Common mistakes in english

130 common mistakes in english

130 common mistakes in english

... tor of English for Business Barcelona, English for Business M adrid, English Phone and Words 300 English for Business Barcelona teaches English lessons to companies in the Barcelona area English ... reason why She couldn’t explain the reason why she was here She couldn’t explain the reason because she was here 120 Think of I’m thinking of moving to Australia I’m thinking to move...

Ngày tải lên: 25/05/2013, 11:34

32 874 5
longman common mistakes in english

longman common mistakes in english

... go Say: The rain prevented me from going Succeed in 4- -ing Don't say: Paula succeeded to win the prize Say: Paula succeeded in winning the prize Think of + -ing Don't say: often think to go to ... pen at home 173 Using according to my opinion instead of hi my opinion Don't say: According to my opinion, she's right / Say: In my opmion, she's right Note ' think A v o i d using the p h r...

Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2013, 22:47

189 915 0
common mistakes in english

common mistakes in english

... under the rain Say: They played football in the rain NOTE Also "in the sun" and "in the shade": as, "He was sitting in the sun (or in the shade)." C O M M O N MISTAKES IN ENGLISH 179 Using "the ... "persist" takes "in' ': foolish ideas." as, "He persisted in his COMMON MISTAKES IN ENGLISH e:Interested Don't in, not for say: She is not interested for her work Say: She...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2014, 07:30

211 571 1
Common mistakes in English

Common mistakes in English

... gone skiing after hour your a walk, come * We had heavy/light rain all day * We got caught in literary If you think your to infinitive] She’s gone think incorrect.a theatre: case, something to ... Quant (= periods of rain) in It looks animal thing rain (= you cannot goingsomething: Where have my ple getthe under the incorrect combination very saidchanges from hourfindhour, it is different...

Ngày tải lên: 28/01/2015, 21:00

5 489 0
Common mistakes in english

Common mistakes in english

... Correct: The groom has placed an order for a wedding suit Incorrect: The books I bought this year are costlier than last year Correct: The books I bought ... compare books with last year Incorrect: When she bought a diamond necklace she got a bangle freely Correct: When she bought a diamond necklace she got a bangle free Incorrect: You can speak free ... limit or restriction’ Be first to know...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2015, 09:44

2 269 0
Common mistakes in english   OCR

Common mistakes in english OCR

... irom going 82 Succeed in + -ing Don'tsay:Paula succeeded to win the prize Say:Paula succeeded in winning the prize Think of+ -ing llon'tsay:Ioften think to go to England Say:Ioften think ofgoing ... sing underr/zi rrain instead ofin the rain Don'tsay:They played footballunderthe rain / st zy;' Fhey p3ayed iofltballin the rain qote Ai sointhesunandintheshade LHekv5/ tT/ kg in 1hesun (:)r...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2016, 14:51

109 542 0
common mistakes in english

common mistakes in english

Ngày tải lên: 20/08/2016, 23:32

106 315 0
1000 Most Common Words in English - Numbers Vocabulary

1000 Most Common Words in English - Numbers Vocabulary

... control 750 decimal 1000 Most Common Words in English Numbers 726 - 1000 - Vocabulary for ESL EFL TEFL TOEFL TESL English Learners Rank Word 751 gentle 752 woman 753 captain 754 practice 755 ... tire 493 bring 494 yes 495 distant 496 fill 497 east 498 paint 499 language 500 among 438 ocean 439 warm 489 brought 490 heat 1000 Most Common Words in English...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 08:20

10 3,8K 25
quick solutions to common errors in English

quick solutions to common errors in English

... trouble, you will find some words listed with a useful cross-reference dining or dinning? dine + ing = dining (as in dining room) din + ing = dinning (noise dinning in ears) See ADDING ENDINGS (i) and ... Spring Hill House, Spring Hill Road, Oxford OX5 1RX, United Kingdom Quick Solutions to Common Errors in English Angela Burt An A-...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 11:16

238 1,8K 27


... It was Finding a flat in this city isn’t easy  It’s not  People find it John was too ill to go to work  John was not My French friend finds driving on the left ... used to getting up early A I don’t find it difficult to get up early C I’m accustomed to getting up early B It isn’t difficult for me to get up early D All are correct Rewrite the following sentences: ...  My French friend fi...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2013, 01:26

2 548 2