identifying client and server default security settings

Lab 9.2.5 VTP Client and Server Configurations

Lab 9.2.5 VTP Client and Server Configurations

... back on Switch_A#vlan database Switch_A(vlan)#vtp server Switch_A(vlan)#exit Step Create and name three VLANs Enter the following commands to create and name three VLANs: Switch_A#vlan database Switch_A(vlan)#vlan ... steps are complete, logoff, by typing exit, and turn all the devices off Then remove and store the cables and adapter 5-6 CCNA 3: Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing v 3.0 - Lab 9.2.5 Copyright ... switches individually b By default, the Catalyst switch series are configured as VTP servers In the event that the sever services are turned off, use the following command to turn it back on Switch_A#vlan...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2013, 21:15

6 532 0
A Simple SOAP Client and Server

A Simple SOAP Client and Server

... SOAP server run from the command line and the cool possibilities that are created when doing so A Simple SOAP Client and Server Let’s write a small script that we can use to connect to our server ... fclose( $client) ; 67 } 68 } 69 ?> April 2005 ● PHP Architect ●

Ngày tải lên: 04/11/2013, 14:15

72 440 0
Tài liệu Lab 9.2.5 VTP Client and Server Configurations doc

Tài liệu Lab 9.2.5 VTP Client and Server Configurations doc

... command resets the switch with factory defaults All system parameters will revert to their default factory settings All static and dynamic addresses will be removed Reset system with factory defaults, ... Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing v 3.0 - Lab 9.2.5 Copyright  2003, Cisco Systems, Inc Step 11 Configure VTP client Enter the following commands to configure Switch_B to be a VTP client: Switch_B#vlan ... the steps are complete, logoff by typing exit, and turn all the devices off Then remove and store the cables and adapter 6-8 CCNA 3: Switching Basics and Intermediate Routing v 3.0 - Lab 9.2.5 Copyright...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20

8 427 0
Giải pháp AntiVirus Client and Server pot

Giải pháp AntiVirus Client and Server pot

... cài đặt client song update để xem Client có update theo Server hay không Phần II Cài đặt cấu hình Antivirus Client Như nói phần cài đặt Antivirus Server hệ thống share thư mục chứa cài cho Client ... lại máy chủ, khởi động lại máy client kết thật mong đợi – vào máy client kiểm tra thấy phần mềm diệt virus Client cập nhật Đây toàn giải pháp Antivirus Client and Server Symantec Một giải pháp ... download phần Server với dung lượng khoảng 100MB Lưu ý phiên có Client Server Phần I Cài đặt cấu hình Norton Antivirus Server Hệ thống thử nghiệm với hai máy tính cài đặt Windows Server 2003 Máy...

Ngày tải lên: 11/07/2014, 22:21

12 189 0
Installing and Using Endpoint Security Agent for Linux Server Version NGX 7.0 GA

Installing and Using Endpoint Security Agent for Linux Server Version NGX 7.0 GA

... Endpoint Security Agent enforces most classic firewall rule settings and connection state related client settings in an Endpoint Security security policy It ignores all other unsupported settings ... install and upgrade Endpoint Security Agent using RPM Package Manager The Endpoint Security Agent RPM uses all the default configuration settings except for the Endpoint Security server IP address and ... describes Endpoint Security Agent supported policy settings: Names and Notes Policy information, name, description and notes, used to identify the policy on both Endpoint Security server and protected...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2013, 12:15

25 555 0
Windows Server 2008 and New Group Policy Settings

Windows Server 2008 and New Group Policy Settings

... of Microsoft's Windows Server 2008 technologies – that is, Windows Vista on the client and Server 2008 on the server side – comes a wealth of new and improved Group Policy settings: approximately ... Policy just keeps getting bigger and more powerful The new categories of GP settings in the client and server Windows Server 2008 platforms seem to be eminently useful and practical The only downside ... VistaGPSettings.xls at NOTE: Before diving in to discuss the new settings, you should be aware of a change in the way Windows Server 2008 and Vista store Group Policy settings...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 22:15

10 583 0
BÁO CÁO ĐỀ TÀI ISA SERVER (Internet Security and Acceleration Server) MÔN: QUẢN TRỊ HỆ THỐNG MẠNG pot

BÁO CÁO ĐỀ TÀI ISA SERVER (Internet Security and Acceleration Server) MÔN: QUẢN TRỊ HỆ THỐNG MẠNG pot

