Cấu trúc dữ liệu và giải thuật (Data Structure and Algorithms): Cấu trúc dữ liệu mảng



... Tài liệu học tập Giáo trình: C & Data Structures, P S Deshpande, O G Kakde CHARLES RIVER MEDIA, INC Hingham, Massachusetts Tham khảo: Giáo trình Cấu trúc liệu 1, Trần Hạnh Nhi ... kết 39 Định nghĩa cấu trúc liệu danh sách liên kết đơn mô tả sau: typedef struct Node{ int Key; Node *pNext; }; Trong khai báo Node *pNext dùng để mô tả: A Con trỏ trỏ tới phần liệu B Vùng liên ......

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 17:20

33 971 5
Chương 1 Cấu trúc dữ liệu và giải thuật (Data Structure and algorithms)

Chương 1 Cấu trúc dữ liệu và giải thuật (Data Structure and algorithms)

... học Chương 1: Ôn tập Chương 0: Giới thiệu chung Nội dung  Cấu trúc liệu    Thuật toán Độ phức tạp thuật toán Chương 1: Ôn tập Cấu trúc liệu    (1) Sự tổ chức hợp lý thành phần liệu, (2) ... toán = Chương trình Chương 1: Ôn tập Nội dung 12  Cấu trúc liệu  Thuật toán  Độ phức tạp thuật toán (algorithm  complexity) Chương 1: Ôn tập Thời gian...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 10:27

82 2,3K 0
Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 0  Introduction

Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 0 Introduction

... R.F.Gilberg and B.A Forouzan, Thomson Learning Inc., 200 1 "Data Structures and Algorithms in C++", A Drozdek, Thomson Learning Inc., 200 5 "C/C++: How to Program", 7th Ed – Paul Deitel and Harvey ... exam questions and assignments will be announced during the progress of the course References "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis" - Clifford A Shaffer (Edition 3.2) "Data Str...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 18:21

14 456 1
Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 1  Introduction

Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 1 Introduction

... " ; } 17 Data structures Exercise • Define a data structure student_t containing a student’s name, firstname and age • Write a code in C++ to take input your data and display it 18 Data structures ... Pointers p 10 00 value 93 999 10 00 10 01 p = &v a l u e ; v a l u e = ∗p ; 27 Pointers Example i n t main ( ) { i n t v1 = , v2 = ; i n t ∗ p1 , ∗ p2 ; p1 = &v1 ; p2 = &v2 ;...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 18:21

44 424 1
Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 2  Algorithm Complexity

Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 2 Algorithm Complexity

... 1)/2n) = O(n) 23 Quick sort 19 15 28 10 22 12 83 Recurrence Equation T (n) = O(n) + 2T (n /2) • Best case: T (n) = O(n log2 n) • Worst case: T (n) = O(n2 ) • Average case: T (n) = O(n log2 n) 24 ... 1) /2 = n2 /2 + n /2 ⇒ f (n) = O(n2 ) • Set the coefficient of the term to one • Keep the largest term and discard the others Some example of Big-O: log2 n, n, n log2 n, n2 , nk 2n , n!...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 18:21

33 362 0
Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 3  Recursion

Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 3 Recursion

... sec < sec No 11 12 13 14 15 20 25 30 35 40 Calls 287 465 7 53 1,219 1,9 73 21,891 242,785 2,692,5 73 29,860,7 03 331 ,160,281 Time < sec < sec < sec < sec < sec < sec sec sec 13 21 The Towers of Hanoi ... Contents Recursion and the basic components of recursive algorithms Properties of recursion Designing recursive algorithms Recursion and backtracking Recursion implem...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 18:21

47 398 0
Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 4  List

Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 4 List

... linked list 40 Create an empty linked list Algorithm createList(ref list ) Initializes metadata for a linked list Pre: list is a metadata structure passed by reference Post: metadata ... (random list) : Data are not in particular order • Ordered list: data are arranged according to a key Linear list concepts Restricted list: • Only some operations can be used on the lis...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 18:21

89 462 0
Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 5  Stack and Queue

Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 5 Stack and Queue

... Push data into a Linked Stack Algorithm pushStack(ref stack , val data ) Inserts (pushes) one item into the stack Pre: stack is a metadata structure to a valid stack data ... Linked Stack Algorithm popStack(ref stack , ref dataOut ) Pops the item on the top of the stack and returns it to caller Pre: stack is a metadata structure to a valid stack dataOut ... emp...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 18:21

93 426 0
Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 6  Tree

Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 6 Tree

... Contents Basic Tree Concepts Binary Trees Expression Trees Binary Search Trees Outcomes • L.O.3.1 - Depict the following concepts: binary tree, complete binary tree, balanced binary tree, AVL tree, multi-way ... 12 Binary Trees Binary Trees A binary tree node cannot have more than two subtrees a Left subtree Right subtree b d e f g 13 Binary Trees Properties • To store N nodes in a bi...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 18:21

64 493 0
Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 7  AVL Tree

Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 7 AVL Tree

... Contents AVL Tree Concepts AVL Balance AVL Tree Operations Multiway Trees B-Trees Outcomes • L.O.3.1 - Depict the following concepts: binary tree, complete binary tree, balanced binary tree, AVL tree, ... of the left and right subtrees of the root differ by at most 1, and • the left and right subtrees are again AVL trees Discovered by G.M.Adel’son-Vel’skii and E.M.La...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 18:21

82 390 0
Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 8  Heap

Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 8 Heap

... Contents Heap Definition Heap Structure Basic Heap Algorithms Heap Data Structure Heap Algorithms Heap Applications Outcomes • L.O.4.1 - List some applications of Heap • L.O.4.2 - Depict heap structure ... (Source: Data Structures - A Pseudocode Approach with C++) Heap Structure Heap trees Invalid Heaps (Source: Data Structures - A Pseudocode Approach wit...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 18:21

44 503 0
Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 9  Hash

Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 9 Hash

... concepts 12 Hash functions Hash functions • Direct hashing • Modulo division • Digit extraction • Mid-square • Folding • Rotation • Pseudo-random 13 Direct Hashing The address is the key itself: hash( Key) ... of Key Example: 94 52 * 94 52 = 893 40304→3403 18 Mid-square • Disadvantage: the size of the Key is too large • Variations: use only a portion of the key Example: 3 794 52: 3 79...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 18:21

54 423 0
Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 10  Sort

Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 10 Sort

... parts: sorted and unsorted • In each pass, the first element of the unsorted sublist is inserted into the sorted sublist Straight Insertion Sort Straight Insertion Sort Straight Insertion Sort 10 ... Contents Sorting concepts Insertion Sort Selection Sort Exchange Sort Devide -and- Conquer Outcomes • L.O.6.1 - Depict the working steps of sorting algorithms step-by-steps • L....

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 18:21

63 468 0
Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 11  Graph

Data Structure and Algorithms CO2003 Chapter 11 Graph

... into digraph 1 DataFrom.vertex = VertexFrom DataTo.vertex = VertexTo if ( digraph.Retrieve(DataFrom) = success ) if ( digraph.Retrieve(DataTo) = success ) newData = DataFrom if ( newData.adjVertex.Search(VertexTo) ... VertexFrom DataTo.vertex = VertexTo if ( digraph.Retrieve(DataFrom) = success ) if ( digraph.Retrieve(DataTo) = success ) newData = DataFrom if ( newData.adjVertex.Remove(Verte...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2017, 18:21

83 424 0