... 8.16 7.03 5.30 The mean, median, and standard deviation of empirical bond and CDS volatilities (ˆD ), empirical equity volatilities (ˆE ), and model-implied bond and CDS volatilσ σ Merton ities ... section, we aim to better understand why empirically observed volatilities in the credit market are higher than volatilities implied by the Merton model and equity markets...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 20:20
... examples of functional site ATOM-TYPE-IS-N2 ATOM-TYPE-IS-N3 ATOM-TYPE-IS-Na ATOM-TYPE-IS-O ATOM-TYPE-IS-O2 ATOM-TYPE-IS-OH ATOM-TYPE-IS-S Scores for query sites (predictions) ATOM-TYPE-IS-SH ATOM-TYPE-IS-OTHER ... binding by EF-hand motifs, and is extended and applied here into a full library of functional site models To build the library of models, we extracted stru...
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20
Glycoprotein Methods and Protocols - P2
... to T-antigen (β-d-Gal 1-3 GalNAc), but also to structures found within the backbone of oligosaccharides (β-d-Gal 1-3 / 4GlcNAc) (19) Demonstration of PNA binding is not necessarily evidence of T-antigen ... W., Coret, E., Trueman, L., and Clay, M G (1984) Histochemical identification of side chain substituted O-acetylated sialic acids: the PATKOH-Bh-PAS and the PAPT-KOH-Bh-PAS procedu...
Ngày tải lên: 08/10/2012, 10:25