... công cụ ISA server 2006: 2.4.1/ Điểm yếu của ISA server so với Forefront TMG 94 2.4.2/ Ưu điểm ISA server 2006 so với ISA server 2004 96 2.5/ Lời khuyên dành cho nhà quản trị ISA server ... ISA server, giúp người quản trị hệ thống mạng nắm bắt, hiểu rõ cách triển khai hệ thống mạng an toàn II/ ISA server: 2.1/ Giới thiệu: Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Sever (ISA Server) ... Server sử dụng loạt giao thức client ISA Server cho phép kết nối an toàn đến tài nguyên mạng cục kết nối VPN kích hoạt cho client từ xa trang web 2.3/Cài đặt ISA Server Standard: Mô hình triển khai:...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 18:20

106 537 0
Viết chương trình stream audio, video giữa Client và Server, mã hoá trước khi truyền

Viết chương trình stream audio, video giữa Client và Server, mã hoá trước khi truyền

... đích tìm hiểu cách truyền video, audio thời gian thực mô hình Client/ Server, em thực đồ án “Viết chương trình stream audio, video Client Server, mã hóa trước truyền” Từ em xác định yêu cầu thực đồ ... gói liệu gửi mạng TCP/IP có header gồm địa máy đích địa máy nguồn - Khung Client- Server: TCP/IP khung cho ứng dụng client- server mạnh hoạt động mạng cục mạng diện rộng - Chuẩn giao thức ứng dụng: ... định xong việc trao đổi liệu bắt đầu diễn Còn với mô hình client/ server (khách/chủ) server phải xác định cổng chờ liệu từ cổng Các trình client gọi đến cổng để tiến hành trình truyền nhận liệu...

Ngày tải lên: 22/11/2012, 09:13

13 1,3K 39
High Availability cho các Client Access Server

High Availability cho các Client Access Server

... 2.Cài Network Load Balancing Client Access Server CA01,CA02 Trên CA01 Mở Server Manager Phải chuột Features Add Features Exchange Server 2010 – Virtualization and High Availability 103 TRUNG ... 5.Gán ClientAccessArray vào Mailbox Database Nhập tiếp lệnh sau: Get-MailboxDatabase | Set-MailboxDatabase –RpcClientAccessServer “” 6.Cấu hình SSL cho Client Access Server ... 4.Tạo ClientAccessArray Trên CA01 Mở Exchange Management Shell nhập lệnh sau: New-ClientAccessArray –Fqdn “” –Site Default- First-Site-Name” Exchange Server 2010 – Virtualization...

Ngày tải lên: 19/10/2013, 01:20

15 512 4
Identifying Competencies and Skills

Identifying Competencies and Skills

... disposition and maturity self-statements How to Prepare Your Curriculum Vitae Exercise for Step I Intellectual Disposition and Maturity Self-Statements Identifying Competencies and Skills Step ... ways of processing knowledge and information and intellectual maturity—the ability to think critically about information—will help you establish your competencies and skills Intellectual Disposition ... step in delineating your competencies and skills Examples A and B describe specific details that you might use to describe your own intellectual disposition and maturity Example A: sympathetic...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 18:20

14 280 0
Tài liệu Server Farm Security in the Business Ready Data Center Architecture v2.0 pdf

Tài liệu Server Farm Security in the Business Ready Data Center Architecture v2.0 pdf

... poisoning I'm Server A Server B Server C Server D Compromised server remotely controlled 126817 From the compromised server (Server D), the hacker seeks to control other servers in ... The Server Farm Security in the Business Ready Data Center Architecture v2.0 1-6 OL-7247-01 Chapter Server Farm Security Technology and Solution Overview LAN Security for the Server Farm server ... completeness Server Farm Security in the Business Ready Data Center Architecture v2.0 1-16 OL-7247-01 Chapter Server Farm Security Technology and Solution Overview LAN Security for the Server Farm SPAN and...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 17:15

300 752 3
Tài liệu Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET MCSD/MCAD/MCDBA Version 5.0 pptx

Tài liệu Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET MCSD/MCAD/MCDBA Version 5.0 pptx

... Microsoft SQL Server version 6.5 and earlier, you must use the OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Furthermore, we specify both the CommandText and the OleDBConnection properties of the OleDBCommand Reference: ... -7- 070 - 310 A myCommand.CommandText = “TestKingCustomer, ALFKI” myCommand.Parameters.Add (“@CustomerID”) B myCommand.CommandText = “TestKingCustomer” myCommand.Parameters.Add (“TestKingCustomer”, ... (“TestKingCustomer”, “ALFKI”) C myCommand.CommandText = “@CustomerID” myCommand.Parameters.Add (“TestKingCustomer”, “ALFKI”) D myCommand.CommandText = “TestKingCustomer” myCommand.Parameters.Add (“@CustomerID”,...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 14:16

