... new SQL Server 2005 Notification Services, SQL Server Service Broker, Reporting Services, and SQL Server Integration Services subsystems The development management landscape for SQL Server 2005 ... Development Environment SQL Server Management Studio The SQL Server Management Studio User Interface SQL Server Management Studio User Interface Windows SQL Serve...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
... can build T -SQL statements to query and update data T -SQL Development Tools Microsoft provides two primary tools for developing T -SQL scripts First, as a part of SQL Server 2005 s SQL Server Management ... Editor or Visual Studio SQL Server Management Studio The primary T -SQL development tool that’s supplied with SQL Server 2005 is the Query Editor, which is a par...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P3 potx
... search where SQL Server matches a word or phrase that is close to the search word or phrase Full-text searching is accomplished with the Microsoft Full-Text Engine for SQL Server (MSFTESQL) that ... organization With SQL Server 2005, the database server is in locked-down mode by default, which means each service and feature must be explicitly activated You can use the followi...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P4 pot
... 510 510 510 510 510 510 510 OrderDate -09/22 /2005 09/22 /2005 09/22 /2005 09/22 /2005 09/22 /2005 09/22 /2005 09/22 /2005 09/22 /2005 09/22 /2005 09/22 /2005 (10 row(s) affected) The WHERE clause is ... integration of the NET CLR with SQL Server 2005 is more than just skin deep In fact, the SQL Server 2005 database engine hosts the CLR in-process Using a set of APIs, th...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P5 docx
... System System.Data System.Data .Sql System.Data.SqlTypes Microsoft. SqlServer .Server System.IO Partial Public Class StoredProcedures _ Public Shared ... System.Data .Sql Chapter 3: Developing CLR Database Objects Imports System.Data.SqlTypes Imports Microsoft. SqlServer .Server Partial Public Class UserDefinedFunctions ... directly on the server To address this issue, Microsoft c...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P6 doc
... Imports Imports System System.Data System.Data .Sql System.Data.SqlTypes Microsoft. SqlServer .Server System.IO _
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P7 docx
... and use SQL Server Service Broker objects; it will then present a sample SQL Server Service Broker application SQL Server Service Broker DDL and DML SQL Server 2005 utilizes a new set of T -SQL commands ... Broker subsystem Like the new SQL Server 2005 CLR support, to enhance out-of-the-box security, SQL Server 2005 ships with Chapter 4: SQL Server Service B...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P8 pptx
... the SqlServerSystem, InstanceName, ApplicationName, BaseDirectoryPath, and ApplicationDefinitionFilePath tags As you might guess, the SqlServerSystem name tag contains the name of the SQL Server ... for the SQL Server event provider that is used to connect the Notification Services application to SQL Server: SQLData SQLProvider ... connect to Notification Services using the manag...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P9 docx
... by all of the other ADO.NET objects The System.Data.SqlClient namespace provides connectivity to SQL Server 7, SQL Server 2000, and SQL Server 2005 databases The System.Data OracleClient namespace ... Framework Data Provider for SQL Server Using the SqlConnection Object Using the SqlCommand Object Using the SqlDependency Object Using the SqlDataReader Object Using the SqlDat...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P10 pdf
... Framework Data Provider for SQL Server The NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server will give you a significant performance boost if your application only needs to connect to SQL Server and it doesn’t ... System.Data.SqlClient namespace The most essential of those classes is the SqlConnection class As its name implies, the System.Data.SqlClient SqlConnection class is used to con...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P11 doc
... the SQL Server 2005 Query Engine, the SQL Server Service Broker, a system stored procedure (sp_DispatcherProc), the ADO.NET System.Data .Sql. SqlNotificationRequest class, the System.Data SqlClient.SqlDependency ... applications Since this feature relies on a SQL Server 2005 database, it can be used only with SQL Server 2005 databases and doesn’t work with prior versions...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P12 pot
... data type Once it was stored, there was little that SQL Server could with it SQL Server 2000 was unable to natively query the stored XML SQL Server had no checks on the validity of the data, and ... document on a one-at-a-time, per-row basis SQL Server 2005 builds on this starting point by adding support for many new XML features First, SQL Server 2005 provides a new l...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Developer’s Guide- P13 ppsx
... targetNamespace="urn:schemas -microsoft- com :sql: SqlRowSet2" xmlns:schema="urn:schemas -microsoft- com :sql: SqlRowSet2" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:sqltypes="http://schemas .microsoft. com/sqlserver/2004/sqltypes" ... with SQL Server 2005: ᭤ Microsoft SQL Native Client OLE DB Provider ᭤ Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC ᭤ Microsoft OLE DB Provider for J...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 01:20