Luminescent metal complexes containing naphthalene and anthracene units 1

Luminescent metal complexes containing naphthalene and anthracene units 1

Luminescent metal complexes containing naphthalene and anthracene units 1

... Chem 20 01, 40, 3435 11 Yam, V W W.; Cheng, E, C C.; Zhu, N Y Inorg Chem 20 01, 10 8, 10 29 12 Yam, V.W.W.; Cheng, E C C.; Cheng, K K Angew Chem 19 99 11 1, 19 3; Angew Chem Int Ed 19 99, 38, 19 7; 13 a) ... Chem 19 72, 15 , 10 95 c) Hill, D.T.; Sutton, B M Cryst Struct Commun 19 80, 9, 679 d) Roy, P W.; Elder, R C.; and Teppeman, K Metal based Drugs, 19 94, 1, 5 21, Other...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:31

35 422 0
Luminescent metal complexes containing naphthalene and anthracene units 2

Luminescent metal complexes containing naphthalene and anthracene units 2

... Cu(1)-P (2) Cu(3)-P(5) Cu(1)-Cu (2) Cu (2) -Cu(3) Cu(3)-Cu(4) Cu(4)-Cu(1) 2. 2.3 2. 378 (2) 2. 357 (2) 2. 3 92( 2) 2. 3 92( 2) 2. 448 (2) 2. 419 (2) 2. 356 (2) 2. 341 (2) 2. 284 (2) 2. 2 72( 2) 2. 189 (2) 3.074 (2) 3.709 (2) 2. 641 (2) ... Cu(1)-Cu (2) Cu (2) -Cu(3) Cu(3)-Cu(4) Cu(4)-Cu(1) 2. 2.4 2. 323 3(13) 2. 51 82( 13) 2. 24 32( 13) 2. 24 82( 13) 2. 3539(13) 2. 47 02(...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:31

36 376 0
Luminescent metal complexes containing naphthalene and anthracene units 3

Luminescent metal complexes containing naphthalene and anthracene units 3

... 250 -35 0 nm region 79 Figure 3. 4 N N Pt C C C C 13 3.1.2 Platinum Complexes Linked by a Bridge When two platinum(II) units are in close proximity so as to allow a metal- metal and a ligand-ligand ... polypyridine ligands with metal- metal and ligand-ligand interaction The nature and energy of the excited state in platinum complexes varies with the ligands In the majority of...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:31

25 464 0
Luminescent metal complexes containing naphthalene and anthracene units 4

Luminescent metal complexes containing naphthalene and anthracene units 4

... 380.5(7.17), 40 1.5(6.29) 238(52.33), 279( 64. 32), 379 (2.11), 42 9 (6 .45 ), 45 4 (7.15), 516(0.038), 643 (0.018), 703(0.027) 242 (51.33), 280 ( 54. 12), 336 (4. 621), 379 (2.77), 42 8 (6.85), 45 4 (7.61) 244 .5 ... wavelength= 41 0 nm Excitation and Emission slit widths: A)10 nm; B)15 nm; C)15 nm The solid state emission spectra of the complexes 4. 1, 4. 2, 4. 3, 4. 4 and...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 08:31

103 568 0
Synthesis and molecular assemblies of d10 metal complexes bearing 9, 10 disubstituted anthracene ligand

Synthesis and molecular assemblies of d10 metal complexes bearing 9, 10 disubstituted anthracene ligand

... in both solid state and frozen solution vii Part I Synthesis and Molecular Assemblies of d10 Metal Complexes Bearing 9, 10- Disubstituted Anthracene Ligand Chapter Roles of Anthracene Unit in Inorganic ... Summary…………………………………………………………………………………vi Part I Synthesis and Molecular Assemblies of d10 Metal Complexes Bearing 9, 10- Disubstituted...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2015, 17:10

246 193 0


... representation of transformation of 1D CP 1-22 into 3D MOF through photo cycloaddition reaction Figure 1- 11 PSM of 3D MOF through solid state [2+2] photo 1-23 cycloaddition reaction Figure 1- 12 Photo cycloaddition ... PSM of 3D MOF through solid state [2+2] photoreaction 1.6.3 Photoreactivity in metal complexes using monodentate ligand Compared to the bidentate ligan...

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 11:15

271 612 0
Syntheses and catalysis of transition metal complexes with hemilabile ligands 1

Syntheses and catalysis of transition metal complexes with hemilabile ligands 1

... [P, O] ligands 19 ii 1. 4 .1. 1 Ni complexes 19 1. 4 .1. 2 Pd complexes 20 1. 4 .1. 3 Cr complexes 21 1.4 .1. 4 Rh complexes 22 1. 4.2 Reported complexes with ... 15 1. 3.2.4 Phosphine-imine ligands 17 1. 3.3 Bis(phosphine)amine ligands 18 1. 4 Complexes with mixed donor hybrid ligands of interest 19 1. 4 .1 Reported complexes with ... ligands...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:18

110 434 0
Syntheses and catalysis of transition metal complexes with hemilabile ligands

