicast addresses are mapped to Functional Address C 000 .00 00. 000 1. C. All IP Multicast addresses are mapped to Functional Address C 000 .00 04 .00 00. D. All IP Multic...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 23:15
Tài liệu ActionScript Matures to Version 2.0 doc
... the right direction, there was still room for improvement. With Flash MX 200 4, Macromedia has introduced ActionScript 2 .0. With it come some new capabilities and, more importantly, some new syntax ... < Day Day Up > ActionScript Matures to Version 2 .0 If you've been involved with Flash for any length of time, you've seen it evolve ... applications. ActionSc...
Ngày tải lên: 24/12/2013, 07:17
Tài liệu Module 9: Implementing IIS 5.0 docx
... built on the Microsoft FrontPage 200 0 Server Extensions, Active Server Pages, and Microsoft ActiveX ® data objects. They run on Windows 200 0 with IIS 5 .0 to provide additional publishing, ... Michael Howard, Designing Secure Web-Based Applications for Microsoft Windows 200 0 (Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 200 0). Monitoring and Optimizing Performance Tune and optimize your Inter...
Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:15