132 582 0
Tài liệu Activity 5.3: Identifying Attributes and Relationships ppt

Tài liệu Activity 5.3: Identifying Attributes and Relationships ppt

... business objects, services, and attributes that may not have been explicitly listed in the usage scenario Activity 5.3: Identifying Attributes and Relationships 35 Exercise 2: Identifying Business ... 34 Activity 5.3: Identifying Attributes and Relationships Exercise 1: Identifying Business Object Attributes ( 20 minutes) ! Identify business ... logical model of one aspect of the solution indicating the business objects, their attributes and services, and the relationships among the business objects After completing the above steps, you will...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:16

4 366 0
Tài liệu Module 7: Posting XML Data from Client to Server docx

Tài liệu Module 7: Posting XML Data from Client to Server docx

... from Client to Server Client/ Server XML Application Architecture Slide Objective To revisit the architecture of an XML client/ server application ! Use XML to communicate between client and server ... from Client to Server Sending XML Data from Client to Server Slide Objective To illustrate the steps involved in building an XML data packet at the client and posting it to the server Lead-in ! Client ... Data from Client to Server Demonstration: Handling Responses on the Client Slide Objective To demonstrate how the response from a server can be handled Lead-in The server has taken the client s...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 16:16

62 465 0
Tài liệu Identifying RAM and RAM Sockets ppt

Tài liệu Identifying RAM and RAM Sockets ppt

... Internet for the type and range of RAM chips that can be installed on this computer Step If there are two sticks of RAM installed, remove one of the RAM sticks, noting the location and orientation ... of the computer back on the computer and plug in the power cords Restart the computer system Note the POST-test RAM amount Step Shut down the system and follow all the safety steps in ... Step After gaining access to the motherboard, note the position of the RAM slots and whether they are in use, making notes in the journal SLOT TYPE: TOTAL NUMBER OF SLOTS: NUMBER...

Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 15:15

3 500 3
Tài liệu Internet Information Server (IIS) Security pptx

Tài liệu Internet Information Server (IIS) Security pptx

... Security Configuration and Analysis Tool Security Templates In the Security Configuration and Analysis tool –Choose Open Dbase and give an appropriate name to it –Load the hisecweb.inf IIS Security ... to MMC and bring up the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog box Under Snapins, select Security Configuration and Analysis and Security Templates Save the newly created MMC Run the MMC Under the Security ... such as Yahoo and Lycos Hidden and non-public servers, such as intranet servers, can be located even if they are not advertised Example HTTP uses TCP port 80 and FTP uses ports 21 and 20 Port scanners...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 09:20

30 547 0
Tài liệu Implementing Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional and Server docx

Tài liệu Implementing Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional and Server docx

... Represents commands, command options, and portions of syntax that must be typed exactly as shown It also indicates commands on menus and buttons, icons, dialog box titles and options, and icon and menu ... Professional and Server v Module 9: Implementing Security in Windows 2000 Overview Securing Desktops and Services by Using Security Policies Lab A: Configuring Windows 2000 Security Settings ... services by using Transact-SQL, manage and maintain databases, configure and manage security, monitor and optimize databases and install and configure Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Certified Solution...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

710 315 1
Tài liệu Implementing Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional and Server doc

Tài liệu Implementing Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional and Server doc

... Represents commands, command options, and portions of syntax that must be typed exactly as shown It also indicates commands on menus and buttons, icons, dialog box titles and options, and icon and menu ... Professional and Server v Module 9: Implementing Security in Windows 2000 Overview Securing Desktops and Services by Using Security Policies Lab A: Configuring Windows 2000 Security Settings ... services by using Transact-SQL, manage and maintain databases, configure and manage security, monitor and optimize databases and install and configure Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft Certified Solution...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 10:20

710 306 0
Tài liệu Wireless and Mobile Networks Security ppt

Tài liệu Wireless and Mobile Networks Security ppt

... Wireless and Mobile Network Security This page intentionally left blank Wireless and Mobile Network Security Security Basics, Security in On-the-shelf and Emerging ... industry and academia has for many years extended wired security mechanisms or developed new security mechanisms and security protocols to sustain this marriage between wireless/mobile networks and security ... providing on the one hand more resources and security, and on the other hand autonomous and more efficient terminals (PDA phones, etc.) This book is aimed at academics and industrialists, generalists...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 15:20

689 1,5K 0