business start-up 1 students book
... 't2 56 1 't2 t3 't5 16 t7 18 't9 20 21 123 15 16 t7 l8 19 20 2l 't5 16 a 12 13 14 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 2 l 22 23 24 25 10 11 12 13 22 12 34 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Ea ÁPRlL l6 17 18 19 20 ... Whattimeis it? What's time?(= Whatis lhe time?) the ll:08 11 :15 11: 21 ll :10 ll:4! 11 :l ! 12 :0 811 15 12 r 21 1l :10 L2 : ! r t l L:08 l:lt l:45 l:tl 1r2l 1: 10 w...
Ngày tải lên: 23/09/2014, 17:53
New round up 1 students book
... Revision 1- 6), (Units 10 8 1- 8) Revision (Units 11 1 1- 10) ,., Revision (Units 11 4 1- 12) Revision (Units 11 7 1- 14) Revision (Units 12 0 Revision 1- 16) , I (Units 1- 19) 12 3 Revision ... Firstpublished 2 010 Printedin China SWTC/o1 ISBN978 -1- 4058-8884-4 (Book) ISBN978 -1 (Pack) -4082-3490-7 Practice fnglishGrammar Gontents Revision 10 2 Revision (Units 1- 2) 10 4 Re...
Ngày tải lên: 14/07/2016, 17:22
explore our world 1 sb
... _!;u. ,1 -q E i i :1 : ,,,:: * ,, t.: copy I see o river i ,,' .1 'al = 29 Look ond check I see io lo I peopte *'re k % r4'Grwr #a.", 1, , " ^1* ' ' &k' * .'", Listgn qnd sqy i,'i.' ,,, 1: 11: -,t ... q I t 18 drow with I write with croyon stick q hqnd o pencit o sq E s& I I work hord in schoo[ : #1 :-::r6i:' ]::.'],''i 11 ':tin : .1: : -1, : Look ond check I see O O ?o o frog o bug ...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2017, 17:21
explore our world 1 wb
... Averoge life spon in the wild: to 10 yeors Visit our corporate website at }e Size: I r-ll I cm cm - [*r W*rkbr:nl< A.udio gu tc: Explore Our World Online myN Gcon FOR ... numbers Write the letters t obcdef q roil ehijkt t2 13 t4 t5 t6 t7 18 Iq mn o p q r 20 2t 22 23 24 25 26 t u v wx y z s q I 24 t2 15 22 13 25 13 q t2 25 @ Listen to the song Write rR:23...
Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2017, 17:22