Syntheses and catalysis of transition metal complexes with hemilabile ligands

... enantioselective reduction of ketones to secondary alcohols They are nitrogenbased chelating ligands, diphosphines and heterobidentate [P, N] ligands Nitrogen-based ligands A number of highly efficient ... The mixture of Pd2(dba)3, ligand and chloroform were made Preliminary analyses were performed on a one-pot reaction of Pd2(dba)3, ligand L1k in chloroform stirred a...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:18

98 534 0
Metal complexes of n (7 hydroxyl 4 methyl 8 coumarinyl)  amino acid, n (2 pyridylmethyl) amino acid and related ligands synthesis, structural, photophysical and gelation properties

Metal complexes of n (7 hydroxyl 4 methyl 8 coumarinyl) amino acid, n (2 pyridylmethyl) amino acid and related ligands synthesis, structural, photophysical and gelation properties

... N- (7- hydroxy -4- methyl- 8- coumarinyl)- L-serine N- 2( -pyridylmethyl)- aminoethanesulfonic acid N- (2- pyridylmethylene)-aminoethanesulfonic acid N- 2( -pyridylmethyl)- L-alanine N- 2( -pyridylmethyl)- b -alanine N- (2- pyridylmethylene)-b-alanine ... N- (2- pyridylmethylene)-b-alanine N- (2- pyridylmethyl)- L-glutamic acid N- (2- pyridylmethyl)- glyc...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 08:47

276 485 0
Chemistry of cyclopentadienylchromium complexes containing c , n  and s  organic ligands

Chemistry of cyclopentadienylchromium complexes containing c , n and s organic ligands

... Cr OC OC N S S 58 ∆ S Cr Cr C OC CO Cr N S Cr Cr Cr S N S OC N CO S + C Cr S N Cr S Cr Cr C Cr + S Cr S S H O C C Cr S Cr N N Cr Cr S Cr S S N S Cr S N 60 59 S S N N + 62 61 Cp4Cr 4S4 26 Chemistry ... S N Cr S Cr N N N N Cr C N N N C S S N N N N S N C N N (5)* (6) N H O BF4 N N (7) Cr C N Cr H...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 20:33

150 357 0


... kg/hr of hydrogen An important thing to note is the rapid rise in hydrogen flow rate with increases of the slurry and the rapid drop in the hydrogen flow rate with decreases of the slurry By ... hydride slurry approach for storing hydrogen provides a viable alternative to hydrogen storage as liquid hydrogen or highly compressed hydrogen Storage densities are higher...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 20:20

14 411 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Expression of the Drosophila melanogaster ATP synthase a subunit gene is regulated by a transcriptional element containing GAF and Adf-1 binding sites pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: Expression of the Drosophila melanogaster ATP synthase a subunit gene is regulated by a transcriptional element containing GAF and Adf-1 binding sites pptx

... indicate the a- F1-ATPase GAF/ Adf-1 binding cassette has enhancer properties (A) The basal promoter activity of b-F1-ATPase is greatly increased when the a- F1-ATPase GAF/ Adf-1 binding cassette is ... this reason, ATP synthase and in particular the a- F1-ATPase and b-F1-ATPase catalytic subunits have been often used as markers for mitochondrial biogenesis...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 16:20

11 532 0
Adsorption of heavy metal inons on soils and soil constituents

Adsorption of heavy metal inons on soils and soil constituents

... ion adsorption Spectroscopic evidence suggested the formation of weak mono- and binuclear metal- like outer-sphere complexes Parameters influencing adsorption Adsorption of heavy metal ions on soils ... the adsorption of different heavy metals onto soil humic acid [5] 50% of the Cd or Zn is adsorbed between pH 4.8–4.9 In general, adsorption of heavy metals on...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:09

18 974 1
Assessing the hazard of metals and inorganic metal substances in aquatic and terrestrial systems

Assessing the hazard of metals and inorganic metal substances in aquatic and terrestrial systems

... without intent to infringe Library of Congress Cataloging -in- Publication Data Adams, William J., 194 6Assessing the hazard of metals and inorganic metal substances in aquatic and terrestrial systems ... 9:03 AM Assessing the Hazard of Metals and Title Page Metal Substances in Inorganic Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems Edited by William...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 11:45

176 401 0
Báo cáo khóa học: Characterization of presenilin complexes from mouse and human brain using Blue Native gel electrophoresis reveals high expression in embryonic brain and minimal change in complex mobility with pathogenic presenilin mutations pptx

Báo cáo khóa học: Characterization of presenilin complexes from mouse and human brain using Blue Native gel electrophoresis reveals high expression in embryonic brain and minimal change in complex mobility with pathogenic presenilin mutations pptx

... complex from carbonatewashed membranes of SY5Y and 5-day-old mouse brain were examined using 10% Tris/tricine gels with reducing Ó FEBS 2003 Analysis of mouse and human brain presenilin complex ... assembly and stabilization of the complex [50–52] High levels of PS complex were detected in mouse embryonic brain consistent with high expres...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 16:20

11 488 0