... H x L # 2! x 2! t & h(x,t) = Asin% " ( $ L T ' c= L T phase velocity L - wavelength A - amplitude H - height T - period (5 - 18 s) Airy solution 1/ ( gL " 2! d %+ c(d) = * tanh$ '# L &, ) 2! deep ... 1 .28 H b Hb - height of breaker db - depth where wave breaks 60 ft 35 mph 15 ft 18 mph 4.5 ft 10 mph 24 ft 22 mph Conclusions – Ocean waves: force of accele...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 14:14
... between the J = 5 /2 and J = 7 /2 levels but also due to a difference in energy separation between the levels of the J = 5 /2 manifold (g = 2/ 7 and the levels of the J = 7 /2 manifold (g = 52/ 63) Generally ... violation of the Curie law (Eq 3 .2. 3) Exper imental results for demonstrating this exceptional behavior are shown in Fig 3 .2. 1 16 CHAPTER PARAMAGNETISM OF FREE IONS...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 01:21
Science of Everyday Things Vol. 2 - Physics Episode 1 ppt
... physics ISBN 0-7 87 6-5 63 1- 3 (set : hardcover) – ISBN 0-7 87 6-5 6 3 2- 1 (v 1) – ISBN 0-7 87 6-5 633-X (v 2) Science Popular works I Schlager, Neil, 19 66-II Title Q1 62. K678 20 01 500–dc 21 20 010 50 12 1 CONTENTS Introduction ... ISBN 0-7 87 6-5 63 1- 3 (set) 0-7 87 6-5 6 3 2- 1 (vol 1) 0-7 87 6-5 633-X (vol 2) 0-7 87 6-5 63 4-8 (vol 3)...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Science of Everyday Things Vol. 2 - Physics Episode 3 pps
... Johannes Kepler (15711 630 ), Robert Hooke (1 63 5-1 7 03) , and Edmund Halley (165 6-1 7 42) As a result of a dispute between Hooke and Sir Christopher Wren (16 32 1 7 23 ) over the subject, Halley brought the ... (156 4-1 6 42) likewise embraced a heliocentric (Sun-centered) model of the uniVOLUME 2: REAL-LIFE PHYSICS 61 Laws of Motion verse—a position the Church forced him...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Science of Everyday Things Vol. 2 - Physics Episode 4 doc
... (March 4, 20 01) Schweiger, Peggy E “Torque” (Web site) (March 4, 20 01) “Torque ... mathematician, physicist, and inventor Archimedes (c 28 7 -2 1 2 B.C.) discovered a precept of fluid statics that had implications at VOLUME 2: REAL-LIFE PHYSICS S C I E N C E O F E V E RY DAY T H I N ... the behavior of a fluid Then, in about 27 0 B.C., Ctesibius of Alexandria (fl c 27 0 -...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Science of Everyday Things Vol. 2 - Physics Episode 5 pot
... airplane 126 VOLUME 2: REAL-LIFE PHYSICS On that first flight, the Montgolfiers sent up a model 30 ft (9. 15 m) in diameter, made of linen-lined paper It reached a height of 6,000 ft (1, 828 m), and ... (1 .22 )TA, makes it possible to complete the equation Since the sine of 30° is 0 .5, and the sine of 45 is 0.707—the same value as its cosine—one can state the equation thus: TA(0...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Science of Everyday Things Vol. 2 - Physics Episode 7 pptx
... chemists Robert Boyle (1 6 27 -1 691), John Dalton ( 176 6-1 844), and William Henry ( 177 4-1 836); the French physicists and chemists J A C Charles ( 174 6-1 823 ) and Joseph Gay-Lussac ( 177 8-1 850), and the Italian ... Theory of Gases: A Brief Review” University of Virginia Department of Physics (Web site) (April 15, 20 01) 20 2 VOLUME 2: REAL-LIFE PHYSICS ... re...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Science of Everyday Things Vol. 2 - Physics Episode 8 ppt
... engineer Sadi Carnot (179 6-1 8 32) VOLUME 2: REAL-LIFE PHYSICS 22 1 Thermodynamics Though he published only one scientific work, Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire (1 82 4 ), this treatise caused ... Mayer’s exposition of the first law, another German physicist, Rudolph Julius Emanuel Clausius (1 82 2 -1 88 8) published an early version of the second law of thermodyn...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Science of Everyday Things Vol. 2 - Physics Episode 10 pps
... stations 2- 6 are in the 5 4-8 8 MHz range, while stations 7-1 3 occupy the region from 174 -2 2 0 MHz In between is the 88 to 108 MHz band, assigned to FM radio Likewise, short-wave radio (5.9 to 26 .1 ... (April 25 , 20 01) “Light—A-to-Z Science. ” DiscoverySchool.com (Web site) (April 27 , 20 01) Oxlade, Chris ... VOLUME 2: REAL-LIFE PHYSICS 28 3 Resonance KEY TERMS men...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Science of Everyday Things Vol. 2 - Physics Episode 12 pptx
... school-for-champions.com /science/ light.html> (May 2, 20 01) “Light Waves and Color.” The Physics Classroom (Web site) (May 2, ... PMR radio technology OFS was initially designated purely for nonprofit use, and is used often by schools; but banks and other profit-making institutions often use OFS because of its low cost Video ... notation is 7.5 12 • 107 To visualize the value of...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Science of Everyday Things Vol. 2 - Physics Episode 13 ppt
... phosphorescence of spectra (the plural of “spectrum”) A type of include the colors of visible light, the elec- luminescence involving a delayed emission tromagnetic spectrum of which visible of radiation ... correspondingly long wave- FLUORESCENCE: A type of lumines- cence whereby a substance absorbs radia- length, to a very high range of frequencies tion and begins to re-emit...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 16:21
Unit 2: Review of tenses- Past tenses
... Why? To make it more realistic Unit 2: LANGUAGE FOCUS REVIEW OF TENSES 1.Present simple indicating past time 2.The past simple, past progressive and past perfect yesterday S+ were/was + ... lesson Notes: To describe what happened and ended in the past Past simple (V2-ed) One action was happening at a point of time in the past Past progressive (were/was+Ving) One acti...
Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2013, 09:10
definion of sound
... students an opportunity to listen to a variety of accents Which contrasts to teach Depends on differences between The model you’ve chosen The sound system of your students’ language ... your country represent a variety of models? Is access to international media readily available? If the answer is yes to both questions, then make students aware of more than one model and let them ....
Ngày tải lên: 28/09/2013, 17:10
Module 2: Overview of System Development
... trademarks of their respective owners Module 2: Overview of System Development iii Instructor Notes Presentation: 60 Minutes This module provides students with an overview of the system development ... drivers? Module 2: Overview of System Development Selecting a Windows Embedded Operating System (continued) Topic Objective To compare the key features of...
Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 17:15