CIMM exam assignment 1

Java Programmer Certification Mock Exam

Java Programmer Certification Mock Exam

... without error 1) import java. awt.*; package Mypackage; class Myclass {} 2) package MyPackage; import java. awt.*; class MyClass{} 3) /*This is a comment */ package MyPackage; import java. awt.*; class ... directory What will happen when you attempt to compile and run Class1 .java if you have not already compiled Base .java //Base .java package Base; class Base{ protected void amethod()...

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 10:12

34 598 2
The IELTS exam

The IELTS exam

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 09:39

1 504 1
Learning Express TOEFL Exam Essentials

Learning Express TOEFL Exam Essentials

... Remember, you are prepared 20 TOEFL EXAM ESSENTIALS USE THIS BOOK WITH OTHER TEST-PREPARATION MATERIAL TOEFL Exam Essentials gives you key information about the TOEFL exam in a quick, easy style ... Conventions Published in the United States by Learning Express, LLC, New York Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: TOEFL exam essentials / LearningExpress—...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:48

159 589 1
Learning Express TOEFL Exam Success

Learning Express TOEFL Exam Success

... to success on the TOEFL exam xii L e a r n i n g E x p r e s s ®’ s ® TOEFL [Test of English as a Foreign Language™] EXAM SUCCESS In Only Steps! C H A P T E R How to Prepare for the TOEFL Exam ... Chapter provides general information about the TOEFL exam, including notes about registration and scoring The TOEFL Exam: What the Test Is About The TOEFL exam has four sect...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 09:48

174 1,2K 3
Assignment on elt practice Project A Study on Test Designing.doc

Assignment on elt practice Project A Study on Test Designing.doc

... practicability is administrative That is, a test ought to be practicalwithin the means of financial limitations, time constraints, ease of administration, scoring and interpretation of scores A test ... Coucil Alderson, C., Clapham, C & Wall, D (1995) Language Test Construction and Evaluation Great Britain: Cambridge University Press Brown, J D, Hudson, T (1998) “The alternatives in...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:40

28 534 3
Oracle SQL Exam No. 1

Oracle SQL Exam No. 1

... ORD_TOTAÖ 10 0 12 -JAN-2000 15 10 000 10 1 09-MAR-2000 40 8000 10 2 09-MAR-2000 35 12 500 10 3 15 -MAR-2000 15 12 000 10 4 25-JUN-2000 15 6000 10 5 18 -JUL-2000 20 5000 10 6 18 -JUL-2000 35 7000 10 7 21- JUL-2000 ... John 30 10 8 HR_CLERK 2500 10 5 Diana 30 10 8 IT_ADMIN 5000 10 6 Smith 40 11 0 AD_ASST 3000 10 8 Jennifer 30 11 0 HR_DIR 6500 11 0 Bob 40 EX_DIR 8000 1...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 13:21

14 776 1
Oracle SQL Exam No. 2

Oracle SQL Exam No. 2

... 100 12- JAN -20 00 15 10000 101 09-MAR -20 00 40 8000 1 02 09-MAR -20 00 35 125 00 103 15-MAR -20 00 15 120 00 104 25 -JUN -20 00 15 6000 105 18-JUL -20 00 20 5000 106 18-JUL -20 00 35 7000 107 21 -JUL -20 00 20 6500 ... EMP_NAME DEPT_ID MGR_ID JOB_ID SALARY 101 Smith 20 120 SA_REP 4000 1 02 Martin 10 105 CLERK 25 00 103 Chris 20 120 IT_ADMIN 420 0 104 John 30 108 HR_CLERK 25 00 105...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 13:21

16 725 1
gmat practice exam 5

gmat practice exam 5

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:01

208 534 3
assignment Java 1

assignment Java 1

... Assignment 9: Viết chương trình quản lý cửa hàng bán rượu Assignment 10 : Viết chương trình quản lý cửa hàng bán mắt kính Assignment 11 : Viết chương trình quản lý cửa hàng bán gas bếp gas Assignment ... gas Assignment 12 : Viết chương trình quản lý hàng hóa Assignment 13 : Viết chương trình quản lý sinh viên Assignment 14 : Viết chương trình quản lý học sinh tiểu học Assi...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2013, 10:31

6 1,7K 19