Oreilly Com and NET Component Services

COM and .NET Component Services potx

COM and .NET Component Services potx

... 238 10/3/2002file://F:\Documents%2 0and% 20Settings\Administrator\Local%20Settings\Temp\Rar$EX0 now a COM+ component and is part of a COM+ application, the client-side code is the same as if the component were still a classic COM component. To prove this point (and test your component) , ... its component services via interception. You can configure your component to take...

Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:20

238 338 0
o'reilly - com and .net component services

o'reilly - com and .net component services

... Internet. Collectively, the services that support COM and .NET com ponent- based applications are known as the COM+ com ponent services, or sim ply as COM+ . The Evolut ion of COM + Services COM ... 1. COM+ Com ponent Services 1.1 COM+ Com ponent Ser vices 1.2 The Com ponent Services Explorer 1.3 Hello COM+ 1.4 COM+ Configured Com ponent s 1...

Ngày tải lên: 25/03/2014, 10:40

385 430 0
Tài liệu COM and .NET Interoperability doc

Tài liệu COM and .NET Interoperability doc

... about COM and .NET, and how to make them work together for you. Table of Contents COM and .NET Interoperability Introduction Chapter 1 - Understanding Platform Invocation Services ... .NET- to -COM Interoperability— The Basics Chapter 8 - .NET- to -COM Interoperability— Intermediate Topics Chapter 9 - .NET- to -COM Interoperability— Advanced Topics Cha...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 04:19

635 464 0
Gọi một .NET Component từ một COM Component

Gọi một .NET Component từ một COM Component

... Gọi một .NET Component từ một COM Component Trong hôm nay i-Today sẽ tạo một dự án demo để làm rõ các gọi .NET Component từ COM client. Bước 1: Tạo một Strong Namecho .NET Component (Strong ... COMInterOp.dll. regasm ComInterOp.dll /tlb:ComInterOp.tlb Bước 4: Bây giờ .NET component (COMInterOp.dll) nên được cài vào GAC (global assembly cache) để làm việc với COM Code di...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 01:20

3 347 0
Professional C# Web Services: Building .NET Web Services with ASP.NET and .NET Remoting potx

Professional C# Web Services: Building .NET Web Services with ASP.NET and .NET Remoting potx

... Web Services and the .NET Framework 49 Section Two – ASP .NET Web Services 65 Chapter 4: Building an ASP .NET Web Service 67 Chapter 5: Consuming ASP .NET Web Services 105 Section Three – .NET ... Zach Greenvoss, Andrew Krowczyk, Christian Nagel, Chris Peiris, Thiru Thangarathinam, Brad Maiani Building Web Services with .NET Remoting and ASP .NET C# Web Services C#...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 22:20

46 701 0