Structural Engineer Handbook - Sổ tay kết cấu

Structural Engineer Handbook - Sổ tay kết cấu

Structural Engineer Handbook - Sổ tay kết cấu

... Structural Engineer sPocket Book This Page Intentionally Left Blank Structural Engineer sPocket BookFiona CobbAMSTERDAM BOSTON HEIDELBERG ... slab.Miscellaneous issues Structural form, stability and robustnessStructural formIt is worth trying to remember the different structural forms when developing a schemedesign. A particular structural form ... (to the code of practice for...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2012, 09:53

367 754 1
Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 1

Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 1

... grades of uncoated, hot-rolled, carbon-steel sheetsand strip intended for structural use.A606 covers high-strength, low-alloy, hot- and cold-rolled steel sheet and strip with en-hanced corrosion resistance. ... covers high-strength, low-alloy columbium or va-nadium, or both, hot- and cold-rolled steel sheet and strip. The material may be in eithercut lengths or coils. It is intended for...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2012, 16:13

40 987 1
Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 2

Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 2

... (RCSC) of the Engineering Foundation. Jointswith high strength bolts are designed as bearing-type, fully-tightened, loose-to-slip or slip-critical connections (see Art. 5.3). Bearing-type connections ... mem-bers. Tolerances for the fabrication of structural steel, both hot-rolled and built-up members,can be found in standard codes, such as the AISC ‘‘Specification for Structural Steel B...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2012, 16:13

27 805 0
Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 3

Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 3

... coor-dinate͚miyiϭalgebraic sum of the products of the mass of each particle and its y coor-dinate͚miziϭalgebraic sum of the products of the mass of each particle and its z coor-dinate GENERAL STRUCTURAL ... mathematicalmodels that represent the type of structural members being assumed and the structural supportconditions (Fig. 3.18).3.13 TYPES OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS AND SUPPORTSStruc...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2012, 16:13

118 518 0
Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 4

Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 4

... Y. Lin and S.D. Stotesbury, Structural Concepts and Systems for Architects and En-gineers, 2d Ed., Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York.)4.2 TWO-HINGED ARCHESA two-hinged arch has hinges only ... the equilibrium laws (Art. 4.4).Circular Two-Hinged Arch Example. A circular two-hinged arch of 175-ft radius with arise of 29 ft must support a 10-kip load at the crown. The modulus of elasti...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2012, 16:13

61 638 0
Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 5

Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 5

... E7016-X,E7018-XAWS A5.17 or A5.23§F7XX-EXXXF7XX-EXX-XXAWS A5.18ER70S-XAWS A5.20or A5.29§E7XT-X(ExceptϪ2,Ϫ3,Ϫ10,Ϫ13,Ϫ14,ϪGS)E7XTX-XA572 grades 60 and 65 AWS A5.5§E8016-X, E8015-XE8018-XAWS A5.23§F8XX-EXX-XXAWS ... 18-C1,C2§E8016, 18-C3§E8018-W§AWS A5.17 orA5.23F7A0-EXXX,F8A0-EXXX§AWS A5.20or A5.29E7XT-1,5E8XT-1,5-NiX, WA852 / M270M grade485W‡AWS A5.5E9018-MAWS A5.23F9A0-EXXX-XAWS A5.29E9XT1-...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2012, 16:13

109 688 0
Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 6

Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 6

... finishesAsphalt block (2-in),1⁄2-in mortar 30Cement finish (1-in) on stone-concrete 32fillCeramic or quarry tile (3⁄4-in) on1⁄2-in 16mortar bedCeramic or quarry tile (3⁄4-in) on 1-in 23mortar bedFrame ... 19Terrazzo (1-in) on stone-concrete fill 32Terrazzo (1-in), 2-in stone concrete 32Wood block (3-in) on mastic, no fill 10Wood block (3-in) on1⁄2-in mortar base 16Floors, wood-joist (no plaster)...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2012, 16:13

100 495 0
Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 7

Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 7

... at the beam-column connection areDead-load major-axis momentϭ180 kip-ftLive-load major-axis momentϭ75 kip-ftDead-load minor-axis momentϭ75 kip-ftLive-load minor-axis momentϭ40 kip-ftThe column ... 2(184.6)ϭ1,591 kip-inϭ132.6 kip-ftϽ277.5 kip-ftThe W21ϫ50 does not have adequate capacity. Therefore, trials to find the lowest-weightlarger size must be continued. This trial-and-error process can...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2012, 16:13

39 584 0
Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 8

Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 8

... DECKThe most common types of floor-deck systems currently used with structural steel construc-tion are concrete fill on metal deck, precast-concrete planks, and cast-in-place concrete slabs.8.1 CONCRETE ... expensive normal-weight concrete may beused instead of lightweight concrete. Therefore, the two options that are frequently consid-ered for a 2-hour-rated, noncellular floor-deck system a...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2012, 16:13

35 638 0
Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 9

Sổ tay kết cấu thép - Section 9

... lead to weak-column, strong-beam behavior. In addition, the issue is further complicated by con- cern that panel-zone yielding may lead to an equivalent of weak-column, strong-beam be- havior even ... structure. The static-force method is a single- mode design method, even though long-period structures are influenced by higher-mode response, and F t simulates the effect of higher-mode response...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2012, 16:13

42 479 0