Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P7

Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P7

Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P7

... (9 HP) larger than Hitachi EX1200.Model HitachiItem PC125 0-7 PC110 0-6 EX120 0-5 Engine model — Komatsu SAA6D170E-3 Komatsu SAA6D170E-2 MHI S6R-Y1TAA1Engine output kW/rpm {HP/rpm} 485/1800 {650/1800} ... (9 HP) larger than Hitachi EX1200.Model HitachiItem PC125 0-7 PC110 0-6 EX120 0-5 Engine model — Komatsu SAA6D170E-3 Komatsu SAA6D170E-2 MHI S6R-Y1TAA1Engine output k...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:27

18 430 4
Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7

Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7

... levelWorking modeService MeterPC125 0-7 Monitor Panel PC125 0-7 PC125 0-7 Hydraulic ExcavatorsHydraulic Excavators08/0208/02Page 2-Page 2-3 3KTxxxxxx - Cab & Operator EnvironmentKTxxxxxx - Cab & Operator ... modeService MeterPC20 0-7 Monitor Panel PC125 0-7 PC125 0-7 Hydraulic ExcavatorsHydraulic Excavators08/0208/02Page 2-Page 2-2 2KTxxxxxx - Cab & Ope...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 09:13

7 825 17
Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P1

Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P1

... floorfloorf f High-strength deckHigh-strength deckH H Press-made, high-strength OPG I cabPress-made, high-strength OPG I cabNoise Reduction Method Komatsu PC125 0- 7Komatsu PC125 0-7 GALEO Hydraulic ... switch- Boom shock-less control switchRight console box- Starter switch- Fuel dial- Working light switch- Alarm buzzer cancel switch- Machine push-up switch - Swing lock switchNew...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:27

17 496 3
Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P2

Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P2

... than ___C .PC125 0-7 GALEONew Cold Start Features Created by: Komatsu America International Company Service Training DepartmentCreated by: Komatsu America International Company Service Training ... temperatureFuel levelWorking modeService MeterPC125 0-7 Monitor Panel PREVPREVNEXTNEXTFIRSTFIRSTLASTLASTEXITEXITMENUMENUMulti-function color monitorPC125 0-7 Monitor Panel PREVPREVN...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:27

9 441 4
Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P3

Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P3

... Excavators01/0201/02Page 5-1 -Page 5-1 -8 8MENUMENUReference Slide:7 segment Monitor was first used on ‘Ultra-Short’ PC228US-3 then PC7PC228USLC-3PC228USLC-3PC200/22 0-7 PC200/22 0-7 Electronic Control SystemElectronic ... 7Hydraulic ExcavatorsHydraulic Excavators01/0201/02Page 5-1 -Page 5-1 -5 5MENUMENUMonitor Systems for PC-77 Segment Monitor System1. LCD - Display1. LCD...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:27

20 429 4
Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P4

Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P4

... belongs? PREVPREVNEXTNEXTFIRSTFIRSTLASTLASTEXITEXITMENUMENUPC125 0-7 GALEOAccumulator Check Valve is CORRECTLY shown here as installed on the machine!See SM Page 1 0-1 10 PREVPREVNEXTNEXTFIRSTFIRSTLASTLASTEXITEXITMENUMENUPC125 0-7 GALEOSM Page 10 - 50 PREVPREVNEXTNEXTFIRSTFIRSTLASTLASTEXITEXITMENUMENUPC125 0-7 ... Hydraulic E-OLSS system is same, physically, as PC110 0-6 . Creat...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:27

12 380 3
Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P5

Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P5

... 1.1-Page 1. 1-4 4KTxxxxxx – CSS-ImprovedKTxxxxxx – 08/0208/02Page 1.1-Page 1. 1-5 5KTxxxxxx – CSS-ImprovedKTxxxxxx – ... 1.1-Page 1. 1-6 6KTxxxxxx – CSS-ImprovedKTxxxxxx – CSS-ImprovedPREVPREVNEXTNEXTFIRSTFIRSTLASTLASTEXITEXITMENUMENUCSS...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:27

14 478 3
Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P6

Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P6

... (9 HP) larger than Hitachi EX1200.Model HitachiItem PC125 0-7 PC110 0-6 EX120 0-5 Engine model — Komatsu SAA6D170E-3 Komatsu SAA6D170E-2 MHI S6R-Y1TAA1Engine output kW/rpm {HP/rpm} 485/1800 {650/1800} ... reducing NOx.COOLING SYSTEMCharge-Air-cooledKOMATSU SAA6D170E-3CAC now wider than PC110 0-6 PREVPREVNEXTNEXTFIRSTFIRSTLASTLASTEXITEXITMENUMENUPRODUCTIVITY FEATURES [NO.3]2-WO...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:27

35 482 4
Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P8

Training máy đào komatsu pc1250-7 - P8

... SystemPRESENTATION PRESENTATION MENUMENUNEXTNEXTEXITEXITKTnnnnnnKTnnnnnnAUG 2002AUG 2002PC1250 - 7PC1250 - 7Hydraulic ExcavatorsHydraulic ExcavatorsTechnical Presentation KitTechnical Presentation ... KitPREVPREVClick Here toClick Here toReturnReturn to toPresentation MenuPresentation MenuPC1250 - 7PC1250 - 7Hydraulic ExcavatorsHydraulic ExcavatorsKTnnnnnnKTnnnnnnAUG 2002AUG 2...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 14:27

3 433 2
Shop manual máy đào KOMATSU PW130ES-6K

Shop manual máy đào KOMATSU PW130ES-6K

... PLATE20G-00-K2382MODELSERIAL No.MANUFACT. YEARMASSENGINE POWERProduct Identification NumberkgkWMANUFACTURERManufactured by Komatsu UK Ltd.for Komatsu Ltd.,Tokyo,JapanMAX. DRAWBAR PULLNManufactured by Komatsu UK Ltd.for Komatsu Ltd., Tokyo, Japan20G-00-K2392TYPFABR. NR.BAUJAHRLEISTUNGZUL.ACHSLAST VORNProdukt Identifizierung NummerHERSTELLERHergestellt vom Komatsu UK Ltd. Birtley Co Durham,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2012, 09:45

274 2,1K 20