One-Letter Words A Dictionary 3
... Millikan in 1917, was later refined through the discovery of the relationship between the Avogadro’s constant N and the Faraday constant F. 35 . n. (biology) Glutamate, an amino acid. 36 . n. A layer ... negative O. 30 . n. (mathematics) The natural number e, used as the base for natural logarithms and with applica - tions in problems of population growth and radio- active decay. 31 . n....
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
... and it’s a rating for an adult movie. X is a power of magnification, an axis on a graph, and a female chromosome. It is a multiplication operator, a letter of the alphabet, and an arbitrary point ... Ekakkharakosa. It may have taken 30 0 years to bridge the gap, but I like to think that Saddhammakitti’s tradition lives on in my own dictionary of one- letter words. xiii AN ENTI...
Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:56
One-Letter Words A Dictionary 10
... mirror glass, and a flying- V aerial on the back. Very cyberpunk. —Ian McDonald, Evolution’s Shore 32 . n. V- beam radar: a height- finding radar that emits a vertical beam and another at 45 degrees.” ... triangle, turning on a pivot at its apex, and used as a bell crank to change the direction of a main pump rod.” —Dr. John Burkardt 35 . n. V roof: a gable or peaked roof. They a...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
One-Letter Words A Dictionary 11
... consonant Y means “awareness.” —Joseph E. Rael, Tracks of Dancing Light: A Native American Approach to Understand - ing Your Name 31 . n. The twenty- fifth letter of the alphabet. Y’s career as a member ... which maximize surface area for heat dissipation. The three fins form a Y- shaped cross- section. FOREIGN MEANINGS 44. conj. (Spanish) And, as in Maria y Juan, “Maria and Juan.” FACTS...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
One-Letter Words A Dictionary 2
... . 37 . n. (electronics) A battery, as in “C supply.” 38 . n. A high- level programming language. Programmers based the C programming language on an early programming language by the name of B (although ... fatty fish such as herring, mackerel, and salmon. —American Medical Association 29. n. (biology) Aspartate, an amino acid. 30 . n. A layer of the ionosphere, as in the “D layer.” [T...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
One-Letter Words A Dictionary 4
... that was like a T, but now ’tis made an H.” —William Shake - speare, Antony and Cleopatra, IV.vii.8. There is a pun here on ache, which in Shakespeare’s day was pronounced aitch. 3. (in literature) ... dairy products, fish, and tomatoes. —Ameri- can Medical Association And it doesn’t really matter, anyway, because we’ll soon fatten him up again. All we’ll have to do is give him a triple...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
One-Letter Words A Dictionary 5
... universal affi rmative A, the universal negative E, the par - ticular affi rmative I, and the particular negative O. 37 . n. A unit vector parallel to the x- axis. 38 . n. Candlepower. The term candlepower ... is I- shaped. 30 . n. I ring: a metal band encircling a metal drum. 31 . n. I formation: “an offensive football play in which the quarterback, a half back, the full back, and...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
One-Letter Words A Dictionary 6
... 19. n. (mathematics) In linear algebra, a matrix in which only zeros appear above the diagonal. L is a lower triangular matrix. —Marie A. Vitulli, A Brief History of Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory” ... (chalk). —Walter Alvarez, T. Rex and the Crater of Doom 21. n. (astronomy) A class of stars in between yellow and red. BALLS AND BOULDERS 22. n. In baseball, a strikeout. 23. n. A...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20
One-Letter Words A Dictionary 7
... With a line above it, a Roman numeral for 1,000,000. 16. n. A computer programming language. M is a procedural, general purpose language with well- developed database handling capabilities . ... or after N. The alphabet, a pillar, a solace and a certainty since kindergarten, had suddenly deserted him. He stood, bewildered and staring, as if he’d suffered a crisis of faith. Doe...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20