A multimodal analysis of emancipatory discourse a study of AWARES social awareness postcards

A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part  3

A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part 3

... Positivization of the US- Japan coalition’s activities in VOA Table Lexicalization of North Korea’s activities in Nhan Dan Table Lexicalization of the US-Japan coalition’s activities in Nhan Dan Table ... LIST OF TABLES Table Names for US-Japan coalition and North Korea in VOA Table Names for US-Japan coalition and North Korea in Nhan Dan Table Negativization of North Ko...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:39

4 829 6
A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part  4

A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part 4

... Providing a textual analysis of the news on North Korea missile launches in the light of Critical Discourse Analysis - Giving an illustration of the CDA concepts as well as analysis procedures - Conveying ... Introduction: This part includes the rationale, the scope of the research, the aims of the research, the methodology and the design...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:39

20 811 0
A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part  5

A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part 5

... Analysis: The critical study of language London: Longman Fairclough, N (1997) Critical Discourse Analysis: The Critical Study of Language London: Longman Fowler, R et al (1979) Language and Control ... millitary actions against North Korea In the news discourse under analysis, the activities of North Korea are often told from the perspective of the US an...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:39

28 604 1
A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part 6

A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part 6

... II APPENDIX Headlines from Nhan Dan ND1* Triều Tiên thử tên l a, Mỹ Nhật Bản đe d a trừng phạt 05/07/20 06 ND2* Trung Quốc quan tâm, Nhật Bản tiếp tục đàm phán vấn đề tên l a Triều Tiên 06/ 07/20 06 ... Tiên 12/07/20 06 ND9* Trung Quốc Nga đ a dự thảo nghị vấn đề tên l a Triều Tiên 13/07/20 06 ND10 Các nước thường trực HĐBA LHQ họp vấn đề tên l a Bình Nhưỡng 14/07/20 06 ND11* LHQ th...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:39

2 761 3
A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part  8

A critical discourse analysis of the news on north korean missile launches part 8

... news: the Voice of America and Nhan Dan Aims of the research To provide a textual analysis To give an illustration of CDA concepts and analysis procedures To convey a message Research questions ... are the roles ? Analyzing full-text news reports Naming referents Lexicalization Over-lexicalization Quotation patterns Data analysis and discussion Analysis of h...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:39

23 712 0
A contrastive analysis of metaphorical lexis and collocation in english and vietnamese economics discourse

A contrastive analysis of metaphorical lexis and collocation in english and vietnamese economics discourse

... Some analyses of metaphorical lexis and collocation in English and Vietnamese economics discourse The study involved analysing economics texts in English and Vietnamese for their use of metaphor ... conceptualised as objects that move up and down, through lexis such as rising and falling, soaring and plummeting, edging up and slipping back 10 Lakoff...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 12:58

33 1,1K 3
a study on corporating social responsibility (csr) in a multinational companies operating in vietnam a case study on unilever vietnam

a study on corporating social responsibility (csr) in a multinational companies operating in vietnam a case study on unilever vietnam

... A STUDY ON CORPORATING SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) IN A MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES OPERATING IN VIETNAM A CASE STUDY ON UNILEVER VIETNAM BY NGUYEN THI VAN TRANG Graduation Project Submitted ... Lastly, I want to thank to all managers and employees at Unilever Vietnam, who are very friendly and cooperative Abstract A STUDY ON CORPORATING SOCIA...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 14:19

73 1,1K 3
the linguistic devices making wittiness in english and vietnamese humourous stories a study of contrastive discourse analysis = các phương tiện ngôn ngữ tạo nên sự dí dỏm trong truyện hài anh-việt

the linguistic devices making wittiness in english and vietnamese humourous stories a study of contrastive discourse analysis = các phương tiện ngôn ngữ tạo nên sự dí dỏm trong truyện hài anh-việt

... that implicatures in conversation appeared at the closings of the stories and played the substantial role in making laughter The implicatures of the opening and the body is the only cause and ... like the terms of bird, subleg in the above analysis Metaphor interpretation is engaged in the conceptual level and exploiting the literal and figu...

Ngày tải lên: 28/02/2015, 11:54

69 803 1
The linguistic devices making wittiness in English and Vietnamese humourous stories a study of contrastive discourse analysis

The linguistic devices making wittiness in English and Vietnamese humourous stories a study of contrastive discourse analysis

... as linguistics devices and types of the theory of humour Organization of the study There are three main parts in the study as follows: Introduction This part includes rationale, aims of the study, ... collection, data analysis and the results and discussion Chapter 3: Implication of Translation and Teaching In this part, the researcher offers the i...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:52

7 576 3
The linguistic devices making wittiness in the English and Vietnamese humorous stories A study of contrastive discourse analysis

The linguistic devices making wittiness in the English and Vietnamese humorous stories A study of contrastive discourse analysis

... paid special attention because of the purpose of the study A total of 37 samples as metaphor jokes in the books of humorous stories, there are 18 (49%) and 19 (51%) in the English and Vietnamese ... There are the equivalent percentages of metaphor jokes, the findings indicate that both the English and the Vietnamese are fond of using metaph...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:52

13 535 2
A multimodal discourse analysis of christopher nolans the dark knight a cooperative and cinematic discourse perspective

A multimodal discourse analysis of christopher nolans the dark knight a cooperative and cinematic discourse perspective

... is the antagonist to Batman in The Dark Knight The Joker acts as the catalyst to contribute to the dynamic evolution of Batman and Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight The Joker symbolises chaos and ... (2008) 1.8.1 Overview and Critical Reception of The Dark Knight iii 1.8.2 Plot and Narrative Themes/Idea of The Dark Knight The Idea of Es...

Ngày tải lên: 13/10/2015, 16:41

225 555 0
A multimodal analysis of emancipatory discourse  a study of AWARES social awareness postcards

A multimodal analysis of emancipatory discourse a study of AWARES social awareness postcards

... Martin‟s (2004) idea of Positive Discourse Analysis (PDA), showing how multimodal emancipatory discouse is an example of PDA Chapter presents the analysis of the ten AWARE postcards The analysis is divided ... to as functional grammar (Halliday, 1994; Halliday and Matthiessen, 2004), looks at grammar in terms of how grammar is used It provides a language and indeed, a...

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 15:38

167 486 0