Tài liệu UNIT 9 - LESSON A2 (G7)

Tài liệu UNIT 9 - LESSON A2 (G7)

Tài liệu UNIT 9 - LESSON A2 (G7)

... Language Group Foreign Language Group ……… August,…….2007 UNIT : NINE AT HOME AT HOME AND AWAY AND AWAY LESSON 2: A.2 - READING LESSON 2: A.2 - READING ù Lê Ngïọc Lý – Nguyễn Văn Đừng Junior ... Nguyễn Văn Đừng Junior High School Foreign Language Group Foreign Language Group II/While-reading II/While-reading : : Answer the questions Answer the questions a. Who w...

Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2013, 23:11

27 378 0
Gián án UNIT 9 - LESSON A2 (G7)

Gián án UNIT 9 - LESSON A2 (G7)

... School Foreign Language Group Foreign Language Group UNIT 9: AT HOME AND UNIT 9: AT HOME AND AWAY AWAY LESSON 2 - A2 - READING LESSON 2 - A2 - READING I/VOCABULARY: • A shark: • A dolphin: • A ... Language Group Foreign Language Group ……… August,…….2007 UNIT : NINE AT HOME AT HOME AND AWAY AND AWAY LESSON 2: A.2 - READING LESSON 2: A.2 - RE...

Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2013, 23:12

27 444 0
Tài liệu UNIT 9 - LESSON A1-2 (G6) OK

Tài liệu UNIT 9 - LESSON A1-2 (G6) OK

... Unit 9: Lesson 1: A 1-2 / p96 -9 7 - Learn by heart vocabulary - Do Ex 1, 2 / P. 83 (Ex-book) Homework: Unit 9: Lesson 1: A 1-2 / p96 -9 7 B: Those are his shoulders II. Practice: A.2/ P .97 Eg: A: ... Vocabulary. Unit 9: Lesson 1: A 1-2 / p96 -9 7 arms hands legs feet (a foot) fingers toes head shoulders chest Unit 9: Lesson 1: A 1-2 / p96...

Ngày tải lên: 24/11/2013, 10:11

8 331 0
Tài liệu UNIT 9 - LESSON B2,3 (G6)

Tài liệu UNIT 9 - LESSON B2,3 (G6)

... Phong - Tr­êng THCS TiÒn Phong - Yªn Dòng - B¾c Giang Yªn Dòng - B¾c Giang - Learn by heart new vocabulary - Learn by heart new vocabulary and form. and form. - Write 2 sentences to describe ... (adj): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mÇu cam Her hair is yellow. Her hair is yellow. Her eyes are black. Her eyes are black. Gi¸o viªn: TrÞnh ThÞ Thùc Gi¸o viªn: TrÞnh...

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2013, 20:11

11 309 0
Tài liệu UNIT 9 - LESSON B2,3 (G6)

Tài liệu UNIT 9 - LESSON B2,3 (G6)

... (adj): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 mÇu cam Gi¸o viªn: TrÞnh ThÞ Thùc Gi¸o viªn: TrÞnh ThÞ Thùc Tr­êng THCS TiÒn Phong - Tr­êng THCS TiÒn Phong - Yªn Dòng - B¾c Giang Yªn Dòng - B¾c Giang Her ... her eyes? Hoa: They’re brown. Hoa Mai II. Dialogue: - Learn by heart new vocabulary - Learn by heart new vocabulary and form. and form. - Write 2 sentences to de...

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2013, 20:11

11 404 0
Tài liệu UNIT 11- LESSON A1 (G7)

Tài liệu UNIT 11- LESSON A1 (G7)

... TOOK HOA’S TEMPERATURE, MEASURED HOA AND WEIGHED HOA. - Learn A1 by heart - Practice a polite reques t at home. - Prepare les s on 2 (A2, 3). What do you do to know your weight ? (to) weigh CÂN ... QUESTIONS : A 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 B 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 9 64 1 8 3 7 2 5 QUESTION 2) : Who was doing the medical check up ? HOA WAS. PERIOD 66 : UNIT ELEVEN - LESON 1 (A1)...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2013, 06:13

25 307 0
Tài liệu UNIT 11- LESSON A1 (G7)

Tài liệu UNIT 11- LESSON A1 (G7)

... khỏe PERIOD 66 : UNIT ELEVEN - LESON 1 (A1) QUESTION 2) : Who was doing the medical check up ? HOA WAS. QUESTION 5) : What was her height ? 1m45. - Learn A1 by heart - Practice a polite ... was her height ? 1m45. - Learn A1 by heart - Practice a polite reques t at home. - Prepare les s on 2 (A2, 3). LUCKY NUMBER ! QUESTION 3) : What did the nurse do...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2013, 06:13

25 303 0
Tài liệu Unit 9 grade 7 Lesson 4: B1-2

Tài liệu Unit 9 grade 7 Lesson 4: B1-2

... with a partner. * New words: - material (n): - dressmaker (n): - hairdresser (n): - cut (v) cut : - make (v) made: chất liệu (Vải) thợ may thợ uốn tóc cắt làm Unit 9: AT HOME AND AWAY Monday, ... with a partner. * New words: - material (n): - dressmaker (n): - hairdresser (n): - cut (v) cut : - make (v) made: chất liệu (Vải) thợ may thợ uốn t...

Ngày tải lên: 27/11/2013, 16:11

15 761 3
Tài liệu UNIT 9- GRADE 12

Tài liệu UNIT 9- GRADE 12

... The Simpson desert remained a until Madigan made an aerial survey in 192 9. A.region B.story C.matter D.mystery 14. In 193 9, Madigan led a scientific acorss the sand dune on a northely route. A.expedition ... as it is advertised. 19. He went to the store. He did not buy anything, 20. We thought the figures were correct. , we have now discovered some errors. 4 PRACTICE TEST 9 A. PHONETIC...

Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2013, 11:11

4 612 1
Tài liệu Unit 9 vocabulary exercise_g.10

Tài liệu Unit 9 vocabulary exercise_g.10

... e_trap (v)  (n) …………………… 7. mam_ _l (n) 8. environment (n)  (adj )…………………  ……………………… (person) 9. g_s_ _tion per_ _d  …………………… 10. _cc_d_ntal (adj)  (adv) ……………………… 11. pol_ _t _ (v)  (n) ... (n): dòng chảy 16. of_s_r_ _g (n): con cái 17. bi_ _ hem_ _ al (adj): hoá sinh 18. t_ _per_ t_ r_ 19. co_tr _ _ _te (v): cống hiến. đóng góp  (n) ……………………………… 20. d_ _p_se of (v) : vứt bỏ 21. h...

Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 09:11

2 372 0