NCRP report no 116 limitation of exposure to ionizing radiation

NCRP report no 116  limitation of exposure to ionizing radiation

NCRP report no 116 limitation of exposure to ionizing radiation

... its entirety NCRP Report No 91, Recommendations on / INTRODUCTION Limits for Exposure to Ionizing Radiation (NCRP, 1987) The basic framework of this Report, the approach to dose limitation and ... on the Effects of Atomic Radiation, and the review of these documents by Scientific Committee 1-2 of the NCRP that is being published as NCRP Report No 115, Risk...

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2017, 21:45

94 93 0
NCRP report no 119  a practical guide to the determination of human exposure to radiofrequency fields

NCRP report no 119 a practical guide to the determination of human exposure to radiofrequency fields

... Cataloging-in-PublicationData National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements A practical guide to the determination of human exposure to radiofrequency fields : recommendations of the ... contains a brief explanation of vectors and vector notation A scalar is a quantity that has magnitude only In contrast to this, a vector is a quantity tha...

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2017, 21:46

241 534 0
NCRP report no 122  use of personal monitors to estimate effective dose equivalent and effective dose to workers for exte~1

NCRP report no 122 use of personal monitors to estimate effective dose equivalent and effective dose to workers for exte~1

... statutory or common law theory governing liability Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Use of personal monitors to estimate effective dose equivalent and effective dose to workers for ... Derivation of Effective Dose Equivalent and Effective Dose from Personal Monitor Values of Personal Dose Equivalent for StronglyPenetr...

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2017, 21:46

70 125 0
NCRP report no 109  effects of ionizing radiation on aquatic organisms

NCRP report no 109 effects of ionizing radiation on aquatic organisms

... been one of the primary concerns with environmental radiation exposures to populations of aquatic organisms In determining the effects of radiation on aquatic organisms, it is important to know ... has been done on the immune response of fish to radiation (Preston, 1959; Shechmeister et al., 1962).Other investigations have been conducted on the effects of rad...

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2017, 21:43

120 148 0
NCRP report no 112  calibration of survey instruments used in radiation protection for the assessment of ionizing radiati~1

NCRP report no 112 calibration of survey instruments used in radiation protection for the assessment of ionizing radiati~1

... advantage of the historical performance records of instruments in deciding upon calibration frequencies If accurate records are maintained for instruments in use, the individual(s1 in charge of the calibration ... Routine Calibration Routine calibration refers to calibration of an instrument for normal use Normal use is characterized by the following: 1...

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2017, 21:44

230 874 0
Tài liệu Quantification of the Health Effects of Exposure to Air Pollution: Report of a WHO Working Group pdf

Tài liệu Quantification of the Health Effects of Exposure to Air Pollution: Report of a WHO Working Group pdf

... of a Working Group convened by WHO to examine several of these aspects as they apply specifically to air pollution health impact assessments The quality of estimates of health impacts of air pollution ... magnitude of the effect of air pollution on daily morbidity and mortality varies among locations, and that factors such as the nature and level of...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 11:20

34 522 0
NCRP report no 108  conceptual basis for calculations of absorbed dose distributions

NCRP report no 108 conceptual basis for calculations of absorbed dose distributions

... where the dose is uniform and that are the subject of microdosimetry and not this report Many illustrations of absorbed dose non-uniformity come to mind: for example, the absorbed- dose distributions ... theory gooerning liability Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PublicationData Conceptual basis for calculations of absorbed- dose distributions p cm.- (NCRP...

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2017, 21:43

243 212 0
NCRP report no 110  some aspects of strontium radiobiology

NCRP report no 110 some aspects of strontium radiobiology

... liability Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PubLicationData National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Some aspects of strontium radiobiology ; no 110) p cm.-(NCRPreport Prepared ... The NCRP NCRP Publications Index 60 64 77 84 94 Purpose and Plan This report provides: (a) a review of some aspects of the radiobiology of radiostrontium, ... Howev...

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2017, 21:43

101 158 0
NCRP report no 121  principles and application of collective dose in radiation protection

NCRP report no 121 principles and application of collective dose in radiation protection

... law theory governing liability Library of Congress Cataloging -in- PublicationData Principles and application of collective dose in radiation protection p cm.- (NCRP report ; no 121) Includes bibliographical ... presented in NCRP Report No 104 (NCRP, 1990b) and for internally deposited radionuclides in NCRP Report No 89 (NCRP, 1987~) Chromos...

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2017, 21:46

112 214 0
NCRP report no 124  sources and magnitude of occupational and public exposures from nuclear medicine procedures

NCRP report no 124 sources and magnitude of occupational and public exposures from nuclear medicine procedures

... Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Sources and magnitude of occupational and public exposures from nuclear medicine procedures ... in Diagnosis and Therapy (NCRP, 1982) and NCRP Report No 73, Protection in Nuclear Medicine and Ultrasound Diagnostic Procedures in Children (NC...

Ngày tải lên: 20/09/2017, 21:46

83 358 0