Ebook Computer architecture A quantitative approach (5th edition) Part 1

solution manual for Computer Networks A Systems Approach 3rd Edition

solution manual for Computer Networks A Systems Approach 3rd Edition

... T=5 Data[0] Data[3] sent Data[0] Data[3] arrive at R Data arrive at B; ACK[0] ACK[3] start back ACKs arrive at R ACKs arrive at A; Data[4] Data[7] sent Data arrive at R A sends frames 1-4 Frame[1] ... arrives at R; Data[1] sent T=2 Data[0] arrives at B; ACK[0] starts back; Data[2] sent T=3 ACK[0] arrives at R; Data[3] sent T=4 ACK[0] arrives at A; Data[4] sent T=5 ACK[1] arrives at A; Da...

Ngày tải lên: 16/12/2016, 18:56

108 649 0
Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach, 5th edition ppt

Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach, 5th edition ppt

... each other Message integrity: sender, receiver want to ensure message not altered (in transit, or afterwards) without detection Access and availability: services must be accessible and available ... Cipher-text only attack: Trudy has ciphertext that she can analyze ❒  Two approaches: ❍  ❍  Search through all keys: must be able to differentiate resulting plaintext from gibberish Statistical an...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20

140 755 4
Báo cáo khoa học: The heat shock protein 70 molecular chaperone network in the pancreatic endoplasmic reticulum ) a quantitative approach potx

Báo cáo khoa học: The heat shock protein 70 molecular chaperone network in the pancreatic endoplasmic reticulum ) a quantitative approach potx

... material were separated by centrifugation, and analyzed by SDS ⁄ PAGE and protein staining with Coomassie Brilliant Blue The protein ladder was run on the same gel (lane 5) ATPase assays were carried ... there was hardly any overlap of the two proteins, and they more or less eluted according to their theoretical molecular masses (70 and 140 kDa; Fig 6B) Apparently, the two H...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 03:20

13 429 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Protein transport into canine pancreatic microsomes A quantitative approach potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Protein transport into canine pancreatic microsomes A quantitative approach potx

... pancreas Thus, we calculate that 12 · 1015 molecules of cotranslationally active protein translocases are present per canine pancreas, or about twice that number for a typical human pancreas An ... systems for the analysis of protein transport into mammalian microsomes The transport data of this study suggest that the concentration of cotranslationally active protein translo...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 15:20

8 382 0
Giải bài tập mạng máy tính Computer Networking A TopDown Approach 6th

Giải bài tập mạng máy tính Computer Networking A TopDown Approach 6th

... = đ a IP B Đ a MAC nguồn = đ a MAC E Đ a MAC đích = đ a MAC interface R1 kết nối tới Subnet c) Switch S1 broadcast Ethernet frame thông qua interface as đ a đích ARP frame nhận đ a broadcast ... Ethernet frame (ch a IP datagram gửi tới B) đ ợc chuyển tới router 1, đ a đ ch, nguồn đ a MAC gì? c Giả sử host A muốn gửi IP datagram tới host B, nhớ cache ARP A không ch a đ a MAC B...

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2015, 18:16

47 4,5K 36
Giải bài tập mạng máy tính Computer Networking A TopDown Approach Chapter 1 2 Problems

Giải bài tập mạng máy tính Computer Networking A TopDown Approach Chapter 1 2 Problems

...  Taverage1= (40+40+44)/3= 41. 3 (ms) 1= 40- 41. 3 )2 + (40- 41. 3 )2+ (44- 41. 3 )2/ 3 -1 = 2. 86  Taverage2= ( 42+ 55+ 42) /3=46.3 (ms) 2= 42- 46.3 )2 + (55-46.3 )2+ ( 42- 46.3 )2/ 3 -1 = 7. 51  Taverage3= ( 41+ 46+48)/3=45 ... chuẩn 10 8 SNA Cổng Access server 10 9 POP2 11 0 POP3 11 5 Simple file Transfer Protocol (SFTP) 11 8 11 9 13 7 13 9 14 3 15 0 15 6 16 1 17 9 19...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2016, 19:56

30 2,8K 0
32 free test bank for financial accounting a global approach 1st edition

32 free test bank for financial accounting a global approach 1st edition

... International Financial Reporting Standards d Accounting standards are still established at the national level Qualitative characteristics that make information provided in financial statements ... sequence for obtaining authoritative guidance when preparing financial statements according to the IASB Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements? 1- Nati...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2017, 08:01

13 456 0
57 free test bank for cost management a strategic emphasis 5th edition

57 free test bank for cost management a strategic emphasis 5th edition

... global competitiveness and changes in management techniques and processes, what has changed about the role of the management accountant? A Management accountants have started to place a greater emphasis ... of a strategic management perspective 3 C Management accountants have devised new financial measures for corporate success, such as the balanced scorecard and value...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2017, 08:37

13 918 1