Ducal Brittany, 1066-1166
... 30 The ducal administration was rudimentary and centred upon the itinerant household. Ducal government was largely personal. A tenant seeking ducal authorisation for a transaction, or ducal determination ... Bretagne', AB 53 (1946), 1±27 at 3. 17 ducal sovereignty. Here, though, there is a distinction between ducal domains, which were subject to direct ducal authority and a...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20
... Reader)© CONTENTSListof®guresandmapspageviiiPrefaceixListofabbreviationsxiIntroduction11DucalBrittany,1066±1166172HenryIIandBrittany343ThegovernmentofBrittanyunderHenryII764DukeGeoffreyandBrittany,1166±1186935DukeGeoffrey,HenryIIandtheAngevinempire1236TheendofAngevinBrittany,1186±1203146Conclusion176Appendices1The`AssizeofCountGeoffrey'1822ThehereditaryseneschalsofRennes2043Angevinof®cer...
Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:46
Duke Geoffrey and Brittany, 1166-1186
... various ducal domains, of course, had a history of ducal administration, but there is no evidence that there was any ducal administration pertaining to the Broe È rec as a whole, nor any ducal ... dead. In¯uence of ducal authority beyond the ducal domains Much of the evidence for the consolidation and extension of ducal authority comes from attestations by barons to ducal acts...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20
Henry II and Brittany
... relation to Brittany, as early as 1155, was to intervene on behalf of the archbishop of Dol in this matter. 8 Henry II was certainly aware of the tradition of Norman suzerainty over Brittany, since ... as duke of Brittany, knowing that his loyalty would be assured by the king's power to dispossess him of the honour of Richmond. In the summer of 1156, Conan crossed to northern Brit...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20
... its granges back to the ducal domains, and to use another as the site of the new abbey, in exchange for some ducal land but primarily for large cash revenues from other ducal properties. 16 Perhaps ... the ducal regime. Although Constance lost the lands in the north-west of the duchy acquired by Duke Geoffrey, ducal authority in other parts of the duchy was consolidated. Inquests in...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20
The government of Brittany under Henry II
... a ducal seneschal, who was responsible for collecting all that was owed to the duke by the residents of his baillie. The seneschal's seat was a ducal castle or town, where he held the ducal ... of®ce of a ducal seneschal, in each of the counties of Nantes, Rennes and Cornouaille, responsible for exercising ducal authority over the inhabitants of the whole county, not just those...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20