Sovereign borrowing and sovereign default
... avoid a government default and Greece defaulted in 2012 The three chapters of this thesis analyze several important questions related to sovereign borrowing and sovereign default risk that have ... the possibility of sovereign default High government debt-to-GDP ratios raise non-linear sovereign default risk premia due to the increasing probability of government default...
Ngày tải lên: 19/11/2015, 16:41
... 2.2 The Maturity Composition of Debt and Spreads We now examine the maturity of new debt issued by the four emerging market economies during the sample period, and relate the changes in the maturity ... time-varying differences in the prices, and in the liquidity and insurance benefits of these two assets, which rationalize the movements in spread curves...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 02:20
... R S E R I E S N O 12 / d e c e m b e r 2010 AN ANALYSIS OF EURO AREA SOVEREIGN CDS AND THEIR RELATION WITH GOVERNMENT BONDS by Alessandro Fontana and Martin Scheicher NOTE: This Working Paper ... of total bonds outstanding For Greece, the net open CDS amount to around 3% of their outstanding sovereign debt and for Portugal and Ireland around 7% This...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 02:20
Tài liệu Solving the Financial and Sovereign Debt Crisis in Europe doc
... JOURNAL: FINANCIAL MARKET TRENDS – VOLUME 2011 ISSUE2 © OECD 2012 SOLVING THE FINANCIAL AND SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS IN EUROPE Tabe Alternative policies for solving the financial and sovereign debt crisis ... SOLVING THE FINANCIAL AND SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS IN EUROPE I Introduction and executive summary While the current financial crisis...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 21:20
Sovereign Debt Crises and Credit to the Private Sector pptx
... countries 19 in credit to the nonfinancial sector during debt renegotiations is only due to a decline in the non–exporting sector On the other hand, the decline in the aftermath of the debt restructuring ... debt crisis and a decline in credit to the private sector could result from a sudden stop in foreign capital inflows into the country (Calvo, 1998)...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20
Credit-risk valuation in the sovereign CDS and bonds markets: Evidence from the euro area crisis ppt
... al (2012) Credit-risk valuation in the sovereign CDS and bonds markets: Evidence from the euro area crisis 13 dispersion in the beliefs of investors on the probability that certain European countries ... 1% (5% and 10%) Credit-risk valuation in the sovereign CDS and bonds markets: Evidence from the euro area crisis 35 7 Concl...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 07:20
Determinants and Impact of Sovereign Credit Ratings ppt
... average of Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s ratings against our set of eight variables explains more than 90 percent of the sample variation that a regression of the average of Moody’s and Standard and ... difference between A1 and A2 for Moody’s or between A+ and A for Standard and Poor’s.) DETERMINANTS OF SOVEREIGN RATINGS In their statements on rating crite...
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 18:20
emerging markets and financial globalization sovereign bond spreads in 1870-1913 and today jun 2006
... flows and emerging market sovereign debt “then” and “now.” Sussman and Yafeh (1999a) examine the impact of crises on Chinese and Japanese sovereign spreads in the nineteenth century Sussman and ... the yield on sovereign bonds (denominated in pounds sterling in 1870–1913 and in US dollars in the modern period) issued by emerging market countries, minus the yie...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 01:00
maltritz & berlemann (eds.) - financial crises, sovereign risk and the role of institutions (2013)
... Financial Crises, Sovereign Risk and the Role of Institutions ThiS is a FM Blank Page Dominik Maltritz • Michael Berlemann Editors Financial Crises, Sovereign Risk and the Role of Institutions ... Dominik .Maltritz@ D Maltritz and M Berlemann (eds.), Financial Crises, Sovereign Risk and the Role of Institutions, D...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 12:17
kolb - sovereign debt from safety to default (2011)
... references and index ISBN 97 8-0 -4 7 0-9 223 9-2 (cloth); ISBN 97 8-1 -1 1 8-0 175 3-1 (ebk); ISBN 97 8-1 -1 1 8-0 175 4-8 (ebk); ISBN 97 8-1 -1 1 8-0 175 5-5 (ebk) Debts, Public I Kolb, Robert W., 1949HJ8015.S68 2011 ... Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Sovereign debt : from safety to default / Robert W Kolb, editor p cm – (Robert W Kolb series in...
Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2014, 17:13
chorafas - sovereign debt crisis; the new normal and the newly poor (2011)
... Elisabetta Gualandri and Gian Nereo Mazzocco (editors) CONSOLIDATION IN THE EUROPEAN FINANCIAL INDUSTRY Dimitris N Chorafas SOVEREIGN DEBT CRISIS The New Normal and the Newly Poor Dimitris N Chorafas ... becoming poorer and poorer – and this is a self-inflicted wound Their sovereigns, their companies (particularly their banks) and their citizens are living on...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2014, 18:39
The relationship between default risk and interest rates: An empirical study research insight
... SE( β ) 15 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DEFAULT RISK AND INTEREST RATES: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY INTRODUCTION Credit and interest rate risks are among the most important risks faced by financial institutions ... understanding the dynamics within the context of risk management While we ultimately want to understand the relationship between credit risk, including...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 11:21
Setting options and defaults
... 46 Setting options and defaults Setting Norton Ghost options and defaults Setting Norton Ghost options and defaults Norton Ghost lets you set defaults for the tasks that ... Click OK Setting the options for a mapped network drive You can set the options for connecting to a mapped network drive 47 48 Setting options and defaults Setting Norton Ghost o...
Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 10:20
Configuring an IP Address and Default Gateway in Windows 2000
... selected and then click Properties The Internet Protocol (TCP /IP) Properties dialog box appears Click Use The Following IP Address In the IP Address box, the Subnet Mask box, and the Default Gateway ... the static TCP /IP configuration Open the Command Prompt Select Start > Run and type “cmd.exe” in the window to display a command prompt At the command prompt, type “ip...
Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 01:15
Tài liệu Define Defaults and Constraints pptx
... Check constraints allow you to further control how data is entered into your database They can be used both when modifying data and when adding new records Be sure to set up what you need for constraints ... Orders table, and choose Design Table Place the cursor in the OrderDate column Type GetDate() in the Default Value property The GetDate() function returns the current system date...
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 20:16