Adv expert audioscript progress tests

Adv expert audioscript progress tests

Adv expert audioscript progress tests

... the big stores start cashing in I saw an advert the other day for pillows stuffed with lavender grown by – guess who? – guerrilla gardeners Advanced Expert Audioscripts Extract Three E: F: E: F: ... teenage boy says he can’t keep awake at school in the mornings, is he lazy or just tired? Advanced Expert Audioscripts B: C: B: A: C: A: B: C: Sleep plays a crucial role in a teenager’s abilit...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 19:38

5 717 5
Adv expert progress test1

Adv expert progress test1

... could Although distressed by my behaviour, my parents were unable to convince me to stay on to my ‘Advanced’ level exams Since they had left school at 16 too, they didn’t really have a leg to stand ... APPLICATION Dear Sir or Madam, (1) I am writing in response to / I thought I’d drop you a line about your advertisement for waitresses, which I recently saw in the Daily Herald Attached to this...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 19:45

7 3,4K 20
Adv expert progress test2

Adv expert progress test2

... rightly / Frankly / Presumably, the owners of the sports park had undertaken, prior to their vigorous advertising campaign, some sort of market research to help determine fees (7) In fact / In all probability

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 19:45

8 862 9
Adv expert progress test3

Adv expert progress test3

... the eggs or keeping a pair of rabbits and eating their offspring When feeding a pet, however, the advice is to ‘think feathers and long ears’ In other words, favour pet foods made from rabbit and ... is between dusk and dawn The authors of the book not – as some of their critics seem to assume – advocate a mass killing of all the world’s pets ‘All we are arguing in the book is that we should...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 19:45

7 1,7K 18
Adv expert progress test4

Adv expert progress test4

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 19:46

6 1,7K 15
Adv expert progress test5

Adv expert progress test5

... time for the banquet PHOTOCOPIABLE © 2014 Pearson Education Ltd LISTENING Listen to a parenting advisor (Tom Willis) and a sociologist (Jane Thompson) discussing teenagers’ behaviour For questions ... and wisdom to realise when it was time to let others take his place _ TEAM VETTEL A The special adviser ‘It wasn’t until 2004 that I nailed down seventeen-year-old Sebastian with a contract and

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 19:46

6 618 15
Adv expert endofcourse test

Adv expert endofcourse test

... hear a couple of students discussing a form of protest one of them is involved in: craftivism Extract 3: How does the woman publicise her protest? A by sending leaflets to businesses such as ... What is special about guerrilla gardeners? A All resources come out of their own pockets B They protest in parks and gardens C They have official support for their work What kinds of people are attrac...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 19:42

10 1,4K 21
Adv expert entrytest full

Adv expert entrytest full

... wealthy B give up C lay off D leave off B discussed C encouraged D commented B argued C demanded D advised B for C of D about The moment the kennel doors opened the little dog came _ towards us ... ill Not only is he completely in food but he’s hardly moved an inch all day INTEREST Taking advantage of someone’s trust or innocence is completely Our yoga teacher told us never to ... anything ne...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2016, 19:42

8 2,3K 53